Late at night, Jinhua Mansion.

The city lord's residence, inside the main hall.

The music is melodious.

The dancer is graceful.

Hearing Lu Wufei's words.

Liu Jinglao, who was under the main seat, was immediately overjoyed and said with a smile on his face: This is great!

My master has long wanted to express his gratitude to Zhenjun for rescuing the Jinhua Mansion, but he didn't have the chance. If he knew that Zhenjun was here now, he would definitely be happy. My junior brother and I have lived up to our master's trust. ..”

Li Yuanchun on the side was equally happy when he heard this and echoed.

What they had said before was somewhat ambiguous, but it was true that they were overjoyed when they heard Lu Wufei accepted the appointment.

The Lu Zhenjun in front of him has always been mysterious.

They still remember that it was almost twenty years ago when they first met this Lord Lu.

At that time, the Black Mountain Old Demon invaded Jinhua Mansion and when the city was destroyed, it was Lu Zhenjun who stood up.

Although Lu Zhenjun was still just Lu Zhenjun at that time, his strength was extremely powerful.

One-on-one, he killed the terrifying old Black Mountain demon and saved the Jinhua Mansion from danger.

After accomplishing such a feat, he left without caring about his reputation.

This is also the first time that the two senior brothers have met Lu Zhenjun, and they are extremely grateful to Lu Zhenjun. Reading books

Jinhua Mansion is very important to the Kunlun Sect.

It would be a big mistake if the Jinhua Mansion was destroyed by the old Black Mountain monster in the hands of these two senior brothers.

Therefore, after learning about this, Master asked them to express their gratitude when they see Lu Zhenjun again.

The second time, about ten years ago, they accidentally met Lu Zhenjun who suddenly appeared.

It was just then that Master Lu became Master Lu.

In this way, it is even more important to get to know and deepen our friendship with Lu Zhenjun.

Moreover, after searching all the disciples of the right age from the Immortal Sect in the Human World, they could not find out the identity and background of Lu Zhenjun.

Not only the two of them want to make friends with Lu Zhenjun, but even the master behind them also attaches importance to this.

Ask Liu Jing and Li Yuanchun to invite Lu Zhenjun to Kunlun once they see him again, and not to neglect.

Of course they are not stupid.

Being able to establish a powerful true king in the realm of immortality is completely beneficial and does no harm.

How could they be lazy?

This is also the reason why the two of them definitely want to invite Lu Zhenjun to Kunlun even if their words are adulterated.

When they heard that Lu Zhenjun made it clear that he wanted to visit Kunlun, the two brothers were very happy.

As for what Lu Zhenjun said about missing people.

They didn't find it difficult.

There are Kunlun sects stationed in many places in Nanzhan Buzhou. If Jinhua Mansion cannot find it, as long as they notify them, their brothers from other places will help search for him.

Even if Nan Zhan Bu Continent cannot be found, Dong Sheng Shen Continent far to the east also has their Kunlun Sect's human training place, and they can also help find it when the time comes.

In short, finding someone is a small matter, but making friends with Mr. Lu Zhen is a big deal.

Lu Wufei made his position clear at this time.

Brothers Liu Jing and Li Yuanchun were even more happy.

For a while.

The guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

Warm atmosphere.

at the same time.

In front of the gate of the city lord's mansion, groups of heavily armed city guards were dispatched, rushing towards every street and corner of Jinhua Mansion.

One by one, bookkeeping officials were awakened from their dreams and quickly gathered into their offices, where they began to rummage through boxes and cabinets in search of various records.

In Jinhua Mansion, as long as there are records, there are people who meet the above requirements of age.

Regardless of whether they were born into a powerful family or something else, they must all be drawn out and verified beforehand.

at the same time.

The Kunlun monks, who are rarely seen on weekdays, also control the stream of light and shuttle between the Jinhua Mansion and the highest attic of the Kunlun monks' residence.

Also busy.

Although Lu Wufei said that he would just start early tomorrow morning.

But it was late at night, and the entire Jinhua Mansion was already in action.

Early morning hours.

The sky in the east has just become bright.

The small traders and vendors who were trying to make a living got up early and started to get busy.

Jinhuafu xc district.

On the busiest market street.

Unlike previous notices, which were mostly white and black, but instead red and black, a large notice was posted on the busiest bulletin board in the market.

On both sides of the bulletin board, there were several mighty city guards wearing armor and holding weapons.

Such a formation clearly shows that this announcement is unusual.

Soon, the bold ones stepped forward to check the notice.

I saw the following content written on the notice: Kunlun Immortal Sect Xunfan, who is ten to fifteen years old and has a black mole on the palm of his right hand, must come to the city lord's palace to report... Those who succeed will be rewarded with a reward of ten taels. Those who have the above characteristics but keep it secret and fail to report it will be severely punished...

This notice was quickly chanted aloud by the literate people.

For a while.

The entire market street in District XC suddenly became extremely noisy.

Is the Kunlun Immortal Sect recruiting disciples again?

I remember, isn't it time to recruit disciples yet?

Don't worry about whether they are recruiting disciples or not. It has nothing to do with us anyway. The bounty is as high as ten taels. Oh my god, if I am selected, I will be rewarded. I only regret that I don't have a mole on my hand...

It's no use having you. Didn't you see that the notice only requires children between ten and fifteen years old? You are already over thirty, so don't even think about someone who has half his feet in the ground...

There is a mole on his hand. I remember at the end of our story, Wang Mute's son seemed to have a big mole on his right hand...

That's right, and that boy is only fourteen years old. He is completely qualified... Go, go, go and inform Wang Stuttering. If his son is chosen, we will have money...

It makes sense, let's go together, let's go quickly!

As long as there is a black mole on the hand, my daughter has a black mole on her face. She is just fifteen years old. I wonder if it can be done...

You have to ask the Kunlun Immortal Sect monks about this. Go away quickly. You are blocking the road. Let me take a look...

Haha, my son is only ten years old this year. He also has a black mole on the palm of his right hand. My son is completely consistent with it. My son is consistent with it. Haha, my son is going to join the Kunlun Immortal Sect...

The pork is done. If your son is qualified, why don't you take him to the city lord's palace? If those Kunlun immortals finish recruiting disciples, just wait and cry...

I remember over in Nancheng, there was a little beggar on the roadside who seemed to have a black mole on his hand. That little beggar was not very old... Uh-huh... What are you doing!

Shh, don't say anything. Let's go together to find him. If he is chosen, we will definitely get the reward!

That makes sense, let's go!

Hey, both of our sons are of the same age, but why don't they have any moles! Why don't they have any! I hate it so much!


Doubt, excitement, sigh, happiness, joy, disappointment, anger...

Seeing the notice posted with great fanfare, the crowd of onlookers were immediately affected by the contents of the notice, and the noise was extremely intense.

Not long after.

They discovered that notices were posted on more than just market streets in XC District.

All the streets in Jinhua Mansion were covered with stickers.

There were heavily armed city guards everywhere on the streets.

This time, the Kunlun Immortal Sect’s recruitment of disciples was stronger than before.

Such a result.

Even the entire huge Jinhua Mansion was boiling over this matter.

Time passed slowly.

When the golden light group hangs high and the sun is three poles high.

The palace of the city lord.

In an exquisite and luxurious courtyard.

The sound of running water gurgling.

A big silver-white mouse with a pink nose was lying next to the lotus pond, pulling at the fat koi carp in the pond.

Courtyard room.

Quiet bedroom.

On the soft bed.

Lu Wufei, who was dressed in a green robe, suddenly opened his eyes from closing his eyes to rest.

at this time.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a knock on the door.

A crisp and respectful voice also sounded outside the door: Reporting to the True Lord, the first batch of children who meet the requirements have been selected outside the palace. Please tell me...

Lu Wufei appeared in the yard in one step. Not far away, Xiaobai, who was playing with the koi, squeaked when he saw his father going out. He immediately abandoned the koi in the lotus pond and trotted towards his father. Read a book

He jumped onto his father's shoulders.

Lu Wufei opened the door and saw a tall, heroic-looking female disciple in Kunlun's blue robe standing outside the door, but her face was looking at the white hair on his shoulder, her eyes dazed. the true king!

Realizing that she was being rude, the female disciple immediately reacted and bowed respectfully.

Lu Wufei said calmly: Lead the way...


The nervous female disciple immediately led the way.

Followed the female disciple all the way out of the small courtyard.

Not long after.

Then they came to the main hall of the city lord's palace.

Liu Jing, the elderly city lord Yu Hongliang, and several Jinhua Mansion ministers who were originally sitting in the seats in the main hall immediately stood up and saluted: I have met the true king!

Youlu is just here.

The main position in the main hall has nothing to do with the city lord Yu Hongliang.

Lu Wufei went straight to the main seat and sat down.

The female disciple in blue robe who had just led the way quickly brought a double amount of steaming hot tea, which was the Snow Lotus Spring that she had drunk before.

The white-robed old Taoist Liu Jing, who was next in line, immediately spoke: Zhenjun, the first batch of children we selected who meet the requirements of Zhenjun are already waiting outside the palace...

Lu Wufei picked up the teacup and took a sip, then nodded: Let them all come in...


Liu Jing responded and immediately turned around and glanced at the armor-clad general at the entrance of the hall. The general immediately shouted outside the hall: Bring them all in...


Fifteen figures led by a city guard walked in.

You must have never seen such a luxurious hall.

Fifteen boys and girls of different genders, different heights, fat and thin, different clothes, and different temperaments looked at the luxurious hall, at the mighty city guards standing around, and at the city lord and ministers in exquisite and gorgeous clothes. , looking at the Kunlun monks wearing blue robes and white robes, especially when he saw the figure in blue robes above the main seat of the hall, whose temperament was as unmistakable as that of an immortal.

The fifteen young men looked nervous, apprehensive, fearful, excited... all of them.

Looking at the fifteen boys and girls standing side by side.

Lu Wufei put down the teacup in his hand and stepped forward.

The children of the poor are already in charge.

In this era, children who are ten years old are already sensible unless they are born in a good environment.

If a girl reaches the age of twelve or thirteen, she can get engaged and married.

But in front of me, there were three girls who were all young, and none of them were already married.

In this era, married women will not come out easily at this time.

It's just that Lu Wufei is not sure whether his senior brother's bloodline is female, and whether he is married or not.

Therefore, once other checks are completed and the real owner is not found.

He wants to let all girls of the same age come out, regardless of whether they are married as wives or pregnant and have children.

In the main hall.

At this time, I saw the most handsome and extraordinary man in green robe in the entire hall approaching.

All the boys and girls immediately became nervous.

Raise your hands...

After glancing at all the young men, Lu Wufei spoke quietly.

The fifteen teenagers had already passed the hand and bone age tests. When they heard the sound, they all immediately raised their hands.

Show your palms...

Lu Wufei spoke again, and a group of boys and girls immediately spread their hands with their palms upward.

This time.

Lu Wufei saw clearly that the fifteen children in front of him did all have black moles on their right palms, but the moles on their palms were of different sizes.

Some are as small as sesame seeds or rice grains, and some are as big as black birthmarks that occupy most of the palm. The entire palm is black.

At the same time, there are also ones as big as the thumb in the palm of Senior Brother Yu.

But just to be on the safe side.

Lu Wufei didn't examine the child with a mole the size of his thumb more carefully, but everything in front of him.

let's start...

Lu Wufei said and turned around to walk towards the main seat.

Liu Jinglaodao immediately spoke.

Several Kunlun blue-robed disciples standing nearby immediately stepped forward with silver trays and slender silver needles in their hands.

Seeing the monk picking up the silver needle, the children immediately became nervous.

No need to be nervous, it's just a drop of blood sample. Afterwards, no matter whether you are selected or not, you will be rewarded...

The leader of the blue-robed disciple spoke in a gentle tone.

All the children relaxed a lot.

Several blue-robed disciples then held silver needles and pricked fifteen children's hands, pricking fifteen drops of blood and scattering them on several silver trays.

End of some acupuncture.

The blue-robed disciple brought the silver plate containing the children's blood to Lu Wufei.

If Senior Brother Yu left a child with a lot of monster blood, then he could tell it directly at a glance.

But if the bloodline of the demon clan is very few and very thin, then it will be more difficult to distinguish.

If they have some cultivation, it will be much easier to distinguish them.

It is the most difficult to check for mortals with extremely thin blood and no cultivation.

He had just glanced at all the children in front of him at the beginning.

I couldn't see anything strange, so I could only use the safest method, looking at the blood.

On three silver plates, fifteen drops of blood were placed in front of him.

Lu Wufei held the teacup in his hand, and a pale white light flashed between his eyes.

The auras contained in the fifteen drops of blood immediately appeared in front of his eyes one by one.

None fit.

Quickly identify all the blood.

Lu Wufei looked at Liu Jinglao and shook his head.

The old Taoist immediately said: The next batch...

next batch...

The general standing at the door of the hall shouted.


Fifteen more figures of boys and girls were brought in.

The second batch of children is similar to the previous one. The only difference may be that one of the boys is exquisitely dressed and his skin color is obviously whiter than the other children. He is obviously a child of a wealthy family.

Lu Wufei didn't bother to step forward this time, because the children who could pass the screening were basically trained to meet the requirements.

He directly asked Kunlun disciples to get acupuncture.

Not long after.

Another fifteen drops of blood visited him.

Lu Wufei's eyes quickly swept over, and this time without shaking his head, Liu Jing quickly saw it and said: The next batch...


Fifteen more children were brought in.


Take a drop of blood from each of the children.

Lu Wufei glanced over.

Change to the next batch.

However, when it was changed to the fourteenth batch, the number of people coming in was immediately reduced by half.

Lu Wufei was not surprised either.

Although his two conditions are not too harsh, they are definitely not easy to achieve.

This is thanks to a large and prosperous city like Jinhua Mansion.

If it were an ordinary run-down small town, I would probably be able to collect a dozen or twenty qualified people, which would be enough.

The numbers quickly dwindled.

Lu Wufei also stopped and continued to check.

Let's check together when more people gather.

Anyway, he estimated that he was still very early in this journey of searching for people.

The southern continent is too big, with many and vast human beings.

If he wanted to find the bloodline of Senior Brother Yu among all the humans in Nanzhan Continent, it would undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack, and it would be impossible without him in a year or two.

He is ready to fight for a long time.

Ended the morning's testing.

Liu Jinglaodao has already prepared a banquet at the city lord's mansion.

For the banquet, only two Kunlun monks, Liu Jing and Li Yuanchun, were qualified to toast him.

Lu Wufei had no interest at all.

However, the detection caused quite a stir, and the entire Jinhua Mansion tried its best to find Shuyuan Only then did Lu Wufei sit down at the banquet for a while.

In the afternoon.

Testing continues.

It was just as Lu Wufei thought.

There are no surprises, no surprises.

in this way.

the next day...

The third day...

Until the seventh day of testing...

In the afternoon.

When eight figures were brought into the hall, five of them were women and three were women, especially one of the women with a round belly. She was obviously pregnant, and the time had passed. Short silhouette.

Lu Wufei was not surprised, because in the past seven days, there was not only one pregnant woman who met the requirements.

The reason why he appeared later was because he was discovered and reported, or he was forced to come out because he could not withstand the orders of Jinhua Mansion.

Follow the old process.

Direct bleeding.

When Kunlun's blue-robed disciple dragged the silver plate containing eight people's blood drops and held it respectfully in front of him.

After the light flashed in Lu Wufei's eyes, he saw the aura of blood droplets, one of which obviously had a trace of black aura.

Black people are turbid and belong to demons.

Whose blood is that...?

The light in Lu Wufei's eyes surged, and he suddenly felt happy. He spoke for the first time in seven days.

Not only the disciple in blue robe who held up the silver plate looked stunned.

Everyone in the entire hall was stunned.

The tray disciple reacted quickly and immediately turned around and pointed behind him and stood side by side. At the end of the left side, a girl with a round belly and a dark complexion said: Jun Zhenjun, that drop of blood is hers!

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