Chapter 204 The two kings of Taiping Mountain!

Sending spies is actually a normal behavior of forces.

Ever since he killed the three demon kings of the former Great Wilderness Mountain and created the Taiping Mountain.

Lu Wufei began to send little demons to the surrounding forces one after another.

At the beginning, they just sent little demons to the half of the wilderness that was recently occupied by Ancestor Hu Yue and whose relationship was the most tense.

From then on, we slowly began to dispatch towards Eagle Cliff and Huoguang Cave.

As for Lishui Mansion, because it is in the water, water monsters are needed to dispatch, and the conditions are inherently difficult, so it has not been possible yet.

At first, across the Huoguang Cave in Dahuang Mountain, it was difficult for Taiping Mountain to dispatch little demons.

But since Hu Yue left a few years ago and sold Dahuang Mountain to him.

It is much more convenient to send little demons to the Huoguang Cave, after all, the territories are next to each other.

In fact, the purpose of sending the little demon there is not necessarily to find out any news, but to let them choose some of the news they can find out and send it back to Taiping Mountain. That's it.

Logically speaking, I should be closer to myself, but I betrayed and caused trouble.

But I heard something moving in Eagle Cliff.

When Kong Shixiu heard this, he immediately responded softly, and then his men became harder and harder.

We haven't reached an agreement with Huoguang Cave, Liping Mountain and Yingya yet.

Bai Yunxiao wore a piece of gauze and was applying massage techniques he learned from somewhere on Taipingshan's back.

Kong Shixiu immediately began to think deeply in his mind.

Now that he is a god, he is initially disqualified.

One day at dawn, the sky was not yet bright.

Taipingshan thought this guy had resigned himself to his fate, and Youcheng thought he was hiding it.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt in Taipingshan, a sense of excitement and accomplishment came over me.

Taipingshan waved his hand and said with a smile: We are all brothers, so any waste is wasted...

After that, you were the steward of the Taiping Palace, and now you are the young disciple of the Taiping Mountain. The steward's identity was removed and replaced by the human servant Lingshan who was feeding me spiritual fruit.

Go, send less big monsters to Eagle Cliff, there can be more in Huoguang Cave...

But when we gathered in the field in the morning, Taipingshan saw with his own eyes that the silver eyes flew towards the Eagle Cliff to the north of my hometown, and went to the Huoguang Cave in a blink of an eye. I could tell with my feet that there was nothing fishy about it.

Kong Shixiu looked up at Wandashan and said, Not yet, reward the leader who sent back the news...

Think about it carelessly.

Think about it, in the depths of a barbaric hill, where monsters are rampant, it is such a grand and magnificent thing to open up wasteland and build a monster kingdom from the beginning to the end.

Although Kong Shixiu's territory was small and he could manage Hu Meiniang, Lu Wufei did seem to be majestic among countless monsters above.

Lingshan heard the order and went out.

Or did you just leave because nothing happened?

Footsteps sounded again at the door.

Enjoying the service of two close men and male demons.

With the spiritual thought in his mind, Taipingshan's figure flashed, disappeared from the bedroom, and appeared in the sky below Taipingshan.

These two Li Pingshan are really fast...

Except for the eighth type, there are only the latter two.

Wandashan nodded and saluted, and left the room slowly.

As the current manager of Taiping Palace, unless it is extremely urgent, special news will first reach Lingshan’s ears and then be passed on to Taipingshan by me.

I decided to increase the number of large demon dispatches to the surrounding Fire Cave and Eagle Cliff.

Lu Wufei smelled the fragrance of the tea, looked at the rolling tea, and immediately said in surprise: Brother Xian, has he obtained the Blood Bodhi again?

Kong Shixiu asked Hongpi, the young commander of Taiping Peak, to follow Kong Shixiu.

Although in that world, my own cultivation was more important, guarding Kong Shixiu, and going back and forth to Qizhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain seemed to be the trajectory of my previous life.

It's just me that's gone.

Wait until there is less evidence before we deal with this guy...

But Taipingshan wants to change.

Hu Meiniang's spy team has always been led by Wandashan.

What's more, if Taipingshan's expectations were shattered and realized.

Very slowly, Wandashan in green robe appeared at the door of the study, looked at Taipingshan who was meditating and bowed slightly before saying: Teacher, the news came from Yingya this morning, saying that the Eagle King had a bad appearance last night. Ya...

a month ago.

Although now there is no equally experienced Bai Yunxiao to assist.

I heard Taipingshan looking for me.

It's just that in a world where strength is king, spies play too little role.

As for the Gangya brothers' reaction to Yinmu, according to Wandashan's news, Yinmu left on his own, and it seemed that his expression was not a little angry when he left.

Went upstairs.

Therefore, I decided to have a chat with my little brother tomorrow.

Morning time.

Kong Shixiu and Lu Wufei drank until dawn on the seventh day.

Ginmu is now putting down his burden!

Kong Shixiu, who was sipping tea, spoke.

Because this guy hasn't said that he wants to surrender to him, doing things behind his back like that is not betrayal. Among the demon clan, betrayal is the most common thing among demons.

And the idea of ​​doing this deep down in my heart was very weak, nothing like a whim.

Lu Wufei was also polite, left the study, sat down, and immediately let out a long breath.

But I never gave up, and today it finally worked.

The important task of taking charge of Hu Meiniang fell on Kong Shixiu's shoulders again.

After hearing the news about Wandashan, Kong Shixiu immediately raised his head and looked at Wandashan and said, Is he sure?

Lu Wufei finally returned to Taiping Peak.

Hear that outside.

Kong Shixiu's spy selection basically only has two types of monsters. The first type is a feathered monster. Because it can fly, a feathered monster is the most suitable one.

He suddenly smiled warmly in his heart. It seemed that as soon as Hu Meiniang appeared in his silver eyes, he was indeed aggrieved.

Taipingshan continued to think.

Feel the increased strength on your lower back, making it more comfortable.

That time for tea tasting.

But facing the fact that the communicators were all demon kings from various territories, Lu Wufei, no matter how low his status was to Hu Meiniang, was still inferior.

When dining at Taipingshan, the tableware in hand is put on the table.


Liping Mountain and Huoguang Cave are about to take action on the seventh day. I, Yingya, dare to ignore it. That is not disobedience!

Lu Wufei was finally able to rest and retreat. Hongpi temporarily took over Kong Shixiu's affairs and was a busy man.

That's to win over the Huoguangdong two, knowing that they are rivals... and running away?

In the semi-open-air bath, Kong Shixiu sat in the cold water with thick mist. He looked at Wandashan and said: Not yet, I will punish the big demon who brought the news to you and give you a heavy reward!

Well, it's a pity that there is less...

at that time.


We just have to wait for it to be connected and put into operation.

Lu Wufei opened the door and said with a smile, Brother Xian, is he looking for you?

Everything is running as usual.

Especially Eagle Cliff!

The seventh floor of the Taiping Palace.


But also because there were enough little demons sent out, some news came back one after another.

After Lingshan heard the sound, she poured tea for Taiping Mountain and replied: There is no action on the Huoguang Cave in the west. Sister Hu got up and went there. Yes, there is no news about Eagle Cliff in the north...

Hearing that the Huoguang Cave was also moving, Taipingshan was surprised.

As a result, there is no reward now. The news that Wandashan just came to report was not that the Silver Eyed Demon King from Yingya had just left Hu Meiniang and went to Huoguang Cave to meet the Gangya brothers.

That time when I was forced to surrender to myself, I must have surrendered in my heart.

Although you know what we said.

That would be bad, if you find someone to blame, they will kill me directly.

But in reality, it also slightly hindered my brother Lu Wufei's practice.

You haven't...

But the spy responsibilities under Wandashan have not been relieved yet, and you are still Hu Meiniang's spy chief.

While speaking, Da Xin put away the blood bodhi seeds.

While enjoying breakfast in the study, I told Lingshan, who was waiting for me, Let General Bai come...

Blood Bodhi!

Whether it's inquiring or escaping, he has no skills at all.

I plan to set aside a place with Hu Meiniang as the center, and let other monsters from my territory come here to trade and trade freely.

Taipingshan smiled and nodded, stretched out his hand to signal to the other side: Sit...

In a side hall with a very bad view.

First, they contacted Huoguang Cave, and now they are treating my orders as if they were nothing.


A pleasant sound resounded under Taiping Peak.

Brother has made a breakthrough!

I just met the two demon kings of Huoguang Cave once, and I didn't even bother to kill Yinmu...

At this time, I took a step back.

is teacher.

Kong Shixiu nodded and asked again: Brother, how long does it take?

Taipingshan kept my head high and continued my breakfast.

Did Yinmu return to Eagle Cliff?

After Taipingshan, we used Blood Bodhi to entertain Lu Wufei and Red-skinned Crow Kai.

The seventh day.

If it weren't for Goodbye Shuifu, I would be very confident.

Hu Meiniang's area is too small. Even if she only goes to the junction of Liping Mountain and Liping Mountain in the south, she will not be in a hurry even if she comes back the same day.

In the Taiping Palace, Taipingshan, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes.

The boiling and rolling tea is as red as blood, and the rich aroma of tea overflows.

For Taipingshan, that is absolutely bad news!

But that kind of thing can only be accomplished in a few days, months, or years.

Without the influence of future generations on Earth, I have always been concerned about cultivating a spy team.

Kong Shixiu: Maybe two or eight years ago. I shouldn't be sure at this time...

In this way, it is surprising that my cultivation has not deteriorated.

This is bad...

hold on...

It was that time.

Wandashan walked out of the study and said again: That's the news from one of your leader demons who sneaked into the Eagle King's residence to guard. I only said that I saw the Eagle King coming back all day long...

After a while, he returned to the study again and said: Xiao Wang, these water monsters in Liping Mountain in the south have disembarked. General Bai went to the south early in the morning to deal with things...

With the advice of Senior Brother Lan Yu, Taipingshan still uses Blood Bodhi to make tea.

Oh, yesterday I was sorry that Silver Eyes was too obedient, which caused my soul power to move for a long time...

Like me, Lu Wufei has no virtual panel, no apprenticeship with Qizhuang Guanxian Sect, no good enough cultivation method, no cultivation environment, and is disturbed by a small number of chores, so the usual practice time will be inevitably wasted. It's very compressed.

Tell the boss at Yingya to let me continue to pay attention. Once Yinmu comes back, I will report immediately!

While carrying the teapot and pouring tea, Taipingshan said: That's because the state of mind is clear, and the future is hindered. My brother is far away from being transformed from ordinary life to immortality...

Although it was the first blood bodhi seed under my body.

The eighth possibility is to use the order I just gave yesterday.

And my brother did not help me very much over the years.

Without my brother here, I can only throw myself on Hu Meiniang and go out to play.

Yes, Xiao Wang...

Even though I know it now, I decided to go against my heart and do it, not to mention that I was happy to do it.

Lu Wufei hurriedly took it. I knew that thing was precious, so he immediately said: It would be a waste to give you that thing now. You don't have it for me. Brother, please use it yourself...

After all, Hu Meiniang is so small, so I’m not sure how difficult it would be to manage her.

There is a scarlet bodhi seed missing from my hand.

At that time, Lingshan, who was standing beside her, walked out of the bath holding a plate of fresh green spiritual fruits.

Taipingshan nodded, and then he took out a scarlet Bodhi seed in his hand and threw it towards Kong Shixiu: Brother, give that one to you...

Silver Eyes is at Eagle Cliff...

The other party's behavior when they met today and his attitude toward Ginme made that point clear.

Given the current state of cultivation in Taipingshan, it is definitely possible that the whim is just intentional.

Taipingshan also planned to let me go, because I wanted to establish my authority.

I sometimes have doubts about crossing the Taiping Mountain.

Before he had time to sit down and drink some water, he went out and flew towards the summit of Taiping Peak.

Let’s see if we can become the seventh lion and camel kingdom, or surpass the lion and camel kingdom.

When the sky is covered with red clouds.

The place of communication centered on Hu Meiniang will also be in decline, and if Hu Meiniang is sure to give birth to a seventh demon king, it will definitely be very difficult for Lu Wufei to manage it. After all, I may need to communicate with Hu Meiniang at this time. Dealing with familiar demon kings from places further around.

half year ago.

Of course, this silver eye must be willing to surrender today.

The seventh category is a great demon who is good at burrowing into the ground and has no magical powers.

early morning.

Apart from Yingya, is there any news about Yinmu, the Eagle King?

Yes, compared to Ginmu, who is now acting both yin and yang, and a few days ago, he waited until I left the mountain before causing trouble.

The scale is small enough.

I heard such bad news today!

Just like what I said to the demon kings in Huoguang Cave, Liping Mountain and Yingya today in His Highness’s presence.

Or are you looking for help?


When he was still an immortal, the other party had obviously shown goodwill to him, and catching two traitors was not proof of that.

Taipingshan's thoughts quickly spread again.

In fact, when Demon Ancestor Hu Yue sold Dahuang Mountain to Lu Wufei, the two demon generals who defected to Huoguang Cave had already been discovered by the little demon sent to Huoguang Cave from Taiping Mountain.

is teacher.

Next time.

In particular, Ginmu has a good personality since he was a child, and he will occasionally convince himself in the future.

Based on Taipingshan's understanding of Gangya, this guy is very stupid.

Hearing what Taipingshan said, Lu Wufei smiled and said, You are just being polite...

Taipingshan nodded and asked again: Brother, I feel that these are the differences. What do you care about most now? I haven't done that yet. Brother, does it mean that there is nothing wrong with you?

After experiencing it twice, I am more certain than anyone else that it is Xianyin.

Day eight.

Dare to build a city or a country on Taiping Mountain.

It's just that he is still a human immortal at this time, and his cultivation level is sufficient.

There is also no bad concern about the cultivation of his brother.

Hearing Xiandi's words, Lu Wufei laughed excitedly again: I knew it was a mistake to hide it, Xiandi. I didn't realize it in the next few days. You feel that you are far away from this step...

With this silver-eye personality, it is impossible to do anything, and the possibility is still high.

Taipingshan discovered that in those years, I handed Kong Shixiu over to Lu Wufei as soon as I left, and I left him for a few years or more than ten years.

Kong Shixiu felt the comfortable feeling coming from his back and said: Press a little harder...

It's a bad thing that you haven't reached the early level of demon commander yet. Otherwise, if Lingshan, who has just entered the realm of demon commander, comes in, you won't be able to do anything.

Taipingshan didn't take it seriously when he heard the sound, and then asked again: The Huoguang Cave in the west doesn't have Eagle Cliff?

You see, my brother's aura is depressed...

However, many of the little demons sent out lost contact because they were too lazy to move, were afraid of danger, were discovered, or were promoted.

But one's own strength is ultimately the foundation of everything.

It is rare for Taipingshan to not wake up from meditation, but to wake up from under a soft little bed, between Bai Yunxiao and Lingshan.

This is the thought.

But Kong Shixiu was able to stay under Hu Meiniang all the time. He would go back to Qizhuang Guanshimen before the Qifang Territory Exchange Center was far away.

Taipingshan's eyes immediately narrowed slightly.

Even if Kong Shixiu didn't have Taiping Mountain in front of him.

Without the lion and camel country as a demonstration, I would also like to come to a similar place where demons and clans communicate.

Get back...

But before he could send back the news, Gangya, the boss of Huoguang Cave, captured the two handsome men.


Wandashan nodded, turned around and walked inside.

Later, when I was in the Lion and Camel Kingdom, I had no similar thoughts in my mind.

This may take decades, or even hundreds of years.

After Taipingshan drank the tea in the cup, he immediately started making tea again.

Kong Shixiu smelled the strong fragrance of tea, and seemed to feel that the cultivation level in his body had dropped a bit, and the realm that had been tightly closed did not seem to be loosened.

Get up.

Once you are familiar with the model and don't have experience before you go ahead, quickly expand to the surrounding areas in a few territories.

Kong Shixiu suddenly felt guilty.

Very slowly, he retreated from the Taiping Palace and was told where the wise brother was. He went down to the seventh floor and knocked on the study door.

Also, because being busy is the end of the matter, I have the means to focus on practice.

But even if the two demon kings in Huoguang Cave were close to each other, Taipingshan did not consider withdrawing the big demons sent there. On the contrary, because they were close enough, there were the fewest spies and big demons in Huoguang Cave.

It seems that these two brothers have silver eyes.

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