Another battlefield!

『Blessings of Courage』!

『Holy Amplification』!

『holy prayer』!

『The fire of repentance!

Holy Priest Lin Chuchu waved his staff and applied group BUFF to Zhao Anran, assassin Shen Yue and archer Lin Qianqian.

By the way, I set a negative BUFF on Scarlet Spider.

The attributes of the three women increased and their speed increased sharply.

The speed and attack speed of the Scarlet Spider BOSS suddenly dropped a little!

『Night murderous intent』!

『”Blade of Extreme Shadow”!

Zhao Anran’s figure suddenly became mysterious and unpredictable, and the long blade in his hand flashed with endless cold light. boom–!

She was like a cannonball, heading towards the Scarlet Spider!


In Zhao Anran’s hand, the half-length sword was quickly slashed out, turning into the shadow of the sword”four three, four three seven, seven” in the sky.

The elegant and graceful figure quickly avoided the attack of the eight spider legs of the scarlet demon spider, and the ghostly figure, As if dancing around the Scarlet Demon Spider, she can easily dodge attacks!

She acts as the main output and attracts the hatred of monsters.

『Dark Arrow』!

『Broken arm』!

『Frost Arrow』!

『Broken ankle’!

Phew! Phew! Phew!!!!!!

Elemental archer Lin Qianqian kept drawing his bow and unloading arrows.

Arrows come one after another!

Release your skills and take control!

Phantom Assassin Shen Yue was doing crazy damage behind the BOSS.

Crazy backstab!

And when Zhao Anran had difficulty avoiding the BOSS attack, he released assassin skills that could interrupt the BOSS attack.

Several people cooperated tacitly.

The blood volume of the Scarlet Demon Spider BOSS is decreasing at an alarming rate.……


Finally, on the battlefield of the Spider Queen!

『Death Spider Spear』!

The Spider Queen exudes an ominous evil aura, and her two front legs are waving like scythes. Occasionally, you can see the dark mist of death wrapped around the scythes.

The vigorous female knights and female warriors are constantly pulling and diverting the BOSS’s hatred.

They don’t have the terrifying movement speed of Zhao Anran.

Under the Spider Queen’s super high attack speed, she could barely dodge some attacks.

Fortunately, there are attributes that reduce the BOSS attributes.

Allowing them to rely on their super high physical fitness to resist.

You resist, I resist.

And if the BOSS wants to attack the rear output, a direct taunt will bring back the attack’s hatred.

The priest girl is in the back, adding blood whenever possible…

Her technique is still very precise, and the treatment will basically not overflow, it is just right! beside!

The two mages released their skills crazily and bombarded them indiscriminately!

However… the main task of this five-person group is to delay time! so!

More of a legal system slowdown and control skills.

Su Liang put away the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon to prevent it from getting too big and being affected by group attack skills.

Take a stroll in the BOSS lair and walk towards the Spider Queen

“Let me help you.”

Su Liang muttered

『Vampiric Aura』!

『Killing Aura』!

『Furious Aura』!

『Halo of the King』……

Every time he takes a step, a halo will be generated on the soles of his feet! soon!

Three red, two black and one gold, six halos of about two meters appeared under the feet.

“Damn it!”

The girls in the battle paused their attacks, looked at the BUFF in the status bar, and let out bursts of exclamations.

This BUFF skill is more powerful than the BUFF of the holy priest Lin Chuchu!

It’s like they have been given blood!

They The output of the boss is directly improved by a level!

Moreover, some attributes of the BOSS are obviously weakened.

“Hahaha, humans… delicious food, you will all become the nourishment for my children.”

The besieged Evil Spider Queen roared ferociously and spoke arrogant lines.

『My hands are empty!”

Su Liang, who had not joined the battle for the time being, started stealing directly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for successfully activating the talent”Empty Hands”, and obtained by stealing:”Petrified Evil Eye”』!】

Smoothly record a skill into your account

『”Petrified Evil Eye”: Wherever you look, all enemies will be petrified for 2 seconds. After the petrification is completed, the target will enter a vulnerable state and receive +30% damage for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 100 seconds. Consumption: 998 MP points.

Su Liang is very satisfied………..

A very special group control skill……….

There is no specific range or direct damage, but for Su Liang, the effect is better than most control skills!

Stand high and see far!

In particular, Su Liang has enhanced five senses.

The visual increase is huge!

When he stands on top of the giant dragon, he can even petrify hundreds of thousands of people in an instant!

In terms of Su Liang’s burst, the vulnerability effect is better than that little skill output!

Keep stealing!


『”Frost Clone”!

The blade of the Fire Joy sword in Su Liang’s hand was covered with dense and complicated runes, and a rich and vast God-killing aura emerged.

Normal attacks become long-range!

Next to him, a void frost clone with the same BUFF and skills as Su Liang appeared, followed immediately! cut!!!

Su Liang slashed out with his sword on the spot, and his clone immediately made the same move!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Two thick black and red sword energy of three to four meters broke through the air at a terrifying speed and accurately bombarded the thick spider legs! boom! boom!

Fortunately, it comes with the burning damage triggered by the joy of fire.


The Spider Queen roared in pain, turned around, and headed towards Su Liang.

Female knight Fang Lina immediately launched a taunt!

Bring back the hatred 1.3.

And this huge 1.3 movement once again attracted the attention of the girls.

Attribute reduction, halo skills, invisibility, sword aura, wearing heavy armor and holding a big sword…

What is Su Liang’s profession?

The girls twitched their mouths to show that they couldn’t understand!

Is this really an assassin?


There are two teammates in front to hold the BOSS aggro, so there is no need to worry about safety.

Su Liang smiled.

Directly transform into a wild long-range sword shooter.

Start stealing!

Swish, swish, swish, swish!!!!!

In one second, dozens of sword energy were slashed out in succession! suddenly!

The girls were shocked to discover that the Spider Queen BOSS had barely touched a billion health points. now!

It actually began to slowly decline at a speed visible to the naked eye.…….

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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