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Chapter 237 The war begins

Frank had already stepped out of the armor, and there were two more figures around him at this moment. It was Rogers and Ant-Man who had withdrawn from the battle.

The three of them sat on the park bench, and Banner sat on the ground nearby. The main reason was that the current chairs could not withstand the weight of the Hulk.

Are you Frank? I'm Steve Rogers! the captain said and stretched out his hand. As a member of SHIELD, he had also heard of the director's good friend.

Frank stretched out his hand and shook it with the captain: To be honest, I have always admired you, captain!

Hearing Frank say this, Rogers had a smile on his face.

Frank, what's wrong with Tony here...

Why are you so strong?

Rogers nodded: Yes!

Maybe it's because he has seen a lot, that's why he's so strong! Frank explained looking at Tony and Rogers holding up their shields.

Frank really feels that Tony is really powerful. Even without the help of chat group points, his strength is growing very fast.

At this time, the brightness of the reactor on the chest of Stark's armor was getting brighter and brighter, as if it was about to explode.

Possibly gathering to its limit, a white beam of light shot directly at Tony's shield at the reactor.

The powerful energy hits the vibranium shield directly, and all the impact is absorbed by the shield.

That's it!

Tony directly shouted to the other party to stop.

Stark also stopped. The full energy output put a huge burden on the reactor. In just this moment, nearly ten percent of the reactor's energy was consumed.

Tony directly controlled the armor to change into its original form, opened the armor and walked out, then put away the armor.

Seeing this, Stark also walked out of the suit and looked at Tony with a complicated expression.

Then his attention was attracted by Tony's intact chest.

Weren't you kidnapped?

Tony looked down at his chest and said with a smile: It's just been cured! Come with me! Aliens are about to invade, and we can't let you run around during this period!

Although Stark was a little surprised, he still said seriously: Man, we need the infinite stones to save half of the lost lives in the universe!

Tony shrugged helplessly: We have already agreed to give the gems to others, and it is no longer up to me to make the decision!

Giving it to someone? To whom? Doesn't SHIELD care?

Sent in front of Nick Fury.

Stark: ...

Well, it looks like I'm going to meet this guy!

Tony and Frank took the foursome back to their ocean view villa, where there were a few more people, who were members of the Avengers team.

Tony is back! Yang Bo said with a smile as he looked at the group of people coming back.

We have discussed and are going to find an uninhabited place in the west, open the portal, and welcome the Chitauri army!

Tony nodded and agreed to Yang Bo's proposal.

Yang Bo looked at Stark next to Tony and said: I know you want to borrow the gems, but you need to wait until we use them up before lending them to you!

Stark looked at Loki, who was professionally tied into a rice dumpling, and thrown into the corner, and Thor, who was having a drink with a strange man at the side, and couldn't turn his head for a while.

He just nodded silently.

Just when Tony went to find Stark and others, Thor also ran to the earth through the Rainbow Bridge.

When he first saw Loki being tied up, Thor, the guardian madman, wanted to rush up and rescue Loki, but Clark blocked Thor directly, and nothing happened!

The dead west no man's land.

A blue beam of light shot directly into the sky, as if hitting an entity, and a dark wormhole appeared directly in the sky, and was constantly expanding.

Soon the portal expanded to a suitable size, and there was no movement. In the dark universe, Chitauri's huge mothership was surrounded by Leviathan beasts.

After seeing the wormhole open, Leviathan swarmed towards the earth, and a large number of Chitauri soldiers rushed out in single-person aircraft on Leviathan.

Those who could fly below rushed toward the Chitauri army in the sky.

The first one to bear the brunt of this was Clark. Clark turned into red light and rushed in. Without any movement at all, he just relied on his strong body to run rampant through the army.

There was nothing that could stop Clark.

Yang Bo, wearing quantum armor, also came into contact with the enemy and took out the green sword in his backpack.

Killing Halo!!!

It was like activating Galen's E skill, turning into a whirlwind and flying in.

The enemy that Yang Bo slashed did not suffer any wounds at all, and the long sword passed directly through the opponent's body like a phantom.

An ordinary Chitauri's HP is only 30 points. Even with the armor on his body, it has no effect at all against a 120-point attack.

For a moment, it was like dumplings raining from the sky, and a large number of lifeless Chitauri soldiers fell from the sky one after another.

But the most eye-catching person on the field is not these two people, but Nezha from the Ten Colds.

Nezha's cute face, combined with his petite figure, looks particularly weak.

Don't come here! I hate you!

Nezha's fist left her body and smacked the Chitauri soldiers rushing towards her.


The Chitauri exploded, and a large number of unknown organs were scattered everywhere.

Stark, who was originally standing next to Nezha, silently took a few steps back and stayed away from Nezha's side.

The four people who traveled through time directly started the melon-eating mode. They couldn't get involved at all. Looking at the dense Chitauri army, they found that there was simply not enough for this group of people.

Several people looked at the situation on the battlefield in surprise.

Look Stark! Banner pointed in the direction of Tony on the ground. Tony had not flown into the sky at this time, and was standing next to Frank, holding a huge energy cannon in his hand!

That's right, it's not an energy gun at all, but a four-meter-long energy cannon, with four reactors seen above.

Frank, who was on the side, also held a smaller one in his hand, and was quickly launching a strafing mode at the Chitauri soldiers in the air.

Tony's energy cannon condensed energy very quickly, and soon reached the critical point. A huge energy ball flew out and rushed towards a Leviathan beast. Ordinary soldiers along the way were directly hit by the powerful Energy vaporizes.

Stark, you can actually try to develop this!

Stark: ...

Stark feels that after coming to this universe, his three views have been refreshed.

There is such an operation.

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