Where's my sister!?

Where is my sister?

What did you do to my sister!!

In Jinhua Mansion, West Street, a place of poverty, in a series of dense and compact wooden houses, a short, thin, dark-skinned boy was holding a broom and staring at a middle-aged man in a long gown and asked urgently: I want a sister!!

Hey, you little brat!

The middle-aged man in gray robe was stunned by the ferocious eyes of the boy in front of him. He was startled in his heart, and then he realized that he was pointing at the boy and yelling: You want to change the world!

I provide food for your sisters, water for your sisters, and housing for your sisters. How dare you show your teeth at me!

The middle-aged man in a long gown became more and more aggressive as he scolded him. Seeing that the boy did not dare to retaliate, he rolled up the book in his hand and hit the boy on the head. While hitting him, he cursed: If it weren't for me, you two sisters would have starved to death on the roadside. He was dragged away by wild dogs to share his food!”

Your sister is my woman, I can do whatever I want with her!

Don't say that I just asked her to participate in the selection of the Kunlun Immortal Sect. Even if I asked her to sell it, she would have to go!

Hitting you, you white-eyed wolf, really ruined my book!

The middle-aged man in a long gown cursed and hit the boy on the head with a book. After just hitting it, he immediately felt sorry for the book he had just bought. He quickly put it aside on the table, and then looked left and then read.

The boy listened, his eyes fixed on the man in front of him, but there was no movement. He just grabbed the broom in his hand tightly with his small hands, as if he wanted to cut off the broom.

The middle-aged man in a long gown saw the bamboo stick in the corner and immediately picked it up and slapped the boy on the face.


A bloodstain immediately appeared on the boy's face.

The boy's body was shaken by the whipping, and the veins on his neck appeared. He clenched his teeth and stared at the middle-aged man in front of him. He remained silent and almost broke the broomstick with his hands!

Why, what's that look in your eyes? Do you want to do something to me?


You should give it a try!

The middle-aged man in the long gown said and hit the boy with two bamboo whips again, mocking and threatening: If you dare to touch me, you two sisters will get out of my house!

As for you and your sister, you and your sister, as long as I report it to the government, you will get out of Jinhua Mansion immediately, and then you will be eaten up by wild dogs in the wild!

Do you understand!?

You look very fierce in your eyes, but you should take action!

The middle-aged man in a long gown raised his hand and struck the boy with a whip.


You're holding on so tightly, why don't you do it, try touching me!


You low-born outsiders like you are dark and ugly. It's your sister's blessing that I like you!

Otherwise, even if she goes to sell it, no man will come!

She just goes to the brothel to sell it, and the brothel doesn't want her!

You and your sister are both bitches!

Do you understand!?

The middle-aged man in a long gown became more and more excited as he roared. He hit the short boy with the bamboo whip one after another, his eyes getting more and more crazy.


You should do it!


Do it!

Why are you so stupid!

Fight back quickly!!

“Bah bang bang!!!”

The middle-aged man in a long gown yelled with a crazy look on his face, and whipped the boy's body with the bamboo whip in his hand, as if he was crazy!

Facing the middle-aged man's oncoming bamboo whip, the boy refused to lower his head. With a scary face covered in swelling and bloodstains, his red eyes stared at the middle-aged man, and he squeezed the broomstick tightly in his hand, making it ring.

When the middle-aged man faced the boy's look, he whipped his bamboo whip more and more crazily and shouted, Do it!

You bitch!

Your sister is a bitch too!

The child in her belly is even more of a bitch!!

You are all bitches!!!

The middle-aged man yelled as loud as he could, and waved the bamboo whip with a ferocious look on his face!

This time, the long whip he swung was firmly grasped by a pair of bony little hands.


The rhythm was interrupted, and the middle-aged man in a long gown suddenly stopped looking crazy. He pulled the bamboo whip without pulling it, and yelled angrily again: You dare to fight back!?

But he just finished speaking.

A yellow thing suddenly came towards the door!

Faced with a sudden attack, the middle-aged man had no ability to dodge.


The yellow bamboo pole suddenly pierced one of the eye sockets of the middle-aged man in a long gown.


The middle-aged man in long gown immediately wailed sadly.

The boy immediately thrust the hand-held broomstick in hard and then turned it.


The wailing of the middle-aged man in a long gown suddenly stopped immediately, and the blood gushing from his eyes quickly flowed into the middle-aged man's half-open mouth, leaving only instinctive wailing from his throat.

Finally, the middle-aged man in a long gown appeared again, his tall figure falling to the ground.


Looking at the man's body in front of him.

The boy with red eyes finally let go of his hand, and sat down on the ground with a trembling figure, breathing heavily.


The palace of the city lord.

In the main hall.

Faced with Lu Zhenjun's words, the Kunlun blue-robed disciple immediately pointed at the dark pregnant girl and said, That's her!

At this time.

All eyes in the hall were focused on the girl.

The girl looks young.

He looks ordinary, with a rough and dark complexion, messy hair, thin, shabby clothes with many patches, and a pair of shoes on his feet with cracks in many places...

Look at the girl's bulging belly.

At this moment, everyone in the hall had different looks.

Especially among the eight figures who participated in the selection together, the envy in their eyes almost turned into reality.

When Lu Wufei saw this, for the first time, the thought I really don't want to have children if I'm too poor came to mind.

But he didn't want to think too much.

The figure appeared in front of the girl instantly.

The girl who suddenly became the focus of the entire hall immediately became nervous when she faced the looks from around her.

She came here just for the subsidy of one tael of silver per person after the selection.

Suddenly becoming the center of attention, she felt extremely nervous.

at this time.

She felt a flash in front of her eyes, and a green-robed figure appeared. It was the figure who was sitting in the main seat before, like an immortal.

The girl shrank and looked at the green-robed figure, her eyes full of nervousness and fear.

No need to be nervous...

I have no ill intentions...

Look into the girl's eyes.

Lu Wufei comforted him softly.

The plain voice rang in the girl's ears, but it was extraordinarily full of power, which made the girl feel warm in her heart, and the nervousness and fear just now suddenly faded a lot.

Lu Wufei didn't care what the girl was thinking.

There was already a warm white pendant in his hand, which he placed between the girl's eyebrows.

See the movements of the green-robed figure in front of you.

The girl didn't dare to move.

Can't move either.

In the main hall, many figures looked at this scene with increasingly different eyes.

Old Taoist Liu Jing saw this and looked at his junior brother Li Yuanchun, both of whom seemed to have guessed something.

The white jade pendant is placed between the girl's eyebrows.

Lu Wufei casually hit a spell and it was buried in the jade pendant.

The next second.

There is no change in the jade pendant.

Lu Wufei frowned and fired a few magic spells again, sinking into the jade pendant.

I saw that the jade pendant remained unchanged.

It doesn't seem like...

The world is so big. Although there are very few humans with demon blood, there will never be no...

This girl is probably one of them...

Lu Wufei quickly understood, sighed in his heart, and turned around.

The figure instantly appeared on the main seat.

At this time.

The Kunlun blue-robed female disciple who was waiting on the side once again served steaming hot tea.

Lu Wufei picked up the Xuelian Chun and tasted it, then just waved his hand.

The Kunlun disciples immediately took all eight children down.

Even if these children are not selected, they will be rewarded with one tael of silver.

Don't let them go in vain.

This is what Lu Wufei stipulated.

Two taels of silver can allow an adult to live a normal life in Jinhua Mansion for a year with strong purchasing power.

One tael of silver is definitely a huge sum of money for the common people at the bottom.

It can save families, it can save lives.

This is why even if some women in the family meet the selection criteria, they are still willing to come out when they are pregnant.

Although there is a mandatory requirement from the government, it is also more related to the reward of one or two silver coins once you are selected to enter the final interview round.

A group of children went out.

The general guarding the door immediately shouted: The next batch...

The veteran Liu Jing saw it in his eyes and understood in his heart that the girl might have similarities with the person Lu Zhenjun was looking for, but she was not what Zhenjun was looking for.

Another group of tall, fat and short children of different shapes were brought in.

Look at the hand, there is blood...

Kunlun disciples Trat and Lu Zhenjun were in front of them.

Lu Wufei looked up, and the aura emerging from the blood in front of his eyes returned to the same scene as before.

at this time.

It suddenly occurred to him.

Since that girl has a trace of demon blood, there might be others like her around her.

After all, there is still the possibility of like attracting each other.

Even though I know it’s unlikely.

The girl was so poor and was only paid one tael of silver. If there were other people like her, they would probably join in the selection.

But if there is even a glimmer of possibility, you should give it a try. Anyway, it’s just a matter of one sentence.

This is the thought.

Lu Wufei immediately sent a message to the veteran Liu Jing: Master Liu, you send someone to follow the girl just now. There is no need to disturb the other party, as long as there are some people around him...

When Liu Jing heard this, he immediately turned around and stood up to salute: Xiao Dao will do it right now...

Lu Wufei nodded.

Then he waved his hand.

Several children who had undergone blood tests were immediately taken away.

These are the last few eligible kids today.


Today is over for now.

Drink up the Snow Lotus Spring in the cup in one gulp.

Lu Wufei stood up and walked towards the back of the hall.

Everyone in the main hall saluted together: Best farewell to the true king...

Return to the small courtyard.

Xiaobai, who was pulling the koi in the lotus pond, turned around and squeaked at his father, said hello, and continued to play in the water by the pond.

At this time.

A ray of white light suddenly flew out of Lu Wufei's sleeves and went straight to the lotus pond.

It is Qingtian Baiyuzhu.

As soon as the guy passed by, Xiaobai screamed.


Something fell into the water.

In the lotus pond, water immediately splashed everywhere.

Lu Wufei didn't care about the two live treasures playing around, so he walked into the room, walked into the bedroom, and sat down cross-legged.

Thoughts moved slightly.

Lines of ink fonts emitting pale white virtual light began to appear before his eyes.

[Host: Lu Fei]

[Realm: Middle stage of human immortality (\\/)]

[Experience value: 8925\\/]

[Soul Power: 1]

[Exercise method: Hundong Zhengang Heavenly Sutra (Perfection); Demon Race Breathing Method (Perfection)]

[Ability: Seventy-two Transformations (Dacheng) (1935\\/2000); Stick Technique (Perfection)...]

[Supernatural powers: The Universe in the Sleeve (Perfection); Law of Heaven and Earth (Xiao Cheng) (277\\/1000); Golden Light from the Ground (Perfection); Dreaming (Dacheng) (235\\/2000)...]


Look at the data constantly emerging in front of you.

Lu Wufei saw the data behind the realm column at the first glance.

For these data that are closely related to yourself.

He remembered it clearly.

In his current state, the experience value of daily meditation practice is much greater than before, but it is still too little compared to the huge experience pool.

Especially since he came back from his master's school, he has been busy.

The time devoted to meditation every day is too short.

But out of the mountain gate.

Lu Wufei had a desire to join the world.

Since you have joined the world, don't think about peace and quiet.

Lu Wufei was not anxious.

What's more, the last time I went to a banquet with my teacher in heaven, I ate a three-thousand-year-old and one-third flat peach, and my realm value skyrocketed too fast.

He also needs to slow down and settle down.

Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to lose the foundation.

On the contrary, the last time he went back to Langlang Mountain to pick up his third brother, Red Skin, his mother, his epiphany gave him a lot of experience points.

That's a great thing.

This will make his soaring cultivation realm more stable.

And according to Brother Mingyue in Guanzhong, in the future, when he reaches the late stage of human immortality and can break through the boundaries of the immortal realm, it will be much easier to break the shackles, and he can be considered a god.

This time I found out what senior brother Yu entrusted with his bloodline.

Then go to the Kunlun Immortal Sect with Liu Jinglao.

Finally, I went back to Taiping Mountain to explain.

Then it’s time to return to Wanshou Mountain Master’s Gate.

The cultivation gained through Pantao was too fast, so he needed to go back to the mountain to practice quietly.

The next plan was sorted out in his mind.

Lu Wufei retracted his thoughts and continued to look in front of him.

There is nothing much to say about the soul power experience value.

It won't move unless the heads are paid.

If he had killed the Eagle Demon King at Shituoling last time, he would have probably made a lot of money.

But if he really killed it that day.

Even if Senior Brother Lan Yu is here, he probably won't be able to leave Shituoling so easily.

Look at the ability bar again.

The progress of the Qigong Seventy-two Transformations was still extremely slow, and he almost gained the last bit of proficiency bit by bit.

But over the years, he had gotten used to it.

Look at the supernatural power column again.

The progress of the great magical power Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth is equally slow.

As for the little magical power of entering dreams, the progress is obviously much faster than that of Fa Tian Xiang Di.

This magical power is special, which is why Lu Wufei learned it.

With his current strength, not to mention he has gained too many magical powers through the Hun Dong Zhen Gang Tian Jing.

Every move he makes is filled with magical powers.

One method leads to all methods.

As his strength continued to increase, he became more and more aware of this sentence.

This is also the reason why he doesn't need to learn any other magical powers.

In addition to some special magical powers, there are also great magical powers that can be encountered but not sought.

The natal magical powers of ordinary little demons have long been meaningless to him.

Between thoughts diverging.

at this time.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a knock on the door.

Lu Wufei's thoughts moved slightly.

The figure immediately disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the courtyard gate.

open the door.

Standing outside the door was none other than veteran Liu Jing.


As soon as he saw Lu Wufei, Liu Jing immediately saluted and said, Just now, the disciples sent by Xiaodao to follow the girl reported back that the girl has a younger brother and a husband...

But not long ago, the girl's brother killed the girl's husband. He was caught and will be put in jail...


There is also a younger brother...

Lu Wufei was surprised when he heard the sound. After tasting it carefully, he said, Listening to what you said, it seems that there is something different in it?

I can't hide it from the real Lord...

Liu Jing smiled and spoke again: Xiao Dao asked a few more questions and found out that the girl and her brother fled to Jinhua Mansion a few years ago, and that the girl's husband was lazy and accomplished nothing. He relied on selling his ancestral property to make a living. , after taking in the sibling, he made his sibling work to support him, but he had a very bad attitude towards his sibling, especially his younger brother, who beat and scolded him casually. Not long ago, his husband beat and scolded his younger brother again. The younger brother finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he fought back and killed his husband in one fell swoop... Because of extenuating circumstances and the surrounding residents interceding for the sister and brother, the city lord wanted to pardon the sister and brother...

Liu Jing told all the information about the siblings in one breath.

Lu Wufei heard this and suddenly said, How old is the girl's husband and how tall and strong is he?

Liu Jing: I seem to be only thirty-eight. I heard he is not short...

Lu Wufei asked again: What about the girl's brother? How old is he and how tall is he?

Liu Jing: She is said to be nine years old, but she is shorter and thinner than the average nine-year-old child...

Lu Wufei continued to ask: Are the boy and the girl biological siblings?

Liu Jing: This, it doesn't seem to be the case. From what the people below said, it seems like I encountered someone while escaping from the famine...

That's it...

Hearing this, Lu Wufei immediately narrowed his eyes and said, Where is that boy now?...

Liu Jing was slightly startled when he heard the sound, then he reacted and immediately said: The siblings have been brought back. The city lord heard that the case was complicated and approached Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and planned to try it in person. In the opinion of the people, the siblings are here. I was in the city lord's palace...

It's just right.

Let's go and meet...

Lu Wufei nodded and walked towards the outside of the hospital.

After Liu Jing's mind wandered at high speed, he immediately followed.

Not long after.

In the previous hall, Lu Wufei saw the formally dressed elderly city lord, a group of Jinhua Palace ministers, and the pair of dark and thin siblings sitting high on the throne.

Lu Wufei suddenly appeared.

On the main seat, the city lord's expression immediately changed, and he immediately stood up and saluted in unison: I have met the true king!

Lu Wufei turned a deaf ear to this. He focused all his attention on the boy who was standing next to the swarthy girl with a big belly whom he had just met not long ago. He was dark, short, small, covered with wounds, and had stubborn eyes.

Pay no attention to anyone.

Lu Wufei took one step forward.

The figure instantly appeared in front of the siblings.

Facing the man in green robe who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The elder sister looked startled. When she realized what was going on, her face was a little nervous, but she was not afraid. She even put her hand on the younger brother who was frightened and backed away, and said warmly: Don't move.

The boy's nervous expression faded slightly upon hearing this.

The white jade pendant that appeared in Lu Wufei's hand was already placed between the boy's eyebrows.

As soon as the jade pendant was attached, a gleaming white light began to emerge from the jade pendant.

Lu Wufei suddenly felt happy.

As the spell in his hand sank into the jade pendant.

The warm white jade pendant immediately shines brightly!

found it!

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