It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 87 Going to Medicine Town, status changes (please subscribe)

Lin Mansion.

The building was deserted and suddenly became deserted.

Dingfang, you are very powerful. I am relieved to go to annihilate the Yao Gang this time. However, the Yao Gang has developed rapidly in recent years and has the support of the Rebirth Cult. No one knows what level Jin Peng, the leader of the Yao Gang, has reached now. You Be careful! Tao Wenxuan looked at his nephew Tao Dingfang and reminded him.

Uncle, don't worry. No matter how strong the Medicine Gang is, it can't be the opponent of the Iron Armored Army. It's just a good opportunity to eradicate the spirit of the Rebirth Cult and give my uncle a stable White Rock City. I think even Lord Hong Yue will do it. Agree with my move. Tao Dingfang said.

Well, you just have to be sensible. Tao Wenxuan nodded, and suddenly changed the topic, By the way, I heard that this time you asked those warriors to go together to wipe out the Yao Gang branch, and promised 50% of the profit, but real?

It is true. Tao Dingfang replied without hesitation, with a calm expression.

This made Tao Wenxuan a little helpless. He, his nephew, probably didn't know what the 50% profit from the Yao Gang meant.

The Yao Gang almost monopolizes the medicinal materials business in Baishi City, and its business scope extends to several cities around Baishi City. It also contributes the most to the government every year. From this point of view alone, its profits must be considerable.

Although Tao Dingfang arranged for the White Rock City warriors to clear out the branches of the Yao Gang this time, when the number was large and the profits were halved, the losses would be huge.

If these money were used to hand Tao Dingfang over to Hong Yue, his status might be moved up to these warriors. What a waste!

Tao Dingfang knew what Tao Wenxuan was thinking, and chuckled: Uncle, don't worry, I won't give benefits to these guys, I'm afraid they may not be willing to do their best, and...

And what?

And even if they take it, they can't keep it. Sooner or later they will pay it back twice as much!

When Tao Wenxuan heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: Haha, then it will be as you say!

On the road leading to the Yaozhen branch, a team of more than 40 people was hurrying along.

This operation is to wipe out the hall where the Yao Gang is stationed in Yao Town. The previous hall leader was named Qian Ao, but it is said that he was killed some time ago. The new hall leader is named Liu Ming, and his strength is unknown.

But according to the information received, Qian Ao's strength is at the state of perfect strength training, and Liu Ming must be about the same.

Tian Yi, the head of the county government arrest team, said that although he was the team leader in this operation, the most powerful person in the team was not him or Hong Ming and other martial arts masters, but a young man.

Thinking that the other party has already entered the level of strength training at a young age, while he has been practicing for most of his life and is still in the realm of strength training, he feels ashamed, as if all these years of practice have been in vain.

Su Chen walked into the team and frequently attracted attention. Ever since the battle in Linjiabao, everyone knew that one of Hong Ming's disciples was very active, and his strength was quite impressive.

The three major martial arts schools were originally of the same spirit and had almost the same strength, but suddenly such a genius appeared in the Hong Family Martial Arts School, which naturally made the other two martial arts schools jealous.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to these glances. On the contrary, Hong Ming kept a smile on his face and glanced at the owners of the Jiang and Huang martial arts schools from time to time. Hong Ming's proud posture made the two of them itchy. !

But I have to admit that after this incident, the status of the Hong Family Martial Arts School will quickly widen the gap with other martial arts schools. Martial arts schools with advanced martial artists are destined to be far ahead in White Rock City and will surely become the top martial arts schools in the city and enjoy many honors. and wealth.

And all this is because of this young man!

Baishi City is not far ahead. How about we take a rest? Tian Yi said, looking at Su Chen as if to ask.

Everyone said nothing and turned to look at Su Chen who was meditating. Su Chen was stunned for a moment and then nodded and said, Yes.

After receiving permission, everyone stopped, took out dry food and water, and rested on the spot. Su Chen didn't pay attention and found a place to sit down.

Come, junior brother, some dry food and water. Li Mo came over, took out the dry food and water and handed them to Su Chen.

After taking it, Su Chen thanked him and said, Thank you, senior brother.

You're welcome. Li Mo waved his hand, sat next to Su Chen, and then said with a smile, How do you feel?

How about what? Su Chen asked while eating dry food.

Didn't you notice? Li Mo asked in surprise, Is there something wrong with the way everyone looks at you? Tsk tsk, a powerful warrior at such a young age... Junior brother, I have to tell you that you have entered White Rock City and every lady must marry. It’s on the list, and it might even be at the top of the list!”

It does not make sense!

Su Chen gave a bitter smile, shook his head, and didn't reply. Why did this senior brother feel like he had become a different person after getting married? His temper suddenly became erratic.

Senior brother, please stop teasing me. There is going to be a battle soon. You should concentrate on preparing for this! Su Chen said.

Haha, didn't I just say that Liu Mingcai's training level is far behind you, what are you worried about? Speaking of which, because of your participation in this operation, everyone seems to be very confident. Li Mo said with a smile.

Ahem, Xiaochen is right, you have to be careful in everything! At this time, Hong Ming came over and reminded.

Su Chen nodded, and after looking around, he realized that there didn't seem to be much worry on everyone's faces. Perhaps as Li Mo said, having a strong martial artist in a team would ensure their safety. Great protection, so there is no need to worry.

This made Su Chen couldn't help but laugh. When did he become someone others relied on?

Half an hour later, the rest was over and everyone set off on their way.

It was only five kilometers away from Yaozhen, so it took everyone less than an hour to see a stone with the words Yaozhen engraved on it.

Master Tian, ​​shall we take action directly next?

Everyone did not enter Medicine Town, but continued to rest outside the town. Hong Ming stepped forward and asked.

This is also a matter of concern to everyone. After all, Tian Yi is the person in charge of this operation. He did not inform everyone of his plan for this trip.

Tian Yi thought for a moment and then said: We will take action after dark. Everyone hides now.

After a pause, he added: Of course, if you have a better way, you can propose it, as long as everyone has no problem.

This was obviously meant for Su Chen, but Su Chen had no objection, so everyone gave up.

He said he was waiting for the operation at night, but Tian Yi still sent a yamen servant, disguised himself, and then sneaked into the Yao Town to inquire about the specific location and information of the Yaobang Hall.

The afterglow brought the warm wind to the earth, and as the sunset shyly set its curtain call, the group became ready to move.

It's time to move!

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