Chapter 190 The Way of the Immortals

Within the Taiping Palace.

The melodious music soon sounded again.

The dancer continued dancing.

In the main hall, a group of demon generals saw with their own eyes that the two generals with painted faces and broken teeth were dealt with by the king with great ease, and they became more and more awed in their hearts.

Especially the generals from the West Taiping Mountains who had just learned that they had been recruited not long ago.

After all, they were once colleagues, and they were somewhat familiar with the painted face and broken teeth.

Both of them are powerful in the late stage of Demon Commander.

Especially the colorful-faced mandrill, his strength is definitely ranked among the top among all the previous Dahuangshan generals.

Therefore, she looked down on Hu Meiniang, who relied on her ancestor to rise to power, so she usually didn't like her.

In addition, the superior demon ancestor has never come down to see the generals for so long.

This also made Hua Lian and Broken Ya despise Hu Meiniang even more.

This is also the reason why the two of them dare to collude with the monsters in the Huoguang Cave.

He had been ignored by Demon Ancestor for too long.

This time when Lu Wufei issued the order, the two demons dared to take the opportunity to directly climb over the wall and rebel.

Although they behaved in an attempt to commit suicide, the two of them were well known to the demon generals of the Western Taiping Mountains for their considerable strength.

But these two were unable to escape in front of the king, which really shocked them.

Of course they know that the king is very strong, but how strong is it?

They couldn't tell.

This time the king took action, his body could easily handle the painted face and broken teeth just by sitting down.

This time it really opened their eyes and made them more and more in awe.

At this time, I heard the king at the main table speak.

Then I relaxed a little.

Listening to the music, looking at the beautiful dancer, we quickly started eating and drinking again.

Of course, the king is present.

No matter how much they let go, it will be limited.

But there is nice music and beautiful dancers to watch.

Only with the king.

The generals of East Taiping Mountain have been following the king for a long time.

I've seen it a few times.

This is the first time for all the generals in West Taiping Mountain to have their eyes opened.

But it’s an eye-opener, and it’s also true that it’s difficult.

Because those dancers are very beautiful.

These dancers are all beautiful banshees, whom Lu Wufei specially went to the human world to find and teach.

The dancers are beautiful and sparsely dressed.

It really made the eyes of many handsome generals almost sparkle with desire.

This would not be possible without the king.

These monster generals have already pounced on them.

But now, all I can do is watch and hold back.

Fortunately, the wine here is delicious and the food is very delicious, which can quickly divert the attention of the monster generals.

Time passed slowly.

It was late at night in a blink of an eye.

When this lively meal is over.

Lu Wufei once again held a meeting with all the handsome generals.

But this time it was mainly the generals from the Western Taiping Mountains who had just surrendered.

Because of some differences in management, mountain regulations, territory distribution, and the most important issue about spiritual plants.

Spiritual plants under a certain age cannot be harvested;

Spiritual plants older than several years cannot be harvested;

In addition, according to the situation of different spiritual strains, rewards are found and reported;

There are also medicinal fields that specialize in cultivating spiritual strains, etc...

Under the rule of Lu Wufei, the demon generals in East Taiping Mountain are different from ordinary mountain kings.

It is also far more planned than Dahuangshan.

This time when the Great Wilderness Mountain was taken back, it would naturally have to be arranged in various ways like the East Taiping Mountain.

So in the next few days.

A group of demon commanders and generals in the West Taiping Mountains were taught various things.

But there was no need for Lu Wufei to take action on those specific things.

Instead, General Bai Yunxiao led the popular science education.

When a group of demon commanders and generals in the West Taiping Mountains were receiving education and transformation on the Taiping Peak.

Demon Ancestor Hu Yue also left Yingya.

This time she left.

In the Fire Cave that was originally covered by her, the demon kings of Lishui Mansion were looking for a backer again.

On the other hand, because Eagle Cliff is backed by the Lion and Camel Kingdom to the north, it doesn't need any backing at all.

The lion and camel country is even in the north, which is extremely far away from the wilderness.

It does not affect its reputation in the slightest.

Let ordinary big monsters not dare to mess with him.

But Lu Wufei didn't need any backers. He earned his reputation through tough battles.

When I first entered the realm of the Demon King, I fought one against three and extremely powerfully killed the Great Demon King Monkey Yuan Zhang in the late stage of the Demon King of Dahuang Mountain, the Crow Golden Eyes in the middle stage of the Demon King, and the black dog demon Baimian in the early stage of the Demon King. Three Brothers.

The Hu Yue Demon Ancestor who came from the Lion and Tuo Kingdom did not dare to take action.

Of course, the prominent background of the teacher behind him is also an important reason.

However, most monsters only knew that Lu Wufei was a disciple of the Immortal Sect, but they did not know which Immortal Sect he had joined. Only a few big monsters knew.

Lu Wufei had that kind of strength when he first entered the realm of the Demon King.

Now that it has entered the later stage, its strength is so strong that in the eyes of the demon kings from all sides, it may have already surpassed the demon king, and only the ancestor level can deal with it.

In addition, it is backed by the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, so ordinary monsters would not dare to mess with it.

This was also the reason why Gangya, the rabbit demon in the middle stage of Demon King in Huoguang Cave, did not dare to accept the two generals who had defected from Dahuangshan, for fear of offending Lu Wufei and being found.


Even now Lu Wufei has demon ancestor level strength.

But he has not reached the Demon Ancestor, and ordinary monsters will not look for him as a backer.

As long as he reaches the realm of the Demon Ancestor, there is no need to think that many demon kings will hear the news and come to seek protection.

This time Demon Ancestor Hu Yue left.

Dahuangshan was taken back by Lu Wufei, and he truly unified the former Dahuangshan territory.

There is also the matter of the Huoguangdong King sending back the rebellious general for Lu Wufei.

In the East and West Taiping Mountains, with the spread of the generals, it slowly spread to all directions with Taiping Mountain as the center, and Lu Wufei's reputation continued to increase.

In fact, with Lu Wufei's strength.

There is no more demon ancestor Hu Yue.

It would be no problem for him to seize the opportunity and forcefully occupy the Huoguang Cave and Lishui Mansion territory around Taiping Mountain.

But he has little desire to expand his territory.

Having so much territory in Taiping Mountain is enough for the time being, not to mention that the Great Wilderness Mountain that was initially divided has been taken back.

The territory he occupies at this time far exceeds that of ordinary demon kings.

You must know that the territory of the East and West Taiping Mountains that he currently controls was once the place ruled by a total of eight demon kings, including the three demon kings of Dahuang Mountain and the five demon kings of Fengyun Ridge.

The scope is so large and the territory is so vast that it is completely conceivable.

Nowadays, there are many handsome generals under his command.

But he is the only demon king, which is really hard to resist.

He didn't want to add any more unnecessary workload to himself.

He practices in order to become an immortal and gain freedom, but he doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

Besides, he is not a murderous maniac.

Little interest in expanding territory.

Of course, if another demon offends him, that's another matter.

What is the discussion around Lu Wufei's ability to unify the former Great Wilderness Mountain this time?

Lu Wufei didn't know.

Anyway, he received the territory very smoothly and slippery.

In the next month.

Lu Wufei has also been busy with this matter.

Time passes quickly in the busy and fulfilling life.

Winter passes and spring comes, summer disappears and autumn arrives.

In the blink of an eye.

A year flies by.

Taiping Peak

The second floor of Taiping Palace.

Inside the antique study room.

Incense curls up.

Lu Wufei sat at the desk and read intently for a while. Suddenly he felt something in his heart. He immediately put down the book in his hand, walked to the large window, and looked out at the clear blue sky.

I thought about it in my heart.

a year ago.

When he came down the mountain from Wuzhuang Temple, he felt that his cultivation was close to the perfection of human immortality, and he had a direction for the future in his heart, so he came down the mountain.

Just as they got off the mountain, they were met by Demon Ancestor Hu Yue who came to the door to trade with Dahuang Mountain.

It took more than half a year to take over the territory of Dahuang Mountain and all the monsters.

Today, West Victoria Peak and East Victoria Peak are operating normally.

Lu Wufei finally felt at ease.

His cultivation has reached what he is now.

Just practicing asceticism is not enough.

He was at Wanshou Mountain and concentrated on practicing in his master's Wuzhuang Temple.

Come to Taipingshan.

In addition to meditating normally at night.

Lu Wufei usually spends his time in the Taiping Palace either drinking tea, reading, or looking at the sky, or taking a bath, cooking wine, listening to music, and watching dances.

Then go down the mountain occasionally to take a look.

Anyway, whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Now he doesn't even need to personally supervise the disciples.

The eldest disciple, Wandashan, is already in the realm of golden elixir, and he is more than capable of supervising the two juniors, Tie Zheng and Meng Nan.

My mind calmed down.

In practice, it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort.

No, it’s only been a year since I left the mountain.

Lu Wufei felt that his cultivation had been perfected, and his mind became more and more clear about his future and his path to immortality.

It's time to embark on the journey of seeking immortality.

But Demon Ancestor Hu Yue has left.

If he goes out again, there will be no demon king other than him to watch the mountain. This huge thing, Taiping Mountain, is really not that safe.

Although he has some reputation.

But after all, his cultivation is still in the realm of human immortality, and his reputation is naturally enough to intimidate the demon kings around him who know his roots.

But further away, it won't be very effective against those unsuspecting big monsters.

After all, there is no shortage of bold and crazy people among monsters.

If there is a demon king level monster coming to disturb you.

With Lu Wufei's status and strength, even if the two demon kings in the surrounding Huoguang Cave didn't say hello to him, they might come forward and say a few words on his behalf.

But what if it’s a monster at the level of the Demon Ancestor from the Immortal Realm?

Unless Lu Wufei comes in person, no other demon king would dare to step forward.

And given the size of Taiping Mountain's territory and rich resources, it's only natural that a good place would be favored by big monsters.

And this time he is going to find the way to the gods.

Although he had a direction in mind, he couldn't tell how long it would take.

Previously, on his journey to immortality, he started from Xiniuhezhou, walked through Nanzhanbuzhou step by step, and finally arrived directly at Dongsheng Shenzhou before he finally understood the opportunity and became an immortal in one day.

The process spanned three continents and lasted nearly ten years.

The way of the gods today.

He really didn't know how long it would take.

Anyway, according to his estimation, it will take at least three to five years to start, and there will be no cap.

So long.

If his Taiping Mountain is not taken care of by a big demon, it is really not safe enough.

And so far, he has not been able to find a second monster with the same magical power as the previous little butterfly monster.

No, I did find some little demons with similar abilities.

But those were either due to lack of magical power or because Lu Wufei's cultivation level was too high and there were various restrictions, so he had to give up.

This made Lu Wufei unable to learn even if he wanted to.

He also failed to find any treasure with communication capabilities, which also left him helpless.

This reminded him of the time when he was at the Dragon Palace in the North Sea. He remembered the conch that could attract schools of fish but forgot the essential communication treasure, which really made him regretful.

At this moment, he was thinking about not going to Beihai anymore and asking if the Dragon King was there and asking for one.

So that after he leaves, Taipingshan can contact him.

Being able to keep abreast of the situation in Taiping Mountain to prevent surprises like the last Beihai Sea Clan attack.

Of course, the overall reason is just that his cultivation level is not high enough.

Otherwise, there would be no such troubles.

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that except for his senior brother.

Except for the demon ancestor Hu Yue, there seems to be no fairy-level monsters he knows... No, there is another one, and that is the Yellow Wind King, the yellow-robed monster he met earlier.

However, Hu Yue had already left the Lion and Camel Kingdom in the north, and King Huang Feng was nowhere to be found. He really had nowhere to go.

What's more, on his journey to immortality this time, he also has to find the King Huang Feng.

Whoosh whoosh...

A gust of cool breeze blows, and the wind chime (also called Zhanfeng Duo) hanging under the window makes a crisp and sweet sound.

Lu Wufei looked at the clear sky in the distance, his thoughts gradually flying away.

at this time.

There was the sound of footsteps outside the door in the distance behind him.


The door was pushed open.

A pretty figure in a white robe appeared in front of the door.

What's the matter?

Lu Wufei quickly retracted his thoughts, turned his head, and asked.

If there is nothing important, Wandashan will not come up to disturb him easily.


Wandashan spoke softly: General Hu found a little demon and said that the little demon has the ability to entrust dreams, just like what the teacher said before...


Hearing this, Lu Wufei was suddenly surprised.

He was just thinking about this matter, but he found it without thinking about it.

However, ever since he sent out a message to Bai Yunxiao and Hu Meiniang asking them to look for supernatural powers that could support dreams or communicate with each other, he has met more than a dozen little demons one after another.

None of the results matched.

Will there be something different this time?

Lu Wufei became somewhat interested and immediately asked, Did you bring the little demon?

Wandashan replied: I've already brought it, it's just below...

I gonna go see...

Lu Wufei nodded, turned around and walked towards the door.

Half an hour later.

Inside the side hall.

Lu Wufei withdrew one hand from the little demon in front of him, which had a small eye, the side of the head was level, and had a short nose that stretched like an elephant. He looked for Shuyuan and said with a satisfied expression: Yes, this is the kind of magical power I want...

Then he looked at Wandashan, Hu Meiniang, and Lingshan who were standing aside and said, Not only do I have to learn his magical power, but you, General Bai, and Hongpi also need to learn it...

This little guy has contributed a lot to his magical powers, so reward him well...

Also, don't let him go back, just stay on Taiping Peak...

After Lu Wufei finished speaking, he turned around and left.

He has learned the magical powers of the rare little demon tapir.

Yes, Your Majesty...

is teacher...

Hu Meiniang and Wandashan nodded immediately.

As for the little demon tapir with a strange appearance, I don't know if the reflex arc is too long, or maybe he is too excited. It was not until Lu Wufei was about to walk to the door of the side hall that he knelt down on the ground with trembling excitement and faced Lu Wufei. He kowtowed desperately and said, Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!

Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty...


half year later.

One morning.

The sky is full of snow.

Straight into the towering Taiping Peak of Yunxiao, Bai Yunxiao, Hu Meiniang, Hongpi, Wandashan and other high-level Taiping Mountains are gathered on the broad square.

Lu Wufei, surrounded by the stars and the moon, was constantly explaining something to the monsters he was close to.

Not long after.

All explained one by one.

Lu Wufei, who put on his green robe again, took a step into the air.

Then, under the gaze of a group of high-level monsters from Taiping Mountain below, it turned into a golden light and shot straight into the sky.

The path to immortality begins from here.

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