Ice and fire mage Jiang Ya looked at the BOSS output percentage in the team list…

Su Liang was actually above her!

Moreover, it is much higher!

To know!

Su Liang was just wielding his sword energy the whole time… an assassin’s explosive skill was not released!

And what about her?

But he is the mage with the strongest output! this moment!

Jiang Ya’s arrogant self-esteem… was shattered!

Broken to pieces!

No longer alive!

I barely broke through the BOSS’s defense and fought for a long time, but the output was not as high as Su Liang’s several scrapes!

And, it’s not just her!

Several other people also discovered something was wrong with the BOSS’s health bar.

The output of the five of them at rank 8 is actually not as good as Su Liang, who has only been at rank 4 for a few days? ? ?

That’s outrageous!

…… at the same time!

Su Liang was unaware of the shock of the girls and had no time to pay attention.

He happily stole the items from the BOSS, and with the bonus of”God Killing Combo”, his attack speed became faster and faster.

The attack of swinging the big sword is like a ghost!

28 is completely 28 crazy!

He seemed to be very lucky today. With the double explosion rate of the clone, he was able to ship the goods quickly!

Still a double explosion!

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Empty Hands” and”Stealing the Sheep”, and stealing and obtaining:”Ksnashi’s Leg Bone” (material)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering the passive”Empty Hands” and”Stealing the Sheep”, and stealing and obtaining:”Tainted Spider Web Gloves” (Legendary)! 】

A legendary material and a legendary mage glove

“not good! His output is too high, and I can’t hold back my hatred!”


Female knight Fang Lina suddenly changed her face.

Their output will deduct the BOSS’s defense, even if their attributes are higher than Su Liang’s.

The damage bonus of the skills they use is also high.

But Su Liang’s sword can’t withstand real injuries, and there are also gifts of relief. What a bonus!

The Spider Queen fired her spider silk towards the wall, and then her huge body swung in the air and appeared in front of Su Liang!

“Su Liang, get away quickly!”

The faces of the girls changed and they shouted in unison anxiously.

Zhao Anran, who was concentrating on fighting, also secretly said that something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Su Liang was not invisible.

At this time!

Once Su Liang is killed by the BOSS, his attributes will be restored, and the copy can be The car was about to overturn!

However, what happened next made them all widen their eyes and rub their eyes in disbelief! What did they see?


『”Spider Spear Storm”!

The spider queen’s four spider legs supported the ground, and the other eight extremely sharp spider spears, flashing with cold light, struck towards Su Liang like a heavy rain.

Swish, swish, swish!!!!!

“What a hassle!”

Su Liang sighed, the BOSS was already in front of him, and the attack was about to fall.

At this time!

It was too late to activate Shenyin to escape, and he would probably be hit.


His speed skyrocketed, and at the same time, his killing instinct reacted quickly!

In the panic eyes of the girls, Su Liang’s figure kept dodging among them.

Within 5 seconds… a total of forty or fifty attacks!

When the skill ended, the Spider Queen poked with eight spider spears in succession, but missed even one hit!

It seems…

Su Liang is not under too much pressure and is quite at ease! even!

While dodging the Spider Queen’s skills, he could still take the time to slash out two swords… and an instant stab!

Such a reaction!

This body technique!

This speed!

Is this really something only a fourth-level professional can do?

『Malicious charge』!

While the others were shocked, Fang Lina saw the right moment and rode the giant wolf beneath her, launching a charge with a taunting effect.

Bring the BOSS’s hatred back to him.

Su Liang quickly got out of the attack range.

I thought about it in my mind.

After turning on Wushuang, his damage is higher.

If this continues…

Zhao Anran is almost done with the epic BOSS once she joins the battle.

With his own real injuries and Zhao Anran’s output, the BOSS’s blood volume dropped too quickly, so how could he still steal skills?

There was no other way…

Su Liang gritted his teeth, waved his sword, and started chanting the skills stolen from various BOSS!

『Thunder Purgatory』!

『Meteor volcano』!

『Thunder’s Fury』!

『The storm surges』……

Spells and skills are emitted from the Great Sword of Fire.

At this moment, the girls were immediately numb!

Su Liang looked happy and continued to use spells.

It’s good if someone pulls the monster!

He can chant skills at will, and all the skills he throws are dozens of damage!

Each damage can be counted as the number of attacks!

In addition to the mental attribute bonus, although the damage is still good, it is obviously lowered by more than one level compared to wielding sword energy with a big sword.

If it is triggered many times, the BOSS will not be killed too quickly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering the passive”Stealing the Sheep” of”Empty Hands” and stealing:”Spider Queen’s Teeth” (material)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering the passive”Easy Hands” and”Stealing the Sheep”, and stealing and obtaining:”Xnashi’s Fang Dagger” (Legendary)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering 273″Wonderful Hand 273 Empty” passive”Smoothly Stealing the Sheep”, and obtained by stealing:”Corruption Poison” (skill)……】

Listen to the prompts ringing in your ears like crazy.

Ha ha!!!

Su Liang couldn’t help but grin.


So cool!

I also stole a dagger belonging to my profession!

【Xnashi’s Fang Dagger (Legendary)

【Level]: 160

【Attributes]: Agility +6888, Agility +40%, Critical hit rate +10%, Critical hit damage +100%, Attack speed +100%, Ignore armor +20%

【Skills]: Poisoned Fang, Death Blade

【Requirements]: Agility 88888 points

『”Poisoned Fang”: Attacks a target, causing 388% of the attack power as damage, and has an additional poisoning effect of 100%, which lasts for 10 seconds, and 50% of the attack damage is deducted from the HP every second. Cooldown: 30 seconds

『”Death Blade”: Causes 999% attack on the target, ignoring 50% of the target’s armor! Cooldown: 30 seconds


A very violent legendary dagger.

Not a single superfluous attribute!

It also comes with two skills!

The pure sensitivity ceiling maximizes the assassin’s output!

It can be said that this is an assassin’s dream dagger!

Unfortunately… it’s not Su Liang’s cup of tea.

It’s quite valuable and can be exchanged for a lot of points!.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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