Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 178 Amazing talent and beauty, gift to senior brother

early morning.

It was just getting dark.

The wind stopped and the snow stopped.

On Taiping Peak.

The snow is capped, and all the trees in the mountains and forests are covered with silver, which is particularly enchanting.

Above the peak.

In front of the Taiping Palace, in the broad square.

A large group of monsters gathered.

Lu Wufei, who had changed from a black robe to a green robe, was giving instructions to his demons and disciples before leaving.

Second, third, fourth...

Lu Wufei looked at the crow monster, the red skin, and the three brothers Huang Gui, and said: What needs to be said was already said last night. If you have any matters, you can discuss it among yourselves. If you can't make up your mind, go to General Bai...

When I return to the mountain this time, it will probably take some time to come back...

I haven't talked about your cultivation for a long time. You two, in addition to your usual responsibilities, don't fall behind in your cultivation...

Especially the second child...

I know, brother...

Brother Bie called his name in front of everyone, and the crow monster nodded immediately.

Even though he has been promoted to the leader of the Taiping Peak Law Enforcement Team, he is usually very majestic.

In front of his elder brother, he is still very obedient.

The crow monster said and immediately promised: When big brother comes back, I will definitely take a further step!

He has been in the middle stage of Demon General for many years, and he will be in the later stage.

Since he came back from the underworld seven or eight years ago, he has gained a lot of insights, but his soul had been out of the body for too long before, and it took him a long time to warm up his body after returning to the world. During this time, he has already felt the influence of the realm of cultivation. If it's loose, it won't take long for him to advance to the late stage of Demon General.

Hearing the crow monster's assurance, Lu Wufei smiled and said: It's nothing to take another step forward, but taking a big step forward is what matters...

Said Lu Wufei looked at Hong Pi and Huang Gui and said, You two are the same. I hope you can have a surprise for me when I come back next time...

Among the three brothers, Redskin was the first to advance to the late stage of Demon General for a long time.

Huang Gui is a little slower, but he is also in front of the crow monster, and the monster general is already in the late stage for a long time.

Although he was the last among the brothers to break through to the Demon General realm, his cultivation speed is now much faster than that of the crow monster.

The two of them had harmonious auras at this time, and it was obvious that they were very close to the realm of the Demon Commander.

However, as the realm goes up, the difficulty increases exponentially.

The realm of the Demon Commander General is definitely a threshold.

If you become a demon commander, you can occupy a mountaintop and become the king of the mountain.

Even if you take refuge with the real demon king, you can become his general, command a territory, and be free even if nothing happens.

It can be said.

Only by becoming a monster commander can ordinary monsters really stand out.

Think about the vast territory of Taiping Mountain. There are thousands of little monsters below, but there are only a few generals at the level of monster commander, only sixteen generals.

At this time, it had been about twenty years since Lu Wufei killed the three demon kings of the Great Wilderness Mountain and created the foundation of the Taiping Mountain.

Except for the fourteen demon commanders he selected at the beginning.

In the past twenty years, two demon commanders have been born.

Including the previous fourteen digits, there are sixteen digits in total, which can be counted with both hands.

From this we can also see Lu Wufei's natural talent. In just seventy years, he has achieved such a level of cultivation and achievements.

He is really talented and amazing.

Even with the system in place, his own talent and hard work cannot be ignored.

yes, Sir...

After hearing what the eldest brother said, the two of them, Red Skin and Huang Gui, immediately replied: I will definitely work hard!

Me too...

Lu Wufei nodded, then turned to look at the two disciples on the side.

A full seven years have passed since I first entered the mountain.

He was only ten years old at the time, and his figure was like Carrot Head Tiezheng, who was malnourished due to not having enough to eat for a long time.

He is now seventeen years old.

Apart from his dark complexion caused by running around in the mountains, his body is much taller and stronger than before.

Now his cultivation has broken through the Qi Refining Stage, and he has become a monk in the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, which is comparable to that of a demon general.

Next to Tie Zheng, stood a slightly taller girl with a round face, big eyes, and full of vitality.

She is naturally Tie Zheng's sister Meng Nan.

However, the dream boy who was originally thin, dull, and dark-skinned has long since disappeared.

In her place was a female monk who was full of energy and firm eyes.

Mengnan's current cultivation level is also in the early stage of foundation building, but it is higher than her younger brother. Her cultivation level is close to the middle stage of foundation building.

The two siblings have been cultivating to the realm of foundation building in just seven years since they were ordinary mortals.

Even with the support and care of the teacher, the speed is not slow.

You two...

Looking at the two disciples, Lu Wufei said: After my master leaves, you must not slack off in your daily practice...

If you have any questions or needs in practice or daily life, you can come to your senior sister...

When my teacher comes back, I will check your homework again...

The words fell.

Tie Zheng and his sister Meng Nan saluted respectfully: Yes, I will obey the teacher's instructions!


Lu Wufei nodded, and then looked at the two disciples. A tall girl with a delicate face, a heroic temperament, and a cold and charming girl appeared.

She is naturally Wandashan.

Since Wandashan re-cultivated San Gong and practiced the True Art of Purity and Freedom, the cold aura on his body has become more and more obvious.

His temperament is increasingly similar to that of teacher and father Lu Wufei.

As for cultivation level, Wandashan who has re-cultivated San Gong has surpassed the realm of the middle stage demon general before San Gong and reached the late stage realm of the demon general.

However, she modified her exercises, and now her spiritual power is clear and clear. It is more appropriate to use the Taoist foundation-building realm to describe it.

Although she just entered the late stage of foundation building last year.

But the last came first, and Wandashan entered the late stage of foundation building faster than Uncle Crow Monster. Read a book

In addition to demonstrating her diligence and hard work in practice, the excellence of the Qing Ming Zhen Zhen Jue practice method is also fully revealed.

This was what made Lu Wufei the happiest.

Looking at his eldest disciple, Lu Wufei said, Wandashan, you are the senior sister...

You practice hard and never worry about being a teacher...

But after I leave as a master, you will be responsible for taking care of your junior brothers and sisters...

At the same time, we must also supervise their homework...

Wandashan immediately saluted: Yes, teacher...

Lu Wufei nodded, and finally looked at his brother Bai Yunxiao beside him, and said: Brother, I have given instructions to Demon Ancestor Hu Yue, and I will leave Taiping Mountain to you...

Your Majesty, even if you go back, I will definitely take good care of Taiping Mountain...


Finished explaining.


Xiaobai stood on Lu Wufei's shoulders and bowed to everyone before saying goodbye.

Lu Wufei took a step into the air.

Soon, the figure turned into a golden stream of light and shot towards the sky.

Half a month later.

High in the sky.

The mighty blue Gangfeng layers in the sky.

A golden stream of light flew quickly.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of surging water coming from below, and from a distance I could see water mist filling the entire blue sky.

The golden stream of light then turned around.

Flying straight towards the vast river below.

Not long.

The golden stream of light quickly reached the sky above the surging river, and a sound that followed echoed throughout the sky.

Fellow Taoist, an old friend is here to visit...

The golden streamer shouting was naturally Lu Wufei.

Leave from Victoria Peak.

He didn't stop all the way and went straight to Wanshou Mountain where his master's disciple was.

In less than half a month, we flew to Liusha River.

Since he was passing by Liusha River, he definitely wanted to visit his old friend Sha Seng.

His friendship with Sha Seng was at the end of his life.

At that time, he was just a little monster in the realm of monster generals.

There has been constant contact to this day.

Have been friends for many years.

Sha Monk was trapped in Liusha River and tortured.

As a good friend, he could only come and have a drink with him every time he passed by to relieve the pain of his torture.

The words just fell.

The waves shook the sky, and in the quicksand river, a green-faced figure with fangs quickly appeared, and a tall figure with red beard and red hair stood on the waves.

Looking at the figure in mid-air, Sha Seng looked overjoyed and said, Friend Lu Dao, long time no see...


long time no see...

Lu Wufei nodded and sighed.

The last time he came to see Sha Monk for a drink was the last time he returned to the mountain gate.

About eight or nine years ago.

Not too short though.

But it's certainly not long.

But too many things have happened in the eight or nine years since I left the mountain gate in a hurry.

Go to Long Palace, break into the underworld, fight fiercely at Shituoling...

I made good friends with two senior brothers.

Finally, he accepted three apprentices.

There are so many things going on, and the twists and turns and bizarre encounters make people feel like they are forever.

His thoughts were distracted for a moment before he was pulled back by Lu Wufei. He looked at Sha Seng and said, We haven't seen each other for so many years. I must have a good drink today!

Every time Sha Seng was tortured, he was thinking about the drinking scene with Lu Wufei, and he was always looking forward to Lu Wufei's arrival. See you again today, and he said happily in his heart: Friend Lu's words are exactly what I want!



It's still the same place at the foot of the mountain.

Lu Wufei and Sha Seng ate meat and drank wine. They had a great time.

The end.

As always, it's already the second day.


The sun has just risen in the east.

Golden sunlight bathes the earth.

Lu Wufei was also saying goodbye to Sha Seng.

Friend Sha Dao...

Lu Wufei cupped his hands and said, That's it for today. I'll drink with you next time!

Sha Monk also cupped his hands and said: Friend Lu, we are waiting for you at any time...


Xiaobai stood on his father's shoulder and bowed to Sha Seng.

Sha Seng laughed and waved his hands: Goodbye little guy...

The farewell is complete.

Lu Wufei took Xiaobai one step into the air.

Then it turned into a ray of green light and shot towards Wanshou Mountain.

A few days later.

A towering mountain forever surrounded by endless clouds with no peak appeared in Lu Wufei's sight.

Not long after.

A ray of blue light crossed the sky and landed at the foot of the towering mountain.

Lu Wufei looked at the greatness of Longevity Mountain in front of him. Every time he saw it, he would be amazed by it.

So far, he has not seen a mountain that can compare with the Wanshou Mountain in front of him.


Xiaobai jumped off his father's shoulder at the right time, shouted a few times, and then took the lead and quickly rushed towards Wanshou Mountain, climbing away quickly.

Lu Wufei smiled and said, You hide it, I'll come find it soon...

Say it.

Lu Wufei strode towards Wanshou Mountain.

Every time I go back to the mountain gate.

Lu Wufei never flies up directly, but climbs up step by step.

As for hide and seek.

It was just a little mountain climbing game he played with Xiao Bai.


Halfway up the mountain, on a large branch of a lush tree with a white trunk.

Look at the small tree trunk that is almost exactly the same as the hidden tree trunk.

Got you...

When Lu Wu opened his mouth, he waved his hand and held the small tree trunk in his hand.

Xiaobai immediately screamed in dissatisfaction.

Lu Wufei laughed loudly and strode towards the mountain.

Not long after.

Turned a corner.

The monument Wanshou Mountain Blessed Land appeared on the roadside.

Not far ahead.

A majestic and simple mountain gate appears in front of you.

It's just different from the past. Every time, two senior brothers, Qingfeng Mingyue, come to open the door.

This time when Lu Wufei walked to the mountain gate, he didn't see his senior brother coming to open the door.

So he had no choice but to step forward, grab the gilt copper ring on the door, and knock on the mountain door.

Bang bang bang...

The knock on the door quickly spread throughout Wuzhuang Guandongtian.

Inside the cave.

To the west, the kitchen courtyard.

As soon as she put down the pole, Mingyue, who was dressed in pink robes, heard the sound and was immediately surprised: Who could be knocking on the door so early?

The ones who can find our mountain gate are either our senior brothers who are out there, or other immortal families...

Qingfeng continued talking, modified the steamer, wiped his hands, and walked out: Let's go, no matter who it is, let's open the door first...

Could it be that junior brother is back?

Mingyue quickly caught up with Qingfeng and said, Junior brother is also outside...

Qingfeng walked straight forward: It is possible, but junior brother had a lot of things to do last time, and even asked about the underworld. I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while...

Mingyue: But it's been almost ten years since Junior Brother left the mountain this time. No matter how many things he has to do, he should be finished...

Qingfeng did not refute, just said: You will know in a moment...

The two brothers walked quickly towards the mountain gate.

Not long.

All the way to the mountain gate.

Qingfeng Mingyue opened the heavy door and saw a familiar figure standing in front of the door. Lu Wufei, who was dressed in a green robe, suddenly beamed with joy.

Mingyue immediately said: Junior brother, you are finally back!

Lu Wufei saw that the aura on his body was obviously more transparent than the last time they met, and Ming Yue, who had a more temperamental temperament, immediately understood what was going on. He immediately raised his hands and said with a smile: Senior brother, long time no see...

Junior brother, congratulations to senior brother for transforming into an immortal, and your path to immortality will be smooth from now on!

Congratulations room.

A conch suddenly appeared in Lu Wufei's hand. The conch was not big, about half the length of an adult's hand. It had clear dark golden lines all over its body and exuded a faint light. It was very delicate and beautiful.

Lu Wufei handed the conch and said with a smile: It is a great joy for me to become an immortal. This little thing is my heart. I hope that I can accept it...

Then thank you, junior brother...

Mingyue has a generous temperament. When he saw the treasure presented to him by his junior brother, he looked curious without being pretentious, with a smile on his face. He took the conch and looked at it several times before asking, unable to recognize it, Junior brother, what kind of treasure is this?

Lu Wufei smiled and said: This is a conch, which can only be seen in the sea, but its effect is somewhat special. As long as senior brother is at the water's edge, he can just blow the conch gently to attract fish in the water...

Lu Wufei hadn't finished speaking.

Qingfeng on the side looked at the conch when he heard the sound, and his eyes immediately widened.

Lu Wufei was very satisfied with Senior Brother Qingfeng's eyes, and continued to smile: I know that these two Senior Brothers love fishing, and Junior Brother found this specially for Senior Brother. With this thing, I think these two Senior Brothers will never go fishing for a long time without seeing a fish again. When the fish takes the bait...


The conch that Lu Wufei gave to Mingyue was exactly the treasure he found while passing by while searching for treasure in the North Sea Treasure House.

Although it is only a high-grade magic weapon, its grade is a bit low.

But it is an excellent gift for the two fishing brothers.

Before Lu Wufei left, he specially asked for it from Beihai Dragon King Ao Shun.

Is it really that effective!?

Mingyue asked in surprise and excitement as well.

Lu Wufei nodded: Of course, junior brother got this from Beihai Dragon Palace. What the Dragon King himself said cannot be false.

Well, come on, I have long disliked the fish in the pond, and they don't even want to eat the fish food I worked so hard to prepare...

Come on, let's go experiment now...

Mingyue said happily, pulling Lu Wufei into the cave, quickly closing the mountain door, and hurried towards the flower pond.

Although Senior Brother Qingfeng didn't make much sound at the side.

But when he looked at the conch, his eyes were even more eager than Mingyue's.

The three brothers quickly came to the nearest waterside flower pond.

Mingyue couldn't wait to illuminate the method taught by Lu Wufei and blew the conch.

Suddenly, a melodious conch sound sounded.


In a flower pond with dark water.

Ripples began to ripple.

As the sound of the conch continued to sound.

There are more and more ripples in the flower pond.

Immediately afterwards.

Fish of various colors such as gold, silver, red, black, gold and silver, etc. began to appear with their dorsal fins exposed.

The fish come in different sizes, with the smallest being half a meter long, and are extremely fast;

The longest one was five, six, seven or eight meters long. It shook its head and swayed leisurely across the water in front of Lu Wufei and his three brothers.

I've never seen so many fish...

Mingyue saw it in her eyes, unable to conceal her excitement, and murmured.

Me too...

Qingfeng nodded in agreement.

Even Lu Wufei looked extremely surprised.

He has been observing in Wuzhuang for decades. He has seen at most one or two flashing fish shadows in the past, but he has never seen anything like this. Find Shuyuan www.

Moreover, he had just used his magical power, and he could clearly see that deeper under the flower pond in front of him, there was a large fish with a body length of more than ten or twenty meters swimming slowly below.

Hey, Junior Brother Lu is back...

Just when the three brothers Lu Wufei were watching intently.

Suddenly there was a voice.

Lu Wufei looked up and saw a blue-robed figure approaching.

Lu Wufei immediately saluted and replied: I met Senior Brother Chen and just came back...

After saying hello, Senior Brother Chen left quickly.

Mingyue Qingfeng, however, couldn't calm down. They pulled Lu Wufei to smile and said, Junior brother, I really like your gift...

nice! You love it...

Lu Wufei smiled and said, this conch is definitely a rare treasure for the two senior brothers who love fishing.

Two senior brothers, it's almost time for morning class, and we're already busy in the kitchen...

Not good, not even close...

Let's go, I'll help too...

Junior brother, you said before that you got this conch from Beihai Dragon Palace?


Junior brother must have visited the Beihai Dragon Palace. Come on, tell me what the Beihai Dragon Palace looks like...

Also, the sea is vast and has the most treasures in it. It is said that the Four Seas Dragon Palace has many treasures, but what about the North Sea Dragon Palace?

Is that true?

Junior brother, please tell me...

Okay, where should I start?

Let's start with the Beihai Sea Tribe's invasion of our Taiping Mountain...

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