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Chapter 238 Time Gem

There was no reaction from the outside world about what happened in the no-man's land, and there was no reaction from the old man who bought gifts and sent rockets.

All this is thanks to the current Supreme Mage Ancient One. Before the war, Yang Bo found her specifically and asked for help.

Nowadays, the sky above this space is completely covered by mirror images. From the satellite view, it is still an unchanged scenery, with no black holes or aliens at all.

Gu Yi was wearing a brown robe and stood on the ground calmly.

Dr. Hulk Banner saw the Ancient One, but he didn't know the Ancient One at all, but he did know the Eye of Agamotto!

Stark, look at that man!

Banner patted Stark, who was looking at Tony seriously, with his big hand like a leaf fan.

Stark stumbled unprepared and almost fell to the ground. He said angrily: Dr. Banner, I almost became the first person to die!

Banner retracted his big hand and felt a little embarrassed: I'm sorry, I got a little excited. Look, Stark!

As he spoke, he stretched out his thick fingers and looked over, discovering the Eye of Agamotto on Ancient One's chest. His eyes flashed a little. The Time Stone was one of the purposes of their coming here this time!

Who is this woman?

Stark was full of thoughts at this time and walked directly towards the other party.

Ancient One noticed Stark walking towards her, and withdrew her gaze from the air, turning around to look at Stark.

With a faint smile on his face, Gu Yi said directly: Are you here for the time stone?

As he spoke, the Eye of Agamotto on Ancient Yi's chest began to rotate, revealing the Time Gem that exuded the color of forgiveness.

Yes, Mage! Stark looked at Ancient One and said, Can you lend it to us? We will return it after you use it!

Gu Yi nodded slightly, but then shook his head.

This made Stark a little stunned, and he couldn't figure out what Gu Yi meant.

Gu Yi smiled and said: The gems can be lent to you, but not to you, but to that person!

That person? Stark frowned as he looked at Yang Bo, who was flying in the sky and using his 'Killing Halo'.

Many people here have never been seen in their universe. Naturally, Stark does not know Yang Bo at all.

who is he?

Stark looked at Ancient One and asked seriously.

I don't know either, but I only know that he has changed a lot since he appeared!

Stark raised his head and looked at Yang Bo again, his eyes becoming very deep.

Eat my Blade Storm!!

Tornado destroys parking lot!!

Yang Bo shouted the slogan Zhong Er and kept spinning and charging into the enemy. All the opponent's attacks were blocked by the light blue light shield.

Yang Bo, who had been spinning for more than ten minutes, finally stopped.


Yang Bo didn't feel it when he was spinning, but when he stopped, it seemed as if the world was spinning, and a strong feeling of vomiting came from his stomach.

The enoki mushrooms I just ate, I don’t want to see again tomorrow!

Yang Bo took out the milk and drank it directly, and he recovered instantly.

Why is my digitalized body still dizzy? Is it because of the nausea BUFF?

I didn’t look at the status bar just now, mainly because I was too dizzy!

Yang Bo, who turned off the killing aura, had time to carefully observe the battlefield. Only ten minutes had passed. Everyone was killing more and more smoothly, almost as many Chitauri soldiers were killed as they came through the wormhole.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Bo couldn't help but murmured: This... doesn't seem to be enough!

Expand the wormhole more!!

The doctor below who was in charge of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube heard Yang Bo's shout and without hesitation, directly stimulated the Rubik's Cube again, and the blue light beam became thicker again.

The wormhole began to slowly expand again. Seeing this situation, the Chitauri in the universe immediately ordered the Leviathan beasts to pass through the wormhole together.

Yang Bo saw the Chitauri mothership serving as the background, and there were fluctuations in Yang Bo's eyes.

Without saying a word, he flew directly towards the wormhole, and a red square appeared in his hand.

The speed of the quantum suit was very fast, but Yang Bo arrived at the wormhole in an instant. Looking at the densely packed enemies, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

It's time for you to hear it!


Clark, who has super hearing, heard Yang Bo calling his name and immediately flew over.

He said doubtfully: What's wrong?

Yang Bo pointed outside the wormhole: Clark, help clean up. I'll go out and give them some gifts!

He raised the industrial nuclear bomb in his hand!

Clark looked at the sign on the square and probably knew what it was. He hesitated and said, This thing is too radioactive!

This is the environmentally friendly version! There is no radiation, don't worry!

Clark nodded after hearing this, and his eyes released powerful heat vision, like cutting cheese, directly penetrating a large number of enemies, and then began to twist his head and start cutting.

Yang Bo looked at the thick heat vision and felt that it was much stronger than the last time he saw it. Then he asked curiously:

Clark, why don't you use your heat vision eyes?

Clark immediately broke through the defense, his heat vision stopped, and he looked at Yang Bo speechless.

‘I said I kill people without batting an eyelid, but you ask me if I can dry my eyes? ’

With Clark's help, Yang Bo passed through the wormhole and discovered that the quantum armor could survive in the universe without any hint of the need for oxygen.

Yang Bo showed a message: Really, my oxygen bottles are ready!

He flew to the nearest Leviathan beast, directly dropped the industrial nuclear bomb, took out the construction staff that had not been used for a long time, and began to operate on Leviathan.

Then he took out the flint and started to ignite it. Although the nuclear bomb had 30 seconds to explode, it was impossible to ignite it all at once.

Fortunately, it's a simple version of the nuclear bomb! If it's less powerful, just be less powerful!

The Leviathan beast seemed to be covered with a red cloak. The originally ferocious and domineering monster suddenly looked a little cute.

Looking at the nuclear bomb that started to flicker, it had begun to break away from Leviathan's body. The ignited nuclear bomb had turned from entity to intangible, directly suspended in space.

Upon seeing this, Yang Bo quickly flew back to Earth.

Thirty seconds suddenly seemed a bit long at this moment.

In the dark space, more than ten bright light balls suddenly appeared and flashed away. Under the effect of the explosion-proof function, the nuclear bomb did not cause any physical damage, but the damage to the Chitauri people was real.

All the Chitauri within a kilometer of each nuclear bomb were motionless and lifeless.

The nuclear bombs on the Leviathan at the beginning were activated one after another, and the nuclear bombs all flew around like TNT cannons.

As the silent light balls continued to light up, a large number of Leviathans in the universe were paralyzed.

Everyone on the ground looked at the deep space behind the wormhole in astonishment.

Yang Bo was also a little shocked at the effect he had caused. Just as everyone was stunned, the Chitauri mothership directly ejected blue particles and flew quickly in the opposite direction of the wormhole, but disappeared in the blink of an eye. before.


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