Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 210 New Mission


All three of them consciously threw away the weapons in their hands and squatted on the ground with their heads in hand.

Zhang San was on the verge of tears at the moment, and wanted to curse the Lord God Space to death.

‘This is the third world, okay? Why are the Huashan faction so good, even a heavy machine gun appears! ’

Yue Buqun was very satisfied with the behavior of the three people.

At this time, Yang Bo fell directly from the sky and landed on the square. The Huashan Sect disciples who were originally gathered here were no longer surprised. Many people had seen Yang Bo before Yang Bo came to this world.

Yang Bo helped make the Huashan School's new mountain gate.

When Yue Buqun saw Yang Bo, he waved his hand and said, You guys go down first!

It's master!

All the disciples who had gathered around him left one after another, and the mountain gate, which was originally crowded, suddenly became empty.


Yue Buqun bowed his hand respectfully to Yang Bo.

Yang Bo was a little helpless and said several times that he had no choice but Yue Buqun was very respectful every time he saw him.

Group leader, what exactly is going on?

Yang Bo looked at the three time travelers and was very surprised. When he opened the chat group, there was already new progress.

[Swordsman Jianghu has been captured by the main god space! 】

Yang Bo's expression changed and he murmured: Master God Space?

This is a cancer. According to what Yang Bo knew from reading novels before, the main god space is a place where poisonous insects are raised, constantly capturing the world, and then sending out a large number of people to constantly plunder the world's resources and cultivate strong people!

It just keeps reincarnating like this until the main god's space is killed by the little brother he trained!

Just when Yang Bo was thinking about what to do, a new task was posted in the chat group.

[Mission: Invasion of the Lord God’s Space]

[The chat group protects the interests of all group members! 】

[Capture all the travelers sent by the Lord God Space and let the chat group locate the location of the Lord God Space! The world of Swordsman Jianghu has been locked by the chat group, and all Lord God time travelers can only teleport in, but not out! 】

[Mission failed: Xiaoao Jianghu will face endless travelers from the main god space. 】

[Task reward: Obtain one to three new worlds based on the number of travelers! 】

[Reminder: If a traveler reveals information about the Lord God Space, he will be obliterated by the Lord God Space! 】

[Reminder: Under the protection of the rules of my world, no information can be probed in the Lord God Space! 】

Seeing the tasks posted in the chat group, Yang Bo finally relaxed. He touched his chin without a beard and muttered to himself strangely:

It seems that the chat group is not afraid of the so-called main god space at all, and why does it feel like the chat group wants to rob the main god space!

Since the chat group is not afraid of the main god space, Yang Bo is relieved.

Although it is not good to rob others, it is much better than being robbed by others!

Yang Bo looked up at Yue Buqun, who also saw the new tasks posted in the chat group.

Yue Buqun frowned and said: Group leader, it seems that the people here are the so-called time travelers sent by the main god space!

Yang Bo nodded and said with a smile: Okay, Lao Yue, don't think too much, the task is considered completed!

Yue Buqun's originally frowning brows relaxed and he thought to himself: 'Yes, isn't this mission accomplished! What else do you want to do if you fail? ’

What Yue Buqun was worried about was that after the mission failed, the so-called main god space would send more time travelers. Although he was not afraid, no one wanted to have a swarm of flies appear in their home.

The three squatting people were also communicating with each other using the chat function carried in the main god space.

Captain Zhang, what should we do next? And what's going on in this world?

Zhang San also wanted to know what happened at this moment, but after staring at Yang Bo for a long time, he couldn't remember where he had seen this guy flying down from the sky.

Is he also a time traveler??

Looking at the two panicked teammates, Zhang San sighed. He had entered the main god space for a relatively short time and had not yet turned into that kind of cold-blooded animal. He still wanted to protect his teammates, but the situation in front of him made it difficult for him to protect himself!

After putting down the immunity talisman in his backpack that could exempt him from the punishment of a mission and be directly transported back to the main god's space, Zhang San sighed deeply.

Don't worry, I will find a way! Zhang San comforted them looking at their low mood.

Zhang San stood up and walked towards Yue Buqun with a smile on his face. Things must make progress no matter what, and he must make contact with the other party.

Zhang San's movements directly attracted the attention of Yang Bo and Yue Buqun. The two stared at Zhang San, wanting to see what the other party would do.

Zhang San stared at Yang Bo and suddenly said: How much is a 40-pound hammer for a small hammer?

Yang Bo subconsciously replied: 80!

Yang Bo also had a smile on his face. With fellow villagers, it will be easier now!

How long has it been?

Five months! What about you?

It's been almost a year!

How about it, can you let us go?

No, there is a conflict!

The conversation between the two did not touch the bottom line of the main god's space at all, and Zhang San did not even give a warning.

Zhang San was struggling a little in his heart. He had no choice but to live.

Must die?

Yang Bo shook his head and said: No, I want all of your people! I want to find the existence behind you!

Zhang San was stunned. Is he so strong?

Yang Bo took out the teleportation stone tablet and placed it here. Invisible fluctuations enveloped everyone.

This is also the way Yang Bo can think of to quickly use the rules of Minecraft to shield the Lord God's space.

Okay! What's your name? Tell me about the main god's space and this mission!

After Zhang San heard the name of the Lord God Space, his expression changed drastically and he wanted to stop Yang Bo, but then he froze on the spot.

There was no warning?!

Zhang San was very surprised and even more confused about the identity of the other party. Even the main god space could deceive him.

Okay, don't be stunned! The Lord God Space can't detect you within this range!

Zhang San paused, and then said cautiously: Lord God?

Sure enough, there was no warning at all!

Lord God, I am your ancestor!

Now Zhang San completely believed that Yang Bo could have the ability to shield the Lord God.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said: Hello, my name is Zhang San. After my death, I traveled to the main god space. This is the third world I have experienced. The mission is to assist Linghu Chong in defeating Dongfang Bubai!

And it is a team confrontation mission, which means that there will also be time travelers coming from Dongfang Invincible. The time is uncertain. The longer the time, the stronger the time travelers on the opposite side will be!

Zhang San explained everything in one go. According to the other party's ability to block the main god's space, he did not dare to hide anything.

After hearing Zhang San's words, Yang Bo nodded and fell into deep thought, thinking about how to catch another time traveler.

At this time, Yue Buqun suddenly said: Mr. Zhang, what is the pattern of teleportation positions?

Zhang San was stunned for a moment and then said: Well, there is no specific rule, but it will be teleported near the mission target!

It's like we were teleported not far from the Huashan Sect this time!

When Yang Bo heard this, his eyes lit up and he said to Yue Buqun: In that case, we can just go to Heimu Cliff and wait!

Yue Buqun smiled enigmatically and said, Master, don't bother me, Dongfang Bubai is visiting the Huashan Sect!

Yang Bo: ...

Yue Buqun, you are so bad. How could Dongfang Bubai come to your place as a guest and tell me what on earth you have done?

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