The powerful ant queen threw Su Liang off her back, then spat out oozing acid from her mouth, and boom—!

Su Liang’s eyes flashed, and he stepped down to avoid the attack.

The ground where it originally stood was rapidly eroding.

The next moment!

The giant jaws of the queen ant bite violently, and the terrifying power contained in it seems to be able to crush everything!

Su Liang didn’t dare to be careless and twisted his body.

Quickly dodge.

With a power of 900,000 points, even after being weakened by 40%, Su Liang did not want to be attacked by its single target skill.

Although he will not die, he will still be reduced to residual blood.

In this god-forsaken place, be cautious and try not to deduct blood. otherwise.

Terrifying enemies will come from nowhere and attack you.

Fortunately, the strength attribute of the powerful ant queen is fully maxed out, but the agility attribute is not high. It is very easy to dodge with the unparalleled Su Liang…

During the dodge, you can also aim a few bricks at the ant queen’s face.

Three minutes later… the domineering state of the powerful ant queen disappeared.

Once again, he fell into Su Liang’s attacking rhythm.

The dizzy effect above the head kept popping up.

It wasn’t until Su Liang took pictures for another 5 minutes… that the control resistance of the powerful ant queen reached a level sufficient to ignore the stun skill.

At this moment, the powerful queen ant no longer has 28 value! 28because


【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Smooth Hands” of”Empty Hands” and stealing:”Talent·Legion Leader” (SS level)! 】

Su Liang has already obtained its talent.

He glanced at the furious and crazy queen ant. boom!!!


Su Liang’s body was shrouded in golden light, and the brick in his hand was replaced by a flaming sword. at this time!

The number of combos of his passive”God Killing Combo” has been stacked up to a terrifying 7896 levels.

Each layer can stack attack +5% and attack speed +5%

『The thorn of oblivion!

With an aura of annihilation that frightens the queen ant, a sword stabs out calmly!


Immediately, it penetrated into the head of the powerful ant queen.

Without the restraint of 999 points of fixed damage, Su Liang’s terrifying output completely exploded!

Critical hit!

The gift of liberation!

Multiple bursts, clear all remaining health bars in one hit!

Instant kill!!!

【Ding! You killed the powerful ant queen Florence (the legendary BOSS), and you gained 800 million experience points! 】


The bloated body of the queen ant fell heavily, her lantern-like compound eyes widened, and she refused to rest in silence.

It never thought that a batch of useless humans with weak attack power could suddenly explode and kill it instantly.


In the distance, the queen ant guards entangled by the purple crystal thunder dragon let out bursts of mourning.

『Flashing thrusts!

Su Liang made several flashing thrusts in succession, and then slashed with his sword several times in a row, harvesting the remaining health of the ant queen’s guard.

Another wave of rich experience has been recorded.

The experience bar is just a little bit short, and Su Liang can level up again.


Turn on automatic pickup and clean up the battlefield littered with corpses.

Su Liangcai looked at the things in his backpack

【Powerful Ant Queen’s pet egg】

Quality: Legend

Effect: The Powerful Queen’s pet egg, after hatching, it will automatically become your pet!


The pet egg of the Legion BOSS.

In addition to the powerful strength of the queen ant itself, she can also create a swarm of marching ants.

The value is incredible!

It’s enough to make rank nine experts jealous.

But in Su Liang’s mind, there was no comparison with the Ghost Queen pet egg in his backpack.

The queen ant can only hatch elite monsters and magical army ants.

The Ghost Queen can reincarnate a powerful BOSS, retain its strength, and become various ghosts.


Su Liang’s pet after level 5 will still decisively choose the Ghost Queen.

In addition – a lot of legendary equipment was stolen from the ant queen, all of which require level 80 to wear.

If you haven’t found the mysterious merchant before level 80, you can wear it first.


One day later… the mysterious businessman was not found. Suddenly, Su’s conscience palpitated.

There seemed to be something strongly attracting him underground.

This familiar feeling…

Su Liang’s eyes lit up.

This is the trigger of”Talent·Treasure Hunting”. There is a big treasure under the ground.

“Just…how to get down?”

Su Liang looked at the ground and touched his chin.

With the attributes of him and the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon, it is impossible to forcefully destroy this extremely high-quality land abandoned by the gods and go deep into the ground.

After thinking for a moment, Su Liang’s heart moved..

When he stole the Gold-Eating Rat, he seemed to have stolen the Gold-Eating Rat’s ability to escape.

Sure enough

, Su Liang found this skill after searching through his dense skill list.

『Digging: Dig quickly to escape into the ground for 10 minutes. Let cool for 15 minutes. Consumes 999MP.

Su Liang smiled excitedly, put away the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon, and replaced the gold-devouring rat’s claws with a big sword.


Euler, Euler, Euler…

For a moment, dust was flying!

The Fire Joy sword quickly shoveled the earth, and with the help of the skill, Su Liang’s figure gradually sank.

After digging quickly for 5 minutes…

Su Liang didn’t know how deep he had dug.


With one strike of the sword, the soil suddenly collapsed.

The next second!

Su Liang’s foot stepped on the air and his body fell rapidly.

『”Wings of the Sky”!

The white wings of the sky behind him suddenly unfolded, and Su Liang looked around as he stabilized his figure in the air.

In front of you.

It is a huge vein of dazzling purple crystals.

A true seeing eye flicked over

【Ancient Amethyst Stone] (Material)

【Quality]: Legend

【Effect]: Amethyst from ancient times is indestructible. When used to forge equipment, it will increase a lot of defense attributes and reduce damage.


They are all 757 legendary materials!

At a glance, there are at least tens of thousands of ancient amethyst stones.

A place like the underground that no one has searched for is really a treasure!

“Make a fortune now!”

Su Liang’s eyes glowed.


『The strong perception of treasure hunting talent continues.

He suddenly realized that the target of his perception was not the legendary amethyst materials in front of him!

“There are even bigger treasures here!”

Su Liang was excited and quickly flew in the direction of perception.

At the end of the amethyst vein, he saw more than a dozen fist-sized diamond-shaped amethysts on the ground. Their size was only one percent of the crystals on the cave wall. 1.

But there is a mysterious purple light that seems to be able to swallow everything.

These amethysts… are the source of the strong perception of the”Treasure Hunting” talent!

“Damn it!”

Looking at the familiar diamond-shaped amethyst on the ground, Su Liang’s breath froze, and he blurted out the beautiful quintessence of Chinese culture.

His Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon relied on these things to evolve from the Thunder Dragon.


These are the original purple

There are 18 pieces of crystal fragments!

Although the amethyst mineral vein is very rare, it is far inferior to this kind of treasure that can master S-level talents and allow pets to evolve! I was about to reach out and pick up these original amethyst fragments.


The mine suddenly shook, as if it was about to collapse.

Người mua: Tinh. Đế

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