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Chapter 91: Boiling Blood Powder, monopolizing three thousand taels (please subscribe)

who are you?


Why did the Yao Gang lock you here?


Don't keep ahhhhh, talk to me!



Tian Yi asked several questions in succession, but the other party reacted fiercely and stubbornly, without saying a word.

Su Chen saw the problem from the sidelines and stepped forward and said, Don't ask, he may be mute.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said this, the man with disheveled hair and a beard shook his head violently and said, Ahhhh...

He pointed to his ears, as if he wanted to explain something.

Having had the experience of communicating with mutes, Su Chen looked at it for a while and asked suspiciously: Are you saying that you are still deaf?

Under Tian Yi's slightly surprised gaze, the deaf-mute man nodded.


What did he say this time? Tian Yi looked at the dancing man with confusion on his face.

Su Chen didn't understand it for a while, so he said, Calm down first and speak slowly. I don't understand what you are talking about now.

The deaf-mute man nodded after hearing this. Although his expression speed slowed down a lot, his expression was still very excited.

You want to ask what happened to that group, right?


They were all caught.

After receiving Su Chen's reply, the deaf-mute man's expression suddenly became excited.

He searched everywhere and soon found paper and pen. When Su Chen and Tian Yi saw this, they looked at each other and felt helpless. If you knew how to write, you should have told me earlier!

How is Qian Huan? the deaf-mute man wrote.

He is dead. He was killed a few months ago. Su Chen replied.

Ah ah ah, quack quack... Upon hearing this, the deaf-mute man howled like a ghost like a wolf like crazy. Then a line of clear tears flowed down his cheeks. He squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

After the deaf-mute man cried, Su Chen and Tian Yi asked about his identity.

After calming down, the deaf-mute man introduced his identity to the two.

He was a wandering doctor who was accidentally caught by Qian Huan, who mute his mouth and deafened his ears with poison, and asked him to prepare medicine for the Yao Gang.

Qian Huan investigated his information and then threatened his family members. As long as he prepared enough medicine, he would let him go. This arrangement lasted for several years.

Staying in this dark secret room, he didn't know how many times he asked Qian Huan, but every time Qian Huan gave a perfunctory answer. For the sake of his family, he had to endure it again and again.

Later, he couldn't bear it anymore and asked Qian Huan to let him go. As a result, Qian Huan stopped pretending and showed his cards. He told the deaf-mute man that if he didn't want his whole family to be killed, he should just prepare the medicine.

The deaf-mute man was furious, but was unable to resist at all. Even if he threatened Qian Huan with a hunger strike, all he got was Qian Huan's indifference and threats. For the sake of his family, he could only accept it in the end.

What medicine did you prepare?

After listening, Su Chen glanced around, and when he saw the red blood grass randomly discarded in the secret room, his face froze slightly.

Boiling Blood Powder!

The deaf-mute man hesitated for a moment, then wrote.

Is it used to enhance Qi and blood?

Su Chen's eyes lit up and he asked.

The deaf-mute man nodded.

Are these all Boixue Powder? Tian Yi walked aside, picked up a pack of medicine, and asked thoughtfully.

The deaf-mute man still nodded.

Su Chen looked at the 'Boiling Blood Powder' on the table and roughly estimated that there were at least forty or fifty packs.

Then, he asked the deaf-mute man some questions, and then let Tian Yi take him away.

Everyone was busy until late at night, and then it ended.

During this period, Tian Yi took stock of the harvest from this operation, which included 30,000 taels of silver, as well as several herbs and medicinal materials.

Because there was a stipulation in advance, Tian Yi directly handed over fifteen thousand taels to Su Chen, and he made other distributions.

After Su Chen received the silver taels, he went to Hong Ming and others. He directly asked for three thousand taels of silver, ten packs of boiling blood powder, and a large amount of red blood grass.

No one had any objection to this. After all, Su Chen was the one who made the greatest contribution to this operation.

Fifteen thousand taels, after deducting three thousand taels, there are still twelve thousand taels, which is enough for more than thirty of them to share.

During a discussion between the three major martial arts gym owners, the money was quickly distributed according to their respective merits.

Su Chen returned to the house with his harvest. Everyone temporarily stayed in Tongshan Hall tonight.

Needless to say, the accommodation these beasts provide for children is not as good as a doghouse, but the accommodation they provide for themselves is very comfortable.

It was already the middle of the night. Su Chen originally planned to make some boiling blood powder, but after thinking about it, he decided not to be too hasty.

Finally, I put the money and medicinal materials away and fell asleep soundly.

There was no words all night. At dawn the next day, Su Chen got up and came to the yard, where he saw everyone busy.

When everyone saw Su Chen, they greeted them warmly, and Su Chen responded one by one.

Entering the lobby, Tian Yi saw Su Chen. After nodding, he came to Su Chen and said, Little friend Su, I plan to rush back to Baishi City today.

So anxious? Su Chen asked in surprise.

Yes. Tian Yi nodded, and then explained, The matters in Yaozhen are almost done, there is no need to stay any longer, and we still have to take these children back. Things will change later, so it is better to do it as soon as possible.

Su Chen was silent for a moment and then said: You should go back first, I may have to stay here for a while.

This... okay then! Tian Yi was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but seeing that Su Chen had already decided, he did not stop him. After all, the task had been completed, and he had no qualifications or ability to stop it.

During breakfast, Su Chen told Hong Ming and others that he planned to stay for a while. Although Hong Ming and others felt a little surprised after hearing this, they didn't ask any more questions and just told Su Chen to be careful.

After breakfast, Tian Yi led the people to start preparations. An hour later, a large number of carriages rolled away, raising dust on the ground and disappearing from Su Chen's sight.

After everyone left, Su Chen closed the door of Tongshan Hall and started brewing the boiling blood powder.

at the same time.

Medicine Gang Headquarters.

At this time, war was raging and corpses were everywhere.

Tao Dingfang, do you have to fight to the death to win?

Jin Peng was covered in blood and exuding a fierce aura. He held a mace and faced Tao Dingfang directly with an extremely deep look in his eyes.

After hearing this, Tao Dingfang chuckled: A fish will die and a net will fall apart? Now you are the only one left in such a big medicine gang to resist in a corner. How do you get the confidence that a fish will die and a net will fall apart?

Humph, although they are dead, as long as I am still here, the Yao Gang will not perish. Tao Dingfang, today's revenge will be paid with blood in the future! Jin Peng said loudly, and with the intention of retreat, he jumped back.

Leave? Who allowed you to leave?

When Tao Dingfang saw this, he sneered. He leapt forward in a flash, and swung the two big hammers in his hands like mountains.

The injured Jin Peng never expected that Tao Dingfang could still maintain his full strength after the two had fought for so long. He was caught off guard and was hit by two hammers, and was then beaten to death by Tao Dingfang!

Sir, all the members of the Medicine Gang have been subdued! Not long after, a subordinate came to report.

Tao Dingfang nodded and laughed: Haha, okay, let's have someone sort out all the things in the Yaobang and take them back.

Yes! His subordinates responded and left.

Tao Dingfang looked away from Jin Peng's body, his eyes became dim and unclear, and he murmured: Next, it's time to clear out Baishi City!

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