Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 180: The cultivator never remembers the year. To break the stubbornness, Wukong must be the

Thousands of peaks are arranging halberds, and thousands of people are spreading their tails;

The sun shines brightly into the green sky, while the rain brings in dark green.

The crow of the secluded bird is near, the sound of the fountain is clear;

If the dragon's veins are good in the ups and downs of the mountains, there must be an expert who can hide his name.

The monkey first saw this mountain at the bottom of the mountain.

I just feel that the mountains here are beautiful and the scenery is extraordinary.

Even compared to our own Huaguo Mountain thousands of miles away overseas, it is not bad at all.

There are just a few fruit trees.

Thinking about it, if he were a god, he would definitely live in a mountain like this.


He was not disappointed. Not long after entering the mountain, he suddenly heard singing coming from ahead.

Wearing a straw skirt to cover the crotch, a straw hat to block the light, and carrying a black iron rod on the shoulder, the monkey was very happy as he trotted quickly and nimbly through the dense forest path.

Recognize the old forest, climb the cliffs and cross the ridges, hold an ax to cut the dead vines...

Gather it into a load, and put it on the market in Xingge, and you can get three liters of rice...

There is no competition, and the current price is average...

The heroic singing became clearer and clearer.

The monkey looked at the dense forest ahead, feeling even more happy.

I think I must have found the right place this time...

The monkey moved forward quickly, his body becoming more flexible.

Wear through thorns, jump over rocks, walk on trails...

The body shape is extremely flexible.

I don't know how to make clever calculations, I don't have honor or disgrace, I live in peace...

Where we meet, we are either immortals or Taoists, sitting quietly and talking about Huang Ting...

The singing from ahead continued.

This time, the monkey understood clearly that the god was right in front of him.

The monkey's face became more and more joyful, and he quickly jumped over a boulder, jumped down after reading, and turned a corner along the path. He saw in front of him a man wearing a bamboo hat on his head, carrying firewood on his back, and a hatchet hanging on his waist. As he was walking down the path, the woodcutter was singing a heroic song.

The monkey couldn't care anymore, and quickly stepped forward, bowed and said: Old immortal, the disciple has started...

The singing stopped suddenly.

The Ruoli woodcutter looked at the monkey that suddenly rushed in front of him. His face suddenly panicked, and he immediately threw away the firewood on his back and said quickly: You are not a human being! You are not a human being!

How can I dare to be called a 'god' if I don't have enough food and clothing?

The monkey immediately said: You are not a god, how can you speak like a god?

Ruoli Woodcutter: What fairy words did I say?

Monkey: I just came to the edge of the forest, and all I heard was you say: 'Where we meet, we are either immortals or Taoists. We sit quietly and talk about Huang Ting. Huang Ting is a moral mantra, so what else can it be if it is not an immortal?

The Ruoli woodcutter smiled and said, So what you said is, to be honest with you, the name Man Ting Fang was taught to me by an immortal...

The woodcutter explained in detail.

The monkey then believed that he was not a god, and immediately said: Since you have seen the god, you still want to show me the way to where the god lives, so that I can visit him. If I benefit from it, I will never forget you to show the way. Well, how about it?

The woodcutter smiled and said: What's so difficult...

I tell you, this mountain is called Lingtai Fangcun Mountain...

There is a three-star cave with a slanting moon in the mountain. There is a god in that cave, who is called Subhuti Patriarch.

The Patriarch has many disciples, and there are still thirty or forty people practicing under him.

As he said this, the Ruoli woodcutter turned around, pointed to the secret path behind him and said, Follow that path and keep going forward. You will reach his home if you walk seven or eight miles away...

I see...

The monkey's face was overjoyed when he heard this, and he immediately said: Thank you, thank you. If I can become a disciple of the gods, I will never forget your kindness today...

The Ruoli woodcutter smiled and shook his head, saying: We are destined to meet each other, so there is no need to express gratitude.

You can go on your own. I have to go home. My mother is still waiting for me at home...

Say it.

The Ruoli woodcutter bent down, picked up the firewood he had just thrown away, and carried it on his back. He sang the song just now and walked down the mountain.

Learn where the gods live.

The monkey became more and more happy, and ignored the woodcutter who was about to go down the mountain, and started walking up the mountain. After taking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned around and said, Wait a minute...

But when he turned his head, there was no woodcutter behind him, and the singing was gone.

The monkey was shocked.

He was always smart, and he immediately remembered what the woodcutter said, Follow that path, keep going forward, and walk about seven or eight miles, and you will reach his home...

He still remembered the Immortal House very clearly.

But when I think about the woodcutter's appearance carefully, I can't remember anything about it. I only remember that the other person was wearing a bamboo hat, and I can't remember anything else.

This is how ordinary people encounter such strange things.

He will definitely be scared out of his mind.

But the monkey is different. The more he thinks about it, the happier he becomes.

The gods guide the way...

I didn't admit my mistake. It was the gods who showed me the way just now...

Then what the gods are talking about must be the home of the gods...

This is the thought.

The monkey has no other thoughts.

Carrying the iron rod on his shoulder, he walked quickly towards the mountain trail.

This time away.

Just one day.

The sky gradually darkened.

The monkey sat on a rock on the side of the road, with an iron rod at his feet and a mountain fruit in his mouth. He said in confusion: In the morning, the god said that the home of Subhuti Patriarch is only seven or eight miles away, but he is here. You walked not only one mile or eight miles in one day, but also three or four miles of seven or eight miles, right?

But why can't we see the 'Three-Star Cave with the Slanting Moon'... that the immortal said?

Could it be that I went astray?

The monkey frowned as he thought of this, and immediately shook his head: No, no!

I just followed the path. This is the only path here. How could I go wrong!

Or did the god lie to me?

That's not right, that god is not related to me...

The monkey was biting the mountain fruit and was very puzzled.

At this time.

A cold wind blew.

The monkey couldn't help but tremble all over, and became very alert. He stopped eating the mountain fruit and picked up the iron rod at his feet.

Turn around.

Suddenly, I saw a big guy standing under a tree in the distance ahead.

His whole body is yellow and white, with a black 'king' pattern on his forehead. His limbs are very strong and his eyes are fierce and attractive.

What a striking white-fronted insect!

The monkey clenched the iron rod with both hands, not afraid to look at the big insect.

He was once lucky enough to be taught by an immortal who taught him good stick skills.

Relying on the stick technique taught by the god, and relying on the iron stick in his hand, he has killed countless snakes, wolves, tigers and leopards that peeked at him over the years.

Now that this big insect was in front of him, even though it was much bigger than the beasts he had encountered before, he was not afraid at all.

As long as this big bug dares to come forward, he will spend the night eating roasted big bugs.

As if he sensed that the monkey in front of him was not easy to mess with, or he thought the monkey had little meat on it, the big insect looked at the monkey, turned around and left.

A good while.

Seeing that the big insect really left instead of hiding aside.

The monkey was relieved.

I felt hungry in my mouth.

So he immediately tied the iron rod to his back, took three steps and two steps at a time, quickly climbed up to a tall fruit tree not far away, picked a few fruits, and sat on the trunk to eat.

Eat and eat.

The monkey then remembered the scene of the immortal he saw when he was at Huaguo Mountain.

It's a pity that the god said that he didn't have enough fate.

He was only taught the stick technique.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to cross thousands of mountains and cross thousands of rivers to seek immortality overseas.

It was getting dark.

The monkey sat on the tree and ate a lot of berries.

I have no intention of rushing on again.

Instead, he found a better spot in a tall fruit tree, held the iron rod in his arms, and fell asleep against the trunk.

He usually spends the night like this in the mountains and forests.

It's the same tonight.

A peaceful night.

Early the next morning.

It was just getting dark.

The monkey wakes up from the early morning birdsong in the forest.

I peed while standing on a tree trunk.

The monkey is in high spirits.

Then he packed some mountain fruits, got off the fruit tree, and moved forward again. .

He continued to move forward along the path pointed by the god yesterday.

This time.

Before walking too far, the monkey was chewing mountain fruits and turned a small intersection. The world in front of him suddenly lit up.

There is a poem that says:

The haze spreads its colors, and the sun and moon shine.

Thousands of old cypress trees, thousands of knots are repaired.

Thousands of old cypress trees are green in the sky with rain;

Thousands of days of repairing the bamboo, the color of the gully is green with smoke.

Every now and then I hear the chirping of the cranes, and every time I see the phoenix flying.

When the crane chirps, the sound vibrates to the sky and far away;

The phoenix soared, its feathers were in five-colored clouds.

The black ape and the white deer are hidden, and the golden lion and the jade elephant are hiding in hiding.

Take a closer look at Lingfu Land, it’s really a racing paradise!

Watching the sudden transformation into a fairyland and a blessed land in front of you.

The monkey had no time to rejoice, so he saw with sharp eyes a closed mountain gate under a tall green pine tree in front of him.

The joy in my heart was too late to express.

The monkey was so excited that he immediately threw away the uneaten mountain fruit in his hand and ran towards the mountain gate.

It's not far from the mountain gate.

The monkey saw a stone tablet standing nearby. The stone tablet was more than three feet high and eight feet wide. There was a line of large characters written on the tablet, which was: Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xianyue Sanxing Cave...

If that's the case, then the god didn't deceive me...

The monkey did not forget what the god at the foot of the mountain said, and became even more happy now.

After a few steps, we arrived at the foot of the tall green pine trees and in front of the closed mountain gate.

The monkey straightened his grass skirt and moved his straw hat. After some thought, he immediately took off the straw hat again and threw it aside. Then he stepped forward and raised his hand to knock on the door.

But it stopped.

Some hesitation.

The monkey still didn't dare to knock on the door.

I had to step aside and wait.

However, the monkey was very active by nature, so he felt uncomfortable after waiting for a long time, so he climbed up to play in the green pine trees.

The green pine trees are tall, and you can see into the mountain gate if you climb up.

But the monkey didn't even dare to knock on the door, for fear of disturbing the immortal, let alone climb up to peek.

I just picked a few pine nuts and played with them in my hands while waiting in front of the mountain gate.

This wait.

Just wait until dark.

The gods are right in front of you, but out of reach.

The anxious monkey was really scratching his head and ears.

He stepped forward several times, wanting to knock on the door, but he held back.

in this way.

The monkey had to sleep in the tree for another night.

Early the next morning.

The monkey wakes up to the chirping of the crane.

Stand up as usual and take a pee while standing on the tree.

at this time.


Suddenly, there was a sound from below, and the mountain door that had been closed all day and night opened. Reading books

The monkey's face was suddenly startled, his eyes swept around, and he immediately woke up where he was.

He was startled and immediately suppressed the urge to urinate that was about to come out.

That uncomfortable...

Below the mountain gate, I saw a fairy boy walking out of it. He was really majestic, with a strange appearance, and was different from ordinary people.

But see him:

The bun is made of double silk ribbons, and the wide robe has two sleeves.

Appearance and body are separate, and mind and appearance are empty.

There are long-term visitors outside things, but long-lived children in the mountains.

Not a speck of stain, even the armor is allowed to churn.

Fairy boy opened the door and said, Who is causing trouble here so early in the morning?

The monkey immediately jumped down from the green pine and came forward, bowed and said: Fairy boy, I am a disciple who seeks immortality and Taoism. I dare not disturb you here...

Fairy Tong asked: Are you a Taoist?

Monkey: Yes...

Xiantong said again: Teacher was about to go to the forum to give a lecture. He said that a Taoist visitor came from outside. He must be you. Come with me...

Say it.

Fairy boy turned and left.

The monkey immediately adjusted his hula skirt again, and then quickly followed behind the fairy boy.

This time you enter the mountain gate.

The color in front of my eyes changed instantly.

There are layers of deep pavilions and towers, one after another;

As soon as you enter the Pearl Palace Shell Palace, it is gorgeous and sparkling;

Seeing this, the monkey was filled with admiration, this is the mansion of gods.

His expression became more and more cautious.

Follow the fairy boy deep into the fairy mansion.

Not long after.

Then he went to the depths of the Immortal Mansion, a secluded place in a quiet room, under the Yaotai.

The monkey saw a patriarch sitting on the stage, with dozens of immortals on both sides standing under the stage.

Sure enough it is:

The Great Enlightened Golden Immortal has an innocent appearance, the Western Miaoxiang Patriarch Bodhi;

The three elements of immortality and immortality, full energy and infinite compassion.

The emptiness and stillness will naturally change, just like your true nature allows you to do so;

He lives the same life as heaven and has a solemn body, the Great Master Mingxin who has endured many calamities.

As soon as the monkey saw the majestic patriarch, he immediately stepped forward, knelt down and kowtowed with all his strength: Master! Master! Disciple, I salute with all my heart! I salute with all my heart!

The Patriarch said: Where are you from? Please tell me your hometown and name clearly, and then I pay my respects...

After a conversation, we found out the origin of the monkey.

The Patriarch was happy in his heart and said: There are twelve characters in my sect, and I will assign names until you are the tenth generation disciple...

The monkey asked: Which twelve characters?

Patriarch: These are the twelve characters of Guang, Da, Zhi, Hui, Zhen, Ru, Xing, Hai, Ying, Enlightenment, Yuan, and Enlightenment. They are arranged for you. When it comes to the word Enlightenment, I will give you a Dharma name. How about Sun Wukong?

The monkey was overjoyed and bowed excitedly: Okay! Good! Good!

Thank you, Master, for the name. From now on, my name will be Sun Wukong!

As the saying goes:

At the beginning of Hongmeng, there was no surname, and Wukong was needed to break the stubbornness.



In the morning at Wuzhuangguan, I woke up to the crisp chirping of birds.

Although Wuzhuang Temple is a cave.

Although the weather and weather are the same as the outside throughout the year, the temperature is constant, warm as spring, and comfortable and pleasant.

It was just getting dark.

Lu Wufei opened his eyes from his meditation.

Summer morning.

It gets lighter earlier and gets darker later than ever before.

In the past, it was still dark at Mao hour.

But at this time, the white clouds of fish belly were already faintly visible in the eastern sky.

Lu Wufei stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

Come to the table and sit down.

Start making tea.

Not long after.

The tea was boiling and the aroma of tea began to overflow.


On the windowsill, Xiaobai woke up smelling the aroma of tea, got up and stretched as usual, then jumped off the window sill, walked slowly to his father, jumped up on the table, yawned and stood aside waiting for morning tea.

Since Lu Wufei returned to the mountain this time, he would make a pot of spiritual tea every morning when he woke up, and after drinking it, he would go to practice for a long time.

Xiaobai is also used to being woken up by the smell of tea every day.


It took enough time for the spirit tea to be brewed, so Lu Wufei turned off the heat, picked up the teapot and poured two cups.

One cup for each person and one animal.

Enjoy the aroma of tea and finish it.

Lu Wufei stood up and glanced at Xiaobai on the table. Xiaobai was squinting his eyes slightly and enjoying the spirit tea slowly.

See Xiaobai doesn't want to go out.

Lu Wufei didn't stop, walked to the door, opened the door and walked out.

Senior Brother Liu, morning...

Good morning, Senior Brother Zhen...

After saying hello to the senior brothers I met along the way.

When Lu Wufei walked outside the small courtyard.

Already heard the lights and voices coming from the kitchen.

Good morning, two senior brothers...

Lu Wufei walked into the kitchen, said hello, picked up the bucket on the pole and prepared to fetch water.

Junior brother, morning...

At this time.

Qingfeng, who was busy, replied, but stopped what he was doing to look at Lu Wufei and suddenly asked: Junior brother, are you in the later stage?

When Mingyue, who was busy, heard Qingfeng's words, she immediately stopped what she was doing and looked at her junior brother. She saw that the aura on his junior brother's body seemed to be the same as usual, but if he felt it carefully, he could clearly feel that his aura was thicker than before. Too much.

This is obviously a great improvement in cultivation.

Junior Brother was in the middle stage before, which was equivalent to Senior Brother Qingfeng.

Now, if we go one step further, it will obviously be the later stage.

When you reach the Immortal Realm, your strength will undergo earth-shaking changes with each step you take in your cultivation.

There is a big gap between the early stage and the middle stage of human immortality, but it can still be fought to some extent, but compared with the late stage, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are two levels.

Think back to the beginning.

Yuan Zhang, the great demon king of Dahuang Mountain, relied on his first entry into the late stage to suppress the five demon kings in Fengyun Ridge. At that time, Fengyun Ridge had two or three mid-stage human-immortal demon kings.

You can imagine the power of the later stage.

At the same time, reaching the realm of immortality cannot be achieved by simply practicing hard.

He needs enough understanding and enlightenment to think about his own practice, his own path, and the world. In short, it is related to various things and is all-round.

He remembered clearly that it seemed that Junior Brother Lu had been promoted to Human Immortal for less than forty years.

In just forty years, he has successfully advanced from the early stage to the later stage.

This talent is overwhelming.

It is really...

Senior brother has a sharp eye...

Lu Wufei picked up the pole and put it on his shoulders, and said with a smile: I accidentally got into the late stage yesterday...

I'm going to carry water first...

Talking about promotion is as casual as talking about eating and drinking.

Qingfeng and Mingyue listened and looked at the junior brother who was leaving. Mingyue said: I take back what I said before. Junior brother's talent is more exaggerated than we imagined...

He's so talented...

Qingfeng nodded when he heard this, and sighed: There is no need to compete. Among the three of us, the junior brother will definitely be the fastest to enter the realm of gods...

I see there are more than just the three of us...

Mingyue also nodded when she heard the sound, and said: Think about how long it has been since Junior Brother entered the door. Even though Junior Brother is only in the advanced stage at this time, the other senior brothers in the temple who have been in the late stage for a long time may not be able to compare with Junior Brother...

Qingfeng also felt deeply: Yes...

Outside the small courtyard.

Lu Wufei naturally didn't know what his two senior brothers thought of him.

He was carrying a pole to pick up the spiritual spring.

This pole was very heavy when he was carrying it. After he became an immortal, it was not light at all, but even heavier.

It's in the later stage now, and it's obviously heavier than before yesterday's promotion.

Obviously, this is also the reason why these exercises have the function of cultivation.

Not long.

Lu Wufei carried two buckets of water, walked out of the ginseng orchard, and headed towards the kitchen courtyard.

He returned to the mountain for three years.

Lu Wufei advanced to the late human immortal stage.

Practicing life in Wuzhuang Temple has not changed at all.

Do exercises, listen to lectures, read books, meditate, practice, make tea...

as always.

that's all.

Spring passes and autumn comes, winter is cold and hot, and the four seasons rotate.

Inside Wuzhuang Temple.

The flowers in the peach grove to the east have bloomed and faded ten times;

In the small courtyard to the west, the Spring Festival couplets were changed ten times;

In the black wood forest in the north, the growth rings of each black tree have also gained ten years.

Time passes quietly like running water.

Ten years.

Suddenly passed away.

One morning.

Lu Wufei woke up from his meditation, opened his eyes, and glanced out the window.

Then he stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

Come to the big table.

As it is.

He began to make tea.

But this time.

He put a Bodhi seed as scarlet as blood into the small teapot.

Blood Bodhi.

This is the last tea treasure he asked for from Hu Yue, the Demon Ancestor of the Great Wilderness Mountain.

Not long after.

The tea was boiling.

A strange aroma of tea that was completely different from before quickly filled the room.

Xiaobai woke up to the fragrance of tea again.

But this time.

It just opened its eyes, sniffed the fragrance of tea in the air, screamed happily, jumped off the window sill, and rushed towards Dad.

He jumped onto the big table in one step.

The smell of tea becomes stronger and stronger.

Xiaobai squatted aside, his face full of intoxication.

Not long.

The Blood Bodhisattva mentioned the right time to drink.

Lu Wufei picked up the teapot and poured two cups.

One person and one beast, looking for Shuyuanwww. points out the complete Pot of Blood Bodhi.

Lu Wufei put away the tea set and stretched out his hand.

Xiaobai immediately jumped on his father's shoulders.

Lu Wufei opened and closed the door as usual.

Then he walked outside.

This time, though, he didn't head toward the kitchen.

Instead, he headed straight towards the attic where the teacher was.

It's winter.

Light snow fell in the sky.

Lu Wufei stepped on the thin snow and walked evenly towards the depths of Wuzhuang Temple.

Not long.

Lu Wufei came to a single towering and huge Qionglou.


The door below Qiong Tower opened in response.

Lu Wufei touched Xiaobai in his arms and then walked steadily towards the attic.


Arriving in front of the quiet room door, the quiet room door opened silently again.

Lu Wufei stepped into the room, stepped forward, knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully: Teacher...

Practice pretty hard...

Behind the incense table, Zhen Yuanzi, who was meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes at this moment, looked at the disciple kneeling in front of him, and said, Seeing that your aura is perfect and your thoughts are upright and free of stagnation, does this mean that the road ahead is clear?

Lu Wufei said respectfully: Teacher's insight, this disciple feels that he has some enlightenment and has some clues about the way forward...

Listen to his words.

Watch its breath.

Zhen Yuanzi knew that his young disciple had already understood most of the path to becoming a god, and there was only a smooth road ahead.

The latecomers will come first...

Looking at the disciple in front of him, Zhen Yuanzi stroked his beard, feeling increasingly satisfied.

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