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Chapter 224 The story of Xingzi begins

Time passed like water, and several days passed.

The three Penguins relied on their own methods to gain a foothold in the city.

Yang Bo, Xiaoxue and Hermione were shopping around idly. Xiaoxue's tall figure and cold temperament attracted the attention of people on the street.

She was wearing a distinctive cheongsam that Yang Bo specially bought for Xiaoxue, and paired with Xiaoxue's exotic appearance, it had a unique flavor.

The women on the street looked at Xiaoxue jealously, while the men looked at Yang Bo jealously. The division of labor was very clear for a while.

Yang Bo directly hugged Xiaoxue tightly. The cold feeling was very comfortable in this hot summer. Hermione on the side was also close to Xiaoxue.

Brother, group leader, I feel so comfortable next to Sister Xiaoxue!

Yang Bo gave Hermione a blank look: Call me sister-in-law! Don't forget to kiss me!

Hermione was not to be outdone: No! I'll just call you sister!

At this time, a familiar figure came into Yang Bo's eyes again.

The same mute girl who was teased the day before yesterday was still standing next to the ice cream truck, selling ice cream.

Hermione, do you want some ice cream?

Hermione nodded, and Yang Bo led the two of them to the ice cream truck, showing his gangster smile again.

We meet the beauties again! Let's get three ice creams! This time Yang Bo directly put the money on the car to prevent what happened last time.

When the mute girl heard the voice, she raised her head and saw Yang Bo. She instinctively wanted to leave, but when she saw Xiaoxue standing next to Yang Bo, she stopped immediately.

‘The other person’s family will come out together and he won’t tease me anymore! ’

The mute girl regarded Hermione as the child of Yang Bo and Yang Bo. If Yang Bo knew what the mute girl was thinking, he would definitely laugh for a long time, collect the money, take out three ice creams and hand them over.

After Yang Bo took the ice cream, he took a bite and found that it was surprisingly delicious, mainly because the raw materials were very pure. Before Yang Bo traveled through time, the milk content in the ice cream was shockingly low.

He took the change that the other party had found, put it directly into his pocket, and said casually: Mute girl, do you want to know where the little boy was?

The mute girl was stunned for a moment, then a look of worry appeared on her face, and her long, white hands began to dance quickly, like an elf dancing.

Where is he? Tell me!

Yang Bo pretended to frown, as if he didn't understand.

What do you want to say?

The mute girl looked very anxious, almost on the verge of tears. Her pitiful look made Hermione pinch Yang Bo hard. Hermione, who had a chat group, could naturally hear the mute girl's sign language, although she was surprised. , but he quickly accepted it.

Although it was not clear what Yang Bo was going to do, Hermione did not stop Yang Bo's behavior.

Can you tell me the news about that boy? Please!

Although Yang Bo didn't know if the voice of the chat group translator was that of a mute woman, it sounded really good.

You can't speak either, and we can't communicate either!

Yang Bo was about to leave, but the mute girl quickly came out and grabbed Yang Bo's sleeve.

Don't do anything, my girlfriend is here, it's a misunderstanding!

The mute girl let go of Yang Bo's sleeves and squatted on the ground with tears already streaming down her face. She felt pity for her.

Okay, I'm teasing you! Drink this! Yang Bo wanted to heal the mute girl's voice from the beginning. He just teased her out of his personal hobby. Sure enough, such a cute girl looks pretty good when she cries.

The mute girl took the healing potion handed over by Yang Bo with some confusion, and hesitated for a moment.

Drink it, don't worry, I won't cause you so much trouble! Yang Bo saw the mute girl's hesitation.

In order to get the news about Xingzi, the mute girl opened the potion with a serious expression and drank it directly.

The mute woman only felt that her body suddenly became very comfortable. There was no way to describe this kind of comfort.

Yang Bo said with some urgency: See if you can speak?

The mute woman opened her mouth, but no sound came out, which surprised Yang Bo.

This doesn't work? Is it congenital? If it is really congenital, it only means that the mute woman's upper limit of blood volume is only that high, and it is not caused by the injury at all.

Yang Bo took out the milk and placed it directly in front of the mute girl. The mute girl was startled. Looking at Yang Bo's body, she really couldn't imagine where he took it out.

Drink it!

The mute girl first looked at the bucket the size of a human head, and then at Yang Bo, with an expression as if you were kidding me.

It's okay, don't worry, I can finish it!

At this time, the mute girl had no way out, so she could only walk all the way to the dark, picked up the milk bucket and started drinking it.

Fortunately, the milk turned into energy directly when she drank it. Otherwise, if the bucket went down, the mute girl's belly would be enlarged.

Under Yang Bo's expectant eyes, the mute girl tried to open her mouth, but it still had no effect.

Yang Bo suddenly felt challenged: You come with me!

The mute girl shook her head and expressed that she did not want to go with Yang Bo.

The mute girl is more bold on the street, but she still doesn't have the determination to follow the other person, especially in this era.

Yang Bo murmured in his heart: As long as you are resurrected, you can definitely be cured! Looking around, he saw that there were many pedestrians on the street. He let go of the golden man in his hand and put it back in his backpack.

He had no choice but to smile and say to the mute girl: You will meet that little boy soon. Don't worry, we will eventually get married!

He waved his hand and left with Xiaoxue and Hermione.

Yang Bo sent Xiaoxue back to my world, and he returned to the Pig Cage Walled City.

At noon, the heat wave continued to roll, and two figures, one fat and one thin, appeared outside the Pig Cage Walled City. Xing Zai was seen very skillfully catching the football flying towards him.

He stood on tiptoe very beautifully and finally stepped on the football under his feet.

Uncle! Can you kick the ball back?

Still playing football?

With a bang, Xingzai stepped on the football and exploded it.

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