It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 89 Human Blood Buns, Children’s Demon Cave (Please subscribe)


Liu Ming looked out, and when he saw Su Chen's appearance, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He thought some master was coming, but he didn't expect it was a young boy.

So what if we come together? Why should I, Liu Ming, be afraid? He laughed wildly, not taking it seriously at all.

Even so, the movements in his hands were obviously half a beat faster due to the appearance of Su Chen and others.

While Tian Yi was rescuing him, Liu Ming suddenly appeared and came to Tian Yi. A set of dragon palms danced out of thin air, and bursts of cold palm wind roared towards him.

In panic, Tian Yi hurriedly gathered his mind and concentrated on dealing with it, but by now it was too late.

Liu Ming's Wandering Dragon Palm was extremely fast and had a ghostly movement. In an instant, it bypassed Tian Yi's defense and hit him with a palm.

Jin Li, are you a martial arts practitioner?

After receiving a slap, Tian Yi was shocked and said, and then a bright red appeared on his face. As his throat surged, a wisp of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. When his body fell back, his lower body half-knelt on the ground uncontrollably. Looking at Liu Ming in disbelief.

Liu Ming sneered when he heard this: You didn't even know my strength clearly, but you kept saying you wanted to kill me. Are all the people in the government so reckless? But it's a pity that it's not you who will kill me today, but I will kill you.

He recognized the other party's identity, but he didn't care at all. Since Tian Yi dared to attack him, so what if he was a government servant. If he offended the Yao Gang, he still had a chance to survive. If he offended Liu Ming, his whole family would be killed!

Ahem! Tian Yi coughed several times and looked up at Liu Ming, with an inexplicable color flashing in his eyes.

Liu Ming was about to take the opportunity to get rid of Tian Yi, when he suddenly noticed the change in Tian Yi's eyes, and his heart suddenly shuddered. A strong sense of crisis surged into his heart, and then there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air behind him.

It's you!

Liu Ming jumped away suddenly and looked back, only to see Su Chen's ghostly figure suddenly leaping up behind him and a punch. If he hadn't reacted in time, the punch would have landed directly on him.

Hmph, looking for death!

Liu Ming snorted coldly. Although he didn't take Su Chen seriously, Su Chen's behavior was quite provocative, which made him angry.

Anyway, Tian Yi was seriously injured and posed no threat. Since Su Chen was seeking death, he should get rid of Su Chen first.

Thinking like this, his hands suddenly became flexible, like two spiritual snakes, circling and stretching, hiding murderous intent.

Bang bang bang!

After the two figures entangled for a moment, they separated immediately. Liu Ming took a few steps back and looked at Su Chen solemnly, his eyes full of horror.

Are you also a martial artist?

Su Chen didn't answer and took action again. After the brief fight, he had already judged Liu Ming's strength. He was a little stronger than Guo Zhong. He could defeat him in less than ten moves.

Seeing Su Chen's attack, Liu Ming's face became cloudy and uncertain. He really didn't expect that this time there was a martial arts practitioner hidden among the people in the government, and after the fight just now, his strength was greatly improved. Obviously far better than myself.

The remaining power in his body was destroying his internal organs all the time. Just breathing made him feel heart-wrenching pain. If the fight continued, he would definitely die.

Damn it!

Liu Ming cursed secretly and retreated violently, not intending to meet Su Chen's attack. At the same time, he had the intention to retreat in his heart, and his eyes flickered, looking for an opportunity to escape.

However, what he didn't expect was that Su Chen was a few points faster than him. As he was dodging, Su Chen came up to him and was about to hit Liu Ming with a punch. In Liu Ming's panic, he turned sideways to dodge. He opened Su Chen's fist, and then swung out a handful of lime from his cuff.

Immediately, the area where Su Chen was was covered with scattered lime, a vast expanse of white, and his line of sight was quickly blocked. Liu Ming had already memorized Su Chen's location in his mind. Coupled with his extraordinary hearing, he immediately locked onto Su Chen. the orientation.

Haha, go to hell!

Liu Ming was overjoyed. This move with lime hidden in his sleeve was his killing move. He had already used it to kill countless warriors of the same level. Now that he was using it on Su Chen, it was not a loss.

There was a smile on his lips and a look of madness in his eyes. Through the white dust, a dagger suddenly flashed out of his cuff. The dagger seemed to be integrated with his arm, and it stabbed Su Chen along with his arm.


A crisp sound suddenly sounded, making Liu Ming stunned. This sound was not familiar to him. It was very similar to the sound of blacksmithing. But the question was how could it appear here?

Shouldn't it be Su Chen who he stabbed? Or is Su Chen wearing soft armor? But why didn't you notice it when they first fought?

Thoughts like this flooded into his mind. At this time, he had no time to think deeply. Just when he was about to stop his hand, Su Chen's iron-like palm suddenly grabbed Liu Ming's wrist, and then a huge force hit him. It caused him endless pain.


Liu Ming couldn't help but scream. With his scream, his position was completely exposed. Su Chen heard the sound and moved, hitting Liu Ming's Tianling Cap with a palm. As the lime fell, Liu Ming's figure He flew out and fell against the wall.


Hong Ming and others who were fighting with others saw Liu Ming playing dirty tricks to trap Su Chen, and their hearts suddenly rose in their throats. But at this time, they had no time to worry about Su Chen and could only pray in their hearts that Su Chen would not be hurt.

It wasn't until they saw Liu Ming's body being knocked down that everyone relaxed, and the stones hanging in their hearts gradually fell.

Liu Ming is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed! Tian Yi said in time when he saw Liu Ming's death. As soon as these words came out, the faces of the resisting Yao Gang members changed drastically.

Some of the members of the Medicine Gang immediately panicked and no longer wanted to tangle with Hong Ming and others. They turned around and tried to escape, but were quickly subdued by Hong Ming and others and tied together.

A great war came to an end.

Hong Ming and others came to Su Chen and asked with concern: Are you okay?

Su Chen shook his head: I'm fine.

After all, Liu Ming's method was a little bad. Su Chen had already noticed when he was using his dirty tricks, and closed his eyes to avoid the disaster.

Boss, we found more than ten big boxes in the backyard!

After capturing these people from the Yao Gang, Tian Yi led people to conduct a large-scale search of Tongshan Hall, and soon someone came to report.

More than ten big boxes?

These words made everyone present's eyes brighten. With more than a dozen big boxes, this medicine gang leader was too rich.

Go and have a look.

Tian Yi glanced at everyone and said without paying attention.

After he left, the people from each martial arts school looked at each other and followed him closely.

A group of people came to the backyard. When they opened more than ten large boxes and looked at the contents, they were all stunned.

There were more than a dozen large boxes stacked inside, each one as skinny as a stick and shaped like a withered corpse of a child, some with their eyes cut out or their limbs cut off, it was shocking!

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