Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 157: Demon Saint blocks the way, a critical shot!

Where to escape!

A roar like thunder came quickly from behind.

Feel the shocking and terrifying aura coming quickly from below.

Lu Wufei knew that what was supposed to come would eventually come.

Not long ago, when he heard the ghost book Dou Maogen said in the underworld that the ghost gate would be randomly teleported, he felt something was wrong.

But it was his first time to go to the hell gate, so he had no choice.

The result was that he opened the door directly to the territory of Shituoling, the lair of one of the most ferocious monsters in the world.

Knowing that Shituoling was ferocious, he didn't want to cause trouble and wanted to leave quickly.

Then he was blocked by the three demon kings.

With great difficulty, he managed to directly deal with a demon king and get rid of two demon kings. As a result, he accidentally alarmed the demon ancestor level demon in the Immortal Realm of Shituoling.

If I take care of this demon ancestor... is it possible for me to face the biggest boss in Shituoling, which is at least the green-haired lion spirit in the realm of earthly immortals and demon saint level?

What are you afraid of?

Lu Wufei's thoughts were mixed, but he could not stop the situation from changing rapidly.

But in his heart, the complaints were complaints and the dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction!

But he has always been resolute and decisive in his actions.

No more taking any chances.

Lu Wufei jumped up to dissipate the ground-wide golden light magical power, turned around and looked back at the rapidly approaching black shadow below, his spiritual thoughts immediately activated.

The laws of heaven and earth!

In an instant, Lu Wufei's body shape immediately changed from a human body to a wolf-headed human-half-demon form, the true form of the Silver Moon Sirius, and his entire body shape surged wildly with a force that was invisible to the naked eye.

Fifty feet!

One hundred feet!

Two hundred feet...

At the same time, the sky-supporting white jade pillar in his hand also shone brightly in an instant, followed by a rapid surge.



The wind suddenly rose, and thunder exploded in the sky, tearing the dark sky apart.

Under thunder.

Lu Wufei, who quickly transformed into a gigantic Silver Moon Sirius, had a ferocious face and raised his head to the sky, roaring.

The real body of Sirius is also flashing with lightning, and continues to surge!

Three hundred feet!

Four hundred feet!

Five hundred feet!

Just a breather.

Lu Wufei's Heavenly Wolf true form quickly surpassed the limit of four hundred feet in the early stage of human immortality.

Under the thunder in the sky.

Lu Wufei's real body is still growing rapidly.

Six hundred feet!

Six hundred and fifty feet!

Seven hundred feet!!



The winds surged wildly, and the thunder surged like waves.

Finally, in just a few breaths, the body of the astonishing Silver Moon Sirius, which quickly swelled to a full seven hundred feet in size, stood under the sky with its head held high, with lightning flashing behind it and thunder rolling.

At this moment, the ferocious-looking Silver Moon Heavenly Wolf Lu Wuwei, holding the sky-high white jade pillar with shining silver light, was bathed in the thunder of the sky, like a god or a devil!

Looking at the black shadow rushing up below.

Lu Wufei raised the Optimus White Jade Pillar, which had grown to a height higher than his real body, and slammed it down: Get out of here!!!

A roar like thunder exploded into the sky!

But what was more explosive and shocking than the roar was this shocking blow!

Like a celestial pillar, its entire body was like gleaming white jade, and its body was covered with seal characters and talismans. It slammed down on the black figure with a terrifying aura.


In an instant, the brilliance exploded, and the heaven and earth became silent.

The endless light erupted from this blow instantly pierced the eyes of all the creatures paying attention to this scene, and they were temporarily blinded.

The whole world seemed to have lost its voice at this moment.

Just a moment.

Rumble, rumble...

Violent tremors came from the sky, from under your feet, and from all directions.

Immediately afterwards.


The sound of an explosion that seemed to burst the sky spread to all directions.

High in the sky.

The place of great war.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The endless spiritual power and the aftermath of the spiritual energy quickly spread, swept, and exploded in all directions with the monster-like terrifying figure as the center!

this moment.

Anyone with strong enough eyesight can see a black figure falling straight downwards under that shocking blow.

He looked at the silent black demon ancestor who was knocked down from the sky with his stick.

Lu Wufei turned around and left without making any fuss.

Although he knew that rushing down at this time, striking while the iron was hot might not mean that he would not be able to get a chance to kill the Demon Ancestor.

But just like when he takes action, he uses his ultimate move, tries his best, and is extremely straightforward.

Even more decisive when running away!

The moment he turned around, Lu Wufei's figure shrank rapidly, and after flying a short distance, he turned into a golden stream of light and flew rapidly towards higher altitudes.

And watching everything change drastically in a short period of time;

Looking at the golden stream of light in the distance and trying to escape.

High in the sky behind.

The two demon kings, the tiger demon and the rat demon, looked at me and I looked at you, their expressions were mixed with shock, they were all dumbfounded.

When they were face to face before, looking at the human whose aura was only in the middle stage of the demon king... no, that wolf demon... damn, neither of them could see the other's true identity.

It seems that the wolf demon may have some strength.

But this is Shituoling, and no other demon king dares to break in rashly.

I thought it was a blessing from heaven, but in the end, the other party only used one move and a stick to beat his fourth son, Eagle King, the fourth general of Shituoling, to serious injuries and cripples. The fourth child even slapped him hard and took the opportunity to escape.

that moment.

The two demon kings finally knew that the wolf demon was extremely powerful.

Just when the other party is about to escape.

At this time, one of his two great general kings, Patriarch Tuntian, took action.

The ancestor dealt with the demon king.

I originally thought it was just something that could be easily captured.

The results of it?

The wolf demon actually revealed its true form and transformed into its true form supporting the sky.

The opponent's true form was so huge that it was really terrifying.

They have seen other ancestor-level demons display their true form more than once, and they have never seen the true form of the wolf demon like Gang.

That is to say, when I had the honor to see the late Prime Minister of the Demon Ancestor of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, who was only one step away from the realm of the Great Sage, he was about the same size as the original form of the wolf demon just now.

This really frightened them.

Then, as they witnessed with their own eyes, the wolf demon knocked down Patriarch Tuntian from the sky with just one blow and another. He did not know whether he was alive or dead.

So powerful!

So violent!

If the two of them had been entangled with each other too much, they would have been hit with a stick.

I am afraid that I will immediately be like the fourth child before... No, it will only be more serious than the fourth child. Didn't you notice that the ancestor of Tuntian was hit directly by the opponent's stick and was silenced?

Where did the wolf monster come from?

So cruel?

After the tiger demon and mouse demon were shocked, they became angry. The wolf demon was so arrogant, forcibly kidnapped the fourth child, and seriously injured the ancestor of Tuntian. The two great kings would definitely not bypass him.

The wolf demon will definitely not be able to escape!

The rat demon looked at the golden stream of light that was going away and spoke harshly, then said: Let's go and see our ancestor!

Saying that, the rat demon immediately flew towards the place where the ancestor fell in front.

at the same time.

Several figures with powerful auras also quickly flew towards the place where the ancestor of Tiantian fell.

When the tiger demon and mouse demon arrived quickly, they saw the ancestor sitting cross-legged in a meditative posture, with his hands filling his mouth with elixirs rich in spiritual light as if he didn't move forward.

Next to the ancestor, they saw their eldest brother, the first general, with a human body and a black and white beast-like figure standing next to the ancestor.

Ancestor, are you okay...?

As soon as the rat demon arrived, he immediately spoke with concern and greetings.

Ancestor Tun Tian was of the same clan as him, he was also a mouse turned demon, and he usually took good care of him. At this time, he was also the most nervous among the demon kings.

I can't die yet...

Hearing the greetings from the descendants of the same clan, Ancestor Tuntian took the last piece of elixir in his hand, then slowly opened his eyes and said.

Seeing the ancestor wake up, the first general with the black and white panda head beside him immediately asked: Ancestor, what should I do? Are we going to let the wolf monster escape?

The Tiger Demon King immediately answered: The fourth child is still in the hands of the wolf demon, we can't let him run away!

rest assured...

Ancestor Tuntian stood up slowly, looked at the figure who could only see a glimmer of golden light, and said with an extremely gloomy expression: He can't run away!

The first general, the Panda Demon King, heard the determination in the ancestor's mouth and immediately reacted, saying quickly: Could it be that the two great kings and the Jinguang ancestor have returned from the banquet in Jilei Mountain?


Ancestor Tuntian nodded: Your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty and the others should already be in the Lion and Camel Country at this time...

The words just fell.


A thunder suddenly exploded in the dark sky.

Immediately afterwards, strong winds came and dark clouds quickly gathered, covering the sky and the sun, quickly turning the entire world into darkness.

The king is back...

Sensing the rapid changes in the celestial phenomena, Ancestor Tuntian immediately flew into the air and looked in the direction of the Lion and Camel Country, with a calm expression on his face.

Even though he just suffered a loss at the hands of that wolf demon.

But he Tuntian is not a stingy, loser monster.

The real body of the wolf demon was really terrifying. He asked himself that his real body was no match for the opponent, even though he had other means but failed to use them.

But once the gap between the demon clan's most powerful means and its true form becomes too great.

There is no way to fight, because the difference in strength is too big, and if you go up, you will die.

Unless you have a powerful enough baby.

Based on his knowledge, he did not believe that the true form of the wolf demon was that huge.

That must be caused by the wolf demon's magic power.

Moreover, the giant white stick weapon in the wolf demon's hand is also not ordinary.

This put him at a disadvantage.

He quickly reviewed the gains and losses of the battle just now.

Looking at the trace of golden light on the horizon in the distance, Ancestor Tuntian narrowed his eyes slightly.

The king is back?

The other three demon kings suddenly became happy when they heard this, and immediately flew into the air and stood next to Ancestor Tuntian.

At this time, the wind was blowing violently, the dark clouds completely covered the sky, and the sky and the earth were completely dark.

Ancestor Tuntian ignored the three monsters beside him and flew quickly towards the direction of the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

The three demon kings behind him quickly followed.

Above the endless sky.

Lu Wufei looked at the world behind him where the wind and clouds were rolling in, and the air was surging like spiritual energy, as if it was being boiled.

His face became more serious.

He quickly moved towards where the strong wind layer of the blue sky was located in the distance ahead.

But I was nervous and apprehensive in my heart, and I always maintained the utmost vigilance.

In my memory, the fierce flames of the three demon kings in Shituoling were overwhelming.

Especially the youngest of the three demons, the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle, because that guy is the uncle of Tathagata Buddha of Xitian Lingshan, he is almost arrogant to the point of no end.

Although that guy is still the king of the lion and camel country at this time.

But the green-haired lion spirit and the yellow-tusked old elephant are equally fierce.

It has been a long time since I came to this world.

Lu Wufei also roughly knew that the strength and cultivation of the two demons were at least in the demon saint realm, which is the Taoist earthly immortal realm.

The great demon in the realm of immortals is no longer as unattainable as it used to be for Lu Wufei, who is now in the middle stage of human immortality, possesses several great supernatural powers, and has precious weapons like the Optimus White Jade Pillar in his hand.

That shot just now is proof.

He is not afraid of any demon ancestor level demon now.

But for earthly immortals and demon saints!

Lu Wufei still knew very well how much he weighed.

Although he has never seen the Great Demon of the Earthly Immortal Realm take action.

But he knew very well that he was definitely not his opponent.

This was also the reason why he was always uneasy.

He took a demon king by force in his hand, and wounded a demon ancestor with a stick.

As long as the green-haired lion spirit and the yellow-tusked old elephant are at home, the other party will definitely know about it and will definitely take action against them.

What's more, even if the two big bosses are not here, there is still a Demon Ancestor?

Lu Wufei knew this very well.

Looking up and looking ahead, the blue sky is getting closer and closer to the strong wind layer.

Have all those people gone out?

Lu Wufei felt a little more at ease and couldn't help but think to himself.

in a moment.

He transformed into golden light and quickly penetrated into the Gangfeng layer.


The extremely fast wind flowing around and in all directions never gave him a sense of security like at this moment.

He no longer thought about it, and he didn't care whether those old monsters in Shituoling were at home or not.

Once they reached the Gangfeng layer, it would be difficult for them to catch up.

Think briefly.

Lu Wufei did not fly to the north in the direction of the Lion and Camel Kingdom as he did last time, nor did he fly towards the south where his Great Wilderness Mountain was located. Instead, he chose to turn around and fly towards the east where he had flown.

For the Earthly Immortal Demon Saint level demon.

Although Lu Wufei didn't understand it, he didn't think he could avoid the opponent by hiding in the Gangfeng layer, so he could only try his best to avoid it.

Choose a good direction.

The golden light transformed by Lu Wufei circulated and immediately turned around and flew towards the east of the Gangfeng layer.

Where did the wolf cub come from!

You hurt my soldiers in my territory and you want to run away...?

At this moment, a loud sound that seemed to resound throughout the entire world and the Gangfeng layer came from below.

Lu Wufei's expression changed instantly when he heard this!

Hurry up!!!

There is no hesitation, and I don’t dare to have any hesitation!

Lu Wufei was so anxious that he immediately tried his best to speed up and flew towards the east of the Gangfeng layer.

Hey, it's quite fast...

But if I let you escape, I won't be able to lose my shame...

The loud voice came again.

It was as clear as if it was ringing in my ears.

Lu Wufei ignored it, kept his head down, and continued to sprint towards the blue sky in the east.

at this time.


A huge and shocking suction force came from the north below.

All of a sudden.

In the Gangfeng layer, reading is dull

The situation turned upside down.

Countless strong winds were cut off and pulled straight downwards.

He noticed the shocking force of inhalation that suddenly came from behind him.

A big demon is taking action!

Lu Wufei's expression suddenly changed as he stagnated.

At this moment, I felt the almost unstoppable terrifying suction coming from behind.

Lu Wufei's mind immediately thought of the green-haired lion monster. Although the old monster boasted of eating a hundred thousand Tianbian in one bite, his magical powers were extremely powerful.

This terrifying suction force must have been caused by the boss of Shituoling, the green-haired lion monster.


The power of sucking in became more and more terrifying.

All the strong winds around this area changed their paths and poured downwards.

The rapid speed and fierce roar of the wind caused the wind to quickly gather into a shocking tornado.


The tornado roared wildly and was deafening.

Lu Wufei was forced to jump out of the golden light, using his own strength to resist the terrifying absorbing power of the shocking tornado behind him.


The roar of the wind became more and more harsh. Find the bookstore

Finally, the shocking tornado swept towards Lu Wuwei.

no solution anymore!

Lu Wufei, whose expression suddenly changed, roared.

The laws of heaven and earth!

The body transformed into the body of the Silver Moon Sirius, and then immediately skyrocketed crazily, feeling the rapidly growing body's resistance to the big tornado behind him.

Lu Wufei's face suddenly became happy, and he immediately expanded his true form to the maximum size of 700 feet.

At this moment, Lu Wufei, who transformed into the Sky-supporting Silver Moon Sirius and resisted today's tornado, stood in the Gangfeng layer and could already see the mid-air below.

A group of monsters were guarding the side. In front, a half-demon figure with a green-haired lion's head was opening its mouth toward the sky. The shocking tornado was leading to its mouth.

Hey, you little devil, you are quite smart!

If you try again, can you stop me?

The loud voice came from below again.

The green-haired lion demon roared loudly.

The shocking tornado suddenly erupted with a shrill and sharp sound, and the terrifying power increased dozens of times, forcing countless strong winds in the Gangfeng layer to roll back and pour back.

The giant tornado's already gigantic figure suddenly surged countless times, far exceeding Lu Wufei's 700-foot Silver Moon Sirius true body.

not good!

Feeling the infinite power of the shocking tornado behind him.

Lu Wufei's expression changed drastically, and Zhitian's figure began to waver.


Lu Wufei looked ferocious, picked up the bulging white jade pillar in his hand, retreated instead of advancing, and jumped towards the green-haired lion spirit below!

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