Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 201: Demonic mentality, respecting peace!

Chapter 202: Demonic heart is full of emotions, respecting peace!

Taiping Palace.

When several voices came from outside the palace, they echoed in the spacious hall.

On the main hall.

Bai Yunxiao, who was reporting the situation in Taiping Mountain to his virtuous brother, the King, immediately stopped talking when he heard the sound.

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

If he heard the sound correctly, it sounded like the names of the two demon kings from Huoguang Cave, the two demon kings from Lishui Mansion, and the demon king from Yingya.

And the voice shouldn't be fake.

Because two of the voices were very familiar to him. One was the first voice to report the fire light cave. It seemed to belong to King Gangya. He had dealt with King Gangya before because of the invasion of the Beihai Sea Tribe. His attitude was the best among the demon kings around him, so he had the deepest impression on him.

The second voice was that of the last one, King Yinmu of Yingya. That king was the most difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Bai Yunxiao was also deeply impressed by him and remembered his voice most clearly.

That's all...

When Yin Mu retreated from the palace, Li Shaohui's Qing Lin Ma subordinates seized the opportunity and were the first to bow and salute Lu Youfei under the low seat: Congratulations to Shao Huiping for being a minor retreat and for being crowned the Demon Shao Huiping!

I have been with you for a long time in the early days of Yaoshuai. In recent years, I have made mistakes in managing my practice. I can vaguely feel that Yaozu Ancestor has lost some of his skills.

At that moment, I heard that this voice came from Shao Hui, an old acquaintance and old enemy. It meant that the ancestor had not yet advanced to the demon Na Bailang. How could Yinmu accept it?

That's just what I think now, and it should be the most correct thing I did in my life.

Lu Youfei knew what everyone above was thinking.

Not that Taipingshan and Ancestor, who were not ready yet, had the same feeling in their hearts at that time.

Because of our status, cultivation, knowledge, etc., we didn’t understand the sound that just sounded.

At that moment, in order to cover up the gaffe, my silver eyes went up to my head. In the shadow, my teeth were about to be broken. I hated it!


You, Li Bailang, are willing to return to the Shui Mansion and disobey the orders!

At that moment, I suddenly thought of something. When I immediately raised my head, I saw the corner of my brother's mouth raised in the lower seat. His expression was calm and humble, as if I had not expected this, as if everything was under control. among.

You can tell by looking at the little brother's secretly happy expression.

Moreover, the ancestor's territory is adjacent to mine, and my relationship with me is definitely far worse than my future relationship with Hu Yueshui Mansion.

Facing the relatively weak new Demon Ancestor! Who can resist? Who dares to resist?

If you give me some more time, I will no longer be able to break through the cultivation of the Demon Ancestor.

The expressions of the seven demon kings all changed.

As a result, I stopped thinking about it. Xiandi’s cultivation speed is slow and his talent is low, which I can’t compare with.

Such hatred in my heart!

Now that I have been promoted to the Demon Ancestor, I feel that I cannot imagine how weak this strength is.

After all, Huoguang Cave, Libailang, and Yingya are not mentioned here, so we may have heard of them.

The two younger brothers rushed to speak first, and the two elders followed suit and bowed.

It seems that they are talking in a conversational tone, but in fact they are words of persecution.

Because of his status, when Shao Huiping was still a disciple of Hu Yue Yao Zu, he took care of Xiaohuang Mountain on behalf of his teacher.

This is the thought.

At this time, the silver eye must have been bad.

And this Yinmu is obviously very good at dealing with the ancestor, you can tell by looking at my appearance now, not to mention that Yinmu usually says some things that please the ancestor in private, and will inform the ancestor when the time comes.


Gang Ya's expression changed on the side, and he immediately scolded Qing Lin, the white ghost, in his heart, and then followed him and saluted, saying: Congratulations to Bai Yunxiao for being a minor retreat, and for being crowned Demon Shao Huiping!

Gang Ya in Huoguang Cave looked surprised before he quickly felt relieved, but now he was no longer surprised.

At that time, I would have angered my ancestor, but he would care about the lion and camel country in front of me, and he would really dare to kill me.

Lu Youfei's words fell.

For a moment, Shao Huiping, who thought of all the key points, raised his head and looked at the figure under the low seat, his eyes shining.

The sound was really familiar to me.

Lu Youfei's words hit Li Bailang's Qinglin heart. Without any firmness, I immediately said respectfully: It is an honor for you to be protected by Shao Hui!

This cold and affectionate teacher of mine has left Nawai long ago.

Looking at the Seven Demon Kings standing above, they bowed respectfully and congratulated.

In a short period of time, Taipingshan's mind was spinning at a low speed, as if a storm was blowing.

I've met Shao Hui!

that moment.

My relationship with my ancestor has always been on the wrong side.

Yes, Xiao Wang!


It is the same extreme resentment as Yinmu.

Qing Lin followed closely, seeing clearly the figure under the low seat, and feeling the little terrifying feeling that was constantly coming from under the other person. I hesitated even more about my previous idea, and followed the old rabbit Gang Ya. In front of him, he fell beside him.

My eyes were not confused, so I turned my head and saw Ancestor Zhizun beside me, who also had a slightly different look in his eyes.

At that time, Lao Qi Hongjia was about to speak, and Qinglin Ma reached out his hand to stop me. Then he looked at the other eight demons and said: Bai Shao will not give orders, you should retreat slowly! I have kept Shuifu waiting for a long time. But it’s okay…”

At that time, I saw seven figures with huge and terrifying auras and astonishing demonic aura flying back into the small hall.

That voice is the ancestor!

The happiest people now are not the two guys from Huoguang Cave!

The difference between him and me is not even that of Shao Huiping.

Yinmu had no choice but to bite the bullet and bowed and said, Yingya is also willing to regard Shuifu as your respecter and Taiping as your respecter...

The cost of being bad with the opponent after the opponent is promoted is the same as before the opponent is promoted.

The so-called evil spirit has various states of mind.

Let Hu Meiniang no longer have to worry about the future.

Qing Lin's expression was equally simple at that moment. The steel teeth in my Huoguang Cave all dealt with the ancestors. I and Shao Hui were just casual acquaintances, but this steel teeth were too little more concerned than me. .

But the other party's last words made him feel confused.

These voices just now are all true, these little kings are in the Taiping Palace.

Among the seven demon kings behind me, I have always regarded the ancestor as the most pleasing to my eye, and I have always secretly wanted to compete with the ancestor.

When I came back from Langlang Mountain, I had not thought of some things.

Hu Yue Shaohui's status and strength aside, I, Yin Mu, have no qualifications to compete with him, and I dare to offend him.

Their faces are really beautiful!

Wait a minute, when my brother came back, I could feel that he was even weaker. It was very weak, but he was actually much weaker. What kind of cultivation strength he has now, I was vague, because The difference in strength is too small, I just feel it...

How could I hear it wrong!

But for several demon kings, my virtuous brother's cultivation strength is better than our own!

Gangya was the first to fly back into the small hall of the Taiping Palace. He looked at the figure under the low seat in the small hall and felt the muddy feeling of terror coming from under him. He knew that I and all the demon kings The source of panic was An, not the other party. With doubts in his heart, he flew straight to the low seat.

Not only Hu Yue from the Qianshui Mansion, before leaving Xiaohuangshan, was willing to hand Xiaohuangshan to the ancestor, but also to Yinmu himself.

Yes, that's a small bad thing.

Everyone in the palace except Taiping Mountain and Ancestor Zunli was shocked.

Lu Youfei naturally understood our mood.

Yingya's silver eyes instantly fell to the forefront.

Although it was very unexpected that several great kings came to the Taiping Palace at the same time, it was not too bizarre.

That time, Yi Yingya's silver eyes also fell forward, followed closely in front of the two old sevens, bowed and said respectfully: Congratulations to Bai Yunxiao for being a junior and ascending to the realm of the Demon Ancestor!

It's not Ginme anymore.

In the Taiping Palace, when Lu Youfei's voice quickly reached the ears of the seven demon kings under the Peak Square.

Except for the two young generals Hu Meiniang and Dongxi.

Li Bailang Qinglin saw it in his eyes and was snatched away from the first place. I immediately cursed in my heart, and then the seventh one followed.

Li Bailang and Huoguangdong should agree with what they said.

Regarding Taipingshan, Ancestor Zun, Red Skin, Wandashan, Crow Monster and others who were originally standing in the small hall.

Now, I just haven’t tried my best to befriend my ancestor!

The other red-skinned ones include Wandashan and a few demon generals from the territory.

Therefore, you can also hear the authenticity of the voice inside for the first time.

Although I was scolding him in my heart, I was stupid in my mind. I knew that it was time to lose my temper, and I dared to fall too far ahead, so I quickly followed.

The moment I saw Brother Xian's expression, Taipingshan finally confirmed that Brother Xian who had returned that time had just retreated in cultivation. I went directly to the next floor, climbed another low peak of cultivation, and stepped into the realm of my complete cultivation. There is an unimaginable demon world called Bailang.

The more Gangya thought about it, the more unhappy he became. He almost laughed out loud at first, but I managed my expression well.

This time Shao Hui is promoted to Bailang, so why should I leave the near and far away to go to another place? If I want to seek protection from Shui Mansion, can I just go to Shao Hui?

Which ancestor do you want to see?



The seventh little king of Huoguang Cave, Lizhao, was stunned for a moment when he heard Lu Youfei's voice, and then his expression was simple. At the end, there was no surprise or joy.

The time and number of times you come into contact with the demon kings who are attached to your teacher is much less than that of the Taiping Mountain nearby.

Without the reporting voice behind them, we could more or less guess the identities of those seven people.

Could it be that the Shuifu we are seeking to see is...

Yin Mu from Yingya had ever thought about seeking the protection of his ancestor, but what he said at that time obviously disrupted my plan.

If the ancestor is willing to take action against Yinmu, Yinmu will definitely be doomed and his death will be doubtful!

Look at where the Gangya brothers and the fish demon brothers are.

Just that one incident made me let go of Lu Youfei.

Moreover, I still have reasons and methods for not agreeing.

I have a special relationship with Wang Zhijing, but my brother has a bad relationship with Wang Zhijing!

When the voices of several demon kings asking for an audience came from inside.

Everyone looked shocked, confused, guessing, curious... This was extremely ordinary.

Yes, it's my good brother!

When did it become so difficult!?

Then, the two of us noticed that Ginme's emotions were not out of control, and that the two brothers, Huo Guangdong, were in sharp contrast to Ginme.

The moment they heard this voice, the two brothers Qinglin and Hongjia from the Li Shao Club reacted immediately.

It is really difficult to wash it even with all the water in the Li River!

I can feel that the eyes of this hypocritical ancestor are on me. Now I am expressing my allegiance to him. I believe that I can walk out of that palace today.

Was robbed of first place again.

So what does the other person mean by what he said?

These two, especially the old and young Gangya, are not usually in the realm of complimenting the king, but are on bad terms with each other!

It's just that the ancestor will take action, I like Ginmu even more.

I heard a strange voice coming from inside.

I know that my ancestor was born in Qizhuang Temple of Immortal Sect, and I also know that the other party has a close relationship with Hu Yueshui Mansion.

At that time, when we saw our bows, words of salute, and expressions on our faces, they were really changing. If we wanted to be less ordinary, we would be no less ordinary.

Silver Eyes immediately flew over and landed aside.

Then there is only my own little king in the Taiping Palace right now!

The seven demon kings spoke.

The younger brother has a bad relationship with his ancestor. Does this indirectly mean that he has a bad relationship with his ancestor?

But before, now I am aware of it.

No matter how calm Lu Youfei is now, he still can't hide the carefree feeling in his heart.

What do you mean by asking to see the ancestor?

Where is Shuifu?

But at that moment, even if there were no more doubts in their hearts, no one dared to speak out and could only watch obediently.

I flew back into the Taiping Palace, and when I saw clearly the white-robed figure under the low seat, I felt a little dazed.

Not yet, I immediately remembered the conditions I had negotiated with my ancestor. I asked for help every day, and my ancestor would help me within his ability.

It' really makes me envious!

Let me stop the thought of comparing myself with my virtuous brother.

In front of him, Huoguangdong Laoqi's sharp claws and Libailang Laoqi's red armor were at the same speed, following closely in front of their respective brothers.

Now that things have come to this, no matter how happy, angry, jealous, and happy I am, I have no choice but to hide these emotions deep in my heart and not dare to reveal them at all.

The ancestor has become the demon ancestor!

When the other seven demon kings heard that voice, their expressions were a little subtle.

At that time, seeing that those few people were too lazy to say anything, they looked at the Seven Demon Kings above and smiled directly: You accept their congratulations, they are all old neighbors, and they are not very familiar with each other yet, so you are beating around the bush. , you see they haven’t found shelter yet, why not stop looking for them, how about you respect your peace?”

That's really what I mean...

Otherwise, who would dare to pretend to be an ordinary monster?

Come back...

Yao Na Bailang!

Either way, I have completely turned against Yingya Yinmu today. With Yinmu's arrogant personality since childhood, I'm afraid he will deal with him sooner or later.

What I am most fortunate about is that I ended up caring for my fellow clan members and took care of my good brother when he was strong.

Seeing his former colleagues now surrendering to his command.

Now, with the current strength of Shao Hui...

Steel Tooth of Huoguang Cave was so angry that he scolded Bai Gui in his heart, but he also forgot to bow down and said in obedience: You, Huoguang Cave, are also willing to respect Shuifu. From now on, you will serve Shuifu!

At that moment, Qing Lin's statement that he regretted it was absolutely false.

In short, when the sound came from inside, the entire small hall immediately fell silent.

Lu Youfei sat down low, his figure not moving at all, but he raised the corners of his mouth and said, Get back...

I gritted my teeth and spoke, my complexion suddenly changed from gloomy to calm, it was really dull.

But I have no choice but to express my position.

I want to die!

That's really, really...a surprise!

Gang Ya's face was full of smiles, his smile was as special as a chrysanthemum. He immediately said, You should retreat slowly!

With the ancestor's strength, when he first entered the realm of immortals, he was able to kill eight brothers, Yuan Zhang, in a row. His strength was so weak that it was completely understandable.

They are the same handsome and handsome generals in their respective hands.

This Taiping Peak is the center of our Taiping Mountain, and this Taiping Palace is the residence of our virtuous brother Xiao Wang. Do we know that?

Therefore, looking for the book garden combined with what I heard, the few voices that just sounded, it should be very likely that several kings have arrived in person.

This is the thought.

Yes, that’s not the case!

I thought that as long as I made a breakthrough, I would be able to follow in the footsteps of my virtuous brother.

It's possible!

It's hard to see any of the little kings around my territory, let alone all seven of them here today...

Want to see Shuifu?

Both boys spoke.

But with the strength of our cultivation, how could we possibly make a mistake!?

I was the first to fly towards the small door of the nearby Taiping Palace.

The thoughts in Taipingshan's head were running at a low speed, turning over and over again.

At this time, Li Bailang and Huoguang Cave were seen scrambling to take refuge.

As demon kings, we have had more or less dealings with the ancestors of Shao Huipingzhu.

After a while of silence, Yingya's Yinmu was the first to speak.

I just don’t hold a grudge against Shao Hui in my heart.

Manage your expression weakly.

Li Bailang Qinglin glanced at Silver Eyes who raised his head hurriedly and pretended to be panicked.

Then came the sharp claws and the red armor. When they saw the figure under the lower seat clearly, even though they couldn't make up their minds yet, they still felt a little bit of shock in their hearts. It was not yet the time when Yao Shao would be in peace. They were all good at superficial skills, and at that time they even dared to be disrespectful. They flew obediently to the small hall and stood next to their respective brothers.

ps: Thank you to the two book friends Pinot Gris and No More Immortality in My Next Life for their tips. Thank you for your monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you~~

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