Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 202: Don’t know whether to live or die!

Chapter 203 Don’t know whether to live or die!

Taiping Palace.

Within the main hall.

When Yinmu, the Eagle King of Yingya, bowed his head and asked Lu Wufei, who had been promoted to the ancestor, to be the leader and to respect Taiping Mountain.

This means that around Taiping Mountain, the demon kings of the three major forces, Huoguang Cave, Lishui Mansion, and Yingya, have all come under the command of Lu Wufei.

this moment.

Behind the five demon kings.

Bai Yunxiao and Hu Meiniang, who saw and heard this scene with their own eyes, had the biggest reaction.

However, Bai Yunxiao had already experienced the huge impact of the fact that the wise brother became the demon ancestor. At this time, he saw the five demon kings worshiping the wise brother as their protection and respecting the wise brother.

Instead, he woke up from the excitement and shock.

I began to think about what impact these five kings would have on Taiping Mountain and what they would bring after they took refuge in their wise brother.

If Yinmu continues to act like this, he will be discovered by Hirayama sooner or later.

Let's go, what Pingshan said is very unclear, we have to arrange it as soon as possible, no matter what, we have to be slower than these two fish monsters in Lishui Mansion...

Taipingshan certainly knew what his cronies were thinking at this time.

Shocked by the little brother's attitude, Hongjia shrank his head and immediately changed his words: Brother, what did Bai Yunxiao say...

Therefore, I saw that Ginmei's head was high.

Now that I have become the Demon Ancestor, I am not qualified to give it a try.

When the sun sets in the sky and the sky ends bright.

On Qu Pingrui's side, Lu Wufei, Patriarch Bai and Hongpi were accompanying him.

As long as I continue to go up, I will suffer the consequences...

Seeing that all the demon kings from all directions expressed their support.

Ever since.

Anyway, looking at the most unruly eagle demon behind me with his silver eyes raised in submission, I naturally felt happy and complacent.

It would be even worse if we thought we could still find shelter.

As for the lion and camel country in front of Ginmu.

When the steel fangs in white robes and the sharp claws in white robes flew over Qu Pingrui's territory in the low air and flew to the peak of his huge mountain.

How about you two chatting?

As the de facto steward of Taipingshan, he must plan ahead and think ahead.

A footsteps came from the door.

Immediately afterwards, a white-robed figure quickly flew down from above.

West of Hu Meiniang.

All the demons under Taiping Peak also held a small banquet, and today they were able to have some snacks and a drink.

A smaller number of long tables were placed again, filled with all kinds of delicacies, and the male demons shuttled back and forth.

I was very concerned about it after that, not to mention that I am not yet the Demon Ancestor now.

I actually thought that Yingya Yinmu's guy could be tougher.

Although that idea was something I didn't have before you came from the Lion and Camel Country, but the stakes involved, they all followed...

But just as I thought, was it just for that day that I went away from my bad relationship with Qu Ping?

Early in the morning.

Dressed in colorful robes and made from snails, Old Qi Hongjia of Lishui Mansion immediately got off his horse and said, Brother, what the ancestor said...

Taipingshan lies in a hot and boiling bath.

After all, he was basically in charge of all the affairs in Taipingshan before.

Taking the seven demon kings under my command was not something I had planned on the way back from Langlang Mountain.

Seeing Sharp Claw interrupting, Silver Eyes seemed impatient and said, What, are they going to talk to you outside?

Being reminded by the little brother, Hong Jia also reacted at that time.

Therefore, I will do any behavior that may cause misunderstanding among my ancestors.

Since the teacher left, you followed your ancestor Xiao Wang, although you are still managing Xiaohuangshan, and because Xiao Wang casually killed two handsome generals to scare the monkeys, you have no control over the management of Xiaohuangshan, which was renamed Xihu Meiniang. More handy.

Time passed quickly.

I am a harpy, speed is my strong point, and I am quite proud of it.

My Hu Meiniang is at the center of the eight other factions, and has no border with any of them. It will be very convenient for the monsters in these factions to come and go, trade, cooperate, and train troops. It is not a pity to use it.

Hirayama's broad horizons will really open your eyes...

Qu Pingrui grinned when he heard the sound and said: Oh, you really know how to live and die...


I just stayed alone to keep him company, because the seven demon kings wanted to seek shelter.

At this time, the five demon kings bowed to the king one by one, and she was so happy.

That banquet.

The banquet that ended at noon with the seven demon kings who had just surrendered in Taiping Mountain was about to begin.

That is really exciting and frustrating for you.

If the other party knew that it was me who told him the secret before he fled, that would be fine.


Hearing Yinmu's words, Gang Ya was actually concerned about the way he spoke, because that guy had always been like this.

When the sun sets, the horizon is hidden.

Bai Yunxiao is a special flat mountain...

That is completely beneficial to each of your families, so you still have to be cautious.

Of course, I'm sure I can't get more conclusive evidence that Qu Ping will definitely kill Yinmu, so I'd rather tell Pingshan now.

Pingshan ordered, and the seven demon kings had the right to agree, and everyone on the horse responded happily.

It was nearly seven years since I left the mountain.

Hear that outside.

As for Hu Meiniang, although she is the same general as Bai Yunxiao and manages many affairs in the West Taiping Mountains, she can't think about that much at this time.

Sharp Claw naturally followed his brother's wishes. At that time, he immediately understood and asked: Does Eagle King want to talk to your brother about Bai Yunxiao?

at that time.

After all, after you, the teacher Liangbo, left, the demon kings behind you all had to give you some face when they saw you.

Having said that, Gang Ya turned around and flew towards his cave in the mountain.

It's none of my business if I don't think about it anymore.

In that regard, I am rather petty.

Not yet you Yingya...

Hu Meiniang area, low in the sky.

Yes, as I just said.

At the same time, the melodious music sounded immediately, and the beautiful dancer also finished her entrance dance.

Under the low seat.

Today is the day of Taipingshan's return, the day of becoming the Demon Ancestor, and the day of conquering the Demon King of Huoguang Cave, Lishui Mansion and Eagle Cliff.

But what the two brothers noticed was that just under the towering mountain peaks, a small crow was hiding in a bird's nest in the canopy of the tree, and they witnessed the whole scene.

Your faith is worse, it will come so slowly.

I don't care at all that Hu Yue Demon Ancestor, who has not sworn a Taoist vow with me, is here.

She was still immersed in the great surprise of her king and man becoming the demon ancestor.

Don't leave today, you let the superiors prepare a banquet...

Hearing Gangya's words, Silver Eyes raised the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Pingshan seeing the guests off, they then left each other, quickly flew away one by one, and disappeared.

Ginmu didn't bother to talk to those two cowards anymore, turned around and turned into a white light and flew towards the north.

Gangya stopped with his sharp claws, looked at Yinmu who appeared in front of him, and said indifferently: Yinmu's speed is indeed very slow...

Afterwards, the hearing about Hu Meiniang was immediately interrupted.

So, Gangya glanced at his seventh brother Liclaw who was standing aside.

Qu Pingrui.

The participants included seven demon kings from all directions including Huoguangdong, Lishui Mansion and Yingya.

How can I be allowed to sleep on the couch lying on my side?

Because you suspect that it would be worse to follow your own little king who cares more about friendship with his superiors. You can tell that just by looking at his emotional attitude towards my sworn brother.

It's Shaojiu.

Then, when the demon king sees you again, it will be the same as before.

At that time, I wanted to cause Qu Ping to misunderstand and make me feel grudge against myself.

With how weak the Demon Ancestor is, if we say something bad outside, the other party can hear it under Taiping Peak.

Qu Pingrui then looked at Lingshan who was standing aside.

Gang Ya continued to speak: It was after that time with him, but is everything okay?

Except those two.

I didn't have any intention of visiting Taiping Mountain, and I was wondering if I could build a gathering place for monsters similar to the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

Now that I have surrendered, I am no longer a bad person.

Now that the ancestor has become the demon ancestor, I have attached myself to him as I wished.

Regarding the seventh brother's words, Gangya was actually not moved at all just now. Looking at Yinmu's appearance, I suspected that the other party talking to me must be about the ancestor, and it was something bad.

There will be quite a few big banquets in the Taiping Palace tonight.

Taipingshan also wants to collide with the opponent, the patron demon ancestor.

After saying that, Taipingshan waved his hand: You know it will be fine if they go there, just go there today...

Wandashan left Taipingshan because he wanted you to get involved in those things.

By this time, everyone had saved me.

Go to the bathhouse in the front hall.

Silently following the little brother, he quickly flew towards his Lishui Mansion.

Seeing that the two guys had said it, Yinmu was still standing there as a bad guy at that time. After getting off his horse, he said: You Yingya is not a very special thing. I will make arrangements when you get back so that the big demon and General Bai can do it. Slow contact...

Just something to give you something to think about.

Yinmu took the trouble to come over that time just to chat, and said: Of course I have nothing to do with these two brothers, but is he sure he wants to chat outside?

And that time, you were sold directly by the teacher just like later, and you will always be.

When the small land fell into white darkness.

Inside the Taiping Palace.

It is no longer possible to just close weakly.

I will definitely report it, and I suspect that Qu Ping will trust me even more.

The old and young Qinglin on the side suddenly changed his expression when he heard his seventh brother calling his ancestor by his name, and he immediately scolded: You must be polite!

Yinmu still knew what the other party meant.

Under the small hall.

Even if Taipingshan wanted to have a small banquet, my subordinates Qu Pingrui, Bai Patriarch and the Red Skins refused.

Stayed in the lion and camel country for a while.

Beside them, Lingshan and Ancestor Bai were trying their best to serve him, their faces flushed.

Gangya shook his head, and flew back to his kingdom above the mountain with his seventh brother.

Hingshan is worried. When you get back, we will make arrangements...

Time passed quickly.

Anyway, that guy has never been hostile to me, but I was very vague.

Xiao Wang went out for a trip and became the Demon Ancestor when he came back. His cultivation level was the same as that of Teacher Liang Bo later.

Wandashan, his two junior brothers and sisters Tie Zheng and Meng Nu were also among them.

In the Taiping Palace, there was a lot of noise and silence.

Taipingshan is like Hu Yue, who only charges fees and doesn't care about anything else.

The seven demon kings from all directions received a huge impact today.

She is definitely the happiest person about the return of the king and becoming the Demon Ancestor.

It can be said.

Seeing Silver Eyes fly away quickly and disappear, the Seventh Leader's Sharp Claw retracted his gaze and looked at Gang Ya and said, What if you want to tell Bai Yunxiao?

Qu Pingrui said: You ask them to communicate together and arrange the barter date to solve your needs...

In response to the instructions, the other party bowed and made arrangements immediately.

The red-skinned crow monster further ahead, as well as all the handsome generals, was really confused, shocked, and excited when they saw that scene.

When Hu Pingshan was here one after another, who among us dared to respect me.

After hearing his seventh brother's words, Gangya looked at the direction where Yinmu disappeared for a long time before shaking his head and replying: Yes, it will be a mistake to get along with each other in the future. It is necessary to add insult to injury at that time.

When Qu Pingrui was satisfied, he could not help but feel regretful. My soul power had been broken for a long time.

However, it was still wrong for me and Ginme to have a good relationship with each other since then, so it was necessary to stab me in the back at that time.

Just like my territory then communicated with Xiaohuangshan and now with Huoguang Cave.

Only then did he leave Taiping Peak in front of him.

As for the crow and Huang Gui, it’s because we have enough cultivation.

If this ancestor were here now, I would have to...

In order to attract the attention of this ancestor, I first pretended to fly directly back to my Eagle Cliff territory in the north, and then flew to the Huoguang Cave.

Seeing that Yin Eyes was impatient, Gang Ya then answered with a smile: The Eagle King misunderstood, your seventh brother didn't mean that, it's just a matter between you and Bai Yunxiao, the Eagle King should also follow it, as long as today we are talking about Qu Ping Regarding the matter, you brothers will definitely have a bad meal with the Eagle King, and the wine will be enough...

It was that time.

On the side, Gang Ya, the dead rabbit demon who was fighting for everything, was showing his loyalty to Xiao Si. Qing Lin got off his horse and said, It's about food, treasures, things in your water house and things on the land. They are completely the same, and they will definitely disgust the big monsters above who have seen them...

Anyway, the forces around Hu Meiniang in her hometown are controlled by her. How can she do this?

Do you have a drink?

The wise brother who was the Demon King was so busy. Now that he has become the ancestor, wouldn’t the wise brother be even busier?

Realizing this, the red-armored horse immediately fell silent.

If the asylum fee is something to be discussed, there has not been any cooperation or transactions in the territory under his command.

Taipingshan is doing such stupid things.

But we can guess that our little king is even more powerful.

That time, the crow monster, Huang Gui, Heiya and other monsters all appeared in the small hall.

But after seeing the other party coming over at that time, Gang Ya could actually guess what the other party wanted to talk to me about.

The top and bottom of Taiping Peak are all brightly lit.

In the small hall of the Taiping Palace, several long tables were set up, and they were filled with all kinds of rough delicacies.

The small hall, which was originally quite messy, has not been given a new look for a long time.

In order for the confidants above to eat and drink more restrainedly, Taipingshan did not stay at the banquet for a long time before leaving the small hall.

The opponent is now a demon king in the early stage. In a one-on-one situation, I ask myself whether he is my opponent. Moreover, this guy is a hawk demon, and his speed is so slow that I have never seen him before.

Among all the demon cronies, in addition to Hu Meiniang’s two young generals, Lu Wufei and Bai Laozu, who have dealt with seven demon kings before, and Hong Pili, the young commander of Taiping Peak who has not yet been able to use them, the rest of me Everyone left the Taiping Palace, including Wandashan and the crow monster.

But you care.

After gathering his thoughts, he looked at the Seven Demon Kings and said with a smile: Haha, since they obey you, you will also protect them...

But my relationship with Ginme has always been wrong.

Qing Lin immediately interrupted again: We'll talk about it when we get back!

Such an important day is comparable to the time when Hu Meiniang was founded in Taipingshan.

It’s not that we found the shelter demon ancestor. Find Shuyuan

Now, first the two fish-hating demons from Lihe Mansion dared to offend him, and now the two guys from Huoguang Cave also dared to deal with him.

If he doesn't refuse, he will be crushed to death and the territory will be taken from him.

As one of the only two generals under Xiao Wang's command, your status and status are bound to change with the tide.

Taipingshan raised his head and saw Wandashan standing at the door, transmitting a few words to me.

The same goes for your Lishui Mansion...

A voice suddenly sounded.


Although the identity behind the scenes is as follows, this is if.

There are not too many doubts in our minds at this time.

Otherwise, there would be no need to offend Ginmu.

After walking to the small gate of Taiping Palace, the steel-toothed horse from Huoguangdong dismounted and promised to Taiping Mountain.

At that time, I will not only go to the underworld to retrieve souls, but also return the goods.

Say it.

Then he carefully looked around and flew towards Hu Meiniang.

If Yin Mu dares to refuse, he will take the opportunity to kill me.

It was a long time until the two demon kings left the Huoguang Cave.

One golden, one colorful, two figures in robes were flying slowly in the air towards the south towards the Lishui River.

At that moment, Yinmu felt happy, angry, and helpless, so she could only say warmly: Oh, it seems that he climbed down a low branch...

As a young disciple of Taipingshan, you don’t have to concentrate on your practice now.

Seven demon kings will be left in Taiping Mountain for a banquet.

In fact, it is considered small, but it is necessary to remove the root. Otherwise, it would be good to let the enemy run away and then turn around and the enemy will come back to attack while you are around.

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