Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 177 Illegitimate Son, Monkey Arrives

early morning.

A red sun rises from the east, spreading golden sunlight across the earth.

After the heavy snowfall, the towering Taiping Peak, which is covered with white snow and reaches into the sky, is bathed in the bright morning sun, shining brightly for a while, and the scenery is picturesque.

In front of the Taiping Palace.

In the broad square.

The cold wind is blowing.

Three figures are sitting cross-legged in the corner of the square.

From the three figures breathing out while seated, and from the rising faint air that can be detected with the naked eye, it is obvious that they are breathing, meditating, and practicing.

Braving the cold wind on the top of the mountain, I sat outside in the open air and practiced.

Such behavior is undoubtedly hard work.

A little further away.

Several monsters guarding the square, wearing armor, holding weapons, and holding various heads, looked at the three figures meditating in the corner closest to the edge of the mountain, and couldn't help but whisper: Hey, those who are apprentices to the king are not Ordinary people practice so hard...

No, I thought we were early enough, but it turned out that the three of them were earlier than us...

They are worshiping the king. If I can worship the king as my teacher, I would be willing to do it sooner...

Hey, you are the only skinned toad who still wants to be your disciple, so stop dreaming...

Why, the skinny toad can't worship the king as his teacher. Didn't I win the qualification to be on duty at the top of the mountain? If you don't accept it, after the shift is over, we can go to the justice platform to make gestures. How about taking responsibility for life and death?

I...I won't compete with you, a wild monster with brute strength...

It doesn't matter that I am a wild monster. Aren't they also wild monsters when the king led them?

If you weren't lucky enough to have an uncle who was a general, do you think you could come to Taiping Peak and choose the job closest to the king?

Hey, brother Big Mouth, that's not what the fox meant. It's not easy to become the king's disciple...

Brother Big Mouth, do you know where those three are from?

Oh, I'm not very clear about this. I've only been on duty for a short time. I just heard that two of them are humans. So what ability do humans have to be able to worship the king as their master?

This is the right question for you. Let me tell you, there are three disciples under the king's command. The eldest disciple is our demon clan, the most beautiful tiger demon Wandashan Steward. She is the goddaughter of the king. She was Taiping before. The palace steward, but still, tell me, can you compare with Wandashan steward?

This...of course it can't be compared, but there are those two humans. Why can they become apprentices to the king...

Don't worry, as for those two humans, let me tell you, you can't spread the word...?

Of course, don't think I'm big-mouthed, but I'm very tight, so don't worry...

The two monsters were whispering to each other.

In front of the Taiping Palace.

Lu Wufei, who was dressed in black robe, walked out of the palace and stood at the entrance of the palace, looking at the fine weather after the snow. He just took a deep breath of fresh air and suddenly frowned.

Hehe, that's good. Let me tell you, I heard that those two children are the children of the king and a human woman. They are of the king's bloodline, so they can be accepted by the king as his disciples. Do you think anyone can worship the king as his teacher? ?”

The king's child, is it real or fake?

Of course it's true, but you have to keep this in mind and don't talk nonsense, otherwise, if it reaches the king... no, if it reaches the mouth of the black-haired leader of the law enforcement team, you and I will at least have to endure that. The punishment of pulling out the tongue...

Don't worry, I will never...

The strong and bloated toad demon was making a promise when he raised his eyes and saw the green-robed figure standing in front of him. His eyes were suddenly bulged in fear. He immediately knelt down on the ground with a pop and said in great horror: Ah, big Great, great, great, please forgive me!

My dear king, have mercy on me!

The monster with the black crow's head beside him was also frightened. He immediately fell to his knees and shouted in horror: My king, spare your life!!

Looking at the two little demons with horrified expressions and paralysis on the ground, Lu Wufei frowned and was about to speak.

At this time.

A figure suddenly rushed from the entrance of the passage in the distance, knelt down in front of Lu Wufei with a thud, and said respectfully: Your Majesty, the young ones were misdisciplined, so I will take them away now. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!

Look at the little owl commander of the late stage demon general and the two little demons of the early stage demon general kneeling down in front of them.

Lu Wufei finally just said: It's just the first offense to miss them, just change them!

After that, he waved his hand.

Yes Yes...

Thank you, Your Majesty!

The little owl commander nodded like he was pecking at rice, with a happy look on his face. He immediately picked up the two demon generals and guards one by one in each hand like chicken cubs, and walked towards the distance.

Watch those monsters leave.

Lu Wufei felt a little depressed.

It had been several months since he had accepted Wandashan and Tie Zheng Mengnan as his disciples.

Since this time.

However, there are rumors among the Taiping Peak monsters that the two children Tie Zheng and Meng Nan are the illegitimate children left by the king in the human world. Otherwise, how could these two human beings worship the king as their disciples?

It's a bit outrageous.

At first he didn't take it seriously.

As a result, he actually heard it with his own ears today.

Now it seems that such a thing must have spread widely, and this rumor must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Otherwise it will only become more and more outrageous.

I didn’t think much more about it.

Lu Wufei turned and looked at the corner of the square, where Wandashan, Tiezheng and Mengnan were meditating.

Look at the three figures.

Lu Wufei sighed in his heart.

After he became an immortal, he created the True Art of Purity and Freedom. After many years of understanding and modification, he finally had a disciple who practiced it.

Tie Zheng and Meng Nan were fine.

Although they are mortals with zero foundation, they both have some demon blood in their bodies, which means both of them are destined to have the qualifications to practice.

Moreover, Tie Zheng's bloodline comes from Senior Brother Yu, who is a meritorious figure in the Six Prefectures of the Underworld. His bloodline is not bad, and his talent is not outstanding, but can be considered acceptable.

Lu Wufei was a little surprised that his sister Meng Nan had better qualifications than Tie Zheng.

This is either because of her bloodline inheritance or because of her own qualifications.

But no matter what.

The qualifications of these two children made him feel relieved.

Although he initially accepted disciples, he did not focus on the two children's cultivation qualifications.

But with better qualifications, he will certainly be happier.

Because if you have good qualifications, your cultivation will definitely progress faster. There is no doubt about this.

In practice, mind and effort are of course very important.

But qualification is the foundation of practice.

After all, others don't have cheating adventures like Lu Wufei, not to mention that his white wolf demon body's own cultivation qualifications are not bad.

Now, looking at Tie Zheng and Meng Nan, both of them have advanced from a mortal body to a state of cultivation in just a few months, and are already close to the middle stage of Qi refining.

Lu Wufei still felt very accomplished.

His eyes shifted from Tie Zheng and Meng Nan to Wandashan in the corner.

Looking at that tall figure.

Lu Wufei sighed in his heart.

It was on the battlefield that he saw Wandashan's stubbornness and tenacity when he was still a mortal tiger, and that's why he felt compassion and saved her.

Although I have lamented many times that my decision was correct.

He still wanted to thank him for his decision.

He now has a large family fortune and has many monsters under his command. Accepting Wandashan as his disciple was not something he did casually, but something he had seriously considered.

The three of them were not the first to practice his self-created technique, the True Art of Purity and Freedom.

It was his personal human maid Lingshan.

The reason why the other party practices is to maintain his appearance and body shape and live longer.

Now the cultivation level is in the middle stage of Qi refining, approaching the late stage.

She has been practicing for several years. If she were an ordinary monster or an ordinary disciple of the Immortal Sect, her cultivation speed would not be too slow.

But she was in the Taiping Palace, and because she was Lu Wufei's personal maid, he had access to resources and elixirs that were almost in open supply.

This practice speed is considered too slow.

However, the reason why Lu Wufei didn't accept Lingshan, the first person to practice his technique, as his disciple was not because of her speed in practice.

But because of her status as a personal maid.

Otherwise, if Lingshan had the status of his disciple and slept with him, wouldn't it be suspected of incest?

Therefore, Lu Wufei ruled out the idea of ​​accepting Lingshan as his disciple.

After some thought, I chose Wanda Mountain.

Facts also proved that his choice was correct.

After Wandashan became his disciple, he heard that he wanted her to lose her demon general status and rebuild her own martial arts.

Not only did Wandashan not hesitate at all, but he was very happy.

It really surprised him.

Because he could feel that Wandashan was really happy to practice the technique he created, and was not deliberately showing off to him.


Under his care, Wandashan dispersed the mid-level demon general cultivation as quickly as possible.

She had re-cultivated the True Art of Purity and Freedom. Just a week ago, she had already re-trained to the realm of the Demon General.

The speed of practice is so fast, it is really like a fish in water, extremely smooth.

This not only proves that Wandashan is qualified and diligent enough, but also fully proves that the skills he created are extraordinary.

It was born out of the Hundong Zhen Gang Tian Sutra passed down by the teacher, and combined with his insights and experiences in practice over the years.

The True Secret of Qing Ming Zhi Zhi Zhi is definitely not too bad in terms of rank.

Of course, the true quality of his self-created skills depends on the level of cultivation of those who practice them. This is a consensus.

As for Wandashan, he is now the seed disciple and benchmark for the technique created by Lu Wufei.

Looking at the concentrated cultivation state of the third disciple.

Lu Wufei did not step forward to interrupt.

He turned around, glanced at the little demon guarding not far away, and then walked towards the Taiping Palace.

It didn't take long.

Hongpi, the tall commander of Taiping Peak, wearing black armor, came to the Taiping Palace with a few monsters.

Several demon generals were waiting outside the palace.

Hongpi entered the palace on his own and soon saw his eldest brother who was reading in the study hall on the second floor.

Brother, are you looking for me?

After the red skin saluted, he asked.

Lu Wufei was reading a book on the soft couch that resembled an Arhat's bed. He didn't say anything. He just poured a cup of fragrant spiritual tea himself and handed it to Hong Pi.

If it were the crow monster, Lu Wufei would dare to pour the tea himself without Lu Wufei.

Thank you, brother...

Hong Pi took the spirit tea, drank it in one gulp, and handed the cup back.

Lu Wufei then said, Have you heard about the recent rumors that Tie Zheng and Meng Nan have children?

Red Skin nodded immediately: I just heard about it and was about to deal with it...

Lu Wufei: Well, let's deal with it...and there can be fewer guard monsters outside the palace...

Yes, I'll deal with it right away...

The red skin nodded and asked again: Brother, do you have any other instructions?

Lu Wufei shook his head and said with a smile: How is your mother? It's been some time since you came to Taiping Mountain. Do you have a living habit?

Hearing his eldest brother ask about his mother, Hong Pi's originally dull and serious face immediately showed a smile and said: Thank you for your concern, eldest brother. My mother is very good, I am used to living there, and she has also been practicing recently...

Lu Wufei nodded: That's good. How about your two younger brothers? Are they also practicing?

Hongpi smiled and said: They are all practicing, which is pretty good...

Lu Wufei nodded: Well, among us brothers, you are the only one whose mother is still alive, so you should be filial. If you need anything, just tell General Bai or me...

When talking about his family, Hongpi is always the happiest, saying: I can do it, big brother...

My salary alone is enough...

Well, just tell me if you need...

There is no need to be polite between us brothers...

Lu Wufei smiled and nodded: Go and get busy...

Well, then I'm going out...

Red Skin quickly left the study hall.

Lu Wufei put down the book in his hand, picked up the teacup filled by Lingshan, stood up and walked to the large window of the study hall, smelled the fragrance of tea, and looked out the window at the three disciples meditating far downstairs.

Just watching.

My mind unconsciously recalled what I had done during this period of time.

Originally came back from the master's school.

He planned to deal with the Beihai Sea Clan's affairs, and after recovering his second son's soul, he would return to his master's sect to concentrate on training for a period of time.

But unexpectedly, I received the entrustment from Senior Brother Yu.

In the process, I accidentally met Senior Brother Lan Yu again.

Then he went to the human world and brought back his two apprentices.

I have experienced so many things during this period.

But now that I have accepted the third apprentice.

Lu Wufei couldn't rush back to his master as he had thought before.

After all, Tie Zheng and Meng Nan know nothing and are complete novices.

Although Wandashan was re-cultivating San Gong, this was the first time he practiced his own kung fu.

No matter what, he needs his care and guidance as a teacher.

Being a teacher for the first time, he is still very competent.

But in this case, it would definitely not take more than a few years for the three disciples to stabilize their practice.

Therefore, the plan to return to school has to be postponed for a few years.

This also fully demonstrates that plans cannot keep up with changes.


at this time.

A familiar cry suddenly came from outside the study hall.

Immediately afterwards.

A white mouse quickly rushed into the study hall, rushed to Lu Wufei's side, and climbed up using his hands and feet.


Xiaobai, who was standing on his shoulders, immediately used his hands and feet to gesture towards his father and tell him.

Lu Wufei kept nodding his head as he listened.

I was too anxious to leave the teacher last time, so I will definitely ask the teacher for advice on Xiaobai next time I return to the mountain.

The little guy's cultivation aura has been in the late stage of Demon General for some time now, and the next step is Demon Commander.

But now it can't even transform, which really makes him feel helpless.

I thought to myself.

At this time, a white light suddenly rushed out from his sleeves.

After walking around happily in the study hall, he went straight to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was startled by Qingtian Bai Yuzhu, screamed at Shuyuan, immediately gave up complaining to his father, and jumped towards Bai Guang.

Lu Wufei looked back at the three disciples on the square outside the window.

His eyes gradually drifted away.

The following days.

During Lu Wufei's days at Taiping Mountain, in addition to meditating and practicing, eating, drinking and enjoying himself, he also had one more thing to do, which was to guide his three disciples in their practice. Reading books

Life is regular, quiet, and uneventful.

that's all.

Seven years passed quietly like running water.


South of Xiniu Hezhou.

South China Sea, above the vast and boundless blue sea.

A bamboo raft floated closer from a distance.

On the bamboo raft.

A skinny monkey with a furry body, a solitary face, a pointed beak, and outward-turned tusks is waving a bamboo pole and paddling hard.

Next to him, on the bamboo raft, there was a fishing rod, half-eaten fish meat, and a black iron rod.

When the monkeys are tired from paddling, they stop to rest, eat fish, fish, and sleep.

Just keep paddling when you wake up.

day to day.

One day suddenly.

A southeasterly wind blew from the sea.

The monkey was immediately overjoyed.

Controlling the bamboo raft, it quickly floated forward with the wind.

This time the strong wind lasted for quite some time.

The monkey was so tired that he fell asleep on the bamboo raft.

When I wake up again.

Suddenly, he saw far in front of him, and behind the clouds, there were faint black mountains.

The monkey looked very happy, picked up a bamboo pole, and rowed towards the mountains within sight.

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