“Ahem, it’s material about the fifth-turn mission.”

Hearing this, Su Liang rubbed his hands with a smile.

He had a feeling that the fifth-level material would be outrageous, so he specifically stopped Su Zichen.

“What, are you going to turn five? So fast?”

Su Zichen blinked her beautiful eyes, in disbelief.

How long had it been since Su Liang turned around?

Did he rise in level so quickly?

Suddenly, a bad premonition arose in her heart.

“You…are not going to take on another five-star difficulty mission, are you?”

Su Zichen’s heart trembled and he asked hurriedly

“Yes, I thought the five-star difficulty mission in level four last time was quite easy, so I’m ready to take it on level five as well.”

Su Liang grinned and smiled confidently.

Su Zichen:”……”

Pretty simple?

Listen, is this human language?


Su Zichen knew why Su Liang asked him to stay for a while.

She hesitated

“OK! Now that you have completed the fourth and fifth turns, if you want to try the fifth turn, then try it.”

Su Zichen gritted her silver teeth and spoke helplessly.

She originally thought that letting the academy increase Su Liang’s authority would be enough to withdraw the four-star difficulty materials to the sub-god level.

But she didn’t expect…

Su Liang would still have to do the five-star difficulty.

The materials required for the two are not of the same level.

But before Su Liang fails, since Su Zichen and the academy have agreed, the matter must be done, no matter how precious the materials are, they must be provided.


In fact, Su Zichen doesn’t have high hopes.

This is a feat that even the old man of the Immortal Wall has not accomplished.

It will be unprecedented!

“Let’s go see what materials are required first, and then I’ll go to the dean to apply.”

Su Zichen pursed her red lips slightly and said.

Su Liang nodded.


Arrive at the Assassin’s Guild and enter the professional temple with ease.

When Su Liang just stepped in.

A sudden change occurred!

In the backpack, the ancient bricks flashed with light and floated out automatically! boom–!!!

Then, golden light flashed from the hand of the statue of the Assassin God, and a golden light beam as thick as a bucket fell.

What’s happening here?

Su Liang was stunned for a moment.

The next second, the golden light beam disappeared, and the prompt appeared.

【Ding! The God of Assassins sensed his former weapons and sent blessings through professional statues, successfully helping you repair 20% of the damage to the”ancient bricks”. I hope you can recreate the glory of this weapon. 】

You can see that many of the countless cracks on the ancient bricks have been repaired.

On the edges and corners of the tiles, the shimmering chill is even stronger!

And there’s this unexpected surprise!

Su Liang’s eyes lit up.

He immediately reached out and took back the ancient bricks floating in the air.

【Ancient Bricks] (Broken Artifact/Repair 20%)

【Grade 1

【Attributes]: All attributes +10%, attack speed +100%, critical hit rate +50%, critical hit damage +500%

【Skills]: Brick Throwing, Flying Brick Throwing, Charged Blow

【Requirements]: Agility 188888 points

【Introduction]: The brick used by the God of Assassin, once used to sneak attack on the King of Skeletons


Added attack speed, critical hit and critical damage entries.

This incredible critical damage bonus has only been restored to 20%.

The level of ancient bricks far exceeded Su Liang’s imagination!

【Ding!”Ancient Bricks” evoked memories of the God of Assassin. Congratulations on getting +300 favorability from the God of Assassin! 】

Suddenly, another prompt jumped out.

Su Liang couldn’t help curling his lips.

Mom sells batches!

It’s not like Pandora, a goddess with long thighs and a plump figure, is popular.

Why do I need your old cunt to be liked?


【Ding! It is detected that the professional level is Lv80, which meets the requirements for the fifth transfer. Please select the star level for the job transfer task! 】

Su Liang raised his hand and clicked to accept the five-star mission.

【Ding! The professional successfully accepted the fifth-turn mission】

【The fifth mission: Twilight of the Gods—God-Killing Heart】

【Mission difficulty: five-star/serial mission】

【Mission introduction: God-killers must have an extremely strong heart. Forge the organ of God”God-killing Heart”. Materials required: Killing Heart x1, Warming Pacemaker x1 (Ya God), Ya God Essence x10 (Ya God), Star Clay x10 (Ya God)】

【Time limit: 10 days】

【Tip: The job transfer mission is a single-player mission and cannot be carried out in a team.】

…… as expected.

As Su Liang expected, except for the”Heart of Killing”, they are all sub-god-level materials!

The”Heart of Killing” is the treasure dropped by him when he killed Shadow Mantis.

Every time you kill a target, you can gain one killing layer, attack +1%, attack speed +1%, movement speed +1%, up to 999 layers!

Su Liang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Unexpectedly… it turned out to be a foreshadowing for the fifth-turn mission. Fortunately, this thing was useful to him and was not sold.

Otherwise, I don’t know where to get this material.


Come out of the professional temple

“What happened to the golden beam of light just now?”

Su Zichen immediately came forward eagerly and asked confusedly.

Su Liang shrugged and said sincerely:”I am attracted by the God of Assassins.”

The words fell.

Su Zichen’s mouth twitched and he rolled his eyes.

“I don’t want to talk about it, but what materials are needed for the fifth level of five-star difficulty. she asked

“Four materials are needed, one of which is mine.

Su Liang was silent for a moment, and then said:”The other three items are a warm pacemaker, 10 parts of Yashen Essence and Blood, and 10 parts of Star Clay.””


Su Zichen was prepared, but couldn’t help but swallowed.

The value of the materials was higher than she expected!

They are all treasures among Yashen materials!

The thermal pacemaker is a sub-god-level medical device made by goblins.

Each sub-god has only one drop of blood essence, which is dropped when killed…

And the last star clay is a rare material in the starry sky battlefield, and only 10 copies are produced every year.

Tai’an College doesn’t have much inventory

��Come on, come with me to the dean to apply.”

Su Zichen sighed slightly and said.

These rare sub-god-level materials can’t be sold to her casually.

She seems to have recruited a living father for Tai’an Academy.

Fortunately, this fifth turn should be the last one…

Người mua: Tinh. Đế

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