found it!

Looking at the white jade pendant in front of me, it shines brightly.

Lu Wufei couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment.

Reincarnated in Nanzhan Buzhou, there is no name, no gender, only a rough age group, and a birthmark that is not too conspicuous.

Before leaving the underworld, Lu Wufei, who received the entrustment from Senior Brother Yu Caisheng, had planned to spend several years traveling throughout the entire Nanzhan Continent in search of Senior Brother Yu's bloodline.

Unexpectedly, we arrived at the first stop, the seventh day.

This is only the seventh day.

He successfully found Senior Brother Yu's bloodline scattered in the world.

So smooth! So lucky!

Lu Wufei was really stunned.

So he took a deep breath, reached out and took off the white jade pendant in front of the boy.

Take it off instantly.

The light on the jade pendant quickly disappeared.

Lu Wufei once again placed the jade pendant between the boy's eyebrows. Just like before, the jade pendant automatically began to emit a weak, shining white light without the need for magic.

He hit the law again.

When the magic weapon sank into the jade pendant, it still glowed brightly.

Now, there was no longer any doubt. This child was the reincarnated bloodline that Senior Brother Yu Caisheng had entrusted him to find.

His mission is basically completed.


Take a long breath.

Lu Wufei casually took back the jade pendant and then looked at the boy in front of him.

Short...shorter than the shortest child he had seen these days when he came for testing;

Thin, skinny is a bit exaggerated, but it's really a little bit better.

However, the frame looks larger than that of an average child. It looks okay if he is propped up with clothes on, but when he lifts up his clothes...

Lu Wufei squatted down and looked at the boy with a smile on his face: Don't be afraid...

Hearing Lu Wufei's gentle words and gentle attitude.

The nervousness and apprehension in the boy's heart quickly eased a lot.

He actually has the ability to roughly sense whether the other person has any ill intentions toward him when facing someone face to face.

He also relied on this ability to survive until now.

But he didn't feel the slightest malice from the green-robed man in front of him. Instead, he felt warmth that could warm his heart from the bottom of his heart.

He could only feel this feeling from his sister next to him.

The man in front of me is the second one.

Therefore, he was afraid that his mood would stabilize quickly, but his nervousness was due to the unfamiliar environment and unfamiliar people around him.

And, the man in front of him was equally strange.

Seeing that the boy's mood has stabilized a lot.

Lu Wufei smiled, picked up the boy's little hand, and rolled up the patched coarse cloth sleeve in his hand.

You can see the thin and slender arms, but they are so thin that you can see traces of muscles.

Obviously, this child has worked a lot, and the work he does is not light.

And, there are more and more conspicuous wounds and scars on the arms.

In addition, there were swollen and shocking fresh whip marks on his neck and face.

Obviously, this boy had not only been subjected to inhumane treatment on a regular basis before, but he had also been severely beaten not long ago.

Lu Wufei saw this in his eyes and immediately remembered what Liu Jinglaodao had just said to him. The boy had been beaten severely before, but he couldn't stand it any more, so he fought back and killed the man.

Looking at the dignified Lord Lu Zhenjun, half squatting on the ground, treating the beggar-like boy with a gentle attitude.

this moment.

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in different ways.

The happiest person at this time is undoubtedly the girl with a big belly next to her.

The girl's name is Mengnan.

Girls always mature earlier than boys.

What's more, Mengnan, who had fled famine early and came to Jinhua Mansion, had no choice but to commit himself to the middle-aged man in order to survive for himself and his brother.

Probably because that man could provide a place for her and her brother to live in the prosperous Jinhua Mansion.

Even if the man treated her and her brother very badly, he was beaten and scolded at every turn.

But in order to survive, Mengnan could only endure it silently with his younger brother, because he really didn't want to live a life of no fixed abode, living on the streets and becoming a real beggar.

He is even more unwilling to leave Jinhua Mansion and embark on the dangerous escape path that was precarious and narrowly escaped before.

She also became pregnant with the man's child.

And just before that.

The younger brother finally couldn't stand the bullying of her husband... No, she had no status, that was not her husband... The man killed him.

Mengnan doesn't blame her brother, she knows better than anyone else how sensible and well-behaved he is.

But the sky fell.

Just when she thought everything was over.

Her brother will be imprisoned, and she will either have the man's only remaining property confiscated, or she may be kicked out of Jinhua Mansion.

What should she do if she is alone and still has a big belly?

However, when the man in green robe who had checked his body before appeared.

When the other person finds what he wants in his brother.

Mengnan knew that his brother's fate might have changed.

And I, because of my relationship with my younger brother, may also be changed accordingly.

What a blessing this is...

Oh my God, have you opened your eyes?

At this moment, Meng Nan was filled with excitement, but his face looked normal despite suppressing it, except that the hand on his brother beside him was trembling involuntarily.

She was afraid that everything in front of her was just a dream.

I was afraid that if she was too emotional, she would wake up from this dream.

Next to the girl Mengnan, those who were happy with the scene before them were naturally the veteran Liu Jing and his junior brother Li Yuanchun.

Lu Zhenjun said before that when he finds the person he is looking for, he will follow him to visit Kunlun.

Now, that little boy should be the person Zhenjun is looking for.


Lu Zhenjun will also accompany him to visit his teacher. The task that the teacher has given him for many years can be regarded as completed.

But this time in Jinhua Mansion, with his full assistance, he helped Lu Zhenjun find the child.

Presumably, his relationship with Lu Zhenjun will be better and take a further step.

How could Liu Jing and Li Yuanchun not be happy with all this.

As for the elderly city lord Yu Hongliang.

He was equally happy.

More than twenty years ago, Lu Zhenjun saved the entire Jinhua Mansion.

Now, in Jinhua Mansion, I helped Zhenjun find the child, which was a great help to Zhenjun.

Being able to help Zhenjun made him very happy.

As for the other people, whether they are the town guards, ministers of Jinhua Mansion, or even Kunlun disciples.

Look at Lu Zhenjun’s attitude towards the child.

Envy and jealousy can't help but arise in everyone's heart.

Before that, no matter how miserable the situation and misfortune of the brother and sister were, a few people with some conscience would still feel sympathy and even say a few words of help.

But most of them are just fun to watch.

but now.

Look at Lu Zhenjun’s attitude at this time.

That boy, I don’t know what kind of luck he had, must be prosperous.

May I have your name?

Putting down the boy's arm, Lu Wufei looked at the boy and spoke softly.

Facing the question from the man in front of him, the boy became much more emotionally stable and said, My name is Tiezheng...


Lu Wufei nodded upon hearing this, and then asked, Do you have any relatives still alive?

Now that he has been entrusted by Senior Brother Yu, he is ready to arrange everything for the boy.

Relatives related to the boy by blood are naturally related to Senior Brother Yu.

However, he estimated that there was no such thing. If there was, his senior brother would definitely tell him about it.


Hearing Lu Wufei's words, Tie Zheng was stunned for a moment, then immediately reached out and grabbed the clothes of the girl with a big belly beside him and said, I only have sister!

Sister is my relative!

Lu Wufei nodded and said with a smile: You still have me...

As he spoke, he reached out and touched Tie Zheng's little head, stood up, seemed to have thought of something, then lowered his head and asked: Tie Zheng, tell me, how old are you this year?

In the past, Tie Zheng would be angry when his head was touched, but this time, he only felt warm and comfortable, and immediately said: I am nine years old this year...

Tie Zheng's voice fell.

The sister Mengnan on the side suddenly looked anxious.

She knew that this god seemed to only look for people between the ages of ten and fifteen, and her younger brother was only nine years old, one year behind. What if he didn't meet the criteria?

Lu Wufei naturally didn't notice the expression of the girl in front of him.

He muttered in his mouth, then looked at Liu Jinglao and said: Master Liu, please bring me the bone age tester and test it for this little guy...

His voice fell.

There was nothing wrong with Tie Zheng's face.

But the face of her sister Meng Nan suddenly changed, and she became even more anxious.

Sure enough, this god is going to test my brother's age. What should I do if my brother doesn't match his age?

But she was destined to be in a hurry, she could do nothing and could not do anything.

True Lord, wait a moment...

Old Taoist Liu Jing immediately responded, and then gave an order, and his disciples in blue robes hurriedly left the hall.

Not long after.

The disciples in blue robes brought the bone age detection instruments that were being tested outside that met the conditions for registration.

A black thing shaped like a stone.

Liu Jing explained the usage on the side.

Lu Wufei held it in his hand and shook it. This thing was only a low-grade magical weapon, but its special use within the sect surpassed many higher-level magical weapons.

Lu Wufei wanted to use this thing to test Tie Zheng's bone age, not that he suspected that the child's bloodline was fake.

The jade pendant given by the senior brother had an obvious reaction, and the child couldn't fake it even if he wanted to.

Rather, he wanted to test whether the bloodline age mentioned by Senior Brother Yu was correct.

After all the kid said he was only nine years old.

If the senior brother is really wrong, then next time he returns to the underworld, he will have to talk to his senior brother.

Tie Zheng, take this...

Lu Wufei handed the black stone to the boy and continued: You heard what you just said, just squeeze it tightly.


Tie Zheng nodded immediately. He had a great sense of the man in front of him. He was not suspicious at this time and immediately squeezed the black stone in his hand tightly.


A brilliance quickly appeared on the surface of the black stone.

The usage is informed by Liu Jinglao.

Lu Wufei immediately recognized the message that the light represented. Tie Zheng's bone age was ten years old, not nine as he had just said.

Senior Brother Yu did not miscalculate the age at which he was reincarnated and his bloodline was scattered.

It's because Tie Zheng himself misremembered or got the age wrong.

Tie Zheng, you are ten years old this year...

Lu Wufei looked at the boy and asked, Did you remember wrongly when you were nine, or did someone tell you?

It's okay if it's just a misremembering.

If someone tells it specifically, then he needs to pay attention.

After all, no matter what it is.

Confusing Tie Zheng's age, if he hadn't thought more about it today and called attention to the girl's situation, he would probably have passed by Tie Zheng.

And once you miss Tiezheng.

He completed the examination and left Jinhua Mansion. The possibility of coming back to Jinhua Mansion for repeated examinations was almost zero.

That is to say.

Even if the difference is only one year, even if Tie Zheng will be one year older next year.

But he was afraid that he would never be able to touch Lu Wufei.

Because Lu Wufei would not investigate twice in Jinhua Mansion.

If the child Tie Zheng's age is deliberately changed, then the other party must have a grudge against Senior Brother Yu, and it is possible that his actions can be predicted in advance.

This is a big deal.

I am ten years old...?

Hearing Lu Wufei's question, Tie Zheng stretched out his hand to scratch his head, and then said: I...I don't know, no one told me, I have never met my father, my mother died a long time ago, I was very young I was alone, and I saw other kids who were the same height as me, and they said they were six years old, and I thought I was the same...

Hear this.

Lu Wufei finally understood.

No one did it on purpose.

But no one told Tie Zheng how old he was, so he made up his own age.

However, he also heard the tragic days experienced by Senior Brother Yu, the only bloodline left in this world.

This child grew up soaked in bitter water.

He and senior brother Yu belong to the same sect, and they hit it off immediately.

Senior brother Yu was kind to him again.

At this time, I heard that his only bloodline had such a miserable experience.

Lu Wufei couldn't help but feel pity for the child. He reached out and touched the boy's head again and said softly: It's okay...

Everything will be fine from now on...


Lu Wufei looked up at Liu Jinglaodao and everyone in the hall and said, This child is the person I am looking for...

Exterior inspections and notices can be removed...

After hearing the true king's words, everyone was relieved.

With the True Lord and the real immortal by their side, even if what they do is not difficult, it is not an exaggeration to describe the effort they have exerted during this period of time as being cautious and walking on thin ice.

Because I am tired.

It's just that they haven't had time to relax and take a breath.


Lu Wufei continued to speak, looked at Liu Jinglao and asked: Master Liu, what did this child commit before?

Are you going to be put in jail?

no no...

Liu Jing's heart skipped a beat when he heard the sound, and he quickly shook his head and said, The person killed by that child deserved it. The city lord was about to acquit the child...

After saying that, Liu Jing immediately looked at the city lord.

The master of the city has not grown old yet. He was even more shocked by Zhenjun's words just now. He didn't even need to wink from Zhenren Liu and immediately said: Zhenjun, what Liu Zhenren said is very true...

That's true!

This child has been abused for a long time, and he was forced to fight back. The man deserved to die...

The child is not only innocent, but also meritorious.

Because he killed the man who broke the law, there is a reward...

His sister and widow will receive all of her husband's property...


City Lord Yu Hongliang's firm voice echoed in the hall.

His words could be regarded as a verdict on the boy Tie Zheng's murder.

One day later.

The boy Tie Zheng's murder was judged to be a typical example of heroic resistance against abuse.

After some official publicity, Tie Zheng's deeds instantly made him a little hero who resisted violence and abuse.

The entire Jinhua Mansion also conducted a search for this kind of thing for a while, and found the Shuyuan to establish relevant new regulations.

three days later

Lu Wufei was not aware of the commotion in Jinhua Mansion these past few days.

He is currently in the small courtyard.

Standing in front of him was Tie Zheng, a boy who had changed into new clothes, most of the scars on his face and body had healed, and his spirit was completely renewed.

There is also a girl named Mengnan who also puts on new clothes, has a flat belly, looks a little pale, but is in good spirits.

Are you sure you want to go together? Tie Zheng should have told you about the situation...

Lu Wufei glanced at the belly of the girl in front of him and said, Wherever you go, there are monsters everywhere...

When Mengnan heard the sound, he immediately knelt down on the ground and prayed: Please have mercy on me!

Look at the determined girl.

Lu Wufei finally nodded: Okay, it would be nice to be with Tie Zheng...

Five days later.

Over the Jinhua Mansion.

A golden building ship sailed slowly and flew towards the northern sky.

A few days later.

The weather suddenly turned cold.

The golden ship sailed into a world of ice and snow.

Inside the main cabin.

In front of the long table.

Lu Wufei sat on the soft collapse every day, watching Li Yuanchun pouring tea for him, watching the mist in the teacup rising and swirling, quickly condensing into a delicate snow lotus shape.

At this time, Taoist Liu Jing suddenly raised his head, looked in front of the golden ship and said, Zhenjun, that is where my Kunlun Mountain Gate is...

When Lu Wufei heard the sound and raised his head, he saw the sky in front of him. In the distance, on top of the towering mountains, a series of palaces hidden in the clouds loomed.

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