Fellow Daoist Bai, please forgive me for visiting unexpectedly...

The smell and sound coming from outside the Taiping Palace caused Lu Wufei's expression at the main table to change slightly.


The entire body disappeared on the main table in an instant.

The next second.

Lu Wufei appeared on the high steps in front of the Taiping Palace, looking at the figure in white robe slowly falling in the sky.

It turns out to be Taoist Brother Gangya from Huoguang Cave. I'm glad to meet you...

Looking at the fallen old man in white robe, Lu Wufei smiled.

This old rabbit demon is visiting at this time, and he can probably guess the purpose of his visit.

Fellow Daoist Bai...

The old man in white robe landed in front of the palace gate, raised his hands and said: I'm taking the liberty of visiting late at night...

You're welcome, fellow Daoist Gangya...

Lu Wufei shook his head and smiled: You and I have been neighbors for many years, and it's normal for us to interact with each other on weekdays. How can I say something presumptuous...

It just so happens that today coincides with my big event at Taipingshan. Fellow Daoist Gangya came at the right time. There is some wine inside. How about you come in with me and have a drink together?

Hearing Lu Wufei's words.

The old man in white robe immediately shook his head and said with a smile: I appreciate Daoist Bai's kindness, but I'm afraid I won't be free tonight. I'm here this time...

As he spoke, he raised his hand and waved.

Two frozen figures instantly appeared aside.

One is a mandrill monster with a slender body, tall and strong muscles, and its face is painted in red, white and blue colors to make it look fancy and ferocious.

The other one is slightly shorter, strong and stocky, and like many monsters, its shape is incomplete. Its face, nose and eyes are not clear, indicating that it is another bear monster.

The two demons seemed to have maintained the same form when they were immobilized, with their eyes widened and expressions of shock.

Painted face, broken teeth...

Thinking about the names of the two defecting monsters that Hu Meiniang mentioned before.

The painted face met the obvious mandrill in front of him.

As for the bear demon, we can’t see it yet.

But he guessed it was just those two.

I'm here this time...

Baipao Gangya continued to speak: I sent these two monsters to fellow Taoist Bai...

By the way, first of all, congratulations to Fellow Daoist Bai. It really makes us envious to have such an ancestor's trust...

There are also these two who crossed the border from the territory of fellow Taoists to my territory today and said some nonsense about wanting to take refuge in me...

Having said this, Baipao Gangya shook his head and said with a smile: I thought that Fellow Daoist Bai must be looking for them at this time, so I sent them to Fellow Daoist...

That's all...

White-robed Gangya smiled and said: It's over, it's time for me to go back...


Hearing the words of the rabbit demon Gangya, Lu Wufei understood clearly.

He had previously guessed that the rabbit demon coming here at this time was probably the two demon generals who ran away for the Great Wilderness Mountain.

There can only be two purposes for the other party to come here. One is that he accepts the two monsters and comes to apologize to Lu Wufei, talk things over, or compensate him.

And this is the most likely.

If he doesn't want to fall out with himself, he must accept those two monsters. This trip is a must.

The second is that he did not accept the two monsters who wanted to take refuge with him, but chose to protect himself wisely and sent them back to him, just like now.

It stands to reason that most demon kings would not refuse monsters who come to surrender.

Even if the other party has some trouble, it is only right for the Demon King to deal with it.

After all, getting capable subordinates always comes at a price.

Unless he can't afford the price.

In front of him, the behavior of this rabbit demon in the middle stage of the Demon King Realm surprised Lu Wufei, but it was not too surprising.

He just thought about it.

If the other party came here now to keep these two defecting generals beside him, to apologize to him, and to show enough sincerity.

He probably wouldn't refuse.

After all, I know this rabbit demon fairly well and have a good relationship with him.

After he established his business in Taipingshan, the other two brothers were the first to visit him.

What's more, when Bai Jian of the Beihai Sea Tribe attacked, the other party also contributed.

Taipingshan and Huoguang Cave have always been on friendly terms.

Therefore, he will definitely give this face.

As a result, the other party was different from what he thought. The other party directly sent the defecting general back to him.

So thoughtful.

This time, it was up to me to accept the favor and thank him.

Friend Gangya is so complimentary...

Lu Wufei immediately smiled and said: As Taoist friend said, I really planned to wait for this incident to go find these two traitors. Taoist friend not only captured them for him, but also brought them to my door. I really don't know How to express gratitude...

In front of the Taiping Palace.

Lu Wufei exchanged polite greetings with Gang Ya, the Demon King of Fire Cave, and thanked him.

Inside the palace gate.

Above the main hall.

A group of handsome generals were already discussing quietly.

That huge aura just now must be the arrival of some king, right?

Definitely, only at the king level. Didn't you see our king going out?

Speaking of which, that voice sounds familiar to me, as if I've heard it somewhere before...

Really? Your ears have always been very good. Think about it carefully, which king does that voice belong to?

I can't remember...

Come on, let's have a drink first and then think about it...

Do you remember? Which king is it?

I still can't remember...

Then have another drink...dry...

What now?

I remembered, it seemed to be the voice of the King of Fire Cave!

More than thirty years ago, when the three great kings were still there, I once heard it while following that great king...

Shh, keep your voice down...

In front of the palace gate.

Facing Lu Wufei's repeated invitations, the old man in white robe cupped his hands and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Bai, it's time for me to go. I won't drink anymore. There will always be a chance next time...

He came here to return the monster, which seemed to be a bit flattering.

After all, the monster that was sent back was going to take refuge with him.

He did get the thanks and favors from Bai Lang in front of him as he wished, but he couldn't change the fact that the general who was about to surrender to him captured the two generals who were most afraid of him.

To a certain extent, he could be considered as betraying the trust of the two generals and betraying the trust of his own generals.

This is not a very glorious thing in the eyes of the handsome generals below.

Especially at this time, there were many generals under Bailang's command gathered in the palace nearby. How could he be willing to go in and drink.

Seeing that the other party had no intention, Lu Wufei also raised his hand and smiled: Then I won't keep fellow Taoist, thank you for your actions today...

It's just a small thing...

The old man in white robe waved his hands and smiled.

Then he turned around and quickly moved away.

Lu Wufei watched the rabbit demon Gangya go away.

Then he looked to the side and saw a mandrill and a bear demon still frozen in place.

However, because the steel tooth left, there were signs of looseness in the aura of the two monsters.

As long as you don't care, it will automatically recover in a short time.

Look at these two monsters.

Lu Wufei rolled them up with a wave of his hand, turned around and stepped into the main hall, appearing on the main table.

His appearance.

The originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

Lu Wufei immediately waved his hand.

The two figures immediately appeared in the hall, still maintaining the same expressions as when they were frozen.

Lu Wufei slowly sat down.

Lingshan, who was waiting on the side, immediately filled the wine glass with spiritual wine.

Lu Wufei drank it in one gulp.


The demon generals who were assigned to the West Taiping Mountains immediately exclaimed when they saw the two familiar figures.

They're the ones with painted faces and broken teeth!

How did they become like this?

Didn't they go to the Fire Cave?

How would it appear here?

Appearing in the hands of the king?

The generals in the West Taiping Mountains screamed in surprise again and again.

When the generals in the West Taiping Mountains heard this, they were all equally surprised and curious, with their eyes exploding.

Not long ago.

Only then did Hu Meiniang inform the king that two generals had defected and took refuge in Huoguang Cave, a neighboring force.

How long has it been?

The king captured him... No, it shouldn't be the king who caught him. The king was not that fast. It just seemed that other kings were visiting. The king just went out for a short time...

Wait, who is that person who came outside just now?

A group of generals in East Taiping Mountain were eating melons and watching a show.

The generals in the West Taiping Mountains were not only shocked and surprised, but also very curious.

How did Hua Lian and Broken Ya get into the hands of the king?

Although some smart handsome men have already made guesses after thinking about it.

In the main hall.

The discussion among the generals started quickly and fell even faster.


The hall became quiet again.

Lu Wufei then looked to the right, where Hu Meiniang was in front of the first long table and said, General Hu, do you know these two?

Hu Meiniang, who had just observed carefully, immediately said respectfully: Your Majesty, these are the two generals under my command who are absent today...

As she said that, she stood up and pointed at the strange red, white and blue monster on the face that had transformed into a human and said: That mandrill is the painted face... Then she pointed at the slightly short bear monster with obvious features on its face and said: That's a broken tooth...

Because their territory is close to that of Huoguang Cave, they often interact with the monsters in Huoguang Cave in private...

After Hu Meiniang finished speaking, she sat down.


Lu Wufei nodded, looked at the generals below, and said quietly: General Hu is right, the two of them did defect.

Are you all curious now as to why they are in my hands?

I guess you are still curious as to who came here just now, right?

Now let me tell you, the person who just came is the king of Huoguang Cave...

He told me that these two guys fled to his territory and wanted to join him, just as General Hu said before...

However, neither of them expected that not only did the king not accept their allegiance, he would also send them back to me...

Having said this, Lu Wufei looked at the two motionless figures in the hall and said, Do you think I am right?

The words fell.

All the generals immediately looked at the two in the middle. Read a book

In the center of the hall, the painted faces and broken teeth, surrounded by the generals, could no longer hold on.



After two consecutive sounds, the two handsome men trembled and knelt down, banging their heads on the ground and begging for mercy in a trembling voice: My lord, have mercy on me...

Your Majesty, please spare my life...

For the painted face and broken teeth at this time.

They would rather remain trapped in the same state than wake up now.

As soon as I woke up, I saw the handsome general in the palace.

The most important thing is that half of them are their former colleagues.

And there is the figure in black robe on the main table who makes people feel frightened and uneasy just by looking at him.

They both reacted quickly.

In all likelihood, they arrived at the Taiping Peak that King Bai was talking about during the day.

They were not generals who were promoted later. The two of them had met King Bai once.

At that time, it seemed that he was still in this palace.

The pitiful sounds of begging for mercy and the powerful banging and banging of kowtows echoed in the hall.

this moment.

Look at the miserable condition of these two people.

All the handsome generals were silent.

Especially the generals in the West Taiping Mountains.

Because what their king just said really shocked them.

The king of Huoguang Cave not only did not accept the painted faces and broken teeth that had surrendered, but also sent them directly to the king.

The king doesn’t even need to take action.

This really shocked them to the point of being speechless.

He is inexplicably proud of his reputation as the new king.

I also felt fear and fear like never before.

Especially among them were the generals who were shaken in the daytime by the sight of painted faces and broken teeth.

Fortunately, they stood firm at that time.

Otherwise, at this time, there would not be two people standing in the center of the hall, but myself.

Your Majesty, please spare my life...

Your Majesty, please spare my life...

In the center of the hall, the two generals Hua Lian and Duan Ya were still kowtowing and begging for mercy.

On both sides of the hall, the generals were silent. No one dared to speak for them at this time.


Listen to the two monsters begging for mercy.

Lu Wufei put down his wine glass and waved his hand coldly.

Bang bang...

The mandrill with the painted face and the bear demon with broken teeth in the center of the hall immediately hit the thick wall far behind like a kite with a broken string, making a rumbling sound, and then fell to the ground.

They are both monsters at the level of commander-in-chief and general. Except for the two monsters bleeding from the corners of their mouths, everything else was fine.

I just didn’t dare to beg for mercy anymore.

A moment.

The two demons finally calmed down.

The entire hall became quieter.

Lu Wufei motioned to Lingshan on the side to continue pouring the wine, then looked at Bai Yunxiao on the left below and said: General Bai, what kind of crime should be punished for the behavior of the two people in front of you?

When Taiping Mountain was first established.

Lu Wufei inherited some mountain rules from the previous Great Wilderness Mountain, and also established some new ones.

And defection is among them.

Bai Yunxiao, who was about to pick up the wine glass, immediately took it and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua. cm Then he spoke seriously: Your Majesty, defection is a capital crime!

The words fell.

Under the far wall of the main hall.

The two figures of Hua Lian and Broken Tooth, who were lying on the ground without daring to move, immediately trembled.

at this time.

I don’t know where the courage comes from.

The two demons, Hua Lian and Broken Tooth, suddenly burst out and shot towards the entrance of the main hall. Reading books

Lu Wufei, who was about to speak, looked at this scene, grinned, and then waved his hand.

Above the main hall, a wide cuff immediately appeared out of thin air. In the cuff, a strong wind roared, deafening.


The generals in the East and West Taiping Mountains saw an extremely shocking scene. The painted faces and broken teeth rushed to the palace gate, and were forcibly restrained by an invisible wind. They retreated, and their entire bodies quickly became smaller. Finally, After struggling, he was taken into the inconspicuous cuffs above the hall and above the heads of the demons.

From beginning to end.

The cuff of the wind made an urgent and terrifying sound.

But the monsters in the hall, apart from hearing the deafening and terrifying wind, made no unnecessary noise at all.

In the main hall.

It's quieter.

Satisfied, Lu Wufei stood up and drank the wine glass in one gulp.

He doesn't have much flesh on his body that is as handsome as a handsome general.

This time I just need to replenish my food rations.

Although he has long been able to live without food, the desire for food and drink is one of the joys of his life, and he will never stop it.


Lu Wufei looked at the frightened musicians and dancers at the side of the hall and said, Keep playing, keep dancing...

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