Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 187 We can’t afford to offend Bailang!

The summit of Taiping Peak.

On the broad square.

When looking at Bai Yunxiao and Hu Meiniang walking out together.

There was a sudden commotion among dozens of big demons.

The generals on the Taipingshan side are okay.

They have rough skin and thick flesh, so waiting for a day is nothing.

What's more, today's situation is very special.

It was really interesting to see the generals in Dahuang Mountain who were not willing to deal with them being forced to come to Taiping Peak one by one.

Even if they continue to wait, they will be very interested.

On the side of Dahuang Mountain, the generals who were originally uneasy saw Hu Meiniang, regardless of whether they had conflicts before, whether they were dealing with her or not, they all suddenly looked happy and were about to speak.

Hu Meiniang obviously saw the thoughts of her generals, and just raised her hand in advance to signal them to be quiet.

Come in with me...

Bai Yunxiao watched the generals leave after finishing speaking.

The generals on the Taiping Mountain side were no strangers to Bai Yunxiao, so they followed immediately, and then some of the generals who were talkative couldn't help shouting: We can finally go in...

I've been feeling hungry for a long time...

I want to see the big meal...

Hey, you have to tell the king about this...

Then forget it, I'd rather be hungry...

Ha ha...

A general from Taipingshan followed Bai Yunxiao.


Hu Meiniang looked at the generals under her command in front of her and glanced at them one by one.

There were a total of seventeen generals under her command in Dahuangshan before.

But in front of him, only fifteen figures clearly appeared.

The two missing figures were the two people he had mentioned to his king during the day, who were suspected of colluding with the Huoguang Cave.

Hehe, he ran pretty fast!

But you're done...

Hu Meiniang sneered in her heart, then looked at the generals and said, I know you have many questions now, but let me tell you, what you heard during the day is all true...

Hu Meiniang said with a serious face.

She has completely followed the king and given her people. The king has said that she will still manage Dahuang Mountain from now on.

The situation in Dahuang Mountain changed drastically, and she needed to explain some situations to the generals under her command.

This is also best for her.

Now, you can ask any questions you have...

Hu Meiniang continued: But it's best to hurry up...

The words just fell.

Immediately, a general asked: General Hu, as King Bai said, from now on, does our Dahuang Mountain belong to Taiping Mountain?

is this real?

Hu Meiniang nodded: This is true.

Another general asked: What about our ancestors?

When she heard mention of her cruel master, no...from the moment the other party directly exchanged her to his own king for his own benefit without leaving any room, the other party was no longer her master.

Hu Meiniang said calmly: There is no ancestor, and there will be no ancestor in the future, only the king.

There is no ancestor anymore...?

What does it mean?

Among the monsters, a tall, middle-aged man with a dark skin, a strange face, and obvious bear-like features asked. A tall, middle-aged man with a black bear nose.

Hu Meiniang glanced at General Xiong Yao who asked the question and said calmly: Literally...

She didn't bother to explain more carefully to this bear demon who had never dealt with her very well due to his good strength.

Different from the past, Master's presence is the same as his absence.

Today's own king's methods are different.

Whether it was judging from the king's behavior in the past or her understanding of following the king at close range in the past two days.

She knew very well that her king would never indulge those thorny generals.

After listening to his introduction during the day, the king expressed that he wanted to rectify the situation in Dahuang Mountain.

There is no need to say more about the two defectors. Given the king's character, they will undoubtedly be liquidated.

As for those who usually don't deal with him, this time he just told the king and asked him to deal with them.

This bear demon is one of them.

She's a succubus, and she's not very mean-spirited.

Anything else to ask...?

After scolding the middle-aged bear demon, Hu Meiniang looked at all the generals again.

For a group of handsome generals, their biggest concern is naturally the problem of the boss above them.

Now it turns out that the ancestor's disciple, their bow-down boss, General Hu, not only did not leave, but also said so.

Then it is a foregone conclusion that the ancestor above them has been replaced by King Bai.

At this time, another general asked: General Hu, what about our territory...?

Upon hearing this, Hu Meiniang immediately replied: The king will tell you later...

The words fell.

The generals suddenly fell silent.

They had many other doubts and questions, but after listening to General Hu's words, this was obviously not the time to ask.

You're done asking, right...?

Looking at the generals who fell silent, Hu Meiniang said: Then let's go, don't keep the king waiting too long...


Hu Meiniang turned around and walked towards the Taiping Palace.

Generals, look at me and I look at you.

His steps were stunned for a moment.

After hearing the news during the day and arriving at Taiping Peak on time, these generals actually understood most of it.

It's just that the matter is too big and they don't dare to admit it.

Now even General Hu is here, and he took refuge in King Bai one step earlier.

They have nothing to hesitate about.

In this matter, they have no choice.

Just like thirty years ago, the three great kings of the former Great Wilderness Mountain all died in one day.

Just like now, the aloof ancestor was quietly replaced by King Bai.

They never had a choice.

Just a step slower, the general who reacted quickly followed quickly.

Then the second, the third...

Even the middle-aged Bear Demon General, who was at the end and had just been scolded by Hu Meiniang, took a step forward and followed the team after his expression changed.

What does General Hu mean literally?

It should be superficial...

On the surface...she said that our ancestor, General Hu's master, is gone...could it be that he is dead?

Shh, please keep your voice down, are you going to kill yourself?

That's what you can say?

Then what do you mean by what General Hu said?

I don't know... There hasn't been much movement these days. Maybe the ancestor has left... Anyway, he is definitely no longer in our wilderness mountain...

But General Hu's attitude when talking about the ancestor seems to be a little different from before. She is the apprentice of the ancestor...

Maybe, something happened that we don't know about...

Then you are talking nonsense. Isn't it obvious? The ancestor has been replaced by the king...

Then you ask, how can you and us know what happened between the ancestor and beings like King Bai?

You and I just have to wait. We will find out when we meet Queen Bai...

Hey, that's all we can do...

Many generals were whispering behind them.

Hu Meiniang didn't care and walked into the Taiping Palace with a group of generals.

It was once the palace residence of the eldest of the three demon kings in Dahuang Mountain.

As for the Taiping Palace, among all the demon generals in Dahuang Mountain, except for the only general who has been promoted in more than thirty years.

The other generals are not strangers.

After all, they have been here.

Then walk into the tall, spacious and luxurious palace.

All the generals in Dahuang Mountain immediately fell silent.

Because the Taiping Palace is very quiet.

The Taipingshan generals who were brought in by General Bai Yunxiao were all standing in the main hall, and they stood there quietly.

Even if they whisper to each other, their voices are pitifully small.

Afraid of disturbing something.

In the spacious hall.

Only the footsteps of some beautiful maids walking back and forth and the slight conversation could be heard.

Before their mentality could change, the generals of Dahuangshan, who were outside monsters, naturally did not dare to speak out when they saw this.

They looked around one by one, followed Hu Meiniang at a leisurely pace, came to the main hall, and stood beside the Taipingshan general.

On the high platform in front of the demon generals who were clearly separated from each other, there was a large, thick, exquisite, and vacant large chair with carved patterns.

Hu Meiniang brought the generals from Dahuangshan into the hall without saying a word. She just stood in front of the team like Bai Yunxiao and waited quietly with the handsome generals behind them.

Not long after.

A black figure appeared at the door of the rear hall.

Your Majesty...

Your Majesty...

The maids standing on both sides immediately saluted respectfully.

Lu Wufei took Hongpi and Wandashan and strode towards the high platform.

Looking at the tall and slender figure wearing a black exquisite robe, with a stern face, deep eyes, and walking in a square step.

In the main hall.

All the handsome generals were in high spirits.

Go up to the high platform.

Lu Wufei sat on the throne chair, tall and strong in red skin, wearing a pale white dress, and with a cold and fairy-like temperament on both sides of the Wanda Mountain branch and the lower head.

Off stage.

Bai Yunxiao and Hu Meiniang, together with the handsome generals behind them, all bowed and saluted: I have met the king!

I have met the king...

Needless to say, the generals in Taipingshan have long been proud of their king.

All the generals in Dahuang Mountain also know the reputation of King Bai.

At this time, even the most unruly and bad-tempered general did not dare to be rude at all at this moment. They were as obedient as chickens and followed their own General Hu to salute respectfully.

Some of you have seen me, some have not...

Lu Wufei glanced at the group of handsome generals behind Hu Meiniang and said, It doesn't matter...

If you can find this place, you must have heard what I said during the day...

As I said before, from now on, the Great Wilderness Mountain where you are located will be merged into the Taiping Mountain.

From now on, there will no longer be the Great Wilderness Mountain, only the Taiping Mountain...

And you are all monsters from Taiping Mountain...

There was no need to explain to the enchanting generals. After Lu Wufei gave a brief explanation, he said directly: Do you understand?

Report to the king, I understand!

Hu Meiniang was the first to speak respectfully.


I understand, Your Majesty...


Behind him, the generals immediately followed suit and spoke respectfully.

As long as you know...

Lu Wufei's eyes fell on Hu Meiniang and continued: General Hu, before this, they were all under your control, and from now on, they will continue to be under your control...

Now, I appoint you as the general to take charge of everything in the West Taiping Mountains.

Upon hearing this, Hu Meiniang immediately saluted respectfully: Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust!

Lu Wufei nodded, looked at the monster generals in the Great Wilderness Mountain again, and said softly: I don't care what happened to you before. From now on, you will all act in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Taiping Mountain. Also, General Hu's words are mine. If so, anyone who dares to obey orders and disobey orders will be severely punished!

Speaking of which.

Lu Wufei then looked at the monsters in the former Taiping Mountains, and finally his eyes fell on Bai Yunxiao's expression, and he said: Same for you, General Bai, now I appoint you as the general to command everything in the East Taiping Mountains...

Bai Yunxiao, who had already learned about it in advance, immediately saluted and said: Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust...

From today on, Taiping Mountain will be divided into East and West Taiping by region...

Also, the previous military training at the border between the East and West Taiping territories will be temporarily suspended...

Lu Wufei continued to speak, after explaining several rules of the mountain.

He looked at Hu Meiniang again and said, General Hu, are all the generals under your command here?

Hu Meiniang immediately said: Your Majesty, we haven't all arrived yet. There are still painted faces, and the two demons Broken Tooth haven't come.


Lu Wufei heard the sound and looked at the generals behind her and asked, Did you see those two monsters that General Hu mentioned when you came?

Your Majesty...

At this time, a tall, middle-aged bear demon with a bear nose who transformed into a strange-looking bear said, I saw them when I came here. They were flying west at that time...

Hu Meiniang glanced at the middle-aged bear demon with some surprise, and then said: They have always had close contact with the monsters in the Huoguang Cave. Now they are flying west, so they must have gone to the Huoguang Cave.

Throw into the Fire Cave...

Lu Wufei heard the sound and said quietly: It doesn't matter...

Defecting Taipingshan, it's useless for both of them to hide wherever they go.

I will take action on this matter myself...

The words fell.

The generals in the West Taiping Mountains suddenly heard their hearts beat wildly. .

The king personally took action, and they were both finished.

Several generals who had hesitated during the day now felt relieved after being frightened.

Fortunately, he didn't escape, otherwise he would have ended up like those two guys now.


There's a lot more to come.

I guess you all must be hungry now...

Let's eat something first, and we'll discuss it later...

Speaking of which.

Lu Wufei raised his hand and waved.


One after another, the maids quickly poured out of the side hall.

Setting the table, serving food, serving wine... constantly walking through the hall.

at the same time.

Dahuangshan... no, west of Taiping Mountain.

Within the vast territory of Huoguang Cave.

In the midst of a majestic mountain range.

A huge mountain peak was almost hollowed out, within the vast mountain body.

The fire was dim.

Countless chains hung braziers, and the blazing flames from oil-stained torches illuminated the entire mountain.

A large number of little demons continue to appear in the huge mountain.

Noisy and chaotic.

The innermost layer of the huge mountain.

In front of a huge bonfire.

Dozens of monsters with powerful auras stood around on both sides.

Above the campfire.

Two figures, one wearing a white robe and the other wearing a black robe, sit high.


A tall and strong monster with a red, white and blue complexion with a scary painted face on one face, and another monster with a strong and stocky body and obvious little monster features on the face are standing respectfully with their heads bowed. aside.

Brother, Hua Lian and Duan Ya have always been ours. Now, at the time of the great changes in the wilderness, they have come to join us. What's the harm in us accepting them?

Sit high.

The young man in black robe couldn't help but look at the old man in white robe beside him and asked.

Brother, of course the eldest brother is also willing to accept them both...

The old man in white robe shook his head when he heard the sound and said: But you have to know that Bai Lang is cruel. You saw his battle with the three brothers of Yuan Zhang more than 30 years ago. We can't afford to offend Bai Lang. Do you want to fight with him? war?

The young man in black robe was puzzled: That's not the case. He will fight with you and me for just such a thing. What's more, they came to surrender on their own initiative, not because of us!

That's the case, but what if the other party cares about it and pursues it?

The old man in white robe still shook his head: Now the ancestor Hu Yue has left without saying goodbye. Before we find an ancestor who is willing to protect our ancestor, we cannot offend that Bai Lang, and we cannot gamble!

The young man in black robe was silent for a while, and then said: Brother is right, what should we do now? Let them go back?

go back...

The old man in white robe looked at the two demon commanders standing respectfully in front of him, shook his head and said: Of course not, they have already defected when they left Dahuang Mountain and entered our Huoguang Cave territory at the critical moment. Now, I'm afraid that Bailang has already Now that we know about this, we may not even be able to hold grudges.”

We can't let them go now...

Not only can't we let them go, it's best to send them directly there.

In this way, Bailang will not only have no reason to blame us at Huoguang Cave, but he will also be responsible for our brothers' capture of their two defecting generals.

This is the best way I can think of...

The old man in white robe spoke calmly, looking at the two monsters not far away with cold eyes.

If you don't accept them, you will take them back...

The young man in black robe couldn't help but said: Brother, isn't it good for us to be like this?

Why don't we just drive them away?

The old man in white robe turned his head, looked at his brother and sighed: Brother, how about I just follow my eldest brother in this matter?

The young man in black robe was silent for a moment, then nodded: Okay...

Well, I know they often honor their younger brothers...

My younger brother also likes them...

Seeing that his younger brother agreed, the old man in white robe smiled gently and said: But it is a major matter related to the safety of you and my brothers and the territory, and we have to do it...

Let my eldest brother do this evil thing...

The old man in white robe said and patted the young man in black robe on the shoulder.

The demons around them obviously couldn't hear what they were saying.

After the white-robed old man finished speaking, he stood up, looked at the two demons in front of him and said, I'm sorry, I can't accept you two here, and your trip will be in vain...

Say it.

Without waiting for the mandrill and the bear demon to speak, the old man in white robe just pointed at the two demons.

The two handsome generals were instantly frozen in place, their eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe that the other party would take action.

But the old man in white robe said nothing and waved his hand again.

The two figures disappeared from the spot.

The surrounding demon generals saw their king waving his hands to collect the two demons.

Several of them who led the way to win over the generals suddenly became anxious and immediately said: Your Majesty, why is this? Hua Lian and Broken Ya really want to join us. They are very loyal to your Majesty and the two kings...


Of course I know this...

The old man in white robe shook his head and said: But we can't tolerate them here!

I'll go out first.

Get ready and have a drink together when I come back...

After saying that, the old man in white robe stepped forward. Read a book

Behind him, the general who had just asked the question did not dare to say any more, no matter how many doubts he had in his heart. He could only salute respectfully and said: Yes, Your Majesty...

The figure of the white-robed old man quickly flew out of the vast mountain where monsters were densely packed, like a small kingdom.

Then it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the eastern sky.

The summit of Taiping Peak.

Inside the Taiping Palace.

It was brightly lit and bustling with activity.

On the main table.

Lu Wufei raised his glass and had just had a drink with the generals.

at this time.

A huge aura suddenly fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

A hearty voice came from outside the palace: Fellow Taoist Bai, please forgive me for visiting unexpectedly...

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