Chapter 201 The five demon kings meet!

The turbulent Lishui River is rushing endlessly.

Two huge figures with aura rushed out of the river one after another and went straight into the sky.

Wearing a golden robe, the middle-aged demon king Qing Lin, with a dark face and eight long golden beards under his chin, quickly stood high in the sky and realized that the source of the unparalleled terrifying aura had arrived in the Taiping Mountain area.


Behind him, red armor, the second demon king of Lishui Mansion, wearing colorful robes, with a face as white as jade, a thin body and a pointed head, rushed up into the sky. He noticed that the aura of the suspected demon ancestor was above the Taiping Mountain area and rushed to his eldest brother's side. As soon as he stood firm, he said: On Taiping Mountain, did the ancestor take a fancy to Taiping Mountain?

Look again...

After hearing what the second brother Hongjia said, the eldest brother Qinglin King stared closely at the cyan light flying over Mount Taiping and murmured: If the other party really takes a fancy to Mount Taiping, there is nothing we can do...


When the cyan stream of light that reached the source of the terrifying aura flew around the Taiping Mountain area, it turned around and flew directly towards the core of Taiping Mountain.

That direction...

But the little brother on the side stretched out his hand to stop him.

That is also the sadness of being able to find shelter in time.

Say it.

The young man nodded: You saw it, go over there!

Therefore, in some cases, you are willing to be a little shorter and focus on Victoria Peak.

Speaking of which, I am a monster in the water. If Lihe Prefecture were far away from the sea, I would also have to deal with monsters on the road.

Hu Meiniang's current territory is vast and there are few monsters. It is inevitable to divide into various gangs based on relationships, positions, and other factors.

Like now.

But in terms of actual status and heritage, compared to Taipingshan, it is still a little behind.

If that flat-haired beast in Shui Mansion dares to take action, I will definitely accompany him to the end.

Lao Qi in front of him quickly followed.

As for what’s ahead.

I saw that the young Bian Jun had time to speak, but the Li Bailang Seven Little Kings kept making noises. Qing Lin, who became a snail, had a bad temper. He immediately held back after hearing the sound, and started to spray.

Bian Jun nodded when he heard this: Of course, you didn't come here to discuss with them...

On the other side, the small commander of Taiping Peak, Red-skinned General, was accompanied by the crow monster, Huang Gui and several other commanders, as well as the ant demon Heiya, the cat demon Baniang, the cattle demon Xiaohan, and the pheasant demon Kun. , basically the monsters under Taiping Peak.

Brother, what should I do?

Maybe I care but I must...

Then how can we talk about...

Wearing a golden robe, the pale-faced middle-aged ancestor flew closer and spoke.

You have a solution!

Just wait to be found by Bian Jun.

What do you do now?

That's why we're here.

The boss Qinglin, who was staring intently, finally spoke again: I remember it seems to be the peak where Bailang lives, where Taiping Peak is, right?

Then you are not qualified to stand on the top of Taiping Peak today.


Taipingshan immediately explained to Hongpi and followed him in small steps.

What's more, I planned to pay the protection fee that time and ask the demon ancestor who had just arrived to seek asylum.

A small and dense group of monsters has not yet gathered.

Who dares to take advantage of the lion and camel country?

The ancestor shook his head when he heard this: You think so. After all, the mountain of lions and camels is low and the road is far away. If you meet Pingshan who buys it...

We were strangers to each other before we were teenagers. At this time, there was no need to talk nonsense, so we spoke directly.

When Xiao Wang established Hu Meiniang's foundation, Bian Junyan followed him. In the words of the human race, he was not a minister of the dragon.

Gangya answered: You can't go over now. It's too late and it will offend this Pingshan, but that's fine.

Hearing the dead rabbit behind him calling him Lao Bai, the ancestor didn't bother to pay attention at that time. He just glanced at him and said: It doesn't make sense. When are you going to come over?

As for what the monsters in Junyan to the west think, we are vague.

Huoguangdong Gangya took the lead and flew towards Hu Meiniang with his sworn brother's sharp claws.

Welcome the little king back...

In front of you are two siblings, Tie Zheng and Meng Nu.

The ancestor has long hated the flat-haired beast behind him who prides himself on being humble, and who usually has no sense of condescension when talking about anything.

Under the low seat, while listening to the report from Taiping Mountain above, the corners of Lu Youfei's mouth suddenly dropped.

When Gang Ya opened his mouth, Bian Jun and Bian Jun opened their mouths again, it was clear that they both knew what was wrong.

Feel the presence of this terrifying aura in the small palace above.

I didn't have my seventh brother here, and I got a bad treasure some time later.

Although Patriarch Hu was also personally named a Little General by his own Xiao Wang and commanded Jun Yan in the west, he even climbed down from Xiao Wang's bed.

There seems to be no distinction between the two young generals.

The seven demon kings all turned their heads and saw a figure flying over from the front of the Huoguang Cave territory.

At the front is the Eagle King Water Mansion in Eagle Cliff.

Lu Youfei walked onto the square wearing a light green skirt and a large mandrel.

The seven demon kings looked at you and you looked at him, each of them looked solemn.

In front of him were the two water demon brothers Li Bailang.

In the future, when the seven demon kings appear together in Hu Meiniang, the demons above will definitely look at her with surprise and shock.

Gangya then looked at Shuifu and said, You haven't decided yet. Let's go to Junyan here to check out the situation and see why Pingshan is here. How about it? Do you want to come together?

In those years, General Bai's dedication and efforts for Hu Meiniang were not visible to all.

Before the ancestor finished speaking, a retort came from nearby.

The eagle demon Shuifu dressed in white robes slowly flew closer. He looked at Li Bailang's ancestor demon king and said happily: Is it them Li Bailang, ancestor?

Gang Ya, the young master of Huoguang Cave, wearing a narrow white robe, looked serious.

And now we dare to take the initiative to meet him.

Old and young Bianjun turned around and flew towards the fire cave.

Right in the middle of the square.

So what if I meet someone who buys it?


But since I have the lion and camel country at my back, the situation is the same as yours.

Please see Hirayama!

that time.

Gang Ya, what does he think?

And I also have no allies to help me. One of my cousins ​​is serving as an official in the Dragon Palace in the West Sea.

Sharp Claw turned to look at the little brother on the side and said: This aura must be caused by Bian Jun who is suspicious. You promised this red armor to watch over Hu Meiniang for me. What should I do now?

Seeing the other party mentioning that ancestor, the ancestor smiled warmly in his heart, and said with a hint of wind: Bian Junyan is the ancestor, and his Shuifu is Shuifu. Don't say that. Even if your relationship is so bad, you will never be like this. Keep him out of sight...


All the monsters in front of them immediately bowed and saluted in unison.

The Shui Mansion gave Li Bailang some face, and some gave the ancestor face.

Not yet. What if we want to invite the Water Mansion in Yingya to join us?

at that time.

Later, when Hu Yuepingshan was around, I could still endure it.

Brother remembered it correctly...

Such a direct attack.

When we rushed to the sky below Taiping Peak, the core of Bian Junyan, we noticed that there was no strange thing under Taiping Peak.

When the Seven Demon Kings retreated into Hu Meiniang with their huge formation, they realized that the monsters above were not panicking.

The youngest Bian Jun shook his head: Seventh brother also said that you are just helping to take care of me. Now it is Pingshan who wants to occupy my wife, Hu Meiniang. What can you do?

We became more and more confused.

The green-lined horse dismounted and asked, Why are you going to the Huoguang Cave?

As he spoke, Gang Ya looked at Bian Jun, who was in golden robe and white face: What do you think, Old Bai Qian?

If there's anything going on, let's go. You think this Pingshan might be waiting for you to come...

They are just a few brothers who are usually close to their own little king.

Taipingshan immediately took the lead and bowed in salute: Welcome the little king back!

The one closest to the side is Old Ancestor Hu, the young general of Xihu Meiniang.

This is also recognized by the monsters of Donghu Meiniang in their eyes.

After all, Taipingshan followed Xiao Wang earlier.

Therefore, I also plan to endure it any longer.

This Pingshan has gone straight to Taiping Peak now...

Therefore, Shuifu, who usually has a childish personality, became even more arrogant before he luckily broke through the early stage and met Hu Yue Bianjun's arrival.

After all, the huge formation of these seven demon kings in the sky is far from the aura and momentum of the little king just now.

Hearing Bian Jun's words, Shui Fu became even more angry, but it was a bad time to show off, so he could only look at the beautiful fish demon behind him and said with a smile: It's very bad, remember what he said today, ancestor!

As he spoke, the two figures immediately accelerated and flew towards the Fire Cave.

Lao Qi Qing Lin immediately shouted: Brother, we are out!

Red Skin stopped the very few monsters who were qualified to retreat to the Taiping Palace.

How do the heads of the two demon kings, the eagle demon Bianjun and Li Bailang, reconcile?

Lao Zuma smiled and said: Of course, your memory is sometimes bad!

Having said that, I turned around and looked at Qinglin beside me and said, Let's go, you go to the Fire Cave now...

A loud voice came back from the Taiping Palace.

At that moment, an unprecedented idea emerged in the minds of several demon kings.

As far as you know, the Gangya of the Firelight Cave has a bad relationship with the Red Armor. Even the handsome general who defected to my territory personally captured and sent the Red Armor back...

Ancestor Li Bailang, Qing Lin...

Looking at the two figures landing rapidly in the sky.

The ancestor still looked at the place where the green light fell, and said: What should I do?

Ancestor and Shuifu both nodded.

And I occasionally think very low of myself, but I always look down on those people. At that time, when I saw the two water monsters in Li Bianjun dared to say harsh words to me, I suddenly felt angry in my heart. It was more than my head or my head. At that time, it was Having a bad attack, he smiled warmly and said: Why, do you think that as soon as the ancestor left, he dared to ignore you?

Firelight Cave Steel Teeth, Sharp Claws...

Gang Ya just finished speaking.

What do you think...

Shui Mansion suddenly laughed angrily. I am backed by the Lion and Camel Kingdom, and my own cultivation level has not yet advanced to the early stage of Demon King, and is lower than those behind me.

The second red-armored demon king on the side nodded, looked at the green stream of light from a distance, and went straight to the hinterland of Taiping Mountain and said immediately: That place used to be in the direction of the mountain where the old ghost Yuan Zhang lived, and later Bailang also lived here. Mountain peak, you remember vaguely.”

Gangya looked at the place where the green light disappeared, shook his head solemnly, and said: You promised Hongjia, but you and I didn't say anything beforehand. I definitely didn't Pingshan cause trouble. I will blame you...

The towering Taiping Peak reaches into the sky.

But Bian Junyan, the young general of Xihu Meiniang, still understood clearly.

Those positions should be taken with caution.

Next to Hongpi was Wandashan who was dressed in white robe.

In front of the two young generals, their heads were on the heads of several generals who were staying under Taiping Peak.

Gangya was also grumbling, and directly expressed his thoughts: So, you must go see this Pingshan as soon as possible and see what he wants when he comes.

Gangya turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw Li Bailang and the two demon kings wearing gold and colorful robes flying over at a slow speed.

It's not boiling yet.

Not the monsters who hold various important positions under Taiping Peak.

Brother, this flat mountain has gone to Bian Junyan!

you saw it...

Bian Jun, the youngest: You can't care about Hu Meiniang being taken over, but you are right next to Huoguang Cave and Hu Meiniang. The Demon Ancestor here has taken over Hu Meiniang. Does he think you will be spared?

Otherwise, it would be us, but our protector Bian Jun, who would come forward at that time.

But just after that, Xiao Wang returned again, covering the entire Hu Meiniang's vast territory with an unparalleled and earth-shaking aura of terror.

You guys go talk to the two brothers from Huoguang Cave and let's retreat together...

Then he left the Taiping Palace with his closest brothers and the monsters who had no important things to report.

The sky is under Hu Meiniang's area.

Yingya Water Mansion...

Laoqi Qinglin: I'm afraid this Pingshan has taken a fancy to Hu Meiniang. If he does, then nothing will happen. Did you agree to the red armor to take care of Hu Meiniang?

At that time, when the ancestor was caught saying good things about him, Shui Mansion was not polite at all and immediately retorted.

Hearing the words of the ancestor, Gang Ya looked at the blue light disappearing into Hu Meiniang's land again and sighed, shaking his head and saying: I also know who Ping Shan is, why he came to your foreign institute...

As for Shuifu, if I were in Yingya, if I knew about it now...

It is the Lord of Eagle Cliff we are talking about, the Eagle Demon King Shuifu.

What's more, Bian Junyan is also the sworn brother of his own Xiao Wang.

You will never ignore him...

On the side, Master Qi looked in another direction and said, Brother, we are here, Li Bailang and the two are here...

Under the square.

That time I didn't say anything, I just nodded towards Taipingshan and Patriarch Hu, and then walked towards Taiping Palace with Dabai.

In the low altitude of the Huoguang Cave territory, the seventh master of the Huoguang Cave, Sharp Claw, wearing a white robe and rushing down into the sky, saw this green light, the source of the terrifying aura, falling into Hu Meiniang's territory, and said quickly.

Gang Ya nodded: This is good or bad. You two have similar territories. Now acting together and retreating together is the worst way...

No matter what you think, the most important thing is to find out Pingshan's purpose first...

We saw a white robe and two figures flying out from the direction of the Huoguang Cave. It was the two demon kings of the Huoguang Cave.

If you really offend me, I will go to the West Sea to bring in reinforcements.

The seven demon kings also had a cover up, and the formation that flew back to Hu Meiniang's area was huge.

We landed under Taipingfeng Square.

Even if the protection is successful, I will try my best to befriend this Hirayama.

Not yet under Taiping Peak, all the monsters who did not hold important positions gathered under the square, waiting to welcome their little king back.

It's time for you to take it easy now. Find the head of Shuyuan to find out why this Pingshan is here? What is the purpose of coming there?

Therefore, long before I was promoted to Demon General, I was promoted to the position of commander by Red Skin.

Gang Ya, the young master of the Huoguang Cave, who had watched the whole thing, saw this and interrupted at the right time: You two, now is the time for them to vent their anger. This Pingshan is still waiting for you...

As Lao Qi Qinglin spoke, he turned around and said, Brother, what should you do?

Taiping Palace.

Usually before Hu Yuepingshan came, Hu Yuepingshan was an important minister of the Shituo Kingdom.

Bian Jun's words fell.


Immediately afterwards.

I have always been afraid of the Water Mansion, so what about the early stage of Demon King.

Within the small hall.

Gangya immediately went forward with his sharp claws.

Because it represents the distance between him and Xiao Wang, and his status under Hu Meiniang.

Faced with Shuifu's provocation, his seventh brother, who was stopped by the ancestor, immediately looked at Shuifu and said with a smile: The reputation of the Lion and Camel Kingdom is spread to heaven, and the Golden-winged Little Peng King is even more famous. You naturally respect him very much, but that is different from him. What does Shui Mansion have to do with it?

Among them, Pheasant Yao Kun is a demon general who has only been promoted in the past two years.

But because I have followed Xiao Wang for a long time, and we all know the red skin and the crow monster, we have a strong relationship.

The shock and stimulation we receive is just that.

The main character is Taipingshan, the young general of Donghu Meiniang who is dressed in silver armor.

The summit of Taiping Peak.


Now that the other party is gone, that flat-haired beast is still so crazy and provocative by naming names. I just want to endure it.

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