Throw the dagger into your backpack.

Su Liang looked satisfied and continued to bombard the BOSS with spells.

【Ding! Your team kills the”Scarlet Spider King” (epic BOSS), and you gain 250 million experience points! 】

Zhao Anran has solved the Scarlet Demon Spider.

Lead the other women to kill the Spider Queen.

Several swords were slashed out.

Seeing the output panel, she couldn’t hold back anymore.

With the addition of Zhao Anran, the Spider Queen was quickly beaten to half health under the heavy sword shadow.

“Damn humans, feel the power of the evil god!”

The Spider Queen roared angrily.

Tough spider silk shot out, hanging its huge body upside down on the cave ceiling.

Everyone’s expressions changed!


An unknown evil energy rose into the sky and spread out, and the BOSS entered It has a second form!

The evil god form!

Its body has expanded by more than ten meters, and its appearance has changed.

Its lower body is still a spider, but its upper body has a human body, and its face has not become more beautiful, but it is still hideous. The spider face with eight eyes holds a death sickle in its hand, exuding a strong aura of death.

【Ding! The Evil Spider Queen enters”Evil God Form”, attack +50%, attack speed +100%, movement speed +100%, size +15%】

This is the second stage that many bosses will only have after the fifth turn!

The BOSS is different, and the expression of the second stage is also different!

The frost dragon that Zhao Anran and Su Liang jointly killed before also had a second stage!

『cocoon swallowed』!

『Fel Shield』!

『evil aura』!

『Spider web field』!

After entering the second stage, the Spider Queen flashed out and swallowed the white cocoon behind her.

Instantly restored 30% of blood volume.

He raised his hand and an evil shield appeared, as thick as 30% of his health! now!

The Spider Queen’s health can be considered to be more than full health! at the same time!

A halo similar to Su Liang appeared.

In addition, from its mouthparts, countless spider silks spit out, covering the entire nest!

The field expands!!!

“Within the spider web, only the spider can survive, and the hunt begins.〃 .〃 !”

The Spider Queen grinned in a hoarse, harsh voice that made people’s hair stand on end.

【Ding! You are affected by the web field, attack speed -50%, movement speed -50%!】

Except for Su Liang and Zhao Anran, who were not affected, everyone else was somewhat slowed down by the spider web field.

While the Spider Queen is still in the spider web field, her speed has significantly accelerated!

Fortunately, the configuration of the raiding team is important.

Just deal with this situation.

Has little effect!

Everyone was calm and calm.

Continue fighting!

The 40% weakening of all attributes brought by Su Liang is too terrifying. even if!

With the addition of Zhao Anran, the team only had one rider, two warriors and two pastoralists, but it could still withstand the BOSS’s violent output. in addition!

With Zhao Anran here, Su Liang can be more aggressive with his output.

During the cooling period of the spell skill, the sword energy was released freely!

『Spider’s web』!

『Necromantic Poison』!

『Hentai fuck』!

『Scythe Storm』……

Spider Queen releases various skills, poison, control, single target, group…


With the cooperation of an extremely tacit team!

Without enough output, these attacks are completely useless.

I can only watch helplessly as my shield is broken and my health bar gradually drops!




The fierce roar of battle continued to echo in the Spider King’s lair.

In Su Liang’s ears, there was also a beautiful voice that kept ringing!

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Keeping the Goat” of”Miao Hand Kong Kong” and stealing:”Tough Spider Silk” (Material)……】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Empty Hands” and”Stealing the Sheep”, and obtained by stealing:”Talent: Blessing of the Evil God” (S level)! 】

After stealing an unknown amount of materials and equipment…

Su Liang’s hands paused and he was ecstatic!

Got a talent!

I got the first talent to increase my panel attributes, and my attributes increased across the board!

Just when Su Liang was happy……

“Damn humanity, what have you done?”

The Spider Queen suddenly became furious. Her eight eyes were extremely red. She looked at Su Liang and let out a long neigh.

In an instant!

The BOSS broke free from hatred and rushed towards Su Liang like crazy.

“¨」 ¨」 What’s going on?”

“wrong! BOSS attributes seem to have dropped again”

“Quick, stop him!!!”

The attributes of the Spider Queen, who had been stolen from the evil god’s blessing, dropped again and fell into a state of rage.

『God is hidden!

Su Liang quickly turned invisible, moved quickly, and hid aside.

Then… the body appeared again!


Raising his hand and waving the Joy of Fire, a sharp God-killing Sword Qi was slashed out in the air! boom–!!!

The attack hit the Spider Queen’s hideous head.


The Spider Queen still had about 35% of her health bar, and she disappeared in an instant!


The remaining 350 million health bars disappeared directly under this blow…

The BOSS that rushed towards Su Liang stopped moving, the twelve spider legs lost their strength, and the huge 100-meter body collapsed suddenly!


After a violent vibration, the scene immediately fell into dead silence. quiet! silence!

Everyone looked at this scene in confusion.

【Ding! Your team kills the”Evil Spider Queen” (legendary BOSS), and you gain 1.3 billion experience points!】

【Ding! Your level is increased to level 72, all attributes are +10, and free attribute points are +30. 】

It wasn’t until the prompt appeared that everyone woke up.

Is the BOSS dead like this?

Even Su Liang was a little stunned.

He was… so lucky that he directly triggered the instant death effect of”Gift Release”!

Don’t look at the skill panel of Gift of Liberation, which has a 0.1% probability of instant death, a probability of one in a thousand.

It seems to be easy to trigger… but this is when facing a BOSS of the same level as yourself.

The greater the level gap between the two parties, the lower the probability of triggering… Zhouzhou.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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