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Chapter 225: Dueling due to Jianghu rules

The lively Pig Cage Walled City suddenly became quiet.

This made Yang Bo, who was chatting with his friends in the room, a little strange.

What's going on? Why is it suddenly quiet?

Yang Bo curiously opened the door and walked out. He stood on the edge of the fence and looked down. He immediately saw Xingzi surrounded by a large group of people.

The moment Yang Bo saw Xingzi, a smile appeared on his face.

finally come!

Yang Bo didn't go down, he just looked at the scene below.

It's a one-on-one duel according to the rules of the world! Xingzai said to the people surrounding him with a forceful look.

Come on, come out, the aunt with the green onions! Xingzai waved to the aunt.

Why are you looking so fierce? Do you think you can beat me? I can even punch you! Hit me!

The aunt was also agile and punched Ah Xing in the stomach without any hesitation.

The dull voice came, and even Yang Bo upstairs heard it clearly.

What the hell! So cruel? Yang Bo never expected that the aunt holding the green onions would be so cruel. Originally, he thought the aunt just had a heavier fist, but now it seems that it is not a problem of being too heavy.

It seems like there is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger here!

Yang Bo shook his head. There was no way anyone could make Chinese people like to be clumsy. He now felt that even the old man with glasses and the muscular kid in the plot were not simple.

Ahem! Ah Xing was punched so hard that he coughed up blood, but his mouth was still stiff.

Auntie, what are you doing?

I am a farmer!

Plow the fields well, you, go back to the fields!

There's something wrong!

After hearing this, Axing raised his hand and said to the aunt's back, You did something wrong and you talk back to me. If I hadn't seen something wrong with you, I would have killed you!

The plot continued bit by bit. Seeing Ah Xing's tough mouth, Yang Bo couldn't stop laughing. At this time, everyone on the ground looked up and looked at him.

Yang Bo, who was surrounded by a group of people, was stunned for a moment and said: What? Did I laugh out loud? That's sorry!

Ah Xing saw that Yang Bo didn't look very powerful at all, and he didn't have the kind of muscles that could break out of clothes.

He pointed directly at Yang Bo and shouted: Boy, why are you laughing!

I've disliked you for a long time. Today it's you! Come down and challenge me! Don't think that I won't dare to hit you because you are handsome. What I hate the most in my life are pretty boys like you!

Yang Bo heard what Ah Xing said and said directly: Wait for me. Seeing how discerning you are, don't worry, I will never slap you in the face!

But before Yang Bo went downstairs, Jiang Bao and the charterer walked behind Ah Xing.

Jiang Bao directly said to the charterer Ah Xing seriously:

He blackmailed me!

Oh, fat lady! You are the one in charge, right?

The charter woman walked toward Asing with a cigarette in her mouth, taking off her slippers as she walked.

The landlord slapped Ah Xing on the face with her slipper.

Fat woman?


The Ax Gang!



Ah Xing was slapped so hard that he stepped back repeatedly and said harshly: If you have the guts, wait until I call someone!

As he said that, he took out a firecracker from his pocket and lit it directly!

A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet you!

After saying that, he threw it along the wall.

Wait to die, fat woman!

Yang Bo had a very good view upstairs and could see clearly that the firecracker made a perfect arc and landed directly on the second child's head with the axe.

Directly blowing up the second boss into an explosive head.

Who threw the firecrackers? The second master walked in with someone and looked at Ah Xing and asked.

One of our own! After seeing the other party, Ah Xing immediately softened and walked up to say something to the second boss.

Then the second master came forward directly with his people.

Suddenly there were dark clouds in the sky, which made Yang Bo a little curious. Is this cloud a coincidence or caused by the temperament of this group of people.

Hey, it's started!

The charterer said directly to a group of people: What are you doing with so much work? It's raining! Go home and collect your clothes!

As soon as he finished speaking, his legs seemed to be equipped with high-frequency motors, and he ran back to his house in a hurry.

Fat... Before the Ax Gang member could finish speaking, the charter woman disappeared entirely.

At this time, Jiang Bao said: You also want to blackmail me? I'm not afraid!

The second master had never seen such a stupid guy. He walked towards Jiang Bao and took out the ax behind him.


Jiang Bao looked at the ax in the opponent's hand and said hesitantly: I...

If the opponent raises the ax directly, he will chop directly like Jiang Bao.

With a whoosh, the second boss flew out and fell into the trash can.

Yang Bo saw clearly that it was the force of the coolie.

A group of people quickly surrounded him, trying to rescue the second master.

Don't move, it's broken! Call someone!

A firework flew directly into the sky, and an axe-shaped firework exploded in the sky.

However, a sudden change occurred at this time, and seven or eight guys in black suits rushed over directly, very fast, completely beyond the limits of ordinary people.

As soon as they appeared, they rushed towards the Ax Gang people, just like adults bullying children, and all the more than 20 people here were knocked down directly.

Then one person picked up two Ax Gang members and ran away!

Yang Bo and the group of people below were all stunned.

Let me go, what is going on? Why are there kidnapping gangs in broad daylight? And where did so many martial arts masters pop up?

Yang Bo was very curious, why did a third party suddenly appear? What was wrong?

The Ax Gang was very efficient, and soon a large number of cars appeared at the gate of the Pig Cage Walled City.

A large number of Ax Gang members wearing black suits and ties immediately surrounded them. There were probably hundreds of people at least. In this way, a large number of people kept coming.

Brother Chen got out of the car smoking a cigarette and walked inside. He looked at his younger brother who was lying on the floor and the second boss who had been abolished.

Who did it?

No one in the crowd said a word at all. Brother Chen waved his hand: No one stands up, right? Catch everyone out!

All the Ax Gang got the order and rushed forward!

Soon all the residents except Yang Bo and the tenant were gathered in the open space in the middle.

It was because Yang Bo drank the invisibility potion directly, but the charterer didn't know why he couldn't see his figure. Only the charterer directly installed a flower pot on the ground.

At this time, the Ax Gang opened the gasoline and poured it on the two siblings.

Brother Chen took a lighter and said to everyone: I count to three, if they don't stand up, I will burn them to death!



Brother Chen threw out the lighter in his hand. Coolie Qiang dodged and said, I did it!

A melee started immediately, and after a while the three masters directly beat a group of people and threw away their armor.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Brother Chen got into the car and ran away.

Only the little brother was left wailing all over the place!

At this time, several people who suddenly appeared before appeared on the scene again and ran directly over.

Coolie Qiang thought the opponent was a member of the Ax Gang and took action directly, but the opponent evaded it very flexibly. The opponent was not willing to fight. He looked at the less injured person on the ground, put it on his shoulders and ran away.

Pick it up!! I want to see who it is! Yang Bo flew in the sky and followed him directly relying on the effect of the invisibility potion.

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