It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 85: As witty as me, Zuo Chong died (please subscribe)

Master Zuo Chong was sent to the city by Master Tao. He hasn't come back yet. I don't know where he is! The soldier said without hesitation, feeling relieved in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't ask Master Zuo Chong. When are you coming back.

Then when will he come back? Unexpectedly, before he could finish breathing, Su Chen's second question came one after another, causing his expression to freeze.

This, this... I don't know, I just know that he set off very early. Although he was nervous, he still answered quickly, because he really didn't know this question, but fortunately Su Chen didn't ask him tonight Will you come back?

Looking at Su Chen's attire, he clearly wanted to harm Master Zuo Chong. Could it be that the other party was a remnant of the Rebirth Cult? If I tell this person the whereabouts of Lord Zuo Chong, will he deal with Lord Zuo Chong?

With so many thoughts in his mind, Su Chen was silent for a while and then continued to ask: Will he come back tonight?

Soldier: ...

He felt that his whole person was getting worse. Why did Su Chen ask questions that he didn't want to answer?

Although it was basically a question that he was not sure about, when it came out of his mouth, the meaning became different. If this was investigated by then, wouldn't he be blamed?

Speak quickly! Su Chen ignored the soldier's strange expression and saw that he was reluctant to speak, so he shouted softly.

I, I don't know either.

Su Chen: ...

I don’t know if I ask three questions!

Su Chen's face suddenly darkened. Although the soldiers couldn't see Su Chen's expression, they could feel the increasingly cold temperature around them.

But he should be back tonight! He was a little worried that Su Chen would kill someone and silence him, so he added, Don't kill me, I won't tell anyone else.

With a bang, Su Chen knocked the opponent unconscious and left.

After burning the incense, Su Chen left Baishi City and came to the only way into the city.


Zuo Chong led a group of his men on the way, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn. Along the way, only the dull sound of footsteps could be heard.

After receiving Tao Dingfang's order, Zuo Chong took his men to Lianyun Village immediately. According to his thinking, Zhu Bao might escape back to Lianyun Village after being injured.

But when he arrived at Lianyun Village, he found that Lianyun Village had been completely burned down.

The clues were completely cut off. After Zuo Chong and his men searched near Lianyun Mountain for a long time with no results, they had no choice but to turn back.

Along the way, he was wondering where Zhu Bao would escape. With Zhu Bao's current injury, the best way was to find a place to heal his injuries first.

Now that Lianyun Village has been burned down, it is definitely impossible for him to stay in Lianyun Village, so where will he go?

After thinking about it, he didn't even think about where Zhu Bao would escape to. There were so many possibilities that even if he thought about it from his perspective, he couldn't guess it.

No, that's not right!

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and a flash of light in his mind illuminated the chaos in front of him, causing his steps to freeze suddenly.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. He might still be in Lianyun Village!

An idea popped up in his mind, and then it grew uncontrollably and crazily, occupying his mind in an instant.

His tense expression quickly relaxed as the idea grew wildly. After muttering to himself for a while, a smile appeared on his face, and he became more and more sure of this guess:

The fire in Lianyun Village was so good and wonderful that it almost fooled me. Unfortunately, they still underestimated me after all!

Then, he waved to everyone to stop. Everyone looked at Zuo Chong in confusion. Zuo Chong said loudly: After resting here for a while, follow me to Lianyun Village!


When all the soldiers heard this, their expressions became temporarily dull. They were about to arrive at Baishi City, and they could go back and have a good sleep. But now they said they wanted to go to Lianyun Village again?

Due to Zuo Chong's temper and majesty, everyone had no choice but to rest on the spot and adjust their condition after experiencing a period of slander.

After forcibly enduring for ten minutes, Zuo Chong stood up and said energetically: Okay, you're almost rested, come with me!

He can't wait to go to Lianyun Village. Maybe if he rushes back at this time, he can meet the self-righteous Zhu Bao. Then he will definitely catch the opponent by surprise!


The soldiers who had not had enough rest replied feebly, and Zuo Chong frowned. He said seriously: If Zhu Bao is captured this time, I will report it to Master Tao and give you a reward!

Thank you, sir! The soldiers' voices rose slightly, and the previous decadence was gone.

Okay, let's go!

Zuo Chong nodded with satisfaction, then turned around, and was about to leave when he suddenly saw a burly man in black walking towards him. Under the starlight, his broken arm was particularly conspicuous, swaying with the swing of his body.

Stop, who are you?

Zuo Chong vaguely sensed that something was wrong, so he shouted to stop the other party. However, what annoyed him was that the other party seemed not to hear what he said and moved forward step by step.

When the other soldiers saw this scene, they couldn't help but clenched their weapons and looked at the burly man in black with wary expressions.

Made, labor and management are asking nonsense!

Seeing that the man in black was ignoring him, Zuo Chong said angrily, pulled out the knife from his waist and pointed it at the man.

However, the man in black remained unmoved and moved forward.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Chong's face was as dark as ink, but he did not take any action. Instead, he stared at the man in black with a fierce look in his eyes.

Just as the man in black was about to pass by Zuo Chong, a coldness flashed across his eyes. He suddenly pulled out the long knife from his waist, stepped forward, and charged towards the man in black.

But at this moment, the man in black suddenly stopped in his steps and turned around suddenly. His extremely deep eyes fell on Zuo Chong and the others. An icy chill radiated from his body, causing the temperature around him to drop sharply, making everyone feel as if they were in danger. Falling into the ice cellar.


Su Chen whispered a word, and used the sword in his sleeve without reservation. The sword was as fast as lightning, whizzing out at the critical moment.

The sword was so fast that he couldn't see the shadow of the sword at all. He could only hear the trembling sound in the air. Before Zuo Chong could react, he felt his vision go dark and the movement in his hand suddenly stagnated.

Master Zuo dead!

When the soldiers behind him saw this scene, they all froze on the spot, their faces full of astonishment.

After killing Zuo Chong, Su Chen did not pause, his figure flickered like a ghost, and came in the blink of an eye like the god of death.

He was very fast, not only the speed of swinging the sword, but also the speed of killing people. In less than three breaths, more than a dozen of Zuo Chong's men were killed by Su Chen.

Two swords per person to prevent pretending to be dead.

As for Zuo Chong, just show off!

After killing the soldiers, Su Chen knelt down and groped around on their bodies, but he didn't think so. He didn't think these people would bring too much money to carry out their missions.

However, after Su Chen explored everyone, a look of surprise appeared on his face...

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