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Chapter 84 Yang Guo’s revenge, never overnight (please subscribe)

We killed the people, but they disposed of the bodies, and all the treasures belong to them. These dogs are so unkind!

Hey, keep your voice down, be careful not to be overheard by this group of people.

So what if you heard it? If you do it, don't let anyone talk about it? Without us, how can they defeat the Rebirth Cult and Lianyun Village? Now they are killing donkeys, what do they think of us? Also, we have died so many people Brother, what about these?


News like this reached Tao Dingfang's ears, and the words revealed the dissatisfaction and anger of the warriors in Baishi City.

It also made Tao Dingfang's already bad mood suddenly become worse.

The results of this anti-bandit operation were meager.

It seemed that Lianyun Village was destroyed and many Lianyun Village robbers including Zhu Hu were killed, as well as the traitors of the Rebirth Cult, but in fact the harvest was small.

At least, Tao Dingfang's army did not find too many gold and silver treasures in Linjiabao.

As expected, the people in Lianyun Village had already moved the treasure and hid it in an unknown place.

The so-called Lin Family Fort has long been turned into an empty shell!

Tao Dingfang stroked his forehead. When he thought that the matter was not over yet, the warriors in Baishi City were declaring their merits and demanding rewards, and he became increasingly dissatisfied with these people.

Sir, this is the secret message found by my subordinates that Lianyun Village colluded with the Yao Gang.

At this moment, the husband's captain came in and handed a secret letter to Tao Dingfang. After hearing this, Tao Dingfang immediately took the secret letter and read it.

After a long time, he showed an angry look and slapped the table angrily: What a medicine gang!

The content of the letter shows that the Yaobang not only colludes with Lianyun Village, but also has close ties with the Rebirth Cult.

Lianyunzhai's ability to connect with the Rebirth Cult was all thanks to the Yaobang's help.

Not only that, the Yaobang also provided a lot of additional help to Lianyun Village and the Rebirth Cult, including but not limited to money, medicinal materials and experts.

Sir, do you need me to lead troops to destroy the Yao Gang? The captain observed his words and vaguely guessed something, so he asked softly.

No, you have more important things. Tao Dingfang waved his hand, pondered for a moment and then shook his head and said, The money in Lianyun Village is missing. You must capture Zhu Bao as soon as possible and interrogate the news about the money.

Yes! The husband nodded.

After the husband left, Tao Dingfang looked at the secret letter with twinkling eyes.

What surprised Su Chen and others was that as soon as some people vented their dissatisfaction, Tao Dingfang sent someone to comfort them, saying that the participants' contributions this time would not be less, and they would be rewarded based on their merits.

Those warriors who died will also be recorded by the government, and then after the incident is over, pensions will be distributed uniformly.

Such a move immediately calmed down the dissatisfied minds of everyone, and their dissatisfaction was no longer so strong.

However, Su Chen cared about more than that. After the bandit suppression operation was over, Tao Dingfang did not let everyone leave.

When they returned to the city, everyone thought they could go home separately, but unexpectedly, they were still taken back to the Lin Mansion.

As for the reason, the soldiers just informed that Tao Dingfang would come over to meet everyone in the evening, and they would know it then.

After saying that, he left.

Unlike last time, this time there was no restriction on everyone's freedom, as long as they did not leave the Lin Mansion.

After Wei Ping learned about this, he went out to inquire about the news. After a while, he came back and shook his head, not finding much useful information.

The other warriors didn't know what Tao Dingfang wanted to do if he left them alone, so they could only wait until night.

In the evening, everyone finally arrived at Tao Dingfang.

Tao Dingfang gathered everyone in the lobby of the Lin Mansion. Without any nonsense, he went straight to the point: Thanks to you for your help in this bandit suppression operation, I am here to thank you all!

Faced with Tao Dingfang's kind words, everyone was a little polite, and then Zhao Baiyu, the leader of the Baiyu Gang, asked everyone's doubts: Master Tao, since the bandit suppression is over, why are you left here to wait? Is there something else? matter?

Hearing this, Tao Dingfang chuckled, nodded and said, Gang Leader Zhao is really thoughtful. Yes, I have come to see you all this time to discuss important matters.

I wonder what's going on? Zhao Baiyu glanced at everyone, frowned, and then asked.

Although the robbers in Lianyun Village were wiped out, Sun Yun and other traitors from the Purity Cult escaped. Next, I still need to rely on you all to join me in annihilating the traitors from the Purity Cult. If this happens, Baishi City will I leave it to you!

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was originally reluctant suddenly became more active. Tao Dingfang's words undoubtedly gave them a shot in the arm. As long as they killed Sun Yun and others, they could carve up Baishi City. territory.

Nowadays, the Lin family is declining, the head of the Han family has died, one of the two Broken Blade Clan brothers is dead and the other is useless, two of the three major families have gone, and one of the three major gangs has gone. Although the three major martial arts schools are still there, it does not affect their carving up the territory of Baishi City.

What's more, the losses of the White Rock City warriors this time were greater than they imagined, and more territory was vacated. With such a large territory, the interests involved are naturally huge. Maybe they can completely restore their situation. times of losses.

After all, for a few dead people, no matter how much burial fees can be paid, the territory is long-lasting and can bring them a steady stream of benefits.

It is no exaggeration to say that after this bandit suppression operation, the forces in Baishi City will definitely be reshuffled, and they may have the opportunity to ride on this east wind and reach a higher level!

Since Mr. Tao has said so, we will naturally not refuse, but we just don't know what we should do next?

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhao Baiyu asked that the time and plan given by Tao Dingfang last time were all wrong, and he obviously deliberately concealed something. Although he knew that he was afraid of leaking the news, the feeling of being kept in the dark naturally made everyone feel a little uncomfortable. Joy.

Two days, at the latest two days, you will all know! Tao Dingfang said with a smile, giving it a try and not informing them. Everyone was helpless, but they did not ask further questions.

After the party was over, Hong Ming told Su Chen and others about the incident. After hearing this, they had different thoughts, but they didn't say anything. The decision-making power was not in their hands.

After a big battle, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, so after dinner, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

The night was getting darker, Su Chen sat in the dark room, looked at the moonlight outside the window, estimated the time in his mind, then got up, jumped out of the window and left.

During several trips back and forth to the Lin Mansion, Su Chen had figured out the route to leave the Lin Mansion. In addition, the Lin Mansion's defense tonight was not as tight as the previous few days, so Su Chen quickly left the Lin Mansion.

After leaving, Su Chen went back home, changed his clothes, and then went straight to the county government office.

According to the information he learned, Tao Wenxuan placed Tao Dingfang and others in the county government office, and naturally the husband captain also lived there.

When Su Chen came to the county government office, he saw Tao Dingfang's soldiers. After observing for a while, he sneaked into the county government office and took the opportunity to capture a soldier. He tortured the soldier for a while, and then asked sharply: I ask you Answer, if you don’t tell me, let you experience the pain just now.”

When the tortured soldiers heard this, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and they nodded hurriedly. Seeing this, Su Chen asked, Where is Zuo Chong?

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