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Chapter 123 You have to believe me

The corners of Yang Bo's mouth turned up involuntarily, and Hermione felt a chill after seeing it.

Hermione, go ahead and do your work! Harry and I have something we need to talk about!

When Hermione heard Yang Bo's words, although she didn't know what Yang Bo was going to do, she had a feeling in the dark that was urging her to leave these two people!

Okay~ I'll leave first!

After saying that, Hermione immediately turned around and left without any intention of lingering.

Yang Bo looked at Harry Potter gently and said: Mr. Potter, I have something to ask you. Is it inconvenient for you?

Harry looked a little shocked. He didn't expect that the other party actually wanted to ask him something, so he quickly agreed.

Of course it's convenient! Mr. Yang Bo, I wonder what you want from me?

Ron on the side saw this and said: Harry, can I go with you?

Ron didn't want to leave Harry's side, and he also wanted to know what the other party wanted to do with Harry, and whether it would pose any danger to Harry, even though this was at Hogwarts!

After hearing what Ron said, Harry looked at Yang Bo nervously and asked, Mr. Yang Bo, can Ron come with us?

Yang Bo nodded slightly and said: Of course there is no problem, this is not something shameful!

‘It’s not that I’m ashamed of myself! ’

Harry Potter was obviously very happy when he got Yang Bo's answer. After all, he was only a 12-year-old child.

Thinking of this, Yang Bo suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

He's still a kid!

Then we can't let him go! ! !

Yang Bo's inquiring mind at this moment completely wiped out any trace of kindness in his heart. Now he just wants to simply know the function of the spring water!

Yang Bo, Harry, and Ron were staying in a corner of the castle. Normally no one would come here.

Yang Bo followed Harry here. Harry asked curiously: Mr. Yang Bo, this place is very quiet and few people come here. What do you want to see me for?

Yang Bo did not state his purpose directly. He wanted Harry to use the spring water himself.

Harry, you don't have to be so polite, you can just call me by my name, it doesn't matter!

Harry, let me ask you, do you find that the entire wizarding world regards you as the savior, but do you feel that you are not worthy of this title at all?

Harry has long felt this. People in the wizarding world think that his appearance eliminated Voldemort and that he is the savior of the wizarding world. However, his ability to learn magic is not outstanding at all, let alone Hermione. Many people have better learning abilities than him!

Ron was a little angry when he heard Yang Bo say this: What do you know, if it hadn't been for Harry...

Before he could finish speaking, Harry interrupted Ron.

Ron, Mr. Yang Bo is right, I am indeed not worthy of the title of savior!

Yang Bo smiled and said: Ron, don't be anxious to hear me out!

Ron had no choice but to close his mouth when he heard Harry's words and stared at Yang Bo angrily.

Harry, you haven't grown up yet. In terms of strength, let alone the senior students, there are many people in the same grade who are stronger than you!

Harry's expression was a little sad, but he still nodded.

Here comes the key! !

Yang Bo couldn't control his smile, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised again.

Harry, do you feel that Professor Snape has been targeting you? Making things difficult for you? Has he been thinking of ways to deduct Gryffindor house points?

After hearing this, Harry raised his head, looked at Yang Bo and said, The main reason is that I didn't learn the knowledge well, otherwise Professor Snape wouldn't deduct Gryffindor house points from me.

Ron on the side couldn't help but said: Harry! Anyone with eyes can see that Professor Snape is targeting you! He will find ways to deduct points from you every time he goes to class!

Yang Bo also stared at Harry and said, Do you believe what you said?

Harry: ...

It's a bit murderous for you to do this. I ate shit against my conscience, and you asked me if it tasted good!

Seeing that Harry didn't speak, Yang Bo continued: Actually, it's not Professor Snape's fault. In fact, he and your father and mother are classmates!

Harry has not yet investigated Snape and naturally does not know such news.

So I was a little surprised when I heard the news: Classmate? But...

Yang Bo knew what Harry was going to say: But why are you so targeted? Do you know that your father not only often teased Snape when he was in school, but also robbed the girl he liked, your mother, especially your appearance? Very similar to your father, what do you think you would do if you were Snape?

Harry and Ron suddenly ate a large melon and felt indigestion for a while.

Ron froze on the spot and murmured: No wonder! No wonder!

But Harry, Snape is targeting you at most, but he will never hurt you, and he will risk his life to protect you because you are Lily's child!

Yang Bo stood aside and looked at Harry quietly, waiting for him to digest the news.

It took a long time for Harry to come back to his senses. His eyes were so complicated that he didn't know what he was thinking.

Mr. Yang Bo, you came to me just to talk about this matter, right?

Yang Bo smiled and said: Of course not!!!

He took out the magical spring water directly from his backpack and continued: This is a magical spring water that can change the way people around you view you. Although it doesn't help much with your strength, it can change Professor Snape's view of you. Stop him from targeting you! No need to take it, just pour it on your body!

Harry reached out and took the bottle from Yang Bo's hand. The bottle was just an ordinary bottle, about the same size as a bottle of beer, but it was transparent.

Harry looked at the transparent and colorless spring water inside, thought of Snape's face, gritted his teeth and was about to pour it on his head!

But Ron on the side quickly stopped Harry and looked at Yang Bo with suspicion.

Harry, don't use it yet!

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