Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 176: 60 years, suddenly like a dream!

In the Taiping Palace, musicians played music and dancers danced, creating a lively atmosphere.

But as Lu Wufei finished speaking.

Within the entire hall, the atmosphere immediately became quiet.

All the monsters looked at the three figures in the center of the hall, but mainly at the two figures in the back.

Wandashan was picked up from the battlefield by the eldest brother, the king, and is the king's adopted daughter.

Because of her special status, she is the only banshee among their group of monsters.

Therefore, he has always been loved and cared for by them.

Since the eldest brother became the lord of Taiping Mountain, Wandashan's status has been rising along with them.

Over the years, he has served as the steward of the Taiping Palace.

There is no doubt that status is important.

She was accepted as a disciple by her eldest brother. Although the monsters close to her were a little surprised, it was still normal.

After all, they watched Wandashan grow up.

But those two human children seemed to be still mortals, so what was so special about them that they were lucky enough to be accepted as disciples by Big Brother and King?

Just when Bai Yunxiao, the red-skinned, crow monster and other monsters looked at them, they were greatly confused.

On the high seat.

Lu Wufei felt the doubts in the eyes of the brothers below him. He did not explain at this time and continued: Wanda Mountain comes up...

In the main hall.

Even though he was already familiar with all the monsters in the palace, Wandashan couldn't help but feel a little nervous when his eyes were focused on him.

But she was nervous not because of the many eyes around her, but because of the father on the high platform in front of her.

Because before that, she had no preparation for her father to accept her as his disciple.

But it's only in this short period of time.

She had already remembered in her mind that her father seemed to have asked her once before.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Dad wants to accept him as his disciple, which is unexpected but definitely a surprise.

She was excited, took a deep breath, followed her father's instructions, and stepped forward.

Lu Wufei looked at the audience, Wandashan, who was wearing a burgundy outfit, tall, with a delicate and cold face.

My mind suddenly recalled the desperate and unyielding little tiger on the battlefield.

Comparing the outstanding figure in front of him, Lu Wufei suddenly felt like he had raised a daughter. He was filled with a sense of accomplishment and said, You all know Wandashan. You have been following me for a long time. You have contributed a lot to taking care of this Taiping Palace. You can do it for me. The eldest disciple...

Let's see you as a gift...

The words fell.

Beside, a demon maid immediately stood aside with a cup of tea.

Even though Wandashan didn't understand the apprenticeship ceremony at all, he knew what to do at this time.

He immediately knelt down and bowed several times to the father on the high platform.

At this time, the maid waiting on the side came forward and whispered a few words in the ear of her steward.

Wandashan stood up immediately after hearing the sound, then picked up the teacup on the maid's plate with both hands, and walked towards the high platform under the gazes of the demons in the hall.

Step by step, he walked to the father in the high seat.

Wandashan came forward respectfully, bent down and raised his glass: Dad...

The words just started.

Wandashan realized that he had changed his mind and immediately said: Master, please have tea...


Lu Wufei nodded with satisfaction, took the cup and drank it in one gulp.

This ritual is done.

Lu Wufei had not specifically learned about the complicated etiquette of apprenticeship.

But when he was apprenticed to Zhen Yuanzi at Wuzhuang Temple, everything was very simple.

Naturally, it would not be complicated for him to accept disciples.

Form is enough.

He signaled Wandashan to stand aside.

Lu Wufei once again looked at the two small figures in the center of the hall and said, Tie Zheng Mengnan, come forward...

The two little siblings looked nervous when they were stared at by all the monsters and monsters around them. When they heard the voice of their uncle and master, they suddenly felt relieved and felt much calmer.

They had watched the behavior of the beautiful sister with a strange name just now. At this time, the two siblings did as they were told and immediately stepped forward to where the previous sister was standing.

Look at the two siblings standing there.

Lu Wufei looked at the monsters below and said, These two children were brought by me from the human world. They will be my disciples from now on. People in Taiping Mountain, you must not bully them...

The words just fell.

The first general Bai Yunxiao, who knew the weight of Xiandi's words, immediately saluted and said, I don't dare!

The red-skinned man always followed his elder brother's lead and immediately said, No way!

The crow monster immediately shouted at the top of his lungs: Brother's disciples are our disciples. I will never let them be bullied by other monsters. Anyone who dares to bully these two children is bullying me...

As soon as he opened his mouth, all the demons in the hall immediately laughed.

The serious atmosphere just now became a little more relaxed.

Lu Wufei nodded, looked at the two siblings and continued: Meng Nan is the elder sister, and she is older. Let's continue to be the elder sister this time...

Meng Nan, you are my second disciple...

The words just fell.

Only a pop was heard.

The thin girl suddenly fell to her knees on the ground, raised her head and kowtowed vigorously towards Lu Wufei on the high platform.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of kowtow echoed loudly in the hall, and all the monsters who saw it were a little surprised.

this moment.

In Mengnan's heart, no one can understand her gratitude and gratitude to her uncle and master on the high platform.

At the very beginning.

She vaguely remembered that she had a very warm home.

Although the family was not wealthy at that time, they had enough to eat, were not hungry, and could still wear warm clothes.

And both parents are still alive.

But since one day, a demon came from outside the village, everything changed.

The number of people in the village began to decrease day by day.

But the villagers did not dare to escape.

Because the demon is wandering outside the village.

Anyone who dared to escape was eaten by the demon.

The villagers became increasingly panicked.

Finally, after most of the villagers were reduced.

The villagers couldn't bear it any longer.

At noon one day, the villagers rushed out of the village together, trying to seek help outside.

But what followed was killing and death.

His parents and brother died in that escape.

She was the only one who managed to survive.

There is no need to elaborate on how difficult it is for a girl under ten years old to survive when she is homeless.

Otherwise, she would not have committed herself to that middle-aged sour scholar and even conceived a child for him just to stay in Jinhua Mansion.

During the hard wandering period.

She met her younger brother Tiezheng who was also suffering from hardship.

Thinking of her dead brother, she took Tiezheng with her and depended on him from then on. Reading books

Her life has completely changed since she met her uncle.

During this period of time, she had seen too many unimaginable things by her uncle's side.

This opened her eyes, re-understood the world, and gave her an urgent idea to change her destiny.

But she didn't dare mention it to her uncle.

Uncle helped her a lot.

She has seen too much hardship in the world, so she knows how to be grateful even more.

Although she often couldn't help but hope in her heart.


The uncle saw his dream and presented himself with the opportunity to change his destiny.

Why doesn't this make her grateful and excited?

His head hit the stone slab of the main hall, but Mengnan felt no pain at all. Countless images from the past flashed through his mind, and finally settled on a figure in a green robe who was drinking tea.

That was the first time he saw his uncle, in the lobby of the city lord's residence in Jinhua Mansion.

From that day on, her life became bright.

Mengnan kowtowed in pain and knelt on the ground, tears quickly blurring his eyes.


Get up...

At this time, a gentle voice came from the high platform.

Mengnan found that he could no longer kneel down.

She raised her head and glanced at her uncle on the high platform with blurred eyes... No, look for Shuyuan It was the master who glanced at her, and then she quickly wiped her tears with her sleeves.

He saw Meng Nan slowly standing up, his forehead was red, and he was crying with emotion.

Lu Wufei smiled and nodded, then looked at the boy beside him and said, Tie Zheng, for my three disciples...

Upon hearing the sound, Tie Zheng immediately stepped forward, fell to his knees with a bang, and then kowtowed vigorously to the master on the high platform.

to him.

Master is his reborn parent. If he hadn't met Master, he would still be sinking at the bottom of Jinhua Mansion.

My gratitude and gratitude to Master need no words and will always be engraved in my heart.

Bang bang bang...

The iron clang also made a clanking sound.

Lu Wufei smiled and said, Okay...

Only then did Tie Zheng stop.

At this time, the maid on the side brought two cups of tea.

Sister Mengnan and younger brother Tiezheng each took a cup, and then followed the actions of the beautiful sister in front, slowly walking towards the high platform with tea in their hands.

Arriving in front of the high platform, holding cups in both hands, the sister and brother saluted respectfully in unison: Master, please have tea...


Lu Wufei nodded with satisfaction, drank one cup after another, and drank both cups of tea one by one.

The music that had stopped started again.

Lu Wufei listened to the music, looked at the monster brothers below, and looked at the three apprentices standing beside him, and his heart was filled with emotions.

Sixty years ago, traveling through Little White Wolf was like walking on thin ice.

Sixty years later, sitting in a territory, with a small reputation, brothers, teachers, and disciples, it suddenly seemed like a dream.

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