Above the head of the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon, Su Liang was feeling if there were any treasures around him.




Suddenly, in the God-Forsaken Land beneath the giant dragon, the earth trembled wildly and violently!

The sound was so loud that it was jaw-dropping.

It’s like an earthquake!

Su Liang’s expression suddenly changed.

This formation must be at least like a 10,000-meter giant beast marching! wrong!

Su Liang’s ears moved.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear extremely subtle differences.

This is not a huge monster, but… a huge group of people!

Su Liang’s eyes narrowed and his eyes flashed slightly.

He was ready to run away at any time if something went wrong. gradually!

On the devastated land, countless figures appeared.


They are all ants!

Each ant is about the size of a fist.

Densely packed!

Extremely horrified!

It makes people’s scalp numb.

It is estimated that there are nearly two hundred thousand people, like a terrifying red and black wave, stretching for several kilometers.

A mighty force swept towards Su Liang quickly!

“tread! tread! tread!”

“tread! tread! tread!”

“tread! tread! tread!”

They moved forward in an orderly manner with uniform steps.

【Monster]: Powerful Army Ant

【Grade]: Elite

【Level]: Lv80


【Talent]: Natural divine power (SS level)

【Skills]: Jaw Bite, Powerful Assault, Strengthened Skin, Destroyer……

【Introduction]: Wherever the Legion Power Ant passes, all kinds of prey it finds will be eaten up, and it will kill everything in its way with overwhelming force!

『”Innate Divine Power” (SS level): Innate divine power, possessing terrifying power, strength attribute +500%

…… fear!


Hundreds of thousands of magical army ants all have SS-level”natural divine power” talents.

This situation.

I’m afraid it will only appear in places like the Land Abandoned by Gods, places where the original gods can be born!

Once attacked by a large number of army ants, the giant dragon will be killed quickly!

And in the middle of these fist-sized army ants.

There is also a group of larger ants, not many in number, probably only a few thousand.

The small ones are a few meters high, and the large ones are tens of meters tall.

Without exception, they all have six pairs of large translucent wings.

【Divine Marching Ant—Soldier Ant] (Golden BOSS)

【Divine Marching Ant – Male Ant] (Dark Gold BOSS)

【Powerful Marching Ants – Queen Ant Guards] (Epic BOSS)

There are countless gold and dark gold BOSSs, including six powerful epic BOSSs! at last!

It’s right in the middle of the ant colony!

A very bloated queen ant with a body of 100 meters

【Monster]: Powerful Ant Queen—Florence

【Level]: Legendary BOSS

【Level]: Lv80

【Blood volume]: 270.04 million

【Attributes]: Strength 902330, Constitution 270040, Agility 204000, Spirit 123000

【Talents]: Natural power (SS level), legion leader (SS level)

【Skills]: Legion Strike, Rapid Reproduction, Jaw Strike, Adaptable Carapace……

【Introduction]: The queen ant who leads the ant army has extremely terrifying power.

『Legion Leader” (SS level): All attributes of the legion led by it +30%, movement speed +50%


Level 80 has a power of up to 90w.

Although the other attributes are not good, in terms of power, they are comparable to the eighth-level frost dragon!

Plus the terrifying array of powerful marching ants.

If this were to happen to an ordinary level 150 legendary BOSS, without super-wide group attack skills, he would have no choice but to run away in confusion.

Or, he will be killed and devoured quickly… an elephant will be killed by many ants?

No, too many ants can even kill a dragon! no doubt!

Powerful Army Ants are one of the most terrifying dangers in the God-Forsaken Land!


Su Liang couldn’t help but swallowed, and his body trembled.

It was not because he was afraid, but because he was too excited and excited!

At a glance.

In his eyes, these are all experiences!!!

How many levels can this be upgraded to?

·· ········Asking for flowers· ······· and!

All magical army ants have the talent of”natural divine power”!

·· ········Asking for flowers· ·······

This SS-level talent is simply stolen.

As for the talent of”legion leader”, Su Liang also plans to get it.

He may not need it now, but maybe he will in the future.

“Xiao Zi, don’t move, let the master come!”

Su Liang quickly stopped the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon who wanted to release the”World-Destroying Flame Thunder” and smiled evilly.

『False Forbidden Curse·Doomsday Volcano』!

Holding”Ashebringer·Delight of Fire” high in his hand, Su Liang began to sing

“The molten fire elements wandering in the air, please gather in front of my eyes and form a molten lava that destroys all things!”

“Let your power explode in the volcano!”

………. 0

………. 0

Accompanied by Su Liang’s murmuring chants.

Magic power surged crazily, the temperature of the air rose rapidly, and the sky and the earth were burned red.

In front of the magical army ants, the soil surface slowly rose.

“The end is coming……”


“Let them feel the explosion and boiling heat in the depths of the lava, and let the doomsday devour everything in front of them!”

The 8-second-long pseudo-forbidden curse was chanted.

The marching ants happened to step into the range of the”pseudo-forbidden curse: Volcano of Doom”.

The big sword in Su Liang’s hand slowly fell.

It seemed… as if he had received some order.

Boom. Boom!!!

The earth’s crust shook violently, and countless black rocks rose into the sky, covered with hot and boiling magma.

Then, the rocks and magma exploded in the air. As dazzling as fireworks!

Then it turned into meteorites and sky fire and fell rapidly, covering countless marching ants.

【Ding! You killed the Power Marching Ant and gained 77777 experience points.】

【Ding! You killed the Power Marching Ant and gained 77777 experience points.】

【Ding! You killed the Power Marching Ant and gained 77777 experience points.……】

【Ding! Your level is increased to level 73, all attributes are +10, and free attribute points are +30. 】

The prompt explodes instantly!

The experience bar skyrocketed at an alarming rate, directly allowing Su Liangdu to level up!

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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