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Chapter 124 We are good brothers

Yang Bo looked at Ron who was blocking Harry, and the veins on his forehead appeared.

I kept telling myself in my heart: Breathe! Breathe! Don't be angry! Don't be angry!

The moment Ron stopped Harry, Yang Bo wanted to take out the two-meter-long cleaver in his backpack and let Ron taste the big treasure!

Suppressing his anger, he smiled and said to Ron: Ron, come here!

Ron looked at Yang Bo's stiff smile and felt a little timid, but as a member of Gryffindor, Ron naturally did not lack courage and walked to Yang Bo's side.

Harry looked at Ron walking over and was grabbed by Yang Bo and pulled aside.

Harry suddenly became nervous and wanted to come along.

Harry, wait a minute, I'm talking to Ron!

Harry had no choice but to stop and look at what Yang Bo was saying in Ron's ear.

At this time Ron exclaimed: Merlin's beard!!

Seeing Harry who wanted to run over to see the situation, he quickly said: No! Harry, I'm fine! Just wait a moment!

Then Ron's expression began to change color, and it could be seen that Ron was not at all calm inside at this moment!

Soon Yang Bo and Ron came back. Yang Bo's expression had recovered, but Ron's expression still looked worried.

Ron walked up to Harry, looked at Harry with complicated eyes, and made a decision that went against his ancestors.

Harry! I support your choice!

Harry didn't know what Yang Bo said to Ron, but he believed Ron, but he didn't see the urgency in Ron's complicated eyes at all.

Harry gritted his teeth and poured the spring water directly on his body, but then he couldn't feel any changes. He asked Ron beside him doubtfully: Ron, have I changed anything?

Ron saw Harry who had fallen into the spring water, and for some reason he suddenly felt joyful in his heart. When he heard Harry's words, Ron's eyes wandered and he said: No change, but there should be some conditions!

Yang Bo took out his wand and cast the spell directly on Harry.


The water stains on Harry's body and wet clothes were directly cleaned under the effect of the spell.

Clear water like a spring!

Cold spring water emerged from the top of the wand, and Yang Bo smiled like a fox who had stolen a chicken.

Harry, try touching it!

In the expectant eyes of Yang Bo and Ron, Harry stretched his hand towards the spring water.

The moment he touched the spring water, Harry seemed to hear two sounds of Ness! !

In the blink of an eye, Harry's hairstyle and face changed dramatically.

She has long crimson hair and almond-shaped green eyes. She is very beautiful, and is no less beautiful than Hermione after the marrow cleansing.

I don't feel anything! Harley opened her mouth and made a pleasant sound.

Harley was immediately startled by her own voice.

What's going on? Why did my voice change?? He quickly reached out and touched his face, and froze when he touched his long hair.

His eyes were full of confusion as he looked at Ron and Yang Bo who were already stunned.

Why did I become a girl? Harry said to Yang Bo.

Yang Bo quickly turned his head to the side, his eyes wandering: This is just a small price for change! Don't worry!

Professor Snape will never make things difficult for you when he sees you in your current state!

After hearing this, Harley said very unhappy: But you never said you would become a girl! Can you change me back!!

Ron on the side suddenly felt that his good brother looked cute when he was angry.

Yang Bo shook his head: Sorry, no! I have no choice now!

Yang Bo didn't lie. What he told was the truth. He came here mainly to test the teleportation stone tablet and learn some new spells. He didn't bring milk.

After hearing this, Harley felt a little lost: What should I do? Can I only be a girl in the future?

Harley's pear-shaped look is very petite and weak, and her helpless expression makes people want to protect her.

Yang Bo continued: However, there is no way. As long as you touch hot water, you will change back, but if you touch cold water, you will turn into a girl again.

Harley raised her head and looked at Yang Bo with complicated eyes: Really?

Yang Bo didn't waste any time and directly changed the temperature of the spring water.

Try it!

Harley did not choose to put her hand directly into the warm water. Her image changed again, and she became the boy Harry again.

At this time, Ron went directly to comfort Harry: Harry! Don't worry, I'm here, we will always be good brothers!

Don't worry! I will keep this secret... Bah! I will protect it with my life for the rest of my life!

After leaving Harry and Ron, Yang Bo placed the teleportation stone directly outside the school castle, close to the Forbidden Forest.

Then he reached out and directly activated the stele. The difference from my world was that after the stele was activated, a huge amount of energy rose into the sky and then dissipated, but there was a translucent energy shield around the teleportation stele.

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