It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 86 The fourth layer of iron shirt, Zhu Bao is wanted (please subscribe)

Three hundred and twenty-seven taels!

Zuo Chong alone had two hundred and eighty taels on him, so his wealth was quite rich!

What an unexpected surprise, what an unexpected surprise! Su Chen said in surprise, With these three hundred taels, I can make money on the iron cloth shirt!

Without hesitation, Su Chen directly faced the panel and said silently: Recharge!

In the blink of an eye, all the banknotes in Su Chen's hand disappeared, and the number of simple modes on the iron cloth shirt on the panel increased by one.

Turn on simple mode!

[Easy mode is turned on: bathe in warm water for forty minutes, and you can train the iron cloth shirt to the fourth level. 】

The prompt on the panel then sounded.

Don't execute simple mode yet, we'll talk about it when we go back.

Su Chen shook his head. He was still in the wilderness now. Where to find warm water, he could only wait until he went back.

But he was not planning to go back now. When he was peeking in the dark, he overheard Zuo Chong talking to himself and had an idea in his mind.

In other words, the purpose of Zuo Chong and others' trip is to capture Zhu Bao. Zhu Bao is most likely in Lianyun Village?

This is in line with the law of the most dangerous place is the safest place, but isn't this usually done deliberately in movies and TV dramas?

He was a little unsure. If it were him, he would definitely not choose to stay in Lianyun Village. If he wanted to heal, he could just find a place. Why go back to Lianyun Village?

But after thinking about it, I realized that I was not Zhu Bao. Maybe Zhu Bao might actually stay in Lianyun Village.

Lianyun Village captured the Lin Family Fort, and with its own wealth, it must be quite rich. Now that Zhu Bao is injured, if I can really get the money of Lianyun Village from Zhu Bao, it will be a lot of benefits to me. .

With my current strength, killing Zhu Bao is as simple as squeezing an ant to death...oh no, it's as simple as squeezing a chicken to death. I might as well take advantage of tonight to go and see if the opponent really stays in the company. Yunzhai, then rob wealth and kill people.

After making up his mind, Su Chen hurried towards the direction of Lianyun Village. If it were before, it would have taken him half a day at the fastest to reach Lianyun Mountain.

But with the help of Thunder Kicks and Wind Chasing Steps, his speed increased a lot, and it only took him two and a half hours to reach the foot of Lianyun Mountain.

He didn't know the location of Lianyun Village, so it took a lot of effort to find the traces of Zuo Chong and others. Following their footprints, he found the copycat of Lianyun Village.

Sure enough, as Zuo Chong said, Lianyun Village was completely burned by a fire. The remaining buildings looked dilapidated and looked particularly strange in the quiet night.

Are there really people in this ghost place?

Looking at the dilapidated Lianyun Village in front of him, Su Chen became suspicious.

After observing for a while, he didn't notice any strange sounds, so he quietly entered Lianyun Village, grabbed a handful of ashes, and felt it.

The temperature is freezing, but judging from the appearance of the village, it seems that it burned down not long ago. Could it be that Zhu Bao came back to set it on fire?

Su Chen guessed, and then walked around the village, but still didn't find anything strange, which made him slightly disappointed. Although it confirmed his idea, it showed that Zhu Bao was not in Lianyun Village at all.

Forget it, go back!

Staying at a nearby inn, Su Chen asked the waiter to prepare a bucket of warm water for him, and then had a simple meal. After eating, the waiter had already prepared the warm water, so Su Chen took off his clothes and entered the bucket. Soaked in.

After enjoying it for forty minutes, Su Chen's eyelids trembled, and the panel in his mind suddenly changed. The iron cloth shirt changed from the third layer to the fourth layer.

Jinli, suddenly became so thick!

Su Chen carefully experienced the changes in the fourth layer of the iron cloth shirt, and the most obvious feeling was that the strength became stronger.

This change is even greater than the change of Tiebushan from the second level to the third level.

If the strength of the iron cloth shirt on the third layer is only as thick as a blood vessel, then the strength of the iron cloth shirt on the fourth layer is as thick as the middle finger, and the amount of strength is almost tripled!

The three energies in my body have all become as thick as the middle finger. Judging from the strength, my strength has at least tripled, but the specific amount cannot be confirmed without reference.

Su Chen thought about it. On the one hand, he was happy that his strength had increased, but on the other hand, he felt helpless because he didn't know the depth of his own strength.

I remember that Master mentioned that Tao Dingfang's strength is at Zang training level. With my current strength, how do I compare with him?

Zang training is a realm above Jin training. It focuses on the energy entering the internal organs. The main purpose is to temper and strengthen the internal organs through Jin.

Once you reach the state of viscera training, your five internal organs will undergo astonishing changes. After training to the extreme, your internal organs will be as strong as iron. Even if you are attacked by a powerful force, they will not be easily injured.

In terms of realm alone, Su Chen is definitely not Tao Dingfang's opponent. After all, he has not reached this level yet, but in terms of strength content, that is not necessarily the case. After all, he has three levels of strength.

Shaking his head, Su Chen stopped thinking and lay down on the bed to get ready for sleep. After a day of running around, he was a little tired and soon fell asleep.

The next day.

Before dawn, Su Chen set off and rushed back to Baishi City.

But before going back, he changed his clothes. Yang Guo's identity had already been exposed. Maybe there was Tao Wenxuan's spy in Baishi City. He might be exposed when he entered the city like this, and he would have to get rid of the government officials.

After spending an hour, Su Chen returned to Baishi City at dawn.

Before entering the city, Su Chen sensed that something was wrong. The city guards today became extremely serious and almost interrogated everyone they passed.

It should be Zuo Chong's body that was discovered.

Su Chen guessed, but he didn't care at all and entered the city as if nothing happened.

He was also interrogated a few questions, and Su Chen randomly found a reason to fool him, and then he was let go.

After entering the city, Su Chen made some inquiries and found out that early in the morning, Tao Dingfang learned that Zuo Chong and others had been killed. He was furious and issued a city-wide arrest warrant with a heavy reward for Zhu Bao's head.

Baishi City has become even more heavily guarded. Because of this, the city guards will question pedestrians entering and leaving the city.

However, to Su Chen's surprise, the wanted person was not him, but Zhu Bao. Presumably Tao Dingfang believed that Zuo Chong and others were killed by Zhu Bao, so he was wanted.

After all, Lianyun Village was wiped out in the morning, and Zuo Chong and others were killed at night. Naturally, it is easy for people to associate the two.

Su Chen didn't care about this. After returning home, he changed his clothes back, then slipped into the Lin Mansion and returned to his room.

Not long after, Hong Ming and others got up together and practiced martial arts. When they saw Su Chen, they all said hello to him.

A boring day began and ended, just like that, until the next morning, news finally came from Tao Dingfang.

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