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Chapter 122 Hermione’s Little Business

Yang Bo felt the scene in front of him change and he was directly transported back to the empty island.

Feeling the fast and convenient function of the teleportation stone tablet, Yang Bo felt that the air was filled with the smell of happiness.

Finally, I don't have to run back and forth! I was so sick when Twilight brushed Queen before!

Speaking of the queen, Yang Bo glanced at Xiaoxue who was sitting on the grass, basking in the sun, drinking milk and eating iced watermelon.

Walking over, Yang Bo asked: Xiaoxue, I'm going to other worlds, will you go?

Xiaoxue felt a little emotional about Yang Bo's behavior of blocking her sunbathing: You're blocking my sunbathing! You go ahead, I'll just look after your house for you!

Let's dry it, be careful about it melting!

Xiaoxue gave Yang Bo a charming look. Yang Bo found that Xiaoxue's emotions were getting richer and richer, and he didn't know if it was the reason for unlocking the seal.

He could only shake his head towards Xiaoxue. It's a pity that a beautiful woman can see, move, but not eat! Fortunately he is a gentleman, otherwise who could withstand it!

Of course, it may also be what Xiaoxue said!

You can do whatever you want!

But if I'm not happy, my body temperature will be below zero!

Yang Bo directly applied to be teleported into the world of Harry Potter.

Hermione on her part quickly agreed.

Yang Bo appeared directly in an office, surrounded by bookshelves.

After seeing Yang Bo, Hermione said happily: Brother, group leader, you are here! Long time no see!

How long, it's only been more than ten days! Yang Bo smiled and touched Hermione's hair. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he felt that Hermione's hair was smoother than before.

After hearing this, Hermione said: It's been two months since I've been here!!

Really?! Has it been so long? By the way, Hermione is here?

A woman's voice sounded behind Yang Bo: This is my office. Long time no see, Mr. Yang Bo!

Yang Bo looked back and saw a familiar person.

Professor McGonagall, nice to see you again!

McGonagall nodded: I heard Hermione say that you need to make some flying props, right?

It turned out that Hermione was in McGonagall's office to ask about this matter, and Yang Bo suddenly realized it.

Yes, Professor McGonagall!

Mag stood up and said: Okay, the flying spell is not a very complicated spell. The difficult thing is how to fly faster and more stably!

Yang Bo nodded in agreement. The flying spell is very simple, but not everyone is proficient in it. If it were simple, there would be no flying broomstick company.

If it is a professional customization, you can find a flying broomstick company or other alchemists. If the requirements are not very high, it is also a good choice to buy directly from the market.

Yang Bo agreed with Professor McGonagall and turned to Hermione.

Hermione, you can open a small shop in the group and sell some items unique to the wizarding world! I recommend strange-flavored beans. To be honest, I really don't know how the makers know so many flavors!

After a pause, he continued: Is it really made of raw materials?

Almost all wizards in the wizarding world have tried Beans, and Hermione and Professor McGonagall are no exception.

Thinking of the strange-flavored beans they had eaten, both of them looked unhappy.

Yang Bo, Hermione and Professor McGonagall discussed some special products that Hermione could sell in the group to help the group.

Yang Bo and Hermione strolled through the Hogwarts school. Looking at the young and beautiful students in the school, they couldn't help but think of his youth.

Oh, in the blink of an eye, you will be real, 22, 23, 24, 25, and in the blink of an eye, you will be almost thirty years old! If you don't get married, you will be half buried in the ground!

Hermione listened to Yang Bo's sigh and said, According to the Eastern saying, should I wait to eat?!

Yang Bo: ...

How do you, a Western wizard, know how to eat? !

I'm just lamenting my lost youth! How is Hermione studying recently?

As a top student, Hermione is not afraid of death issues like this at all.

Hermione said the famous saying of a top student: I feel like I haven't been performing very well recently!

At this time, two people came out from one side of the corridor and came over to say hello to Hermione.

Hermione, and Mr. Yang Bo, long time no see! Harry was a little excited after seeing Yang Bo. He didn't expect to see people he knew in school.

In Ollivander's wand shop, the stick that was considered a wand floating next to Yang Bo gave Harry Potter a huge shock.

As a result, he has been eagerly wanting a thick wand!

After Yang Bo saw Harry Potter, he also had a bright smile on his face!

He felt that the unknown spring water that had been lying in his backpack had begun to tremble.

Long time no see! Harry Potter!

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