Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 207 Shake people

The dark clouds that had been dispersed by nuclear bombs were once again covered in darkness in the sky.

The people in the Akatsuki organization on the field were not in a good mood.

A group of people had to deal with one of them but they still couldn't capture it, which made this group of arrogant S-class rebellious ninjas feel a little depressed.

At this time, there is no way out for both sides. It is impossible for the Akatsuki organization to hand over Scorpion. As long as it is handed over to Scorpion, there is no need to think that all the other members will betray them.

And Yang Bo is also working hard for his own strengths, and he doesn't want to suddenly fall short of anything.

The scene calmed down for a moment. Yang Bo looked at Xie hiding in the crowd and shook his head. Depending on the situation, it was impossible to take Xie away directly without defeating these guys.

Directly in front of all Akatsuki members, the chat group was opened.

Group leader Yang Bo: What I said yesterday, if you can, come and help me!

Zhang Chulan: I'm fine! I'll be there soon!

Zhang Sanfeng: “I’ll go take a look too!”

Hermione: Let me tell Principal Dumbledore, I think he is very willing to visit other worlds!

Clark: Group leader, I'm basking in the sun in space, go back right away!

Group leader Yang Bo: The opponent is also very strong, and some of his methods are weird. Don't hold back!

Fa Hai: The poor monk is willing to go and save all sentient beings!

Kurama Yakumo: Oh? Group leader, you have already arrived at the Akatsuki organization? Why didn't you tell me? I'm still in the Death Forest, I'll go there right now!

Group leader Yang Bo: Okay! Thank you everyone!

It's not that Yang Bo has no way to deal with these guys, it's just that it's too time-consuming.

While Yang Bo was chatting, the space behind him became distorted, and a figure quietly appeared behind Yang Bo, wearing the same black trench coat with red clouds.

Wearing an orange mask on his face, a pair of scarlet eyes staring at Yang Bo from the holes in the mask was Uchiha Obito.

Then Obito quickly put his whole hand on Yang Bo's body, and for a moment it was like the quantum armor on Yang Bo's body had lost its function. There was no stopping the opponent's movements at all.


Obito's arm exited the virtual state and activated the Sharingan's ability.

At this time, Yang Bo felt as if he had passed through a portal from hell, and the scenery in front of him was distorted and changed.

Yang Bo turned around and saw Obito's mask, and said with some surprise: Fuck you, you idiot...

Before he finished speaking, Yang Bo's figure was directly sucked into the Kamui space by Obito.

Yang Bo looked at the strange environment around him. There were all kinds of garbage scattered everywhere, and black lines appeared directly on his forehead.

You've been tricked, Obito, the sixth one, wait until I resurrect Lin and ask Kakashi to marry her immediately. Then I'll tie you up and throw you under Kakashi's window so you can hear the sound!

Yang Bo directly found a relatively clean place and placed the new teleportation stone tablet. Not only that, Yang Bo also took out the construction staff and laid a large number of squares.

If you dare to let me come, I'll take this space!

Yang Bo's figure disappeared directly, first teleported to the Sky Island of Minecraft, and then teleported to the Naruto World.

Two figures appeared in front of the teleportation stone tablet.

Obito was shocked by Yang Bo's appearance, and quickly checked the Kamui Space, and sure enough, Yang Bo was no longer in it.

At this moment, the group friends also appeared here. Looking at the group friends around him who came to help, Yang Bo's mouth gradually showed a dangerous smile.

The second round has begun!

Suddenly, what fell from the sky was no longer rain, but white ice crystals.

Clark looked at Xiaoxue's ability and said with a smile: Then I'll help too!

After taking a deep breath, a powerful hurricane swept through everyone in the Akatsuki organization.

The originally moist earth became frozen visibly to the naked eye.

Yang Bo warned: Everyone, be careful! Come on!

First of all, Yang Bo rushed directly towards Tiandao Payne. The quantum armor's movement speed was at full speed, but he was in front of Tiandao in an instant.

Yang Bo smiled at Payne and said, Who doesn't have a friend?

Uchiha Itachi frowned and looked at the scene in front of him, with a bad feeling in his heart. All the Akatsuki members were assigned opponents by this group of mysterious enemies.

At this time Orochimaru walked up to him with a little girl.

Itachi looked at Orochimaru seriously and said, Are you my opponent?

Orochimaru smiled and said: You may not believe it if I tell you, your opponent is her!

Yakumo on the side looked at the handsome Itachi, still a little shy.

Itachi: ...

Am I so weak in the eyes of you people?

Looking at the other teammates who were being pushed to the ground and being rubbed, and then looking at Yakumo who was about the same age as Sasuke in front of him, he couldn't accept it for a moment.

Orochimaru showed a smile on his lips but said nothing.

Hello Mr. Itachi, I am Kurama Yakumo from Konoha, please give me your advice!

Itachi looked at Yakumo in surprise, not expecting that the other person was actually from Konoha, and he was also from the Kurama clan, which was famous for its illusions.

Kurama... Itachi suddenly understood what the other party meant by asking for advice.

A pair of eyes directly turned into a kaleidoscope, he nodded and said to Yakumo: Let's start!


Illusion space!

Two invisible spiritual energies hit both sides one after another, and Yakumo's figure appeared on the cross in a space.

The figure of Itachi was standing in front of Yakumo holding a long sword: In the world of Tsukuyomi, space, time, and quality are all under my control!

Then let's start now!

Itachi expressionlessly stretched out the long knife in his hand and inserted it directly into Yakumo's body.


The sound was wrong. Itachi suddenly raised his head and looked at the man on the cross. He didn't know when he had turned into Sasuke. At this moment, Sasuke was looking at him with empty eyes, but there was nothing in them.

Itachi, whose expression had remained unchanged, now looked very surprised.


Itachi knew that this was an illusion he had also fallen into.

At this time, Sasuke, who was tied to the cross, said in a miserable voice: Itachi! You killed your parents for Konoha, Itachi, and I finally died in your hands today!

Then he looked at the wound on Sasuke's body that was stabbed by him. Blood was constantly flowing out with no intention of stopping.

Although Itachi knew it was an illusion, he was still a little moved.

Itachi! My stupid Onii-chan, regret it! I will watch you from below!

After speaking, Sasuke lowered his head and lost his voice.

Before Itachi could react, he felt a tap on his shoulder, and Itachi looked back.

Two people that Itachi was very familiar with appeared in front of him.

Itachi, long time no see, I'm getting married soon! He said and raised his hand to grab the girl beside him.

The girl had beautiful long black hair, a mole on the lower corner of her right eye, and was wearing a purple cheongsam with wristbands on her hands.

Although the two of them were older, Itachi could tell the two of them at a glance.

Shisui... Quan... For some reason, Itachi suddenly felt a little heartache.

Itachi, don't forget to come to our wedding then! Shisui waved his hand and took Izumi's hand and disappeared from Itachi's sight.

As Itachi's mood fluctuated, Yakumo's mental power invaded more and more easily.

The scene in front of Itachi's eyes changed, and he directly appeared in a familiar place. Without looking back, Itachi knew who appeared this time.

Itachi! Promise me you will take good care of your brother!

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