Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 179: Monkey, woodcutter, great progress in cultivation!

Dragon Palace is indeed rich in treasures...

Then Dragon King Aoshun took me to his treasure house...

Remembering that the two senior brothers like to fish, I specially asked the Dragon King for the conch treasure...

Three days later, I left the Beihai Dragon Palace...

When Lu Wufei finished talking to his two senior brothers, Qingfeng Mingyue, about his trip to Beihai.

They had finished working in the kitchen.

We are walking together to the place where we have morning classes.

The routine morning class is about to begin.

Now that Lu Wufei has caught up, there is no excuse for not participating.

It turns out the rumors are true...

After hearing what Lu Wufei said, Mingyue said with some envy: After listening to what my junior brother said, I really want to go to the bottom of the sea and visit the Dragon Palace...

What's so difficult about this...

Qingfeng on the side heard the sound and laughed: Can't you just tell the teacher and ask your junior brother to take you there?

Mingyue was overjoyed at first, and then her eyes shrank when she heard that if the teacher told her face to face, she immediately shook her head and said: Then forget it...

Even though he is usually very naughty in front of the teacher.

But when it comes to serious business, he is much less courageous than Lu Wufei.

The teacher usually won't stop his disciples from going down the mountain, as long as you have a valid reason.

But Mingyue had to tell her teacher that she wanted to go down the mountain after hearing from Junior Brother Lu that Beihai was beautiful and wanted to see the scenery in Beihai.

Even if he borrowed a hundred courages, he wouldn't dare.

Qingfeng obviously knew very well and deliberately teased Mingyue.

Lu Wufei heard this and smiled: There will always be a chance...

When Qingfeng heard this, he smiled and shook his head: Junior brother, we are different...

no the same...

Listen to what Senior Brother Qingfeng said.

Lu Wufei paused and then reacted.

The two senior brothers Qingfeng Mingyue are indeed different from me.

I am a demon clan, and I have been fighting for food at the bottom of the demon clan since I was very young. I have grown up hard. Now I have achieved some success in my cultivation, and my life outside is not hindered, so there is no problem in going down the mountain.

But as for the two senior brothers, they have entered the temple since they were young and followed the teacher.

If Lu Wufei is a disciple.

Then Qingfeng Mingyue are not only disciples, but also Taoists.

Serving the teacher is their biggest responsibility.

What's more, they grew up in Wuzhuang Temple.

Unless necessary.

They cannot and will not leave the mountain gate easily.

However, there are exceptions.

When the teacher takes them on a trip, it's like visiting other immortals, attending meetings, or banquets, just like the last time they went to the Queen Mother's peach event.

Think this through quickly.

Lu Wufei said no more.

Mingyue suddenly said again: Senior Brother said before that Junior Brother is going to the underworld, so what happened?

As for Senior Brother Mingyue, who was always interested in inquiring about what he had seen outside, Lu Wufei was happy to share it and said with a smile: That's what happened. Last time, Senior Brother was still in seclusion. Junior Brother, I had something to do and left the Master very quickly. ..”

I inquired about Senior Brother Yu from Senior Brother Qingfeng...

Lu Wufei began to talk about the underworld to his two senior brothers.

Not long.

Then we arrived at the white jade square in front of the main hall.

Watching the Chief Senior Brother Qingchen appear.

Lu Wufei had no choice but to stop and said, I'll talk to my senior brother after morning class...

Qingfeng Mingyue also nodded.

Everyone sat down in their usual seats and began to listen to the sound of Senior Brother Qingchen reciting lessons in the air in front of them.

Senior Brother Qingchen's voice was cool and sweet, and each sound reached Lu Wufei's ears with incomparable clarity.

He calmed down quickly.

Talk about it.

He has not practiced in meditation for twenty... no, more than thirty years.

Since the last time I achieved great success in the Golden Elixir, I received the guidance of my teacher and went to the East to seek opportunities for breakthrough.

Then go to Huaguo Mountain to enter the Tao, and enter the realm of immortality.

He went to Taiping Mountain again, avenged his great revenge, and gained the foundation of Taiping Mountain.

By the time he returned to his master's school, it had already been twenty years.

The last time he hurried back to the mountain, thanks to the great kindness of his teacher, he took him to the heaven to participate in the flat peach festival and ate one-third of the flat peaches.

But something happened to the second child, the crow, that time.

As soon as he returned to the mountain, he had to leave the mountain in a hurry.

It’s been another ten years since then.

Thirty years.

It really made him feel sincerely happy and happy to be able to listen quietly to Senior Brother Qingchen's morning lecture again.

From the collar of his chest, Xiaobai also stuck his head out and lay quietly in front of the collar, listening quietly.

When the sun rises slowly in the eastern sky.

Senior Brother Qingchen’s voice also stopped.

Morning class ends today.

Lu Wufei felt that he had a lot of insights and sat on the ground for a long time, unwilling to get up.

When he opened his eyes again, he found two senior brothers, Qingfeng Mingyue, waiting aside, and the surrounding white jade square was already empty.

Junior brother, you are finally awake...

Looking at Lu Wufei who opened his eyes, Mingyue immediately spoke.

How long have I been sitting here?

Lu Wufei asked the two senior brothers, Qingfeng smiled and said: It's not too long, just half an hour...

It's been a long time since I heard Senior Brother Qingchen reciting lessons...

Lu Wufei stood up with a smile and said, I have some insights...

Qingfeng smiled and said: This is a good thing, it doesn't matter how long it takes to realize it...

Let's go...

Saying that, he turned around and left.

Let's go...

Mingyue also said quickly, and immediately followed.

Where are you going?

Seeing the actions of the two senior brothers, Lu Wufei immediately asked.

Mingyue walked forward quickly, and when she heard the sound, she turned back and said, Go fishing!

Lu Wufei's face was stunned, and then he said again: As for Senior Brother Yu, do you still listen to what happened in the underworld...?

Mingyue's figure gradually faded away, but she did not forget to reply: I'll listen to you next time...

All right...

It was the first time I saw two senior brothers being so anxious, especially senior brother Qingfeng.

Lu Wufei finally understood why those fishermen in his previous life were so crazy about fishing.

Judging from the behavior of the two senior brothers, I don't know whether it is good or bad to bring them the conch treasure.

He has some interest in fishing, but not an addiction.

I just heard Senior Brother Qingchen reciting a lesson and gained a lot of insights.

This is the time for meditation and practice.

Where to waste an opportunity.

So instead of following the two senior brothers and transforming into fishermen, he walked quickly towards his residence.

All the way to a familiar attic and familiar room.

Lu Wufei opened the door.

The room is still the same as when you left it.

Everything feels so familiar.

Watch it all.

Lu Wufei could naturally feel a sense of calmness and peace of mind surrounding him and wrapping his soul.

Let him sincerely feel relieved.

It seems that you can enter into meditation practice anytime and anywhere.

This feels so good.


Xiaobai was equally excited to go home again. He jumped off his shoulders and ran towards the window sill.

Lu Wufei walked into his bedroom, got on the bed, and sat down cross-legged.

Senior Brother Qingchen's reciting voice still echoed in his mind.

Lu Wufei didn't waste any time and entered into meditation while taking a breath.

A faint clear light quickly rose from Lu Wufei's body.

In the bedroom.

Lu Wufei quickly entered into meditation practice.

Outside the bedroom.

By the window sill.

Xiao Bai quickly jumped onto the spacious window sill. After sniffing on the window sill, he lay down and began to turn left and right, trying to find the same feeling as when he was sleeping before.

Time passed slowly.

When you wake up again.

It was pitch black outside the window.

Lu Wufei pinched his fingers and realized that five days had passed since he came back.

Five days have passed since he meditated, which is by no means a long time for him.

But if there is no retreat plan.

In this way, it is obvious that there is some enlightenment and some improvement in practice.

And indeed it is.

Five days ago, Lu Wufei, who had just returned to Wuzhuang Temple, listened to Senior Brother Qingchen’s morning class.

A lot of insights quickly came to my mind.

I have come to enlightenment in these five days.

Whether it is the advancement of cultivation or other aspects of cultivation, there has been a lot of growth.

He has been away for thirty years this time.

Thirty years of hard work in the world of mortals.

This time I returned to the teacher's gate.

Lu Wufei had a premonition that his cultivation would definitely improve.

It's like I just came back and learned something from Senior Brother Qingchen's morning class.

That was not a sudden enlightenment after listening to the lecture.

It's just that he has drawn out the accumulation of thirty years of experience during his many years abroad.

He could feel that there must be more to come.

This is not blind confidence, but a deep understanding.

Like a whim.

There is still some time until Mao hour.

Lu Wufei was full of energy at this time.

He did not meditate anymore, but got up from the bed and left the bedroom.

Light the oil lamp in the hall casually.

Lu Wufei walked to the table and sat down, and a teapot, teacup and teacup appeared in front of him.

He began to make tea.


The aroma of tea spread quickly.


On the windowsill.

Xiaobai woke up smelling the aroma of tea, stood up and stretched, then jumped off the window sill and walked towards Lu Wufei.

Jump onto the desktop in one step.

Looking at his father who was making tea, Xiaobai stood up and waited obediently.

Not long.

The tea is boiling.

The aroma of tea becomes stronger and stronger.

Lu Wufei picked up the small teapot and poured two cups. One cup was handed to Xiao Bai, and he picked up the remaining cup and tasted it slowly.

Time passed slowly.

When Lu Wufei finished drinking a pot of spiritual tea.

When putting down the teacup.

The time just arrived at Mao hour.

Lu Wufei put away the teacup and tea utensils and stood up, stretched out his hand, and Xiaobai immediately jumped on his shoulder.

Lu Wufei opened the door immediately.

Stepped out.

He is going to work in the kitchen.

Inside the view.

Unless there is enlightenment, retreat or something related to practice.

Otherwise, the chief senior brother Qingchen has things to do and homework to do every day.

He is the latest to get started and the youngest junior disciple.

Of course, you have to work hard.

What's more, practicing gong is itself a practice.

Not many senior brothers get up at this time every day.

Lu Wufei just said hello and came to the kitchen courtyard to the west.

Just entered the small courtyard.

Xiaobai immediately jumped off his shoulder, said a few words, and then went to play outside the yard.

Xiaobai is familiar with Wuzhuang Temple.

I already know where I can go and where I can't go.

The other senior brothers also knew that the little guy was his pet.

Lu Wufei didn't need to worry.

Walking through the small courtyard and walking into the kitchen, I looked at everything familiar.

Lu Wufei felt happy and started to move his hands.

When the spiritual rice is served.

When the steam rises.

Outside the small courtyard, footsteps were finally heard again.

Qingfeng Mingyue walked in chatting and laughing one after another. Looking at Lu Wufei who was busy, he was not surprised and said with a smile: Junior brother, morning... Reading

Good morning, two senior brothers...

Junior brother is back, it will be much easier for the two of us...

Mingyue smiled and said: Junior brother is busy, today I and I will go fetch water...

Lu Wufei smiled and said, That's okay...


Mingyue and Qingfeng picked up the bucket on the shoulder pole and walked out.

Not long after.

The breeze and the bright moon picked up the spiritual spring.

Lu Wufei's busy schedule came to an end.

Mingyue immediately said: Junior brother, you haven't finished talking about the underworld thing last time. Please tell me and senior brother quickly...

Lu Wufei then started talking about his last trip to the underworld.

Speaking of that kid, he has a green face and fangs, a head with two horns, and holds a black soul-beating whip. He is vicious and greedy. He specializes in oppressing souls and blackmailing all living beings...

Then how did Junior Brother deal with that kid and get through the hell gate?

The ghost book is a dead thing... In the Senluo Palace, the judge will punish you for your sins based on what you did during your lifetime...

The eighteen levels of hell are not really eighteen levels...

How many floors are there?

Haha, it's not several floors, but several buildings...

Senior Brother Yu is the ghost cao of the Six Prefectures. He took me to the Tongue-pulling Hell to retrieve souls. That majesty...

Lu Wufei talked about what he saw in hell.

The breeze and Mingyue heard it in their ears. The breeze was fine, but Mingyue was startled when she heard the sound, and asked from time to time.

For a while.

The small courtyard is full of joyful atmosphere.

After thirty years, Lu Wufei returned to Wuzhuang Temple again and integrated into the life in the temple very smoothly.

in the following time.

Lu Wufei started practicing again, listening to lectures, reading books, meditating and practicing.

Time passed unconsciously.

In the blink of an eye.

Three years.

Gone quietly.

One summer morning.

When Lu Wufei opened his eyes.

It was already bright outside the window.

He let out a light breath.

Lu Wufei's face showed neither sadness nor joy, and his thoughts moved slightly.

Lines of virtual ink handwriting emitting pale white light began to appear before his eyes.

[Host: Lu Fei]

[Realm: Late Immortal Stage (\\/)]

[Experience value: 9025\\/]

[Soul Power: 1]

[Exercise method: Hundong Zhengang Heavenly Sutra (Perfection); Demon Race Breathing Method (Perfection)]

[Ability: Seventy-two Transformations (Dacheng) (1998\\/2000); Stick Technique (Perfection)...]

[Supernatural power: The Universe in the Sleeve (Perfection); Law of Heaven and Earth (Xiao Cheng) (664\\/1000); Golden Light from the Ground (Perfection); Dreaming (Perfection)...]


Look at the data that is constantly emerging in front of you.

Lu Wufei's eyes stopped at the realm column.

The late stage of human immortality...

It's finally late...

At this moment, Lu Wufei's eyes were calm.

How many monks and monsters are stuck in the late stage, but he can advance to the late stage so smoothly.

Of course it is worthy of joy and joy.

But if you can predict it and make steady progress one step at a time, advancing to the later stage will be a matter of course.

The joy will naturally fade a bit.

But if the joy fades, the fighting spirit will not.

Because a higher realm challenge appeared in front of him.

Look beyond the realm bar.

Below, there is little movement in the soul power experience value column.

The soul power value is hung with a solitary bit of soul power, as always.

There is no great magical power, or any magical power of great value.

Lu Wufei would not use that soul power.

Soul power is too precious to him now.

Then look at ability.

The Seventy-two Changes are still not complete, and it is really difficult to earn the two remaining experience points.

Because ordinary exercises no longer work.

He needs enlightenment and looks for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com’s understanding of the way of change can truly complete it.

But enlightenment is always hard to come by.

Lu Wufei's ordinary practice of this magical skill had stopped.

He needs to set aside time specifically to change and feel the way of change.

His gaze continued downward.

Looking at the magical power column again, the little magical power has been completed.

The great supernatural power Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth has improved to a certain extent, which was due to his battle at Shituoling.

But it takes a long time, so just take your time.

He has time.

After reading the changes in the virtual panel.

Lu Wufei stood up with a calm expression, left the bedroom, walked to the table, and made tea again.

Xiaobai woke up smelling the aroma of tea, stood up, and stretched.

Then he quickly jumped out of the window and onto the big table.

Not long.

Lu Wufei, alone with one mouse, quietly sipped the spiritual tea.

A cool breeze blew into the room through the window.

The time is just right.


Xiniu Hezhou.

A beautiful high mountain, with forest foothills and deep mountains.

A monkey wearing a grass skirt and a straw hat with a pointed beak walks among the dense forest.


Watching the chess players and the bad guys, cutting down the wood, walking slowly at the mouth of the valley beside the clouds...

Selling wine and laughing wildly to express your love...

The blue path is high in autumn, I pillow my pine roots against the moon, and I wake up at dawn...

A burst of heroic singing came from deep in the mountains.

The monkey immediately looked happy when he heard the sound, and quickly ran towards the source of the song without stopping.

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