Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 156: The power of a stick, fighting against the demon ancestor!

He left Senior Brother Yu's residence.

Lu Wufei followed behind the tall, ferocious-looking bull-headed horse-faced man and walked towards the outside of Senluo Hall.

There was a bull-headed horse-face leading the way, and no ghost dared to come forward and disturb them.


At this time, a cry suddenly came from the collar of the chest.

Xiaobai poked out his slightly languid little head and looked at the surroundings, which were as gray as ever, like a black and white world.

Then he immediately retracted it into the collar of his father's chest.

It is a living creature. At this time, it is only a late-stage demon general. It is really barely able to survive in this netherworld.

If it hadn't been for the protection of Lu Wufei's pure light, it would have been unable to bear it long ago.

Be good, I'll be back soon...

Sensing the little guy's listlessness, Lu Wufei touched the little guy's head through his green robe and comforted him.

The little guy quickly fell asleep.

Under the guidance of two bull-headed and horse-faced men.

Just less than half an hour.

Lu Wufei left Senluo Hall.

Walked through the long ghost street again.

We arrived at the huge ghost gate we came from.

At this time, a tall and thin figure walked out of the ghost gate. Who could it be but Dou Maogen, the middle-aged ghost who led the way before.

However, compared to a few days ago, Dou Maogen had changed into a brand new robe, and the pale dead man's face was obviously more energetic.

I saw him saying a few words to the two guards with bull heads and horse faces who were leading the way.

The bull-headed horse stopped and moved out of the way. The ghost book Dou Maogen immediately stepped forward, saluted Lu Wufei with a smile on his face, and said: I have seen Lu Luxian...

Lu Wufei looked at the change of robes in front of him, which was obviously a change of position. The ghost book who was on a higher level smiled and said, Congratulations to Master Dou...

Ghost Book Dou Maogen immediately smiled and said: I have to thank Lu Shangxian for his kind words. I will not dare to forget them...

Lu Wufei smiled and said: You deserve that. My senior brother has always been generous. With your ability, you will definitely be reused in the future...

When they were drinking before, Senior Brother Yu mentioned to Lu Wufei about the old man in front of him. He said that he was quite good in business and social relations and that he had taken a liking to him. He also thanked Lu Wufei for giving him a useful gift. Here comes the old official.

Hearing Lu Wufei's words, Ghost Book Dou Maogen understood some of the meaning, his face suddenly became happy, and he immediately saluted again: Thank you to the immortal, it is the duty of a junior official to serve the master Cao Cao...

Lu Wufei nodded and said: Okay, I'm leaving Hades now. I don't know if we will see each other again in the future...

Ghost Bookman Dou Maogen said: Immortal, please go slowly. If you have anything to do in the future, just tell the junior officials...

After a brief exchange of greetings.

Under the explanation of Ghost Book Dou Maogen, Lu Wufei stepped into the light portal of this ghost gate.

The brilliance is reversed and changes continue.

Lu Wufei felt his eyes blurred.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a group of monsters with various heads surrounding him;

In the distance, there are more large groups of monsters;

Further away, there is a huge cave on the mountain, with various monsters constantly coming in and out.

Around the huge cave in the distance, there are numerous open-air stone stoves.

At this time, there were strong fireworks in the stone stove, and a large pot was boiling and rolling above the stone stove.

Next to the stone stove was an open-air slaughterhouse, with naked and bloody corpses being bled upside down on the wooden stakes erected on it. There were animals and birds, but most of them were human.

On the large long chopping table in front of the wooden pile, a group of little demons were busy, waving daggers and axes banging on the chopping board, chopping flesh and blood.

Lu Wufei's eyes quickly scanned the surrounding scenes, and then returned to the group of little demons beside him who were staring at him in a daze.

At this time, it was clear that he had been sent to a monster's nest by the ghost gate through the portal.

It's also quite a monster den.

Just look at the large number of monsters around you, and you can tell it by looking at the scale of the dozens of open-air stoves firing in unison.

Although the ghost book Dou Maogen told him that after returning from the ghost gate, it will be spread to any place in the continent.

But to spread it to this monster den is really a bit outrageous.

At this time.

The little demons looked at the situation in front of them with even more shock.

Who would have thought that a human Taoist would appear out of thin air next to him.

I was stunned for a while.

At this time, they finally came to their senses, and one by one they picked up their weapons and started to surround them, shouting, Hey, come and see, there is a human being here!

You are so stupid, you are a Taoist...

No matter what it is, it's good meat delivered to your door anyway!

Hey, I didn't expect that there would be humans coming to the door on their own initiative. I discovered this first. Can I eat an extra piece of human flesh later?

Then you have to ask the leader...

Hey, this man's delicate skin and tender meat will definitely taste as good as those of human women...

All the little demons immediately started shouting and chattering.

For a moment, all the little demons present looked over and were excited to see Lu Wufei.

For them, a human being who appears in front of their cave is simply bringing meat to their doorstep.

Lu Wufei had no intention of being treated like a monkey by this group of monsters.

With a wave of his sleeves, all the nearby monsters immediately fell over and screamed, and each monster flew out like cannonballs.

Lu Wufei stood up from the ground and flew straight into the sky.

This move of his.

A voice immediately rang: Hey, you're already here, why not stay a little longer before leaving...

The loud sound quickly spread throughout the valley.

When that voice sounded.

A figure with overwhelming momentum flew out from the hilltop not far away and shot straight towards Lu Wufei, who was flying high into the sky.

This figure was extremely fast, and within a few breaths, he quickly caught up with him. With a wave of his hand, black light immediately shot toward the green-robed figure high in the sky.

He sensed an approaching figure from behind.

Looking at the several incoming black lights.

Lu Wufei's face was expressionless, he just raised his sleeves and swept them away.

The black lights immediately turned upside down and shot downwards.

Hey, some strength...

There was a human head underneath, leaving only a huge, sharp, long-beaked sneak attack bird demon that made a sound.

Delayed by this.

Still at the top of the original mountain, two figures with overwhelming momentum immediately flew out together, rushed high into the sky, and quickly appeared next to the bird demon.

Looking at an eagle, a rat, and a tiger, three demon kings standing side by side with a lot of alcohol on their bodies.

Lu Wufei couldn't help but feel speechless, just let it go to the demon den.

As a result, I met three demon kings who were drinking together.

What good luck.


Looking at the three demon kings in front of him, Lu Wufei was not afraid at all, and said calmly: I just came to your place by accident. How about letting this matter be revealed?

Just look at the large number of human corpses displayed in the little demon kitchen below.

Lu Wufei knew in his heart that this place should not be a wilderness. He was busy taking the second crow monster back to return to the sun, and he also promised his senior brother Yu to help him find his descendants. He really didn't want to cause more trouble.

Hey, if you trespass into our Shituoling territory without permission, you can get away with it with just one sentence, so what else does Heavenly Court do?

Looking at the figure in green robes in front of him, the Eagle Demon King smiled and said with a spear in his hand that emitted a rich green light.


Hear the words from the harpy's mouth.

Lu Wufei immediately narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he had some guesses as to whether he had arrived at Shituoling, a place where he dared to eat humans like this and there were so many human corpses.

In the land of Xiniuhezhou, he only thought of the Shitu Kingdom and Shitu Ridge.

However, the Lion and Camel Kingdom is not too big except for the national city. Lu Wufei once hid there for a year, so he is somewhat familiar with it. He can definitely tell that when he arrives in the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

The territory of Shituoling is extremely vast.

There are also two great demons, the long-famous green-haired lion and the yellow-tusked old elephant, who are the most powerful forces in the demon clan.

He had seen the scene of monsters eating people in Shituoling, so just now he was thinking about coming to Shituoling and revisiting his old place.

The results were confirmed immediately.

As for Shituoling, according to the information he had heard in the Shituo Kingdom before, there were many generals under his command, and the first to fourth generals were all in the realm of demon kings.

Yes, you heard it right.

The great demon king of the human fairyland who dominates a territory elsewhere can only receive the position of general here.

As for being above the generals.

There seem to be two demon ancestors from the Immortal Realm.

After the Demon Ancestor, there is the green-haired lion spirit who is said to have swallowed a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers in one go, and his sworn brother, an old elephant with yellow tusks.

The two demons are famous among the northern demon group at the foot of Xitian Ling Mountain. They are powerful, ferocious and cruel.

I have never tasted human flesh and blood in the realm of the Demon King. This time I finally get what I want...

After the Eagle Demon finished speaking, the White Tiger Demon King with all white hair and beard beside him licked his lips and said.

The rat demon standing in the middle, on the other hand, didn't say anything. He just waited and looked at the green-robed figure opposite him with a pair of terrifying eyes that even had dark eye sockets.

Apparently he had the same thoughts as the other two demon kings.

So, there's nothing to talk about...

Lu Wufei was not surprised that the two demon kings in front of him were in the early stage, one was in the middle stage, and the three demon kings did not see through his true form.

Having already decided to make a quick decision in his heart, he still spoke calmly and spoke calmly.

The breath that had been restrained suddenly exploded as these words fell, and a shocking aura like an abyss or a sea suddenly shot straight into the sky, quickly dissipating the condensed and enveloping energy of the three demon kings on the opposite side.

Ha ha!

What else are we talking about...

You came to Shituoling as a human, and you still want to leave? What are you thinking about...

The harpy demon was a little surprised when he noticed the shocking aura erupting from the opponent's body, but this was Shituoling. He didn't care and laughed out loud, but he didn't finish his words.

Lu Wufei's figure took a step forward and disappeared into the sky.


The smallest rat demon, with his dark eyes, immediately spoke out when he saw this, but he had just finished speaking.

Lu Wufei suddenly appeared in front of the hawk demon, holding the sky-high white jade pillar, and slammed it at the hawk demon with overwhelming force.

The atmosphere was surging, and the situation suddenly changed.

A moment.

The two demon kings not far away were suddenly startled, and both of them exploded.

Feeling the opponent's unparalleled and shocking power, feeling the incomparable oppressive power that the surrounding space seems to be stagnant.

Under this blow, they all felt frightened and felt extremely dangerous.

What about the fourth child in the middle? ?

Save the fourth child quickly!

At this moment, the tiger demon and rat demon, who were shocked and afraid of coming back to their senses, all looked at each other and were about to take action.

At this time, the expression of the hawk demon who was in danger changed even more!

Seeing the extremely fast and ferocious strike, the hawk demon subconsciously wanted to hide, but the extremely powerful sense of oppression coming from the surrounding space made him instantly understand that he could not avoid it!

in a moment.

A black tortoise shell emitting billowing black smoke, and a golden leaf shining with golden light instantly appeared above his body.

The next second.

Lu Wufei held the white jade pillar holding the sky, and with heavenly power, he smashed it towards the hawk demon that was wrapped in thick black smoke and radiated with golden light.


A shocking explosion!

In an instant, the spiritual energy rolled back, and the aftermath of the surging spiritual energy exploded in all directions with the two figures as the center.

Immediately afterwards.


A shrill eagle cry instantly resounded throughout the sky.

As the eagle chirped loudly, a black figure fell straight down from the sky.

Qingtian Baiyuzhu achieved great success with one strike.

Lu Wufei's face showed no joy, and he immediately lowered his body to collect the falling and seriously injured eagle demon.

at this time.

The attack from two demon kings not far away also arrived.

A huge yellow tiger claw came across with an extremely ferocious aura.

Another black whirlwind with a sharp front end surged forward with endless fierce momentum.

Feeling the attack from the two demon kings.

A line of tender green leaves immediately appeared around Lu Wufei.

Immediately afterwards.

He ignored it and took action again. As he waved his hand, his robes swelled, and the seriously injured hawk demon that fell down screamed and was quickly put into his sleeves.

Right now.

The huge roaring yellow claws and the sharp black storm came together.


The shocking rumbling sound once again exploded high in the sky.

Lu Wufei dodged the black whirlwind storm step by step. He failed to escape, or he deliberately took the tiger claw that stretched the sky!


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Lu Wufei's figure was like a mosquito caught in a fly swatter, and he was quickly swatted into the sky in the distance.

This is exactly what he wants.

The figure used the force to accelerate and fly towards the distant horizon.

Watch this scene.

The expressions of the two demon kings, the tiger demon and rat demon, immediately changed, and they shouted: Chase!

The two demon kings shot towards the other side.

High in the sky.

Lu Wufei, who was flying rapidly, cast the Golden Light on the Ground spell in his heart, and his whole body immediately transformed into a stream of golden light and shot rapidly towards the sky.

at this time.

The terrifying sound of the Eagle Demon King's tragic hawk cry and the battle between the Four Demon Kings finally shocked the entire Shituo Ridge.

Where did the madman come from, dare to run wild in our Shituoling Ridge!

A roaring roar that resounded throughout the entire world suddenly sounded from the front.

Immediately afterwards.

A shocking figure suddenly shot out from the forest below, heading straight towards the golden stream of light high in the sky.


When the tiger demon and mouse demon heard the thunderous roar, they looked overjoyed when they saw the terrifying figure rising into the sky: Ancestor Devouring Heaven has taken action!

High in the sky.

Lu Wufei, who was transformed into golden light, felt the huge and terrifying aura coming quickly from below, and his expression suddenly darkened.

Demon Ancestor!

He couldn't escape without sending the other party away. Without saying a word, Lu Wufei's expression became fierce, and he immediately dispersed the golden light and magical power all over the ground. His whole body rapidly expanded, and he held the similarly inflated Optimus White Jade Pillar and smashed it at the black figure that was approaching rapidly below: Get out of here!!!

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