Yang Bo placed the teleportation stele in an open space in the hall. After a while, the captain and Tony followed Yang Bo and teleported back.

Rogers used the stone tablet for the first time. Even an old man like him knew that the power of this stone tablet was too powerful.

But he is not Stark, and he does not have the spirit to delve into everything. After he woke up in Antarctica, there were too many things he didn't understand!

Looking at the people in the distance who were obviously in a sad mood, Rogers frowned, and then realized that Natasha was not there, so he walked over.

After learning about Natasha's sacrifice, he couldn't help but punch the wall!

Hawkeye's eyes turned red and he said, It should be me who should be damned!

Tony, who had traveled through time, looked at the sad crowd, walked up to Yang Bo and asked quietly: What's going on?

Yang Bo looked at them and said in the same way: Someone has died again!

The soul gem among the six gems can only be obtained by sacrificing the person you care about most. Natasha chose self-sacrifice.

Tony's expression was solemn: Is there no other way?

Tony is worried that what happened here will happen in their universe in the future.

Yang Bo shook his head gently: I don't know either!

In the movie, even though the Hulk snapped his fingers and resurrected all the people wiped out by Thanos, there was still no trace of Natasha.

Yang Bo patted Tony on the shoulder and said: Such a thing will never happen in your universe, don't worry!

Tony nodded, thinking about Thanos' name in his mind, and decided to meet Thanos and develop a new armor after returning.

At this time, Yang Bo suddenly thought of the Scarlet Witch and said to Tony: Maybe someone can change this matter and bring Natasha back!


Yang Bo said helplessly: The owner of the Scarlet Witch's chaos magic has power over the Infinity Stones, but I don't know if this is the case in the real universe!

Thinking of this, Yang Bo suddenly remembered, how to return the soul gem? Could it be possible to resurrect Natasha by going back? If it can't be resurrected, then why should the soul gem be returned? It’s not borrowed!

This group of people who lost their companions are still in grief.

At this moment, Stark suddenly thought that Yang Bo and Yang Bo were here, walked up to them and said, Sorry, we have lost another companion!

Yang Bo patted Stark on the shoulder and said: Not one, but two! My condolences!

Stark's eyes showed confusion, and he was also a little angry: Yang, what do you mean?

Yang Bo pointed at Nebula who was pretending to be sad and said: That is Nebula from parallel time and space, not your Nebula. Now Thanos is waiting for Nebula to open the shuttle machine and arrive in this universe.

Yang Bo's voice was very low, only Tony and Stark could hear it. Tony was better, after all, he didn't know Nebula, and he was also from other universes, so he didn't have much reaction.

But Stark was different, and his expression suddenly changed.

He gently tapped the reactor on his chest twice with both hands, and the steel armor directly covered his whole body.

What happened?

Tony was startled by Stark's sudden change of clothes, and also put on his own suit.

Hearing the movement here, the Avengers also became alert. Everyone took out their weapons and looked at Yang Bo.

Before anyone could ask, Stark rushed directly to Nebula: She is not the Nebula of our world, control her! She wants to bring Thanos to their world!!

Everyone was shocked and did not react for a while.

Stark, are you crazy?? The raccoon wanted to stop Stark, but Stark's speed was so fast that the raccoon had no time to intercept.

But Nebula is different. She has been alert to the people around her since she traveled through time. She directly took out her weapon to block Tony's impact, and then ran away towards the window.

When the people around saw Nebula running away without saying a word, they all believed Stark's words and began to arrest Nebula.

Nebula faced several Avengers alone and had no chance to escape. He was quickly caught, tied up and thrown to the ground.

But after catching Nebula, several people looked at each other, not knowing what to do!

Thor showed an angry look and said: Ask her to teleport Thanos over. I'm going to kill him again. Don't worry, I won't miss him this time!

Stark walked up to Yang Bo: How do you know Nebula is fake?

Yang Bo smiled and said: Wait a minute, Stark, first of all, let me explain that this nebula is not fake, and even the memory is the same as your nebula. Their brains have also been modified. When they are in the same place, the memory will There is sharing, but the concepts are slightly different!”

Thor is right. If you don't send Thanos here, your Nebula will never come back!

The next day.

The six Infinity Stones are now collected, and Stark is making a gauntlet that can hold the Infinity Stones.

Tony was silently following the study and helping to make gloves together.

What's going on with this weird raccoon??

Rocket bared his teeth when he heard Tony's words, as if he wanted to bite someone: My name is Rocket! Not some damn raccoon!

Oh~oh~this thing can actually talk! I think someone will be interested! Tony looked at the rocket in surprise, thinking of the group of researchers in the biochemical world.

Hey! Stark, if you don't care, I'll kill this damn guy!

Tony quickly apologized: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You also know that this is my first time talking to an alien creature like you!

Time passed quickly.

Six gems have been installed on a pair of metal gloves.

The power of the Infinity Stones is so powerful that it cannot be endured without a strong body.

At this time, Thor stood up and walked towards the direction of the gloves: Let me do it! I can bear it!

But he was stopped by everyone.

Rogers stood in front of Thor and said: Don't be impulsive, we haven't decided who will wear this glove yet!

: Are we just going to sit and wait like this? Thor looked a little excited: Please! Let me do something? Please let me do it!

The Hulk on the side stood up calmly and said: Let me do it! You can't bear it at all!

Rogers said: How do you know you can handle it?

Hulk Banner said: I don't know, I only know that the radiation of the Infinity Stones is mainly gamma rays!

just like…

I was destined to come!

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