【The fifth mission: Twilight of the Gods—God-Killing Heart】

【Mission difficulty: five-star/serial mission】

【Mission introduction: Let the God-killing Heart be bathed in hot blood. Go to Shiwan Snow Mountain, kill the overlord of the snow mountain”Thunder Tyrant” (sub-god BOSS), and get his blood and heart!】

【Mission punishment: Deprivation of the God-killing Heart】

【Time limit: 7 days】

【Tip: The job transfer mission is a single-player mission and cannot be carried out in a team.】


This time it’s not a secret realm or a dungeon, but just go directly to the Shiwan Snow Mountain to kill the BOSS.

Su Liang was very disappointed. lets go!

As soon as Su Liang came out of Tai’an Academy, his keen senses and killing instinct had a strong reaction.

Feeling the subtle hostility coming from all around.

The hostility was very weak, and it felt like it was just to monitor him.

Su Liang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

To hide and sneak in front of him, a mythical assassin? interesting

『The Eye of True Seeing scanned

【Qian Dingding·Ghost Assassin·Seventh Turn·Level 138】

【Li Mo·Thunder Assassin·Seventh Turn·Level 133】

【Liu Kang, Night Assassin, Rank 7, Level 135]

There are three people in total, all of whom are rank 7 assassins.

Moreover, without exception, they are all members of the Black Blade Knights.

Su Liang remained calm.

He was going to use the trick, but he wanted to see what these people were going to do.


“He just glanced at me, what’s going on? Discovered?”

“Don’t think too much. If you find out, you’ll find out. He should be leaving the city.”

“This guy finally came out. You two follow, and we’ll notify the group leader.”

The three assassins communicated in a low voice.

Then, the two assassins continued to hide their figures and followed in the direction of Su Liang.

The other assassin began to inform Zhao Zheng, the leader of the Black Blade Knights.

After a while……

In the Dark Edge Knights, more than a dozen figures left the station.

Each of these people was above rank eight!

Even the leader Zhao Zheng and the two deputy leaders were moving towards them quickly. Sweeping away in the direction of leaving the city


Leave Yuncheng.

Inciting the wings of the sky, Su Liang came to the mountains below

“You all come out.”

After landing, Su Liang’s voice sounded faintly.

His voice was not loud, but the people following him were not weak, so naturally they could only hear it clearly.

Now that they were discovered, they stopped hiding.

Swish, swish, swish!!!


More than a dozen figures flew from the distance, looking down at Su Liang.

They spread out and surrounded Su Liang from all sides.

“Do you think you are stupid? Or are you not stupid?”

Zhao Jieli couldn’t help but laugh sarcastically, showing a mocking expression:”You know we are following you, but you still dare to leave the city.”

Su Liang turned a deaf ear to his words. He looked around calmly.

In addition to the three rank-7 assassins who were staring at him, there were 13 rank-8 assassins and 2 rank-9 assassins.

【Lin Bo·Dragon Language Shooter·Nine Turns·Level 177】

【Zhou Pengyue·Destruction Mage·Nine Turns·Level 179】


There is also a sub-god-level knight, Zhao Zheng, the leader of the Black Blade Knights.

He is currently riding a legendary three-headed flying dragon that is more than 100 meters tall.

【Three-headed flying dragon·Legendary BOSS·Level 180】

The three-headed flying dragon is a mutation of the sub-dragon species. It is very powerful, comparable to the legendary dragon.

“Tsk tsk tsk, such a big battle really looks up to me.”

Su Liang curled his lips.

For him, the only person here who is a bit threatening is the leader Zhao Zheng, a powerful Asian god.

【Name]: Zhao Zheng

【Level]: Lv185

【Occupation]: Dark Edge Death Rider

【Power]: 123w

【Physique]: 180w

【Agile]: 140w

【Spirit]: 526008

【Talent]: Destiny Knight (SS level)

【Skills]: Soul Harvest, Dark Impact, Dark Charge, Lightless Shield, Death Spear……

『Knight of Destiny” (SS level): A destined knight, while riding, all attributes of the professional and the mount are +150%, and the movement speed of the mount is +200%!


The Dark Blade Knights are named after Zhao Zheng’s profession………..

Su Liang touched his chin……….

Zhao Zheng’s attributes in the riding state are not as high as his.

Even… not as good as the level 100 sub-god-level amethyst behemoth.

It seems that his equipment is not very good!

Of course, there are also reasons why the sub-god BOSS is a qualitative change and is stronger than several sub-god level professionals.

But… this SS-level talent is pretty good.

Is this… to give yourself a gift?


Su Liang was looking at Zhao Zheng, and Zhao Zheng was also looking at Su Liang.

Feeling the terrifying god-killing aura on Su Liang’s body, even he felt endless pressure!

Cold sweat flowed down Zhao Zheng’s forehead unconsciously.

But… he quickly came to his senses.

Zhao Zheng felt even more ecstatic when he thought that Su Liang was just a small fourth-level person, but he had such a terrifying sense of oppression!

After looking at the panel, he saw that in a hostile state, his attributes dropped by 40%.

It’s true!

This Su Liang has the ability to drop a percentage of the target’s attributes.

In Zhao Zheng’s eyes, eager greed and ferocity appeared

“Are you…prepared to die?”

Su Liang spoke calmly, looking calm and composed.

In an instant!

The air was quiet.

Even the leader Zhao Zheng was shocked.

No one else!

Su Liang’s performance in 3.2 was too calm. 3.2 seemed like they were surrounded. the same existence

“Could it be that…you were prepared and had an ambush?!”

Zhao Jieli’s expression suddenly changed.

Thinking of Su Liang’s relationship with the Crimson Knights, he might have informed them.

At that time…

As long as the people from the Crimson Knights bother for a while, they will find someone to contact Tai’an College.

The college will send someone over. , they are all doomed.

Even… their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Crimson Knights.

With the blessing of Su Liang’s talents and skills, if all members of the Crimson Knights are dispatched, there is a chance. If you run away, everyone else will probably be wiped out…

A group of people panicked to make sure there was no one around.

Người mua: Tinh. Đế

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