
The roaring, ear-piercing, earth-shattering tornado was centered on the small mouth of the green-haired lion demon in the mid-air below, but it stirred the entire sky above to the blue dome of the Gangfeng layer. It was really terrifying and inexplicable.

Above the blue sky.

Lu Wufei, who had used the Dharma of the Sky and the Earth, reached a height of seven hundred feet in the real form of the Heavenly Wolf. He jumped down with a white jade pillar holding the sky, as if the whole world was suppressed.

For a while.

The strong wind howls, the strong wind rolls back, the spiritual power surges and explodes...

The whole world was like boiling water in an instant.

The strength is pretty good, no wonder he is so courageous!

The green-haired lion monster looked at the sky-supporting white wolf swooping down from the sky above, and at the giant white jade pillar that was approaching like a pillar of heaven, and a cold voice came from his belly.

behind him.

There were several figures standing in total.

The nearest among them was a short and stocky man in white clothes with an elephant head on his head. He looked at the sky-supporting wolf demon attacking in the sky and couldn't help but said: Brother, this wolf demon can't reach the realm of the demon king. , to have such a huge body, I guess there must be something fishy about it, don’t eat it directly, capture it and interrogate it carefully.”

Behind the Elephant Demon, two figures stood.

One of them was dressed in black and looked like a short old man. He was clearly the Ancestor Tun Tian who had been severely injured by Lu Wufei's stick before;

The other one is a thin middle-aged man wearing a golden robe, golden boots, long golden hair, and even his skin is the same red gold color. He is the two demon ancestors of Shituoling. One, the strength is a small level higher than the ancestor of the Demon Ancestor in the early stage of the Demon Ancestor, the Jinguang Ancestor in the middle stage of the Demon Ancestor.

Ancestor Jin Guang heard the words of the two kings in front of him, and said: Your Majesty, that wolf demon has a clear aura, but it is different from monsters like us. I am afraid that he is not from a major sect of immortals, or a fairy mountain, a blessed land, a cave, or a cave, so he needs to pay attention to it. yes...

There is some truth in what Jin Guang said...

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man behind him who was covered in red gold, he thought for a moment with his head on his head and then nodded and said: This wolf demon is indeed different. If there is a possibility, catch it first and ask questions before talking...


The front.

The green-haired lion monster heard what was said behind him, and nodded at this time, saying: To be honest, those who have the identity of the Immortal Sect, the Blessed Land, and the Cave Heaven are really troublesome. The younger ones are older...

It would be great if the king also had the identity behind the king of the Lion and Camel Kingdom...

Hearing the king's voice, Ancestor Jinguang spoke again.

Hey, if I have the identity of Dapeng, why should I be afraid of the Heavenly Court...

The green-haired lion spirit immediately became happy when he heard what his subordinates said, and said with a smile: If I want to have the status of Dapeng, I must go to the Queen Mother's event, which is so famous, to see if the flat peaches are as good as the rumors. Eat it, it’s so powerful, you can achieve enlightenment and become an immortal by eating one...

Then if your Majesty really has his day, don't forget to bring some for our little one to try...

At this time, standing behind the two demon ancestors, among the three demon kings, the first general with a black and white panda face said: Even if you scratch the peach core, it will be good...

Ha ha...

Being amused by his demon king, the green-haired lion monster immediately laughed and said: Okay, one day, I will never forget you...

But before that, let's capture this little wolf demon first!

Say it.

The green-haired lion monster looked at the Heavenly Wolf that covered the sky and the huge white jade-colored Heavenly Pillar that came into view, getting closer and closer, and said in a cold voice and took a sharp breath.

Hoo ho ho ho!

The piercing and whistling tornado and all the strong winds were sucked into the belly of the green-haired lion monster, and then it was suddenly sprayed out at the Optimus Pillar that was about to be crushed.


Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

When the green-haired lion spirit opened his mouth, a breath of earth-shattering storm burst out. The explosion stirred up the wind and clouds, making the world in front of him unstable. The explosion was so explosive that Lu Wufei, who was attacking ferociously with the power of heaven and earth, was directly blown away.

Lu Wufei felt the old demon's incomparable powerful power and used the power of flying upside down to immediately turn around and run away, hoping to repeat the previous move.

It's just that he is very fast, and the green-haired lion spirit is even faster.

Seeing this, he immediately stretched out his hand, and in an instant, a huge lion palm that covered the sky fell from the sky and struck directly at Lu Wufei.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Lu Wufei immediately held the white jade pillar in his hand and faced the huge lion's palm, and smashed it down with all his strength.


Another shocking explosion resounded throughout the world.

The huge lion's palm was smashed to pieces by Lu Wufei with a stick, the sound was booming, the spiritual power exploded instantly, and the aftermath was wild.

Even in the presence of the Earthly Immortal Demon Saint, Lu Wufei had no intention of accepting his fate!

A stick smashed the giant palm holding the sky, and Lu Wufei turned around to run away.

Hey, you little wolf is quite capable!

Seeing the wolf monster smashing his own palm with a stick, the green-haired lion monster was a little surprised, but his failure to catch the little wolf made him a little impatient, so he stopped joking. He said in a deep voice: But you can't escape!

Say it.

After shaking his body, his figure quickly became about five meters tall. Looking at the cyan figure trying to escape, he suddenly opened his bloody mouth.

Whirring whirring...

The harsh wind howled.

At this moment, the wind and wild clouds seemed to turn the world upside down, and everything in sight was quickly sucked into the bloody mouth as dark as a black hole.

A shocking tornado dozens of times more terrifying than before is coming.

The rapidly flying figure was immediately pulled by the terrifying force and flew straight backwards.

Lu Wufei's expression changed, and he immediately slammed the white jade pillar in his hand downwards.

The Optimus White Jade Pillar instantly grew in length and plunged directly into the mountains below from high in the sky.

Lu Wufei grasped the white jade pillar holding up the sky tightly in his hand, and at this moment, the surrounding air, the mountains and forests below, trees, sand, stones and dust all rushed towards the bloody mouth behind him.

Lu Wufei was sucked by the incomparable suction coming from behind and hung diagonally on the white jade pillar, but he still persisted.

At this time, the sand and stones on the mountain top where the Optimian White Jade Pillar was inserted were quickly sucked up and flew away, revealing the bottom of the Optimian White Jade Pillar below.

Lu Wufei immediately controlled the Qingtian White Jade Pillar to continue to rise rapidly and go deep downwards.

But the Optimus White Jade Pillar penetrated deeply faster, and the shocking wind sucked in even faster. In the blink of an eye, the entire mountaintop was sucked up to its roots, and the Optimus White Jade Pillar had no power to stop and support it for a while.

Lu Wufei's figure finally could no longer hold up any longer, and he was carried by the shocking wind and flew backward into the bloody mouth of the green-haired lion monster.

Unable to stop, feeling bound by infinite power, I can only resist with no hope of breaking free.

He was about to be sucked into the huge bloody mouth.

Lu Wufei tried his best to resist and shouted: King of Blue Lion, I am a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain. This visit to Shituo Ridge, your territory, is unexpected. I wonder if your Majesty can talk to me?

Wuzhuang Temple on Wanshou Mountain...

Hearing Lu Wufei's voice, the expressions of all the monsters behind the green-haired lion monster suddenly changed. The elephant monster immediately said, I haven't heard of it, what about you?

Neither have I, but I think I've heard of it, and I can't remember it at the moment...

The ancestor of the Rat Demon Tuntian finally spoke, but he did not say anything.

The first general of the three demon kings behind him knew a little bit, but when the king and the ancestor spoke, he did not dare to answer the conversation casually.

I know...

At this time, the golden ancestor, who was still in gold robes, had blond hair, and was covered in red gold, spoke.


The elephant demon heard the sound and immediately said: Tell me and listen...

Ancestor Jin Guang nodded and said: The Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain seems to be the residence of Zhen Yuanzi, the great immortal known as the ancestor of the earth immortals. However, the great immortal Zhen Yuan is very low-key, and his reputation is not as famous as his ginseng fruit... .”

The elephant demon became more interested, and then asked: What is the ginseng fruit?

Ancestor Jin Guang continued: The ginseng fruit is very powerful. It is said that it blooms once every three thousand years, bears fruit once every three thousand years, and takes another three thousand years to ripen. It only takes ten thousand years to eat. It seems that in these ten thousand years, only thirty fruits are produced. The fruit looks like a child under three dynasties, with all four limbs and five senses. If a person is destined to smell the fruit, he will live 360 ​​years; if he eats one, he can live 47,000 years...

As soon as the words fell.

The demons were immediately shocked.

The elephant demon immediately said: If you eat one, you can live forty-seven thousand years. Is this true?

Jin Guang, are you talking about something big?

If you have to eat a few of these, then why bother practicing?

Ancestor Jin Guang said with a smile: This is a rumor, and I only heard about it. I don't know the details. It just so happened that the wolf demon claimed to be a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple. Your Majesty asked him, wouldn't he be faster?

That makes sense...

The elephant demon immediately nodded, then looked at the tall green-haired lion demon in front of him and shouted: Brother, don't kill that wolf demon by mistake. After I ask first if the ginseng fruit is true, if it is true, we will trade him for the ginseng fruit. taste...

Ha ha...

The green-haired lion demon suddenly laughed and said: Don't worry, second brother, the eldest brother is sensible. I heard what Jin Guang said. We can't eat the flat peaches that day, so we can get some ginseng fruit to try, so that everyone will be happy...

As he spoke, the green-haired lion demon looked at the green figure who was still struggling with his magical power and said: Boy, you just surrender and I won't kill you. Otherwise, don't blame me if you die...

Say it.

Seeing the cyan figure still struggling to resist, the green-haired lion demon immediately roared and suddenly increased its strength.


The ear-piercing whistling sound resounded throughout the world.

The infinite majestic suction force seemed to suck up everything in the world around him. Facing the terrifying suction force that became increasingly fierce again, he was still flying upside down. The supported Lu Wufei could no longer hold on, and was about to be sucked into the air by the strong wind. In the dark, bloody mouth.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly fell from the sky, quickly penetrated into the infinite sea of ​​wind, quickly rolled up the struggling cyan figure in it, and then rushed out of the eye of the infinite tornado.

The blue light that easily and freely brought the wolf demon out of the storm was particularly bright in the pitch-black sky and earth.

The expressions of all the great monsters suddenly changed as they watched the wolf monster that had been captured be easily rescued.

The green-haired lion demon's expression darkened when he saw this, and he was about to speak.

I, a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple, can't touch anything...

A cold voice immediately resounded throughout the world.

All the big monsters looked shocked when they heard this.

Then he became furious.

When the leader of the green-haired lion spirit heard this, his face instantly darkened, and he looked towards the sky opposite.

There, a tall and thin figure in a blue robe appeared, standing against the wind.

Beside him was Lu Wufei, who was wearing a green robe.

Who are you to dare to speak nonsense in our Shituoling Mountains!

The green-haired lion spirit looked at the blue-robed figure that suddenly appeared, with a grim look on his face and spoke.

This time he spoke.

The big monsters behind him who were about to move immediately shut their mouths automatically.

Those who can easily save demons from the great king's magical power and still stand in front of the great king must be of the same level as the great king.

At this time, the two kings of Shituoling, Huangtus Laoxiang, also had a gloomy look on their face. He stepped forward and stood side by side with his eldest brother.

Qingyu Mountain, Lanyu...

Looking at the green-haired lion demon and the elephant demon below, the figure in a slender blue robe looked coldly and spoke softly.

The blue-robed figure spoke.

Lu Wufei on the side immediately felt that the name sounded familiar to his ears.

Then, he remembered that Senior Brother Qingfeng once told him that there were not many demon disciples from Wuzhuang Temple.

Apart from himself, the closest person is Senior Brother Lan Yu, whose big tits turned into monsters, but Senior Brother Lan Yu left the school very early.

What Senior Brother Qingfeng once said came to mind quickly.

Lu Wufei was really surprised.

Senior Brother Lan Yu could easily save himself with the magical power of the green-haired lion demon. He must have been in the realm of Earthly Immortal.

What's just a little embarrassing is that I didn't expect that the first time I met this senior brother Lan Yu would be on such an occasion.

Qingyu Mountain...

Facing the so-called Lan Yu who could easily save the wolf demon from his magical power, even with his second brother beside him, two against one, the green-haired lion demon did not act rashly. He turned his head and looked behind him.

The Jinguang Demon Ancestor, who is generally a military advisor to Shituoling, immediately stepped forward upon seeing this, approached his king and said quickly: Your Majesty, Qingyu Mountain is to the west of us, to the extreme west. There is a dangerous area over there, all with high cliffs, which is Qingyu Mountain. ..”

Ancestor Jinguang spoke quickly without forgetting to look up at the blue-robed figure high in the sky in the distance and continued: Qingyu Mountain is not famous, but the king of Qingyu Mountain, Lan Yu, is famous. It is rumored that the king of Liuyun Mountain many years ago Holy, he died in the hands of this man in front of us...

Did he kill that old ghost in Liuyun Mountain...?

As soon as he heard his subordinates mention this name, something immediately came to mind in the green-haired lion demon's head.

The rumor is that he is the one, and I even inquired about it...

The golden light demon ancestor's answer made the green-haired lion demon frown, and the blue-robed figure looking at the sky became more and more serious.

Have we discussed it?

If you don't fight, I will leave...

Lan Yu's indifferent voice once again reached the ears of all the monsters below.

Hearing this, the big demons in Shituoling who were used to being domineering became even more angry.

But the king did not speak, and none of them dared to speak.


The yellow-tusked old elephant was equally angry when he heard it, and immediately shouted when he looked at the hesitant elder brother.

At this time, the green-haired lion demon just raised his hand to stop his second brother's words, and then looked at the blue figure in the sky in the distance and said solemnly: Your disciple of Wuzhuang Temple rashly broke into our Lion Camel Ridge and attacked me. If you hurt the little demon under my command, do you want to treat it like nothing happened?

How can there be such a good thing in the world!

High in the sky, with his senior brother beside him, Lu Wufei said confidently: King Blue Lion, what you said is wrong.

I said before, I didn't mean to offend, I just came to your territory by accident, but you tried to use your territory, there were many monsters, and wanted to besiege me, so I was forced to take action, and I injured those monsters, It's just what you deserve...

As soon as Lu Wufei finished speaking.

The green-haired lion monster who originally occupied the right side immediately became silent.

Lan Yu listened and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Seeing that there was no sound below, he said: Green Lion, White Elephant, it seems that you were rude first. My junior brother was just forced to counterattack. This matter How about this...

Lan Yu took a step back slightly.

The strange green-haired lion felt aggrieved in his ears.

But if it were a fight, the opponent would have the strength to kill the old ghost Liuyun, and the calmness to stand in front of him.

He believed that the opponent's strength must be extraordinary.

What's more, the wolf monster just now could not reach the realm of human immortality, but the strength he showed was astonishing. Looking for Shuyuan, who knows how strong the opponent's senior brother Lan Yu, who also came from Wuzhuang Temple, must be.

Facing such a powerful enemy, he really didn't want to take that risk.

But if the wolf cub is so easily let go, where will the face of Shituoling be? Where is my face?

Just when the green-haired lion demon was extremely confused.

At this time, stand at the very back.

The tiger demon king suddenly said: Your Majesty, the fourth sharp beak was kidnapped by the wolf demon...


The green-haired lion demon's face suddenly darkened when he heard this.

A group of demon kings besieged one, but they were able to let him kidnap one. It was really useless.

Moreover, the rat swallowing the sky in the demon ancestor realm also took action, and still let the wolf demon in the middle demon king realm run away.

Even if this could be used as an excuse, it really made him feel embarrassed.

But when it came to this, he didn't want to fight with Lan Yu, so he could only say: Wolf cub, you kidnapped me, General Shituoling, so what do you say?

Being besieged by all the demon kings, one can even kidnap one of the opponent's demon kings by force.

Lan Yu turned to look at his junior brother beside him, somewhat surprised.

Lu Wufei heard the sound and swung his sleeves, throwing out a black figure like trash, and then said: It's just that he is too weak...

Seeing this, Lan Yu admired this junior fellow apprentice of his clan even more. He looked down and said, Now, we can go...

The green-haired lion demon looked at the generals under his command hurriedly rescuing the useless hawk demon, with a gloomy look on his face and said nothing.

Lan Yu saw it in his eyes and smiled softly.

Then he turned around with his junior brother beside him and disappeared into the sky.

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