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Chapter 239 The end of the war

Looking at the slowly closing portal, Yang Bo had an unreal feeling.

Is this the end? Isn't it a bit hasty?

Frank on the side stepped forward and said: If I say the strongest army in the universe, I don't know, but they are definitely the worst! I remember what the raccoon said in the plot!

Yang Bo nodded: Okay, let's find a way to deal with the traces first, take away the useful ones, and bury the useless ones! I hope this wilderness can become an oasis next year!

Although the Chitauri army is a bit weak, some of their high technologies are still very inspiring.

Everyone who returned to the villa sat on the sofa. Although Yang Bo and the Space Rubik's Cube were present, it still took a long time.

Why do I feel more tired than fighting the Chitauri? Tony looked very unsightly at the moment. He sat on the sofa and started drinking water.

Do you think it's possible that you're too weak? Yang Bo said, sitting on a stool in the distance and looking at the miserable Tony.

Yang Bo's digitized body certainly doesn't feel tired at all. As long as he wants, he can do it from day to night, from the living room...

Tony glanced at the people in the villa. Even Frank didn't look tired. Only he and Stark were slumped on the sofa, and Stark was even worse than him.

Because Tony was injected with the T virus, his physical strength recovered quickly, but he still said forcefully: Physical strength is not my strong point, brain power is! I am a scientist, not a coolie!!

Ahem! Two coughs sounded, and Tony looked over. It was none other than Dr. Banner and the Hulk version of Dr. Banner. The two of them were sitting together and didn't know what they were talking about. When they heard Tony's words, they both Looked over.


Sit down mutated!

Clark looked at Tony with a smile and said, Super Brain, let's find out!


Aliens sit down too!

Tony glanced at the remaining people with a smile on his face: Who else is there?

Yang Bo looked at Tony's arrogant look and took out a bucket of water and put it on the table. The sound of the bucket hitting the table attracted Tony's attention.

Yang Bo continued to hold the milk tea he brought from Kung Fu World and said nothing.

After Tony saw the bucket, his face suddenly darkened.


Okay! I'm a weakling!

Stark, who was originally lying on the sofa, was very curious. Based on what he knew about himself, he would never say such a thing so easily.

Stark looked at the bucket next to Yang Bo and called Tony: Tony, what is that bucket?

Tony looked back at Stark seriously and said, Trust me, you don't want to know!

The more this happened, the more curious Stark became. Tony looked at Stark's eyes and knew that the other party would definitely explore further.

Thinking of this, Tony showed a kind smile on his face and said: To be honest, you are me, and I don't want you to be hurt by others!

Since you want to know! Then come with me!

After waving to Stark, Stark followed Tony suspiciously and walked out of the villa.

Soon Tony came back and sat back on the sofa.

Yang Bo looked at Tony who looked satisfied and said, You are so boring!

Tony curled his lips disdainfully: Yang, you just thought about it. What difference does it make if I take him or not? But I suddenly understand how you felt at that time!

By the way, what should they do?

Tony pointed to a few people sitting in the room.

Yang Bo said: Let me see if I can go with you. Don't they still have a bottle of Pym particles?

Frank was chatting with the two captains at this time, and when he heard Yang Bo said: Group leader, do you want to save Stark?

Yang Bo nodded. He felt that Stark's death was not worth it, and he could see the Purple Sweet Potato Essence in advance!

Tony on the side looked at Yang Bo and Frank with something wrong: Stark? Does that mean I will die?

Frank took a deep look at Tony and said, Without the group leader, you will die!

Tony asked with an expression of disbelief: How did I die?

You'll die if you snap your fingers! Yang Bo said from the side.

Tony stretched out his hand to stop Yang Bo's words, with an expression on his face that said, You're kidding me.

Wait a minute, let me know! Did I die by snapping my fingers? That's it?

He said and snapped his fingers.

Yang Bo and Frank both nodded.

No, Yang, I want to go take a look!!


There were only four sets of time travel equipment, so Rogers chose to stay temporarily and handed the equipment to Yang Bo.

Don't worry! I'll be back soon! A set of white clothes directly covered Yang Bo's body, and Yang Bo disappeared in a flash of light.

Parallel Marvel Universe.

All people who traveled to other parallel worlds appeared together on a specially made transmission platform.

Except Natasha and Rogers.

When everyone's armor was automatically put back on their belts, they all looked at Yang Bo warily.

Who are you? Before the sad expression on Hawkeye's face faded away, he took out his bow and arrow and pointed it at Yang Bo.

Others also took out their weapons and pointed them at Yang Bo.

Stark! Where is the captain? Hawkeye looked at Stark who was looking confused and asked.

Stark was frowning and muttering: This is wrong. How can water be suspended in the air?

Hearing Eagle Eye's voice, he came back to his senses and was startled to see everyone at war with each other.

He quickly said: Don't do it! Don't do it!

Hawkeye looked at Yang Bo warily and said: Stark, who is this? Let him raise his hands!

Stark glanced at Hawkeye speechlessly and said to Yang Bo: Mr. Yang Bo, don't do it! Hawkeye didn't do it on purpose!

Hawkeye: ???

Seeing the power of Yang Bo's nuclear bomb to clear the ground, Stark was afraid that Yang Bo would disagree, so he started to perform the art of explosion again.

It's okay! You guys talk first, I'll go get the captain!

Yang Bo directly ignored the tense Eagle Eye on the side, what a joke! Unless Hawkeye is holding the Bow of Heaven's Fall, otherwise Yang Bo will no longer blink if there are two landmines tied to the arrow. .

Hawkeye glanced for a long time and finally failed to shoot the bow and arrow in his hand. Stark stepped forward and said: This is a person from another universe, here to help us!

After looking at the figure of Hawkeye alone, but not seeing the Black Widow who was going with Hawkeye, Stark felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Barton, where is Natasha?

Upon hearing Black Widow's name, Hawkeye's eyes suddenly turned red, his eyes were full of sadness, and tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

Seeing Barton's appearance, everyone also understood the result that Black Widow could not come back.

An aura of sadness enveloped everyone.

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