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Chapter 223 Nicoléme

Harley also saw Yang Bo at this time and showed a happy smile. Yang Bo thought in his heart: 'Sure enough, Harley is better! ’

Several people in the entire office, including Harley herself, did not want to become a girl, but others still liked Harley the way she was now.

But it was only with Snape that Harry became a girl. Normally, he was still Harry, even though Ron was a little reluctant!

Mr. Yang Bo, I didn't expect to see you here! Harley made a clear and sweet voice, which was much softer than when she was a boy.

By the way, can you give me some more milk from last time? I don't know what happened but I accidentally knocked over Professor Snape's potion and ended up like this again!

A pair of innocent big eyes looked at Yang Bo with watery eyes. Yang Bo subconsciously wanted to take out the milk, but Snape's hand directly rested on Yang Bo's shoulder.

By the way, aren't you looking for Professor Dumbledore? Let me contact you!

Yang Bo came back to his senses and looked at Snape. For a moment, Snape's eyes seemed to be able to speak. In an instant, Yang Bo understood what Snape meant.

'Don't remove Harry's effects! ’


Well, Yang Bo directly obeyed the opinions of most people. Anyway, this thing does not belong to my world system. When Harry learns magic to a certain extent, he can remove it himself.

Without looking at Harry's eyes: Uh...Harry didn't bring it this time, next time, next time for sure!

Professor Snape, please!

Snape nodded, took out a special piece of paper on his desk, and started writing and drawing on it. Soon after Snape folded the whole paper, he threw it directly into the fireplace, and there was a strange sound. Green fire flashed and the paper disappeared.

Okay! Snape said to Yang Bo.

Yang Bo complained here: To be honest, you really should install a phone or mobile phone!

Snape nodded and said with a not-so-good expression on his face: I don't know why, but Dumbledore has been very concerned about things in the Muggle world since he last went out, and he also wanted to learn something called technology. They actually want to hire Muggles as professors!

Hearing Snape's words, Yang Bo was a little embarrassed, as if he had led Dumbledore astray!

After seeing many technologies in the world, Dumbledore's ideas have also changed. Not to mention other weapons and modern life items, Dumbledore feels that these things are much easier to use than magic!

After a while, Dumbledore's figure was teleported directly through the fireplace. After seeing Yang Bo, he nodded gently.

Good afternoon, Mr. Yang Bo!

Yang Bo also replied in the same way: Good afternoon, Principal Dumbledore!

Yang Bo went straight to the point and explained the purpose of his trip to Principal Dumbledore, and also took out the water from the Fountain of Youth for Dumbledore and Snape to take a look at.

What a magical energy! Dumbledore discovered through perception that the spring water contained a large amount of energy.

Snape, on the other hand, seemed to be much more reliable, and he took out various bottles and jars to study them.

Finally, Snape stood behind the experimental table and summed it up: It's amazing energy!

Yang Bo was speechless. You were really as fierce as a tiger in one operation. When you look at the result, zero points and nine points, your operation was exactly the same as what Dumbledore said.

Yang Bo's behavior is purely a layman's behavior. Sometimes the conclusions are the same, but there are very big differences.

Dumbledore agreed to Yang Bo's request and took Yang Bo to find Nicolas Flamel, according to Dumbledore's original words.

I think my old friend will not leave so easily after seeing new things!

In the world of kung fu, at the teleportation stone monument, Yang Bo's figure appeared here, followed by four figures!

One of them was exactly the person Yang Bo wanted to invite to the Harry Potter world this time, Nicolas Flamel.

Dumbledore Snape and Hermione came with him to take a look!

Nicoléme looked in Tony's direction, and various machines were operating automatically, making various buzzing sounds.

Yang Bo was thinking about whether to do some soundproofing on Tony's side.

Nicoléme's eyes lit up and he walked towards Tony's direction, wanting to see the operation of the machine.

NO! NO! NO! Tony's voice came: Sir, if I were you, I would never go near there unless you want to be sucked in!

Tony said to Yang Bo: Yang, where did you invite this person from? Your eyebrows are white, is it okay?

Yang Bo looked at Tony and said: This is the greatest alchemist in their world, Nicoléme!

Alchemist? Oh! This reminds me of the fairy tales I heard when I was a kid!

Tony took off his glasses, walked up to Nicolas Flamel and said, Tony, Tony Stark! The smartest scientist in the world!

Nico Flamel looked at Tony and instantly understood Tony's character. There was no way six centuries of life had allowed him to see a lot clearly!

Nicholas Flamel! I like young people very much. Can you introduce me to this old man?

I don’t know why Yang Bo always feels that Nicoléme has a crush on Tony!

Dumbledore said behind Yang Bo at this time: Geniuses are always arrogant. Maybe Nico saw his former self in Tony!

Yang Bo nodded.

I settled in several people, divided the area, and took out various alchemy equipment and some materials brought from the Harry Potter world.

Then he took out a blood-red stone, which was the magic stone that should be destroyed.

Dumbledore gave this to Yang Bo as a guarantee, because in Dumbledore's opinion, this thing is not as safe anywhere as it is here with Yang Bo.

Yang Bo walked to Orochimaru and threw the magic stone directly to one of Orochimaru.

There was no way, Orochimaru directly used the shadow clone, and transformed more than ten Orochimaru here.

Do some research. This is a magic stone that can also make people live forever. If you are not sure, you can ask the man over there. His name is Nicoléme, who is over 600 years old this year!

Orochimaru held the magic stone and looked in the direction directed by Yang Bo. Nico Flamel was following Tony, and the two were exchanging something.

Suddenly Orochimaru felt that the immortality he had been pursuing before felt a bit like a bad street.

Silently he put away the magic stone and reinvested in research.

Yang Bo returned to the ground. Some cold moonlight shone on the ground. There was silence around him. A slight breeze took away a trace of the hot air during the day.

I don't know what's going on with the Penguin!

After looking at the scenery outside, Yang Bo returned underground.

Directly through the teleportation stone tablet, I returned to the sky island in my world, and went directly into the small house I built.

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