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Chapter 209 Lord God Space Invasion

Minecraft twilight world.

Yang Bo was sitting next to a pool, holding a fishing rod in his hand and concentrating on fishing.

Xiaoxue also held a fishing rod and sat not far from Yang Bo, but she seemed a little careless.


An alarm sound suddenly appeared in Yang Bo's mind. The sudden sound almost made Yang Bo drop the fishing rod in his hand.

what's the situation?

Opening the chat group, a message suddenly popped up.

[The world of group friend Yue Buqun has been captured by an unknown entity and is being analyzed...]

The red font made Yang Bo a little shocked. It was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Assistant, come out and explain! What does this capture mean?

Yang Bo quickly called the assistant in the chat group and asked about the specific situation.

【Under analysis...】


Yang Bo was speechless and opened the chat window directly. No one was discussing this matter at all.

It seems that I am the only one who saw this message!

Group leader Yang Bo: @Yue Buqun, are you here? Is there any special situation happening over there?

Yue Buqun: No? Did something happen?

no change? It shouldn’t be! It was impossible for the chat group to say such things for no reason. I sent a screenshot of the message to the chat group, and the people in it suddenly became excited.

Group leader Yang Bo: [Picture]

Zhang Sanfeng: Can the world be captured? It's really beyond Pindao's imagination!

Zhang Chulan: Group leader, what will happen if the world is captured?

Group leader Yang Bo: I don't know, it's the first time I've encountered such a situation!

Hermione: Will it be eaten?

Hermione's words shocked everyone. It was not impossible to think about it. After all, the word capture was used, which was generally used for prey.

Smiling proudly in the world.

An invisible wave swept directly across the entire world, as if it was exploring something.

Then three figures appeared directly at the feet of the Huashan Sect.

Damn it, it's actually a team confrontation mission! This is the third world, how can there be a confrontation mission!

A figure immediately scolded him as soon as he appeared. It was obvious that something made him dissatisfied.

Captain Zhang, the mission is for us to first find a man named Linghu Chong and help him defeat Dongfang Bubai!

I wonder where this guy is!

A tall, handsome man asked the person who spoke at the beginning.

Captain Zhang frowned and didn't know what he was thinking for a moment. He knew this world and he understood Linghu Chong's existence.

His name is Zhang San, who has the same name as the outlaw. He was originally a time traveler from the Celestial Dynasty. Due to an accident, he traveled directly to this place similar to the main god's space. He does not have a golden finger on his body, or golden fingers are familiar with all kinds of things. plot, so I gained two younger brothers after passing through two worlds.

If he simply dealt with Dongfang Bubai, there shouldn't be any problem. Even if he didn't do anything, Linghu Chong could still defeat Dongfang Bubai.

But the task at this moment is a team confrontation task, which means that there is also a team of people on the opposite side helping Dongfang Invincible, and their overall strength is stronger than them.

Zhang San thought for a while and said directly: Let's find Linghu Chong first, and then we can contact the key people. I don't know where this is?

Zhang Sangang wanted to observe the situation around him, when a voice came.

Who are you? What do you want from our Huashan sect?

Zhang San looked back and saw a young man wearing a blue ancient robe at the foot of the mountain. He was holding a sword on his waist and was staring at them curiously.

Zhang San is not panicked at all. The pistol in his hand is no less than a magical weapon in the world of Swordsman. Except for a few people with strong martial arts skills, other ordinary people can basically be knocked down with one shot!

After hearing about the Huashan Sect, Zhang San's eyes lit up. It seemed that the Lord God had directly sent him to Linghu Chong's side, but he didn't know the current timeline.

Taoist Priest, the three of us came here specially to visit the Huashan Sect. Could you please introduce me to him?

As he spoke, Zhang San took out a small piece of gold from his pocket and handed it over!

This is the gold he obtained in other worlds. This thing cannot be used except in the main god space, but it is very useful in other worlds.

The other party looked at the gold and then at Zhang San and the others, took the gold handed over by the other party and put it directly into his pocket.

Seeing that you are also kind people, but your costumes are a bit strange, but it doesn't matter. I will take you to the Huashan Sect!

After accepting the gold, the disciples of the Huashan Sect also showed kind smiles on their faces, but neither Zhang nor the others saw the cold look in each other's eyes.

Along the way, Zhang San kept asking for some information about the Huashan Sect, wanting to know what the current timeline was.

However, this disciple of the Huashan Sect rarely spoke and was somewhat defensive. He did not ask for any key information, but he did know that Linghu Chong was indeed on the mountain!

Following the little Taoist priest, the three of them soon arrived at the mountain gate of Huashan Sect, and were shocked by the imposing mountain gate.

Team...Captain! Isn't this right? Are you sure this is an ordinary martial arts world?

Zhang Santong swallowed hard, stared at the gate of Huashan Sect, and said uncertainly: Probably!

I couldn’t believe what I was saying!

Damn! Where does a Huashan sect get LEDs from? They even have solar power!

The solar panels in the sun not far away are reflecting sunlight.

Yue Buqun, who got the news at this time, had already rushed over. Looking at the three people wearing modern clothes, he took a photo and sent it to the chat group.

Yue Buqun: Group leader, we found three people who are suspected of being time travellers!

Group leader Yang Bo: Well, it looks like a gang committed the crime. I don't know what kind of situation it is, but Yue Buqun, you have to be careful, the other party may have some special means!

Yue Buqun: Yeah! Don't worry, group leader!

Group leader Yang Bo: I'll also go over and take a look to understand the situation.

Here, Yang Bo took Xiaoxue back to the Sky Island of Minecraft. Thinking about the time-travelers who were proud of the Jianghu world, he was a little confused for a while, mainly because there were too many time-travel situations.

Yang Bo directly arrived at Yue Buqun's side by teleporting the stele, and flew directly to the mountain gate after coming out.

At this moment, Yue Buqun was standing in front of the three of them and said, I am very familiar with Yue Buqun. I wonder if you can tell me your purpose and identity?

Although the three of them had experienced two worlds, whenever they encountered such a situation, they all took out various modern weapons and aimed them at Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun smiled slightly and said, You three can look at both sides!

There was a sound of pulling bullets, and the three people heard the sound and ran away. They saw a heavy machine gun on each side of the mountain pointed at the three of them. The finger-thick bullets made everyone who knew about thermal weapons have no desire at all. The idea of ​​resistance.

This is a heavy machine gun that Yue Buqun specially asked Frank to customize. It was placed at the mountain gate to specifically fight against enemies who wanted to encircle and suppress the Huashan sect.

As Yue Buqun became stronger and stronger, he originally thought he wouldn't be able to use it, but unexpectedly it came into play today.

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