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Chapter 90 Meeting the mute girl again, thirty thousand taels of silver (please subscribe)

Tell me, what's going on with these children?

A demon-like voice came from deep in Tian Yi's throat, and a pair of extremely cold eyes looked directly at the members of the medicine gang.

The moment the box was revealed, the temperature that dropped to freezing point was exposed to the surrounding air, lingering in everyone's hearts as if they were falling into an abyss.

There were more than a dozen large boxes, each of which was filled with the bodies of children, more or less, large or small, but without exception, they were all dove-shaped and skinny, not like ordinary people.

One big box contains at least seven or eight corpses, and more than ten large boxes contain at least seventy or eighty corpses!

No wonder Tian Yi was so angry, looking at the drug gang members with unabashed murderous intent. This scene even made his skin crawl, even though he had seen a lot.

Beat, beat until they are willing to talk!

Seeing that no one dared to answer, Tian Yi suddenly moved forward, kicked one of the medicine gang members, and then ordered.

The suppressed anger of all the government officials erupted like a volcano at this moment, and their fists and kicks were unleashed without reservation.

All of a sudden, the entire courtyard was filled with screams that shook the sky and the earth.

Say, let's talk!

Finally, someone could no longer bear the punches and kicks. If the beating continued like this, not to mention the lifeblood could not be protected, even the head would explode.

As the members of the Medicine Gang narrated, a tragic story unfolded slowly and appeared in front of everyone.

The force behind Tong Sin Tong is the Yao Gang. Its superficial purpose is to adopt orphans or abandon children, but its real purpose is to make money and make profits. By the way, children with martial arts qualifications are sent to the afterlife for training.

Since the establishment of Tung Sin Tong, many local people have sent their abandoned babies to Tung Sin Tong to be raised. Tung Sin Tong will reward donors with a fee to spread its reputation.

But at the same time, it was this 'reward' that opened Pandora's box, encouraging those speculators and gangsters to collect or even abduct children and send them to Tung Sin Tong to make profits.

In addition, in order to keep their children alive, poor families will donate their children to Tung Sin Tong in the hope that they will raise them.

Tongshantang refuses to refuse anyone who comes, and takes the opportunity to spread its reputation. In the name of this, it seizes the government's functions and rights of providing relief to the poor and the weak, safeguarding fairness, and kidnaps the public opinion at the bottom.

However, no one thought that Tung Sin Tong was a place where children were adopted in name, but in fact it was a devil's cave on earth.

Although Tung Sin Tong adopts children, they have a principle that has never been made public, and that is life or death!

Later, various natural and man-made disasters caused chaos and chaos, making Tung Sin Tong become more and more blatant. With the support of the medicine gang, they began to openly 'rob money'.

This condition was also announced by them: The children can be raised, but we are not responsible for their life or death, and you must not hold them accountable!

Why do you agree to such conditions?

Because of the troubled times, because you are a refugee, because you want to continue your family lineage, because you have money but you can’t buy medicine and food, because you don’t have the strength to resist!

This is also true. As a person fleeing from famine and war, what can you do to fight against them?

You can only be slaughtered!

Under such forced buying and selling, you even had to donate all your belongings to Tung Sin Tong and let them take care of the children.

As for whether you are willing or not, I'm sorry, you don't have the right to choose.

Especially when there was a war in Huangshi City some time ago, many people fled to Medicine Town, which led to the business of Tongshan Tang to a higher level.

Most of these children were adopted at that time.

After they adopt them, they will not worry about starving them for three days and three nights. In this way, they will eliminate the weak and sick children, and the remaining children will be raised casually. You will be lucky if you are alive, and you will be unlucky if you die.

The consequence of this kind of raising method is that the survival rate is extremely low, often less than ten out of a hundred children survive.

The dead children, like the children in these boxes, were packed up and carried to a mass grave or something like that for burial.

Of course, it is not buried with the box, but dug into a random hole.

After all, the big box is worth more.

After listening to the stories of the members of the Medicine Gang, the anger in everyone's hearts was about to explode. Tian Yi ordered without hesitation: Beat, hit me into the smoke. It doesn't matter whether they live or die. I want to see if they can act like These kids are like, get over it!”

There was another burst of punches and kicks, but this time, even Li Mo and others joined in, until they were beaten to death!

No, boss, we found a dungeon under Tong Sin Tong. There are many children in the dungeon.

After the fight, Tian Yi asked his men to continue searching, and soon someone came to report.

After hearing this, everyone's hearts trembled, and an unpleasant feeling surged into their hearts.

Tian Yi looked extremely gloomy and said calmly: Lead the way!

Soon, everyone arrived at the dungeon. As soon as they entered the dungeon, they smelled a nauseating smell mixed with various stenches, as well as the cells.

In each cell, there are more than a dozen children imprisoned. These children are not dead, but they are lying on the ground one by one, looking like dead bodies.

Even when they saw Tian Yi and others, they all had no expressions or even glanced at them.


Su Chen was walking ahead when he suddenly noticed a gaze. Following his feeling, he saw an acquaintance, a mute girl.

At this time, she was leaning numbly against the corner of the cell, like a frightened bird. When she saw Su Chen and others, their faces suddenly became frightened. She was also the only child among the children present who had such a reaction.

Take them all out. This was the first time Su Chen spoke. No one replied when they heard the words. They silently opened the prison and took the children out.

Not all of the children in the prison were alive, most were dying, and a few had turned into cold corpses.

Come with me! Su Chen came to the mute girl who was resisting fiercely and said softly.

When the mute girl who was struggling fiercely heard this, she couldn't help but look up at Su Chen, and her cloudy eyes seemed to have a hint of clarity.

Su Chen sighed upon seeing this and stretched out his hand, waiting for the mute girl's response.

Perhaps sensing Su Chen's kindness, the mute girl stood up tremblingly and curled up, but did not hold Su Chen's hand.

Su Chen didn't care and walked out with the mute girl.

The mute girl was brought into the lobby, where someone had already cooked porridge.

Liu Fang brought a bowl of porridge and placed it in front of the mute girl, gently gesturing to the mute girl to catch it.

The mute girl looked at the rice porridge in front of her and started gobbling it down.

At this time, Tian Yi came over and said softly: Little friend Su, we found the treasure house of Tongshan Hall, found 30,000 taels of silver in it, and also found a weirdo in it!

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