director’s office.

Sitting there was a black-haired old man wearing a plain robe, with deep eyes and full of wisdom.

“Button, button, button!!!”

There was a knock on the door.

“The door is unlocked, come in.”

The black-haired old man raised his head and said with a calm expression.


Su Zichen and Su Liang carefully pushed the door open and entered.


The black-haired old man felt the god-killing aura on Su Liang’s body and frowned.

Su Liang only felt like he was being targeted by a great terror.

“This is Dean Lu of our Tai’an College.”

Su Zichen couldn’t hide his respect and introduced to Su Liang.

Although Dean Lu looks very young, this Tai’an College was founded by him. His actual age is more than a hundred years old!

It’s”Origin” One of the seven strong men in the first batch of internal tests.

He has a high status and has been fighting in the starry sky battlefield all year round!

【Lu Yuan·Forbidden Dharma God·Fourth Level Myth·Level 433]

Su Liang glanced over with a stern look on his face.

The 433-level boss is worthy of being the dean of the three major colleges in Daxia!

This strength is too terrifying!

“Xiao Zichen, who is this?”

Lu Yuan spoke slowly, looking at Su Liang’s eyes with solemnity, and asked Su Zichen

“Dean Lu, this is this year’s top pick Su Liang”

“He needs some materials for his transfer. The two vice-principals are not here, so he can only come to you for approval.”

Su Zichen quickly explained.

“newborn? Your permissions are not enough?”

Lu Yuan believed that Su Zichen would not lie to him, and his frown dispersed, and he became interested.

He had just returned from the starry sky battlefield not long ago, and he had not heard about Su Liang’s deeds.

Su Zichen smiled coquettishly:”He took the five-star difficulty level. The fifth-turn mission requires sub-god-level materials.”


Lu Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at Su Liang again, a little surprised.

There is a rule for job transfer tasks. The tasks completed at the fourth turn are four-star tasks.

Then… by the fifth turn, the difficulty level of the tasks will be The upper limit is only four stars, so you can’t accept five-star difficulty tasks.


Su Liang has to complete the five-star difficulty tasks of level four, and Lu Yuan has experienced the five-star difficulty tasks of level four.

With dual SS-level talents and a legendary profession, he failed to complete the five-star difficulty level even in four rounds that year!


“Su Liang, right? What materials do you need?”

Lu Yuan picked up the tea on the table, took a sip, and asked

“Requires thermal pacemaker……”

Su Liang said it himself


Lu Yuan was startled and almost choked on his tea.

This thing is nothing to him, but for a fourth-level professional… isn’t it too outrageous?

A fifth-level five-star mission is so abnormal.

Lu Yuan stared at Su Liang with his deep eyes, as if he wanted to see through it. Just for a moment!

Lu Yuan fell into memories.

He was also involved in the five-star mission of the Great Xia Kingdom, but the required materials were only It’s just legendary.

Only… the three giants of Blue Star have mythical professions, and the materials required for job transfer are so exaggerated!

Combined with the special aura exuding from Su Liang…

There is no doubt that Liang is a mythical profession! He must have used some means to conceal his profession!

Dean Lu Yuan did not expose Su Liang, and he was excited that after so many years, Blue Star finally produced another mythical profession!

Xia Guo, in his academy! It’s too late for

Lu Yuan to protect him!

“Are you confident?”

Dean Lu Yuan asked with a kind smile.

“That’s for sure!”

Su Liang grinned, showing his big white teeth, and responded confidently.

The confident look and inexplicable appeal convinced Lu Yuan.

A trace of expectation arose in his heart.

“Very good. You and Xiao Zichen will take my card and go to the college warehouse to pick it up later.”

Dean Lu Yuan paused and promised Su Liang:”If you really complete the five-star difficulty task, I will give you an artifact.”


Is there such a good thing?!

Su Liang was startled. Although he didn’t know what happened, he still said gratefully,”Thank you, Dean Lu, I won’t let you down.””

·· ········Asking for flowers··· ·

·· ········Asking for flowers··· ·


Su Zichen took the dean’s pass and took Su Liang to the warehouse.

Lu Yuan looked at Su Liang’s back, raised the corners of his mouth with a satisfied smile, extremely pleased.

Be confident and not anxious.

Great hope for the future of Daxia!

But soon…

He frowned again and murmured to himself

“In addition to the sudden calm in the undead world recently, the turmoil in all walks of life and the starry sky battlefield has become more and more serious, and the orc world is coming……”

“I don’t know how long we old guys can last. Sons of Daxia, I hope you can grow up as soon as possible.”

……. 0…

……. 0…


After collecting the materials, return to the professional temple

【submit material! 】

Su Liang submitted everything

【Ding! Congratulations to the professional for completing the first stage of the five-star difficulty mission”Twilight of the Gods – God-Killing Heart”!】

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the reward:”God-Killing Heart” (unfinished). And start the second round of the mission! 】

Unfinished version of God-Killing Heart?

Su Liang quickly checked it, and something that looked like a blood-red heart appeared in his hand.

This”God-Killing Heart” seemed to be alive, stirring slightly in Su Liang’s hands.

It’s like… breathing!!!

【God-Killing Heart] (Organ of God/Unfinished)


【Effect]: Killing will make you grow. During the battle, every time you kill a target, you can get a killing layer, attack +2%, attack speed +2%, movement speed +2%, up to 999 layers! Lasts for 10 seconds, kill refreshes the duration!


At present, this thing is not too abnormal a prop.

Just doubles the effect of”Killing Heart”.

But… what does it mean to change from a treasure to a divine organ?

Never heard of this at all.

Su Liang was puzzled, but not entangled.

Anyway, once the mission is completed and the complete”God-Killing Heart” is found, you will know what it means.

He turned his attention to the next task. Cun Cun.

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