Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 208 Back to normal

Minecraft empty island.

Yang Bo held the whip and looked at the busy figures in front of him and shouted: It's so easy! Do you still want to eat?

This is the second day after Yang Bo returns from Naruto World.

After Yang Bo led the group members to beat up the Xiao organization, he pulled out the thick cock from Scorpion's body under the confused eyes of the group, and then led the group members to disappear without a trace.

Yang Bo walked to the exhibition room with a leather whip.

Alas! Don't you like eternity, Scorpion? Then just stay here for now!

Now all that is left of Scorpion is the 'heart' engraved with runes, and this heart is now stuffed into the exhibition frame by Yang Bo.

Turning around and closing the door, there was no sound in the whole room.

Anyway, the task has no time limit, let's wait until the time comes!

I'm so bored, what should I do?

Material collection has become very simple with tools.

Yang Bo was currently lying on Xiaoxue's slender thighs and didn't know what to do for a while.

Orochimaru has also been sent to the Country of Waves, leaving him to take care of it temporarily.

Xiaoxue, is there anything you want to do?

Xiaoxue shook her head and said, No, I think it's good to stay here!

Yang Bo: ...

Yang Bo, who had nothing to do, opened the chat group and felt a little emotional at this moment.

Fortunately, my elder brother has assigned me a chat group. Otherwise, apart from sleeping, I would be sifting through mines every day. I would definitely collapse after a long time.

Group leader Yang Bo: Supreme Treasure, what are you doing?

Zhizunbao: Group leader, I'm at work!

Group leader Yang Bo: You work? What do you, a bandit who runs a black shop, do... oh~ sure!

Zhizunbao: It's just that the place I'm staying in is too remote and I can't use my abilities at all. It's coming, it's coming, let's not talk about it for now, the fat sheep is coming!

Yang Bo was a little curious why Zhizunbao had already joined the chat group and knew his plot and identity, so why did he still go to rob?

The other party was 'working', so Yang Bo did not disturb him, but opened the store page of the chat group.

New products were refreshed in the group store, and this time a new module actually appeared.

【More stacks】

[Increase the upper limit of item stacking to 10,000]

[ps: OCD no longer has to worry about throwing lines, but can still throw cobblestones! 】

[80 points]

Yang Bo clicked to buy without hesitation.

Finally, I don't have to use it to hold the shulker box! Why did you get out of it!

Seeing the pebbles placed in the backpack stacked directly on top of each other, Yang Bo finally no longer had to worry about the capacity of the backpack.

The items in the chat group store are basically from the world of group members and have been slightly modified.

By the way, install more nuclear bombs. This thing is very powerful and has no radiation. It's perfect! From now on, I will be a real nuclear bomb!

Yang Bo did not build a nuclear power plant, so the sieved uranium ore had no use at all. Except for a little use in making advanced solar energy, there was no other consumption at all.

I got up in Wenrou Township, walked out of the room and headed to the warehouse area. I stuffed all the uranium ore into the grinding machine. Suddenly, a buzzing sound came from the machine.

Yang Bo frowned.

“The grinder is too loud!”

However, Yang Bo didn't have any method for the time being. He didn't have a silencer block at all, and luckily it was placed far away from the house.

There are as many as ten powder grinding machines placed here by Yang Bo, and the powder grinding speed is very fast. All the machines are connected with funnels, and they are completely automated.

Ignoring the powder grinder, Yang Bo first made all the uranium ore ingots he had made into nuclear bombs. The number was not very large, only a few hundred.

Oh, why don't we say if these are not enough first?

Yang Bo said this, but his expression was very excited, and he thought of Deidara for a moment.

“Sure enough, art is an explosion!”

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