Chapter 191 City of Ten Thousand Demons

High in the sky.

In a blue sky.

A tiny bit of golden light was speeding down the wind in a mighty green wind.


Surrounded by the endless passing wind.

Lu Wufei's whole body was wrapped in golden light, his expression calm.

Since he returned to the mountain from his master's school last time, he has only stayed in Taiping Mountain for about a year and a half, which is not a long time.

But there is a lot to do.

Among them, Dahuang Mountain was taken over from Demon Ancestor Hu Yue, and has now been successfully merged with Taiping Mountain to form East and West Taiping Mountain.

It's a big deal, especially for the surrounding forces.

This means that Taipingshan's power has suddenly become much greater.

Although for Lu Wufei.

The petty fights below the Demon King level are no longer within his sight.

Said it before.

The departure of Patriarch Hu Yue made Lu Wufei's travel a little troublesome.

Because Taipingshan is unattended.

in this world.

There is no shortage of crazy people.

There is no guardian at least human immortal demon king level.

He was really worried that one day the wandering demon king would find Mount Taiping, loot it, and then run away.

This is not a joke.

This situation is not uncommon.

What's more, with the size of Taiping Mountain's territory and abundant spiritual energy, many demon kings are drooling just looking at it.

They were indeed no match for Lu Wufei.

But it is still possible to take advantage of Lu Wufei's absence and take the opportunity to catch a wave and run away. This is no joke.

After all, Taipingshan is as good as the enchanting generals.

There are no demon king-level monsters to control the situation. Even if the demon king with average strength comes, the generals in Taiping Mountain cannot stop it.


After waiting in Taiping Mountain for another half a year, Lu Wufei gave up on this best plan after realizing that it would be difficult to find a suitable fairy and demon ancestor level monster to take care of him for a while.

We can only settle for the next best thing.

Let the neighboring demon kings help him take a look.

As a result, he kicked out his neighbors Huoguangdong and Lishui Mansion.

Fire Cave is the simplest.

Because there was an intersection before, when he took back the Huyue Demon Ancestor Dahuang Mountain a year and a half ago, the eldest brother of the two brothers from the Huoguang Cave, the Rabbit Demon Gangya, went out of his way to send back the two rebellious generals, which made Lu Wufei I owe someone a favor, and my relationship with the other person has become much closer.

This time I came to the house and asked them to help look after Taipingshan in case there were any other demon kings who wanted to steal the house.

The steel tooth immediately agreed.

Even when Lu Wufei paid the reward, (reward: the items used for transactions between them were spiritual plants, treasures, great demon level spiritual meat, or spiritual tea, spiritual wine and other spiritual things.)

The rabbit demon Gangya refused Lu Wufei's reward, but only made one request, that is, when he comes to ask for help in the future.

Within the scope of what Lu Wufei could do, he couldn't refuse.

Lu Wufei was originally unwilling to face such a request.

After all, this kind of favor is the hardest thing to deal with.

He would rather give him some reward directly, rather than owe the other party some unexplainable favor.

But the rabbit demon Gangya was very warm, respectful and polite to him. He even promised that as long as he was alive, he would not let other demon kings get involved in Taiping Mountain. He also said that he had sent back the two demon kings before. The sentiment of the traitorous general is there.

Only then did Lu Wufei agree.

But this time, he definitely didn't want Lu Wufei to swear.

After all, this is different from the transaction with Demon Ancestor Hu Yue.

The other party's care is relatively simple and easy, and does not require much effort.

Because a demon king of the same level is here, as long as he comes forward, I believe that ordinary demon kings will retreat in spite of difficulties, because he has two brothers and allies.

If a stronger level monster came, such as the Demon Ancestor, he wouldn't be able to stop it.

He himself knows it very well.

So he reached a verbal agreement with Lu Wufei.

While Lu Wufei was away from the mountain, he Huoguangdong would help take care of Taiping Mountain.

Moreover, this is not a one-time incident. Not only this time, if similar things happen in the future, he will also need to help watch.

Make a deal with the two demon kings in Huoguang Cave.

Just to be on the safe side.

Lu Wufei went to Lishui Mansion again.

He has a normal relationship with Lishui Mansion, but he is still a neighbor, and Lu Wufei is very powerful, which he has already proven.

Not to mention that Lu Wufei has quickly advanced to the late stage of human immortality.

Therefore, the two demon kings of Lishui Mansion were polite when meeting Lu Wufei.

After listening to Lu Wufei's explanation, he also mentioned that he had been to the Huoguang Cave.

The two demon kings of the water tribe were also very talkative and agreed immediately.

Because taking care of it is a convenient thing in itself, not to mention the two fire caves.

But this time Lu Wufei gave him some reward directly.

But the two aquatic monsters didn't want to offend Lu Wufei, so they just calmed down symbolically.

Lu Wufei didn't care either.

Just say yes.

Gang Ya, the Rabbit Demon King, who had found more fun in the Fire Cave before, came to Lishui Mansion just to be safer.

Just the other person nodding.

Then a demon king really comes to invade.

The appearance of the four demon kings from Huoguang Cave and Lishui Mansion will definitely make the opponent retreat in spite of difficulties.

But if it is a monster at the level of the Demon Ancestor.

Unless Lu Wufei comes in person, otherwise the four demon kings will be in vain.

But he didn't have a better way.

What's more, Huoguang Cave and Lishui Mansion are still looking for demon ancestor level backers.

Wait until the other party finds a backer.

By letting the other party take care of you, you can indirectly gain some support from the other party.

at last.

He had an insurance policy when he left the mountain this time, and that was that half a year ago he finally found a little demon who was born with the ability to tell dreams, and that was a tapir.

However, the opponent's magical power was not as direct as that of the butterfly demon in the past, which could directly transmit images while Lu Wufei was meditating.

Instead, it can only transmit sound.

But it fits that sentence exactly.

Nothing is perfect in this world.

The butterfly demon can transmit images and sounds, but it is also limited by the strength and cultivation of the recipient.

Although the magical power of this little demon tapir cannot transmit images, it can only transmit sounds, but there are many fewer restrictions on the transmission objects.

The little demon himself couldn't directly transmit the sound to Lu Wufei, after all, the difference in strength was too great.

But after Bai Yunxiao, Hu Meiniang, Hongpi, Wandashan and others learned it, they could directly transmit it to Lu Wufei.

Lu Wufei could also ask the other person back, although he couldn't speak on the same frequency.

But turn-based chat is still possible.


A few of them can regularly inform Lu Wufei about the situation in Taiping Mountain.

It won't be the same as before.

The Beihai Sea Tribe invaded in a large scale, the crow monster, the second child, was killed, and something happened that Lu Wufei was still unaware of.

This is considered insurance.

Something big happened.

Lu Wufei could control things remotely and get back as soon as possible.

These two things can be regarded as the reason why he dared to leave the mountain this time.

If something happens again, there's nothing he can do.

His cultivation has reached the perfection of the late human-immortal stage, and seeking a breakthrough is his top priority now.

In comparison, everything else is set back.


At this time.

Xiaobai, who was sleeping in the collar of his chest, also poked his head out.

Lu Wufei lowered his head and touched Xiao Bai's head, and said softly: Don't worry, I'm thinking about your Spiritual Transformation Grass, and I'm going to ask about it this time...

As long as you find the Spirit Transformation Grass, you can break through the current level of demon general, become a demon commander, and catch up with Hong Pi, Wanda Shan and the others...


When Xiaobai heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. He shouted happily and immediately rubbed Lu Wufei's face with his long pink nose.

This time back to the mountain.

Hong Pi and Wanda Shan broke through to the realm of the Demon Commander, and even Xiao Bai was stimulated.

You know, at the beginning, when Xiaobai followed Lu Wufei.

At that time, Hong-skin's cultivation alone was not as high as Xiaobai's.

Not to mention Wandashan who was rescued on the battlefield later.

Therefore, this time the two of them became handsome men, which made Xiaobai extremely envious.

I've said it before.

Xiaobai's IQ is now as normal as that of ordinary people. Although he cannot speak and has a cheerful personality, he is definitely not stupid.

This is also the reason why the little guy was not as happy as before when he returned to the mountain this time, but was actually a little depressed.

It wants to transform, it wants to speak, it wants to break through...

And for all this, Linghua Grass can help it.

But that magical grass.

Lu Wufei learned from his teacher Zhen Yuanzi that treasures were rare and he didn't have any in his hands.

It is rare to be said to be cherished by teachers.

It is easy to imagine how difficult it is for Lu Wufei to find it.

But no matter how difficult it is, he must try his best to find it.

Because that is too important to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was even more important to Lu Wufei.

It is a companion, a companion, and a spiritual companion.

Xiaobai accompanied him on his journey to seek immortality, apprenticeship, and spiritual enlightenment... until now.

Except for the time when Lu Wufei suffered the biggest and most dangerous setback many years ago, he returned directly to his master's Wanshou Mountain without taking Xiaobai with him.

All other times.

Xiaobai stayed with him.

And it was that time.

Xiaobai was alone, thousands of miles away, regardless of endless difficulties and obstacles, he found the Longevity Mountain along the way.

Lu Wufei had sworn that he would never leave Xiaobai behind again.

And he's been doing it ever since.

Xiaobai has accompanied him all the way until now.

All these years.

Xiaobai has become an indispensable presence beside him.


I know the effect of Hua Ling Cao on Xiao Bai.

How could Lu Wufei give up?

You yourself can't just rely on the Spiritual Transformation Grass...

Lu Wufei rubbed Xiaobai's smooth head and said again: As long as you work hard enough, you can break through the bottleneck and become a handsome man without the need for the spirit transforming grass...

Otherwise, you're just waiting for the Spiritual Transformation Grass. What if we can't find it, or it takes a long, long time to find it?

Would you never be able to break through without the Spirit Transformation Grass?

If you have this kind of mentality, if your heart is not firm enough, you may not be able to break through the transformation even with the Spiritual Transformation Grass...

Do you understand?

Lu Wufei seldom educates Xiaobai.

Because it is a natural spiritual creature, cultivation for him is really like eating and drinking, and it comes naturally.

Jindan Yaoshuai was like this before, there was no bottleneck at all.

But just like that sentence.

Nothing is perfect in this world.

Everything has its destiny.

Xiaobai has been blessed with good fortune and good luck since he was born, so the difficulties and disasters he encounters are also far greater than those of other creatures.

Just like this disaster of transformation.

It was stuck so hard that it couldn't be saved for more than ten or twenty years.

It reached the late demon general stage earlier than Red Skin, and it was the fastest among the monsters close to Lu Wufei to reach the late demon general stage.

But Hongskin and Wandashan have now broken through and achieved the Golden Core Demon Commander Realm.

The lagging crow monster and Huang Gui also caught up.

It's still stuck firmly.

This little guy used to be fine.

I have always been diligent in my practice.

After returning to the mountain this time, I don't know if it was because I was stimulated by the cultivation of Hong Pi and Wanda Shan, or for some other reason.

In short, the little guy has never been very interested.

I am too lazy to practice.

Lu Wufei could tell it at a glance.

That's why we have this talk now.

The words fell.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak...

Xiaobai immediately pouted and retorted.

A pair of eyes that used to be dark and lively were now watery, as if they were about to cry.

Lu Wufei didn't say anything when he saw this.

He just looked at Xiaobai with a serious expression.

Normally, once Xiaobai gets naughty, if he says something, the little guy will immediately act cute and behaving well, and he will easily forgive it.

But it won’t work this time. It’s about the attitude towards practice. It’s a matter of principle.

Seeing that Lu Wufei looked serious and did not speak.

Xiao Bai originally raised his head and pouted to retort, but his attitude quickly softened. Finally he stood up, hugged his father's neck tightly with his short hands, squeaked, and admitted his mistake in a low voice.

See the little guy admit his mistake.

Only then did Lu Wufei change his attitude. He touched the little guy's head and said, I will try my best to find the spirit-transforming grass for you, but you must also practice well...

Cultivation is the foundation of everything. As long as you work hard, you are so smart, maybe one day you will make a breakthrough without needing the Linghua Grass?

do you think so...


Xiaobai immediately hugged his father's neck and shouted.

That's right...

Lu Wufei touched the little guy's head and coaxed him.

Just coaxing and coaxing.

Not long after.

There was a slight purr next to his neck.

The little guy actually fell asleep holding his head.

Lu Wufei immediately put Xiaobai into the collar of his chest with a light movement.

Then he looked forward.

The place he went to on this trip was the lion and camel country.

Of course, the reason why he went to the Lion and Camel Kingdom was because he had something to do. He wanted to find a monster, a yellow wind monster who had helped him.

This is related to his journey to the immortal realm.

Since that meeting many years ago.

When he became an immortal and returned to the Great Wilderness Mountain.

The yellow wind monster has left.

Lu Wufei didn't know where he was.

I asked the demon kings around the territory, but no one knew.

He can only try to go to the lion and camel country. Find the bookstore

The Shitu Kingdom has many monsters, and its reputation is spread among the monster clans in the four major continents of the world.


Shituo Country has also developed many demon shops and the like, some of which are official self-operated stores of Shituo Country.

But most of them are shops opened by clever monsters outside.

There's nothing better than going there to get news about monsters.

What's more, Hu Yue, the demon ancestor with whom he has a Taoist oath, is also in Shituo Kingdom, and he is still the general of the country, a general under the command of the king of the country, King Golden Winged Dapeng.

In case there is any difficulty.

It would be a good idea to find Hu Yue.

Lu Wufei went there not only to inquire about the Yellow Wind Monster, but also to inquire about the Linghua Grass.

After all, the spirit transforming grass is too important to the spiritual things in the world.

And spiritual objects can easily be turned into monsters.

I must be able to find out something.

Go to the northern land where the lion and camel country is located.

Lu Wufei already has experience.

However, there were many great monsters in the northern land, and Lu Wufei did not dare to invade them.

A month and a half later.

Lu Wufei, who changed roads several times along the way, finally appeared outside a huge city with tall and thick walls.

Looking at the avenue ahead, there are all kinds of monsters with various heads and figures, lining up like a long queue, waiting to enter the city.

Looking at the huge number of people in front of me, all kinds of people, and the extremely noisy scene.

Lu Wufei took a deep breath.

He once again came to the City of Ten Thousand Demons, where not only Xiniu Hezhou, but also many demon clans from the other three continents in the world gathered together.

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