It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 83 If there is a next time, I will never forgive you lightly (please subscribe)

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Surrounded by numerous warriors, soldiers and armored troops, the warriors of the Rebirth Cult and the robbers from Lianyun Village could no longer make much of a commotion.

Only a few people, led by Zhu Bao, managed to break out of the siege. Even so, Zhu Bao was almost captured because he was seriously injured.

It wasn't until the last robber fell that the battle gradually subsided.

The entire street was covered in the pungent smell of blood.

Bodies piled up like mountains, blood flowed, staining the ground with blood.

The people who had survived the disaster looked at the corpses on the ground with blank expressions on their faces.

Some people looked at the bodies of their relatives and friends who died tragically, showing sadness.

Hong Ming looked at the people around him, then his eyes fell on a few people around him, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle was indeed extremely fierce, but fortunately, several people in the Hong Family Martial Arts Hall were only injured and did not lose their lives.

Then, he looked at Su Chen again, with surprise in his eyes. This battle was thanks to Su Chen.

Otherwise, they really wouldn't be that relaxed, and not all of them would survive.

Come here, catch him!

At this moment, a furious roar sounded, and under the leadership of the captain, five or six archers walked out.

While everyone was resting, he came straight to Su Chen, gave an order, and spoke to the soldiers around him.

What are you doing? Seeing this, Hong Ming immediately took a step forward, faced the other party directly, and shouted softly.

What are you doing? The husband sneered and pointed at Su Chen, Of course to kill the traitor! This guy is basically a traitor from the Rebirth Cult who broke into our team. Not only did he sneak attack me, he also killed several archers!

Fart, you are blind and shooting indiscriminately. You don't even spare your own people, and you dare to blame us! Li Mo shouted, very dissatisfied with the man's confusion of right and wrong.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately raised eyebrows. These words were like a fuse, arousing everyone's dissatisfaction. Some people even stood up and accused: Yes, if it weren't for you, how would my elder brother have died? !”

Nonsense! The husband's face darkened, and he refused to admit it at all. He sneered, It is inevitable that some sacrifices will be made in the war, and the death of your relatives and friends is entirely due to this person. If he hadn't leaked the news, how could they have died? ?”

He put all the responsibility for the leak of the news on Su Chen, and then with a wave of his hand, he ordered the remaining archers to stand ready and take aim at Su Chen.

Faced with the captain's lies, Hong Ming and others gave up and immediately moved forward to protect Su Chen behind them.


At this time, Tao Dingfang walked slowly, and everyone immediately moved out of the way. He came to the captain, looked between him and Su Chen, and then asked, What happened?

The husband-in-law told the story with added jealousy, and Hong Ming immediately retorted: It was your people who acted indiscriminately, and in the end they turned around and slandered us. They are really good at stirring up trouble!

The rest of the people also opened their mouths to reprimand the man. When everyone finished speaking, Tao Dingfang frowned and looked at the man and scolded: That's enough. This matter ends here. The battlefield has not been cleaned up and the enemy has not caught up. How unbecoming is it to have internal strife here?

Then, he looked at Su Chen and said calmly: I won't hold you responsible this time, but if there is a next time, I will never let you off lightly!

After finishing speaking, Tao Dingfang asked everyone to clean up the battlefield, while he led the team into Linjiabao.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes froze. Although they did not speak, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in their eyes, and they all sensed the other party's favoritism.

Watching Tao Dingfang's army enter the inner city of Linjiabao, this feeling of dissatisfaction was even worse.

They have not forgotten that most of the Lin family's property is still in the Lin Family Fort. Now, judging from Tao Dingfang's intentions, he has made it clear that he wants to monopolize these properties.

Hong Ming patted the silent Su Chen, shook his head, and said nothing, but the meaning of his words was self-evident.

Su Chen didn't say anything and nodded. He just stared at Tao Dingfang and the captain for a long time.

Junior brother, your strength...

Everyone dispersed to clean up the battlefield. Tao Dingfang did not let Hong Ming and others interfere. Hong Ming and others came to a corner to rest.

Li Mo looked at Su Chen hesitantly for a long time, and then asked everyone's confusion.

What happened to my strength? Su Chen asked.

We just saw you defeat Han Baichuan. Although he was careless, he is a martial artist. How strong is your strength now? Li Mo asked, and everyone listened attentively.

Hearing this, Su Chen chuckled lightly and said seriously: I told you, I broke through, I broke through to the point of practicing my strength!

Everyone: ...

This big news is definitely not within the tolerance of everyone.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Chen saw everyone's rigid bodies and dull eyes.

He smiled and explained: Han Baichuan probably didn't expect that I was a martial arts practitioner, so he was knocked down by me because of his carelessness. But in fact, he was not seriously injured at all!

No one cared about these words at the moment. In everyone's minds, Su Chen's words about breaking through and practicing strength echoed for a long time.

After a long time, Hong Ming was the first to react. He didn't care about everyone's expressions and asked, But you haven't practiced the Qi and Blood Transfer Method?

Oh, I don't know about this either. I just made a breakthrough out of nowhere. Su Chen didn't bother to think of a reason, so he just said it casually and let everyone make assumptions.

Anyway, you have created a genius persona for yourself, and your breakthrough will come naturally, isn’t it normal?

Breakthrough in a daze? !

After hearing this, everyone fell into a long silence, and Hong Ming even twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Is this the difference between genius warriors and ordinary warriors?

He felt a deep blow!

Qin Hao: ...

Tired, tired, that's it, he has completely given up comparing with Su Chen.

A few hours ago, he had planned to go back and work hard to break through and catch up with Su Chen, but now he had completely given up on this idea.

How to chase? There's no way to catch up!

When everyone was immersed in the shock of Su Chen's breakthrough and couldn't extricate themselves.

Tao Dingfang and the captain walked towards the inner city of Linjiabao.

Sir, that boy killed many of our archers, so just letting him go is too easy for him! He gritted his teeth.

What do you know? It's not the right time to touch him now. Tao Dingfang snorted coldly. He had just learned this from the man.

Most of the archers died, Zhu Bao killed the most, followed by Su Chen. When he learned the news, he became furious.

Even if he died at the hands of Zhu Bao, Su Chen killed so many people, which he couldn't bear!

But the battle has just ended, and if he attacks Su Chen directly, he will definitely arouse public anger.

Even if you want to take action, it's not now. It's not the right time to fall out with these warriors. Keeping them has other uses.

What do you mean, sir? The husband's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Wait until the matter is over before taking action.

After leaving a few words, Tao Dingfang left directly, leaving behind a happy-looking husband, whose cold eyes showed murderous intent!

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