Army ants never back down. even if!

Faced with terrifying skills, they will all move forward in a suicidal manner.

Countless ants fell one after another, and their companions behind them continued to step into the volcano of doom without hesitation.

Stepping on their charred corpses, they headed towards Su Liang to kill!

Then, he was mercilessly devoured by wildfires.

All of a sudden!

The scene was very tragic, a scene as tragic as the end of the world.

Su Liang’s mouth was filled with joy.

Ha ha!

He just likes this kind of monster, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, preferring to go to the tiger mountains, and launching suicidal attacks.

You don’t need skills to find them, they will come and eat them on their own!

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Easy Hands” and”Stealing the Sheep”, and obtained by stealing:”The Jaw of the Powerful Marching Ant” (material)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player who triggered”Miaoshou Kongkong” and was moved by”Zero”Zero Three Three” Three Three” to”Lead the Sheep”, and obtained by stealing:”March Ant Shell Armor” (Equipment)……】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Smooth Hands” of”Empty Hands” and stealing it to obtain:”Talent·Natural Power” (SS level)! ]

Countless stealing tips also popped up.

A few seconds later…

Su Liang felt the power in his body surge!

A prompt for stealing”Talent·Natural Power” appears!


After ensuring that the talents are obtained, Su Liang and Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon can go on a killing spree without any scruples!

『Pseudo-forbidden curse·Wrath of the Ice Dragon』!

The pseudo-forbidden curse Doomsday Volcano skill has just ended.

Su Liang took another move, a pseudo-forbidden spell stolen from the legendary equipment”Ring of Ice Dragon’s Wrath”. moment!

The shadow of a thousand-meter-long frost dragon appeared in the sky, breathing frost and covering a range of 33,333 yards.

Wait until Frost Breath ends……

『World-destroying flame thunder』!

『Amethyst Dragon Star Group』!

The one who intercepted the ant army was the violent purple flame and thunder of the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon.

Four waves of super large-scale group attacks isolated the magical army ants from a thousand meters away!

Fortunately, ordinary magical army ants are smaller in size and denser, and they will rush into the skills without fear of death.

Otherwise, even if Su Liang is given a few more pseudo-forbidden spells and Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon is given a few more large-scale skills, he still won’t be able to kill them all.

Just a moment.

The corpses of ordinary magical army ants have been piled up into hills. and!

Under the bombardment of these skills, both the gold BOSS and the dark gold BOSS are not immune.

Only six epic queen ant guards and powerful queen ants survived.

【Ding! Your team kills”Magic Marching Ant-Soldier Ant” (Golden BOSS) and gains 13 million experience points……】

【Ding! Your team kills”Mighty Marching Ant – Male Ant” (Dark Gold BOSS) and gains 40 million experience points……】

【Ding! Your level is increased to level 75, all attributes +10, free attribute points +30】

【Ding! The level of your pet”Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon” has been increased by 73 levels! 】

Up to now, Su Liang and Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon have been promoted to 3 levels in a row.

No need to run the chart.

Just throw the skill in place.

This speed… is countless times faster than Su Liang’s solo playthrough of the Ghost Temple dungeon!

“Xiao Zi, I’ll leave those epic bosses to you.”

Su Liang gave an order and jumped down from the back of the giant dragon, ignoring the ant queen guards who rushed out of the dragon star cluster and quickly instigated the six wings behind them.


In mid-air, the wings of the sky behind him spread out and moved towards the distance. The ant queen attacked.

Now, the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon is already level 73, and its attributes are very powerful.

It is not a problem to deal with these epic bosses with one against six, just when the ant queen guard wants to intercept Su Liang in mid-air.……


The Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon roared and activated its skills

『dragon roars』!

『Purple Flame·Endless Thunder Pool』!

A roar stunned six epic bosses.

Then, they were all trapped in a thunder pool filled with burning purple flames on the ground and countless violent thunders surging.

Immediately afterwards, the Purple Crystal Thunder Flame Dragon swooped down, its thick dragon claws carrying unparalleled power! boom–!

Fight with the Queen Ant Guards


Su Liang quickly came to the ant queen. at the same time!

A brick with a faint red glow appeared in his hand

『Flying Brick Throwing! next moment!

The bricks were thrown out from Su Liang’s hand and hit the queen with thunderous force.


The powerful ant queen has furious scarlet eyes, spreads her six wings, drags her bloated body, and quickly rises into the air………..

Avoid this brick!

Screaming and flying towards Su Liang……….

Revealing its sharp giant jaw, it wants to tear Su Liang, the culprit who killed countless army ants, into pieces!

However… the bricks below suddenly rotated at a magical angle

“Pang Cang——!!!”

Caught off guard, Pang Cang hit the back of the head of the powerful ant queen who thought she had escaped the attack.

Throwing flying bricks has a guaranteed hit effect!

This is the power of rules, no matter how fast you are, you can’t evade it!

This is also the reason why Su Liang was very casual when he threw it away.

Otherwise, how could the queen ant easily dodge the things thrown by her agility attribute?

“Hey hey hey……”

Su Liang raised a lewd smile, and the brick that originally hit the queen ant appeared in his hand again.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived on top of the queen ant who had fallen to the ground. boom–! boom–! boom–!

Brick after brick hit his head like a violent storm.

Dozens of hits per second, but the BOSS’s health is still strong!

Except for”Flying Brick Throwing”, only a few drops were insignificant.

Seeing this,

Su Liang was extremely satisfied, and the smile on his face became even crazier.

Hitting the back of the head while laughing.

After smashing bricks with bricks for 2 minutes…

1.8, his hands were almost cramped, and he stole a lot of legendary materials, equipment and skills.

『The will of the ants』!

“Damn human being, you have completely angered me, I will tear you to pieces!”

The powerful ant queen became angry with embarrassment, turned on the hegemonic state, and said violently,”And you and that giant dragon will become the nourishment for me to conceive children, and they will be born on your scum!”

Brick slaps the head, the damage is not high, but it is extremely insulting.

What’s more!

Su Liang also stole several of its skills and killed hundreds of thousands of its descendants.


Su Liang sneered and ignored it.

Several more bricks from Pangcang were thrown down.


The powerful ant queen suddenly became furious, letting out a terrifying howl, and her compound eyes were blood red.

This damn human waste actually dared to attack me at this time!.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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